الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات اللبنانية ترشح سمير جعجع الى رئاسة الجمهورية

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قررت الهيئة التنفيذية في حزب "القوات اللبنانية"، بالاجماع ترشيح رئيس الحزب سمير جعجع لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية.

واشار نائب رئيس حزب "القوات" النائب جورج عدوان، في مؤتمر صحافي الجمعة، الى أن "ترشيح جعجع جاء إنطلاقاً من المبادئ الوطنية والثوابت السياسية للقوات اللبنانية ولفريق 14 آذار التي تبلورت مع إنتفاضة الإستقلال وتعمدت بدماء الشهداء".

وأضاف أن "الترشيح يأتي تأكيدا لضرورة تحقيق هذه المبادئ من خلال الدولة التي تشكّل المرجع الأول والأخير لإحقاق الحق بين الجميع".

وأكد عدوان عقب اجتماع استثنائي للهيئة، أنه "حرصاً على إحترام القواعد الديمقراطية ولإحداث صدمة تستعيد معها الدولة هيبتها ورئاسة الجمهورية موقعها كضمانة للجميع وسد في وجه المخاطر التي تحيك بالوطن، نعلن ترشيح جعجع للرئاسة".

ورداً على أسئلة الصحافيين، لفت عدوان إلى ان "الترشيح أتى لكسر النموذج القائم والقول ان الوقت حان لإنتخاب رئيس صنع في لبنان".

وأضاف أن "جعجع يحمل كامل مبادىء "14 آذار"ومن الطبيعي أن يكون مرشحها للرئاسة".

وفي دردشة مع الصحافيين في معراب، أكد جعجع ان "كل حلفائي وضعوا باجواء بانتخابات الرئاسة"، لافتاً الى ان 14 آذار لم تتخذ موقفا بعد".

واعتبر ان "لبنان مقسّم الآن وهو بحاجة لدولة مركزية قوية وكلام فنيش اليوم موزون وتمنياتي الوصول لموقف واحد بدايته ونهايته هو الدستور اللبناني".

وكشف عن ان لديه مشروعاً "لإخراج لبنان من الوضع الذي هو فيه وحلفائي اقرب الناس اليّ والدستور هو ورقة التفاهم للجميع".

أما عن ما قاله رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون انه سيسحب ترشيحه اذا تبنى "تيار المستقبل" ترشيح جعجع، قال جعجع "اعتبره موقفا ايجابيا وحتى ان بقي مرشحا للرئاسة تكون المعركة "حلوة"".

من جهته، أكد نائب رئيس مجلس النواب فريد مكاري أنه "يؤيد خطوة ترشح جعجع للرئاسة وهو داعم له".

وكانت صحيفة "النهار" قد كشفت منذ يومين أن "مكاري أبلغ جعجع تأييده للترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية وهو يستكمل معه البحث في هذا الاطار".

يُذكر ان جعجع وفي حديث تلفزيوني يوم الاحد الفائت، قال ان "السبب الرئيسي لترشحي هو رؤيتي للسفينة تغرق وعلينا ايجاد حل جذري". وتابع: "أنا اتمتع بالصفة التمثيلية المسيحية والوطنية وأرى نفسي قادراً على معالجة الملفات كافة".

في 25 آذار بدأت المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس جديد خلفا للرئيس ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار المقبل، الذي يرفض التمديد له.



التعليقات 57
Thumb EagleDawn 13:48 ,2014 نيسان 04

The best candidate and a true Lebanese. Unfortunately, in a country where an armed sectarian militia controls even people lives and votes under the threat of arms democracy becomes a slogan.

Thumb ice-man 15:23 ,2014 نيسان 04

Hakeem W'Basssss!!!!

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 07:02 ,2014 نيسان 05


Thumb amatoury114 13:52 ,2014 نيسان 04

i like the hakim and respect him and his patriotism...and his stance ...he does not deviate ...always on the same track...but i have to disagree that because of his history he would not be a good candidate for president..he would alienate a lot of people.....UNFORTUNATELY it is the real truth.

Missing cedars 13:53 ,2014 نيسان 04

The solution is disarming all militias including the Palestinians camps when certain theives go hide.
You want to fight Israel and strategize then let's form the armypeopleresitance branch under the army command with warehouses of weaponry for this branch when we are in danger. Let the Saudi and Iranian funds go thru the government and not one sector if they truly care about lebanon as a COUNTRY united state.

Thumb zahle1 14:37 ,2014 نيسان 12

I agree

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:06 ,2014 نيسان 04

Meanwhile, Aoun refuses to go follow the democratic process and wants to be "crowned" president.

He doesn't understand the fist thing about DEMOCRACY and ELECTIONS !

He refuses to "compete" for the post and EARN it like any president should.

I hope we will see many candidates presenting themselves in the same way Geagea is doing and that there will be a battle with presidential debates on TV.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:19 ,2014 نيسان 04

Very dark day for Lebanon. When a war criminal is legally permitted to run for president.

Default-user-icon Dr Wael R Aboulhosn (ضيف) 15:00 ,2014 نيسان 04

The Hakim's recent public political positions and his stand on issues affecting Lebanon and the Lebanese as a whole makes him a great candidate for president of Lebanon . Except for one thing his history.
For the Hakim to become president of all Lebanese he owes them a public apology first and foremost for all the sad events that took place prior to his jailing in which he played a major roll. Whether he was write or wrong in his own mind, the means he used to achieve his past goals brought misery, destruction, death and displacement to tens of thousands which he is preaching against now. Yes he paid the price for being in jail for eleven years but being contrite and apologetic for participating in past sad events, especially in mount lebanon, to the people who reflect the real Lebanon will be a magnanimous jester that can bring him closer to being president

Thumb -phoenix1 19:49 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT, the fratricidal war between the LF and Aoun's army was one in which every side committed atrocities, not only the LF but also Aoun's army. I am not going to open old wounds again, as a Lebanese Christian I will not, but let us not ignore also what Aoun's army did. An army, any army for that matter, when headed by a person blinded by sheer hatred and greed like Aoun, will mislead his men into unthinkable acts, one of them, why shoot at the very brother who was helping you fight the Syrians? Then about that infamous Syrian army, the same was seen being done by Hafez Al Assad's butchers, targeting Aoun's army, the aim was to continue the war till we were all softened. Then what about those officers and soldiers abandoned when he fled to the French Embassy, why no one makes mention of that, is it because Aoun works for the Syrians, since then too.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:53 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT, I forgot to mention that the officers and soldiers Aoun abandoned, they got butchered by those damn Syrians too, am I right or wrong here? You want my opinion? Aoun was and keeps blowing hot air, NO commander deserts his men, not in combat and not anytime. Aoun said many things, to that time when he said that he will fight and die, even if to the last kitchen knife, a few hours after that televised speech, where did Aoun go to? A real general, a real commander, a real officer and soldier stays with his men to the very hilt, not run away, and this after he flattened the only real resistance that stood between a free Lebanon and one subjugated to Syria's every wish. Aoun remains the one person still the major threat to Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:59 ,2014 نيسان 04

Dr. Wael, with all due respects, no matter what DSG wishes to do, no matter how much he feels is right, this man, just like his arch-foe Aoun, just like Amin Gemayel, or the little Frangieh, all these dear doctor are the wrong type of people to lead Lebanon. We've all seen their past roles, nefarious is the least I can say. Could a warlord transform himself? I doubt it. I was an LF fighter, a fierce one too, but now is the time to turn that page for good, and allow finally that new generation that has its own vision, their hands are free from the war and all its horrors, the time is now and it's theirs, let it be given to them, for only them can lead us away from the dark past of Lebanon. Anyone warlord around should please move out of the way, please, we don't want of them anymore, not one single one of them.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:10 ,2014 نيسان 05

Bani Maarouf, sorry, Walid Jombie. ba3dak hown ka dineh?

Missing jeff070 23:08 ,2014 نيسان 04

Jesus. He died for him on the cross too.

Missing forces 00:07 ,2014 نيسان 05

Dr Wael Hakim has in fact publicly apologies for the crimes of the lf during the war. I refer you to the televised martyrs day mass 2008,well before any presidential considerations and off his own accord. Whilst this gesture is a profoundly unique one amongst the blood stained past of ALL so called leaders and does hold Hakim in better light Lebanon is in desperate need of new blood fresh ideas and clean hearts.. having said that, Lebanon is at a cross roads in it's journey to truly becoming proud nation once more, and as long as the likes of Berri,Jumblot,Gemayel Nassrallah,Aoun and sundry are present this new blood would unfortunately be setting themselves up for failure. Therefore It is my humble opinion that what is exactly needed at this very point in time is someone such as Geagea who has demonstrated his ability to speak Lebanese in an unwavering manner and confront the snake that is terror and fear in Lebanon.

Missing forces 00:07 ,2014 نيسان 05

I believe we need someone strong enough to clean house,lay the foundation for our much needed new blood to take over. Whilst we all lost family,loved ones and dear friends at the hands of multiple Lebanese personalities who are regrettably still in power, as Lebanese we have been denied our god given right to reconciliation post war, same as what Germany and others did as a result we will never be at peace with ourselves let alone others.

Thumb EagleDawn 15:17 ,2014 نيسان 04

... and if you are James Bond, then I am Sean Connery!

Thumb ice-man 15:58 ,2014 نيسان 04

Hello James! You still take your Martini shaken but not stirred?

Thumb -phoenix1 20:14 ,2014 نيسان 05

Bani Maarouf, it also takes one day to create a majnoon like your friend Walid Jombie. I believe you are WJ in flesh and bones, but of course, still braindead.

Default-user-icon rudy (ضيف) 15:19 ,2014 نيسان 04

why is that a bad thing if you never liked hariri and mob and what their goal for the country is?

or suddenly they are good people when they vote for aoun?

from someone who never liked mustaqbal or aoun, and then as usual saw them kiss and make up recently for their own benefits, take it from me, their silence is a compliment

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:20 ,2014 نيسان 04

Hezbollah cannot lecture anyone about dark and criminal past... especially when they have a dark and criminal PRESENT ! And when they provide an even darker glimpse of the future !

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 15:24 ,2014 نيسان 04

let his political camp endorse him first and then we will see
but the question is if his camp did not endorse him what will be the position of Mr geagea ?

Default-user-icon مسيحي (ضيف) 15:27 ,2014 نيسان 04

اعلن نفسه مرشحاً،حتى يقطع الطريق(ظنا منه) على المرشحين الباقين.اذ ان اي مرشح للرئاسة لا يقبل ان يتواجه مع شخص كجعجع ،فهذا الاخير يعرف نفسه والكل يعرفه انه شخص مكروه داخليا وليس ذو قيمة سياسية ،وغير مرغوب به خارجيا كونه ليس الشخص الذي يتم الاتكال عليه في اي امر .فالحرب في سوريا تميل لمصلحة النظام،والسعودية على حافة التغييرات والولايات المتحدة تميل للتسوية في كافة الملفات ،اذا سعد الحريري لا يمكنه الاتيان بشخص من جيبته،فهو بالرضى او بالاكراه سيضطر للتصويت لشخص من خارج "بوطته" وهذا الشخص سيكون مستفزا للسنيورة وجنبلاط وبري ،وبنفس الوقت سينتخبونه بالاجماع .اذا ما الذي فعله جعجع اليوم ؟لا شيء سوى تشويه مقام رئاسة الجمهورية بوقاحته المعهودة التي اثمرت على مر الزمن دمارا للمجتمع المسيحي،وها هو اليوم يريد تدمير مقام المسيحيين الاول، لكنه سيفشل طبعاً لان محرضيه وداعميه يعيشون ارباكا يصل لحدّ الخوف على مصيرهم .

Thumb ice-man 17:40 ,2014 نيسان 04

do you speak hindustani, flamethrower?

Thumb ice-man 17:43 ,2014 نيسان 04

@مسيحي (Guest) : are you shia from dahieh?

Thumb bronco 18:48 ,2014 نيسان 04

you sound like you are the general Aoun himself dropping in at Naharnet after his afternoon nap to write this post,,,, or hang on may you are Jubran?

Thumb thelebpatriot111 15:33 ,2014 نيسان 04

Jeffrey Dahmer anyone?

Thumb qassem.suleimani.employee 15:37 ,2014 نيسان 04

I'm a douchebag

Thumb qassem.suleimani.employee 15:41 ,2014 نيسان 04

I have no life, that's why I took this job to post propaganda on this website 24/7. I work for Qassem Suleimani

Thumb qassem.suleimani.employee 15:50 ,2014 نيسان 04

I was told personally by Qassem Suleimani that he ordered the killing of:

Rafik Hariri
Gebran Tueni
Samir Kassir
Pierre Gemayel
George Hawi
Wissam Eid
Wissam al Hassan
Walid Eido
Mohamad Chatah
Marwan Hamadeh (ooops we missed)
May Chidiac (ooops we missed)
Elias Muss (ooops we missed)
Boutros Harb (Ooops we missed)

Thumb -phoenix1 16:44 ,2014 نيسان 04

QSE, please add the older list: Kamal Jumblat, journalist Salim El Lawzi, comedian Nabih Aboul Hosn (aka Akhwat Shanay), Mufti Kahled, Bachir Gemayel, his daugher Maya Gemayel, Rene Mouawad, and Dany Chamoun.

Missing helicopter 04:05 ,2014 نيسان 05

Also the journalist/writer Kamel Mroweh. His hands were dipped in acid.

Missing cedars 03:33 ,2014 نيسان 05

Also general AlHajj who was told Nahr al Bar is red line.

Thumb ice-man 15:57 ,2014 نيسان 04

@Jaafar: When was the last time you had a mental and physical check-up?

Thumb qassem.suleimani.employee 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 04

My apologies, my boss ordered me to change my name. He is such a douche.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:32 ,2014 نيسان 04

Bond- I don't believe he has ever referred to himself as a doctor. It is his supporters that call him that. Also, the more it gets under the skin of his haters the more his supporters will use it. My opinion at least.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:36 ,2014 نيسان 04

The last couple of months are confirming what I truly feared most, that our warlords are here to stay. Now with DSG making his candidacy public, that GMA is now doing the same, coupled today with support from MEM, and young STF doing the same from Zghorta, I sit and wonder, what is so damn wrong with us Lebanese. Only yesterday I held a long and most pleasurable meeting with a small group of young men and women. They spoke with such professionalism, showed so much patriotism and decency that in my heart I was literally crying, in seeing our youth so so capable, yet our bloodthirsty dinosaurs keep coming to remind us that we are doomed for good with them still around. Now all I can say is, may Michel Suleiman remain, till these old cranks wither away.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:18 ,2014 نيسان 04

Sorry brother FT, GMA has made it clear, MEM is today standing by him, and yes, GMA is a warlord, especially after he disengaged in the late 80s himself from his mandate and started behaving like an absolute monarch. I do respect your loyalty to him, it's your right and I am dury bound to observe and respect it, but there comes a time when your noble defense of the old man reaches a very thin fringe line. Some things are simply not defensible.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:25 ,2014 نيسان 04

GMA announced that he will not run for presidency if he has opponents. Sounds like a DICTATOR to me !

He can't stand the idea of "competition" and possibly losing !

And if he's no "warlord", please remove the G from his name. He doesn't deserve to be called General anyway since he deserted !

Default-user-icon True Lebanese (ضيف) 16:53 ,2014 نيسان 04

Geagea gas been tried and convicted as a criminal. In 2005 Parliament pardoned him and it was signed by President Emile Lahoud.

This is only a "Pardon" not an overturned conviction or a finding of innocence. therefore under Lebanese law he cannot run for any public office, not even a moukhtar. This is why he ran his wife and elie kairouz in Bcharre and he didnt run, although he would have won.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:21 ,2014 نيسان 04

What's the problem with anyone nominating himself. I don't know if you remember but Lebanon was and still is a free country since we kicked Bashar out !

Nasrallah and his hijacking of the country must have made you forget !

Thumb -phoenix1 17:23 ,2014 نيسان 04

Southern, I regret to have to confront you again. Do you honestly believe that DSG is the only criminal? In all honesty between yourself and your Almighty Creator, can you ignore that DSG is not alone in this issue? Look well my brother, of all the sides that divide the Lebanese, M8, M14, Hezbollah, Amal, PSP, Kataeb, LF, Marada, SSNP, etc.., look well bro, you shouldn't be surprised to open a can of worms. The fact that the warlords are now competing for the presidency makes all the wartime sides happy, all of them, with one of them at the helm, they'll feel safe, for the time being that is.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:47 ,2014 نيسان 04

His Almighty Creator is a Criminal too. He carries a Kalashnikov without a license !

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:54 ,2014 نيسان 04

If he were Al Mighty, would he need a gun ?

If Hezbollah didn't have guns, would they even exist today ? What else do they have going for them ?

Tell us a little more Southern about Hezbollah's great non-war related achievements in education, culture, job creation, tourism, industry, technology and more :)

Thumb ice-man 17:40 ,2014 نيسان 04

ashraf nass

Thumb qassem.suleimani.employee 19:26 ,2014 نيسان 04

Please do not discredit me, we work for the same person.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:04 ,2014 نيسان 04

Ice, you're sharp.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:07 ,2014 نيسان 04

M11er, nothing could make me any happier than your post, I love it!! Since it seems very few want decent people of the younger generation to enlist, then the best to happen will be for Suleiman to remain for another 3 years.

Missing forces 00:15 ,2014 نيسان 05

Flame it disappoints me once again that you label yourself a contributor to opinions and respect meaningful dialogue yet demonstrate time and time again your elitist mentality. you should clearly learn to find peace within yourself and learn to move forward, we all have terrible memories of the past(inflicted by the scum that are still present) but until you truly find a better place your acceptance of the future is further away than it needs to be

Thumb freedomarch 01:25 ,2014 نيسان 05

Best of the best
God bless you samir. Hakim form a saidawi who sow everything. You are a real man.
And to that karami kid, I say, go and look where the syraian intel. Is and youl find martyr rashid karami killers. Besides, Opening woonds at this time is not innocent... gizbola hands are behind any of that I cant think of any one else.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 03:09 ,2014 نيسان 05

FT, I haver crossed paths with so many elitist scum like you who label all northerns as goet hoarders.
You and Wolf indulge in the same sick logic, get of your high horse and stop your lies, the civil war is still fresh in our memories and we experienced exactly what happened. At least allow a few generations to pass before you distort history to suit your sick logic and lies. Wolf's depictition on how the LF tore the bodies of our LAF officers would have to be the joke of the century, on top of that he was there to witness it, now, how can you refute the entigrity and honest of such a person, and he was also able to flee is even more laughable. Both you bananas know how scared our armed forces are to us, using them as a propaganda tool against us would have to be lowest form of decadence yet.

Missing helicopter 04:01 ,2014 نيسان 05

He is NOT a Doctor, SHN is NOT Sayyed. Berri is NOT Istez. Jumblat is NOT Beik. Harriri is NOT Sheikh. Aoun is a GENERAL that went AWOL on his soldiers......... are there any titles left?
THis is why we need new blood, with brains and hearts but without titles.

Thumb freedomarch 07:44 ,2014 نيسان 05

To UltraHabib: It is OK if HE started with Murdering Terrorist group Leaders. It is contradictory that you are involved in supporting and defending Hizbola, The Iranian-Revolutionary Guards party, terror group, while you are living western country!

Thumb freedomarch 11:01 ,2014 نيسان 05

Since the first time you tried Hizbola weed. Madroob mitlak.
Not good for your health... BRAINS do not FLY even if you attempted to COVER your head with ARABIC 3IGAL ...
taklif shar3i : Stop using weed :)

Thumb freedomarch 11:06 ,2014 نيسان 05

shou hizbola is using it's forces here !!! wow
hope that Nahar net see if these accounts are leg-it !!!

Thumb freedomarch 11:26 ,2014 نيسان 05

Statistacal notes to Naharnet Admin.

I noticed that between 3-4 Hrs. ago a certain user replayed on my article and at the same time I got 10-0 thumbs down!!! non of the known users or guests did any participation to any one at this time! does that mean that certain people have multiple accounts? Thanks.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:13 ,2014 نيسان 05

FD, the down ones coming from that gay Bani Maarouf will account for about 10. lest we forget how many skeletons he keeps using as his profiles.