جنبلاط ليس قلقا على النظام السوري: الاجواء في سوريا تتحسن

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اكد رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط، على انه "ليس قلقا على النظام السوري"، لافتا الى انه "لمس ان الاجواء في سوريا تتحسن".

واشار في حديثه الى صحيفة "السفير" الى انه عاد من دمشق مرتاحا جدا، قائلا "لقد شعرت بأن القيادة السورية تسير على خطي الاصلاح والاستقرار بشكل متواز، وهذه هي المعادلة الانسب التي نلتقي فيها مع وزير الخارجية التركي أحمد داوود أوغلو".

واكدت مصادر مطلعة على نتائج زيارة جنبلاط الى سوريا لصحيفة "الجمهورية"، على ان "الزعيم الدرزي ابلغ المسؤولين السوريين نتائج اجتماعات عقدها مع مشايخ الطائفة الدرزية في لبنان وسوريا تناولت الوضع السوري وموقف الدروز منها، وانتهت إلى اتفاق على أن لا مصلحة لهم في الدخول على خط الاحتجاج ضد النظام".

وكان بيان صادر عن "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي"، اشار الى ان "لقاء جنبلاط بمعاون نائب الرئيس السوري اللواء محمد ناصيف اتسم بالود والصراحة والتفاهم، وكان مناسبة لتبادل وجهات النظر في آخر التطورات السياسية الراهنة".

وكا جنبلاط قد قام بزيارة لافتة للانتباه الى دمشق حيث التقى ناصيف، يرافقه وزير الاشغال العامة والنقل غازي العريضي.

التعليقات 11
Thumb ithinkthere14iam 08:51 ,2011 آب 11

Jumblatt is like the nerd in the playground always being bullied by the cigarette smoking bully

Default-user-icon Objective (ضيف) 10:57 ,2011 آب 11

I don't trust this man, whether he was with 8 or 14 of March, he sold his dad's blood, so he can sell us all including 'his' Druze people

Default-user-icon Martin (ضيف) 11:43 ,2011 آب 11

Huh? Hey commenters above, only yesterday or the day before you were praising him. You seem to be worse than him, guys. I guess when he said he was pessimistic about the situation in Syria you understood, in your empty brains, that he meant the Syrian regime, when he actually meant it to be pessimistic on cheikh Imbecile and your pathetic hopes. Too bad. But, hey, keep hope alive because you are incapable of acting. Pray for USS Cole to come to our shores for extra assurances. You never know. To idontthinkthere14iam, it is quite obvious that you think NOT, idiot. Replace this picture with one showing your butt cause that's where you think from.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 11:44 ,2011 آب 11

What is Waleed smoking ??
The whole world condemns Syria's Assad except Jumblat..
During his trip, He must've encountered Aliens from Mars !!
Keep smoking it ..

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 11:55 ,2011 آب 11

Yes Great situation improvement..........
That is why he was able to meet the assistant of a deputy VP....forgot his name????
God be with them

Default-user-icon Chi Fekhem (ضيف) 14:22 ,2011 آب 11

LoL! Does this guy really want us to think that he made a quick visit to make some conversations With the Syrian Regime? They called U from their office for an urgent small meeting with the Deputy of the vice president, not even the vice president himself to just remind U that "We are still here and if U dare to open ur mouth and talk anyhow about us we will show U pain" So he turned back with his tail in between his legs and came back home.

Thumb shab 15:29 ,2011 آب 11

What he means is that the Assad dictatorship is collapsing and not to worry because it is self destructive

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:48 ,2011 آب 11

He is only mirroring the comments made by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who met with Assad and came out saying that he thinks this government can reform itself.

Jumblatt is not a visionary leader that his father was, he is the reader of tea leaves at the bottom of a tea cup or coffee grinds on the bottom of your ahweh cup, and this is merely his latest read coming off of the comments of the Turkish Foreign Minister.

Later when the US tells Assad to go, and that day is coming, though Jumblatt will probably read those tea leaves as well, he will come out in support of Assad in order to put distance between himself and the US(Israel).

When Jumblatt is with you, it only means that things are coming your way, when he goes the other way, it means the inverse. Jumblatt does not own a house, he rents a room by the hour.

Default-user-icon lebanese2000 (ضيف) 16:17 ,2011 آب 11

people say that he sold his father blood other say that he can t be trusted, when he did the right thing on 2008 the druze were attacked and nobody helped the cristian were watching how hizbulla attacked and were happy because was the revenge of the civil war, now he is playing it right so we can survive,

Thumb faridz 22:24 ,2011 آب 11

you guys have no idea about what is joumblatt is doing.. you can bitch about what he's doing all day long... you want to act like men and when the time comes you hide like rats.. only the druze fought and they fought alone with their bare hands.. like newyork times when they call them the druze 300 upon the war with hizbo.. they didn't get any help from all your big leaders or let me call them bosses.. jumblatt is a politician and a leader and he needs to protect his peoples and maneuver in this country that's been in conflict since the day it exist.. christians muslims.. muslims muslims.. christians christian wars wars... we're better.. you're better.. its my country no no its my country .. ok lets fight lets kill each other ... idiots

Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (ضيف) 01:32 ,2011 آب 12

Dream dream dream . . .