إصابة 4 عسكريين من الجيش في الهرمل صباحاً

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أصيب أربعة عسكريين من الجيش اللبناني بجروح خلال اشتباكات مع آل شمص في الهرمل، بحسب ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.

واشارت إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، السبت، الى "اصابة 4 عسكريين من الجيش اللبناني فجرا بإشتباكات بين الجيش وآل شمص على خلفية توقيف احد افراد العائلة في الهرمل".

وكان مجهولين يستقلون دراجة نارية ليل الجمعة-السبت، القوا قنبلتين على مخفر الدرك في الهرمل، واقتصرت الاضرار على الماديات.

وتنطلق الخطة الامنية لمنطقة البقاع الشمالي في "الساعات المقبلة"، بعد ان دخلت خطة طرابلس الامنية حيّز التنفيذ يوم الثلاثاء الفائت.

ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الجمعة، عن مصادر أمنية مطلعة ان الخطة المقررة للبقاع الشمالي تلي مرحلة انتشار الجيش في جرود عرسال والقرى المحيطة باللبوة والهرمل والقصر وصولاً إلى بعلبك.

وشهدت منطقة البقاع وبعلبك، في الآونة الأخيرة، سلسلة من عمليات الخطف مقابل فدية.

ويوم الثلاثاء، انتشر الجيش اللبناني في طرابلس، حيث عمل على ازالة الدشم والمتاريس، والقى القبض على عدد من المسلحين، في حين تمكن عدد بعض قادة المحاور من الهرب من المدينة. وجرت مصالحة بين اهالي باب التبانة وجبل محسن، حيث جرى توزيع للحلوى.


التعليقات 16
Thumb popeye 09:23 ,2014 نيسان 05

God Bless the LAF as they fight and destroy these Shia Jihadist extremists who have been terrorizing the lebanese people for 30 years. They are quick to claim their support for the LAF when it serves their sectarian agenda. Here, they shoot at the LAF when it interferes with their criminals and drug traffickers.

Default-user-icon Omar Habib (ضيف) 23:13 ,2014 نيسان 10

Shia jihadist extremist who came from Tunisia and Libya you Moran . Do you know what your talking about. I don't think so. The family supports the extremists and the Syrian's and the north Africans who have been terrorizing both Syrian and Lebanese civilians for the past three years. For some its always easier just to blame it on the other side of the fence with no regard to the truth.

Missing --karim-- 09:57 ,2014 نيسان 05

May the Lebanese Army prevail in its fight against criminal gangs and FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 13:19 ,2014 نيسان 05

Umm HA is now FSA -al Qaida too?

Missing hajjradwan 14:16 ,2014 نيسان 05

ما بدنا جيش بلبنان الا جيشك يا حُسين
signed --karim--

Thumb freedomarch 11:45 ,2014 نيسان 05

Against FSA? You mean The Lebanese Army is involved in the Syrian civil war like your Hizbola? Keep dreaming. That is LEBANESE not Shi3a army ... and yes God bles the Lebanese army against all terrorists and low life hizbola.

Missing hajjradwan 14:28 ,2014 نيسان 05

Flamethrower when did they teach you this little chant,
ما بدنا جيش بلبنان الا جيشك يا حُسين
you all knew it by heart like it's happy birthday
I think it goes well with this one,
الله نصرالله والضاحية كلها‬‎
talk about zombie listen to this sewage absorbing filthy one

Thumb ex-fpm 14:43 ,2014 نيسان 05

flamethrower, you are the last person to talk about others. You are the definition of sectarianism in human form. Your daily posts are testimony to your ignorance and demonizing of others. Anyone opposed to your camp, to your hizb, to your beloved Assad is a Sunni extremist terrorist takfiri. Go learn some manners if that is at all possible!

Thumb geha 15:20 ,2014 نيسان 05


the sectarian in chief :) only your lieutenant mowaten can reach your sectarianism and hatred towards others :)

And you expect all who read your comments to believe that suddenly you saw the light?

as for your sect, we all know that you are a shia affiliated to the fpm and backing hizbushaitan.

Missing samy.. 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 05

Geha, movaten was wasted while carrying his jihady duties in syris

Missing samy.. 15:51 ,2014 نيسان 05

hello HA terrorist

Missing samy.. 15:56 ,2014 نيسان 05

back in asfourieh ?????

Missing samy.. 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 05

FT cares, after all he is one of them

Thumb Mystic 16:46 ,2014 نيسان 05

That a few families has weapons in their house, has nothing to do with the Resistance. But ofcourse takfiris and Americans will use this as an excuse, and blame all Shi3a for this incident.

Missing helicopter 17:32 ,2014 نيسان 05

What is good for the Gander is good for the goose. You are always first to blame every Sunni attack on LAF on Harriri.
I would love to see lebpatriot post on this article with her "God bless the LAF"...... she does it only when it suits her.
The LAF are doing a good job alternating between Sunni and Shiite extremists (even though the main body of Shiite extremism "HA" is untouchable at this point but one day they will be and should be as much of a target as the Salafists are).

Missing helicopter 19:09 ,2014 نيسان 05

Not clear at all haboub.
SHN himself said when HA fights they do not resort to reasoning, to the mind, to edducation or to whatever. The only thing they resort to is the will of the supreme alkhameni (you saw the posted video didn't you..... and no it is not the video of the 80s when SHN wass young it is a current video with his white beard and paled face referring to his interfering in Syria's war). So SHN and the takfiris are (as I always said) two faces of the same coin).