قتيلان كانا يحاولان زرع قنبلة بسيارة داخل موقف للسيارات في منطقة انطلياس
Read this story in Englishأدى انفجار كبير في موقف للسيارات في منطقة انطلياس الى قتل شخصين حسان نايف نصار واحسان علي ضيا، كانا يحاولان زرع عبوّة متوسطة في سيارة داخل الموقف، تردد أنها مورانو رمادية تحمل الرقم: 29592 قضاة، تعود للمهندس آلان سرحان، نجل القاضي ألبير سرحان.
وقال ناطق باسم الشرطة اللبنانية طلب عدم الكشف عن هويته لوكالة فرانس برس: "يمكننا ان نؤكد ان شخصين قتلا في انفجار وقع في موقف للسيارات قرب مركز تجاري" في انطلياس قرابة الساعة11:00.
واوضح المتحدث ان "اشلاء القتيلين وهما احسان ضيا وحسان نصار، تناثرت في المكان مما يدل على ان العبوة كانت بحوزتهما".
واسفر الانفجار ايضا عن جرح بيار نهرا الذي صودف مروره في المكان. كما تضررت ست سيارات كانت مركونة في مكان وقوع الانفجار، وفقا للمصدر نفسه.
وقال شاهد عيان لوكالة فرانس برس ان الصليب الاحمر نقلت من مكان الانفجار شخصا بترت يده ورجله.
واضاف المتحدث الامني ان سيارة تعود الى نجل القاضي البير سرحان كانت مركونة قرب مكان الانفجار.
الا ان القاضي سرحان نفى في اتصال مع وكالة فرانس برس ان يكون مستهدفا. وقال ان "ابني مهندس يعمل في شركة هناك، ويركن السيارة في هذا الموقف مثل زملائه في العمل".
واضاف ردا على سؤال لفرانس برس "لم اتلق تهديدا في حياتي، ولا احد من عائلتي يتعاطى الشؤون السياسية".
وضربت القوى الامنية طوقا امنيا حول مكان الانفجار الذي هرعت اليه فرق الصليب الاحمر.
وشهد لبنان موجة من الاغتيالات السياسية ومحاولات الاغتيال بين العامين 2004 و2008 استهدفت خصوصا شخصيات سياسية وصحافيين مناهضين للنظام السوري.
وبدأت هذه الموجة مع محاولة اغتيال الوزير السابق مروان حمادة في تشرين الاول 2004، ثم تلاها اغتيال رئيس الوزراء السابق رفيق الحريري بانفجار استهدف موكبه في وسط بيروت في 14 شباط 2005 اسفر ايضا عن مقتل 22 شخصا.
This is a sample of what will happen when Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades get the upper hand should their brothers, the terrorists that the US loves so much now and cares for their freedom and democratic life, take over next door. mabrouk
Martin you are completely ignorant... read the names of the guys that were planting the bombs: Ihsan and Hussein Ali are SHIA names... SHIA... and Shias who have access to bombs are only one party Hezbo... so get educated before you comment... Hariri is a thief but Hezbo is a crazed murderer... and finally this provides the ultimate proof that they have been behind everything from the start... and dont tell me they were passers by, there are no Shia neighborhoods near the St Elie Church in Antelias, let alone Shias playing with bombs.
All Lebanese know who are the assassins... Whatever you say will not change the truth. As Human, do one really have to stand on the side of criminals?
It's strange, Lebanese would believe anything provided that it helps them
to be stronger inside Lebanon... and to better hate their brothers.
voila... the sad reality.
Their affiliation shouldn't be hard to figure out now they are caught, wonder what kind of spin they will come up with now?
It seems this time that all the evidence is there to find out who did it. For once let the public know who are the perpetrators and who sent them, just for once!
nobody can escape justice for ever.
if they were caught, they would have been liberated in two days like samer hanna killers,ask amid kassem the brother of naim kassem in moukhabarat......so god's justice issued the verdict immediately...and executed fairly.
@Youssef/others... the problem everyone sort of knew, but let's hope this time the evidence is brought to court, and the master mind behind the perpetrators is brought to justice...
A strong government, which have the exclusive right of holding arms, and looking after security, is the only answer.
Now that the government is pro-Hizballah, they have even less justification to hold their arms. Let the democratic game take place.
Enough with arms outside the government control. If they win the election, they rule using the constitution, if they loose, they rule using the arms.... enough is enough
NK, you are the one who should educate yourself. Neither Ihsan nor Hussein are Shia names. Hussein is often used by the shiites but it doesnt mean its a shia name. Many Muslims are named Hussein. And as for Ihsan, it means goodness, its an arabic name common both among the Muslims, Arab christrians Christians, Druze, Shiites and alawites.
hope all who plant bombs explode while planting it....they cant even plant bombs...ignorant barbarians
check the judge's cases...im sure some of them will turn out to be linked to Hasan w Ali
If only all Hezbollah bomb attempts had such happy endings.
Enjoy the hell fire guys!
Your hate makes you weak. If the people in Lebanon would work together more, we wouldn't have so many problems. We would actually get things done again. But vengeful hate comments like Martin's for example are exactly what our problem is. Stop this back and forth revenge. You people act like you gain something from it. But you do nothing but make things worse. The government sucks but do we have to lower ourselves to their level. Hell No!
يمهل ولا يهمل. I see their end is coming sooner than they are expecting ، and they know that.
Mr LE PHENICIEN are you taking the piss or you do think they are saints? if this is a joke can you make it clear if this is what you think, you are an idiot!!
Radical lslam is to blame for their hate and the Zionist regime are togetherthe hell of the middle east. The mideast never saw peace and will never see it again with the radical musloms and the Zionist. Immigrate any whereelse is better
Mr. Iraqi dont palgirise without fully quoting i said "Hassan and Ihsan ALI" because im sure you know ALI is a very distinctive Shia name and i doubt you will ignore that... especially when beating your head to pulpy blood on Ashoura...
i dont care what their names mean. their name's significance, and now news websites are reporting Diya borther showed up to hospital to claim his body since he is a member of Hizbo... this all means one thing, the Resistance in Lebanon (note they do not call themselves Lebanese Resistance) Hezbo has show its tru teeth... they seek mayhem and death to justify their 40,000+ rockets.. well this time, it blew up in their face LITERALLY
Two shiites trying to terrorize or murder someone with explosives...
Gee. I wonder who ordered the hit. Would anyone like to venture a guess?
the white X5 bmw left in the parking lot is registrated in the name of the killed IHSAN ALI DIA and his brother mazen,the mother of ali is ZEINAB from the village of baKiliyah(tyr) in the south.
plate # is 278548 ,cell phone of the martyr is 03886561
RESIDENCE: HAY MADI in the southern suburb,bidg ibrahim zaarour,second floor.
so two shourafa of hassoun are martyred.
what i dont understand how god's justice killed two of the god's party?????/
to "fromlondon": Le phenicien is joking for sure, if you knew a little about the Islamic religion, you would know that when men die for their good cause, they will go to directly to heaven with 40 virgins each...
anyway they got what they deserve: mann wada3a konboulatann li akhih, innfajara fiha....
martin اعتقد انك تعاني من عقدة الخوف من شعب عكار و شمال لبنان الوطني و ان كلامك هذا هو دليل على مرض نفسي خبيث قد استملك كل تفكيرك حتى بت سفيها غبيا لا قيمة لكلامك بل لا قيمة لك.
Hi micha, thx for clearing this for me, well i hope he is joking for the sake of his mental health. yes i heard that they have a reward of 40virgins waiting for them but i just called a friend of mine who is "sunni" and he was laughing his head off, he said he never heard of such a thing. so i don't know if this is shiit saying about the virgins, in any of the cases anyways i cannot believe that some people will believe something like that, i mean not a normal person, maybe someone with an IQ of a sponge cake but not a normal person, unless the brain washing and drugs is used on them.
sad to hear the news, i was thinking of visiting Beirut this year but it does not look promising.
@le phenicien
Go ahead. Think they are saints.
What is next?
Telling us that pigs can fly????
God is definitely great.
Now here's the question, if the killed where women, what do they receive? 72 virgin men?
And what if the killed where gays ?
I don't expect any serious answers.
micha you're so smart, actually Shiite brother Le Phénicien is correct the resistance martyrs/saints get 75 virgin's each*, they can even exchange the ones they don't like up to thirty days if they kept the receipts.
*Hajj Radwan got 169 because he was so special and because he was murdered by friendlies, true story.
thx for your reply fromlondon: pitty you're not coming, you can also stay in london with the attacks there as well, it's the same... besides your friend lives outside an arabic country so he might not know the small details ...
those 2 idiots have been following he wrong man by following the right car. what an organization.
ya hassoun, beware who ties your turban, if their iq is as high maybe they will suffocate you
For everyone's information the Serhans are staunch Aounists. So there is no way they are targeted by their allies.
Al-Manar: Preliminary investigations revealed that a dispute over money erupted between the two victims in the Antelias blast, which led to a fight that resulted in the DETONATION OF THE BOMB THAT WAS IN THEIR POSSESSION..
... this is the best one yet, how tight is that turban, I think it's stopping blood flow to a brain that isn't a bargain to begin with.
this is the last straw for Hezbo.. its propaganda machine is saying it was a dispute over money... how embarassing, and shame on tayyar for printing that story... we need to stand up and face them... tell them you either lay down your arms or die holding them... we opened our doors to them when they started a war and like snakes they came in knowing deep down inside that they had terrorrized us for 2 years (2005-2007 bombings). so i ask the true lebanese people... what will we do? will we just watch our leaders exchange harsh words and do nothing? just as they always do? we have so far failed and this has led us to abandon our country to live abroad... now we stand on the brink, will we stay silent and lose our dignity once more? to be honest, i have no idea.... what a shame we have turned to
this is the last straw for Hezbo.. its propaganda machine is saying it was a dispute over money... how embarassing, and shame on tayyar for printing that story... we need to stand up and face them... tell them you either lay down your arms or die holding them... we opened our doors to them when they started a war and like snakes they came in knowing deep down inside that they had terrorrized us for 2 years (2005-2007 bombings). so i ask the true lebanese people... what will we do? will we just watch our leaders exchange harsh words and do nothing? just as they always do? we have so far failed and this has led us to abandon our country to live abroad... now we stand on the brink, will we stay silent and lose our dignity once more? to be honest, i have no idea.... what a shame we have turned to
None of you knows what really happened...Normal people wait until the investigation is done..But since most of the Lebanese monkeys are sectarians i would expect divisions and chaos...
At the end of the day two gorillas died in the zoo....
Who wants Banana?
Mary Mary quite contrary, remember Georges Abu Madi and Antoine Khoury Harb to name a couple, we do not have non Shiite allies we consider non Shiites servants and employees.
It seems for the second time after the Dahieh Blast that killed the Hezbullah Terrorists that were rigging the car (and no investigation had come up to any conlcusion as many before it) (surprise, surprise), the Iranian criminal group Hezb Ebola was caught "red handed" despite the very many times that the Criminal zombie militia and its Palestinian "Sub Contractors" (under direct orders from the supreme Criminal in Tehran and the Criminal Assad Regime in Damascus) was engaged in such bombings in the past thirty years (The US Marine Barracks 1982, US Embassy, The French Embassy, .....Sin El Fil (numerous times), Milki, Ain Alak,...). It is now quite obvious for anyone with half a brain cell that the criminal Iranian-Syrian tool Hezbollah was at the heart of all these terrorist attacks that have claimes many thousands of innocent lives since the early eighties in Lebanon and elsewhere. Now all the dots are getting connected ... (continued)
Mcbrain my favorite chimp but that never bothered you before have you developed an objectivity all of a sudden if so that means we are witnessing evolution in the making and that's so exiting.
.. (Continued) The criminals that have long operated in Lebanon for the past thirty years under the cloak of Darkness and emboldened by the "seeming" impunity that resulted of such terror and criminality... are about to uncovered hence they are getting more nervous by the hour and getting sloppier (all the recent failed terrorist attacks by Hezbullah, and their sub contractors the extremist Palestinians and the in your face Genocide unfolding in Syria by the Assad Criminal regime), and the other daily Genocide by the Iranian criminal regime and Hub of ME and Global terror in Tehran. One thing is for sure these long standing criminals will face the music very soon indeed!!! I wonder what more lame lies and/or diversions that little corporal Aoun would come up with next to cover up the criminal acts of his beloved master in the rat hole Nasrallah and his masterts in Damascus and Tehran!! I guess when you ally yourself with the deviland his children there's no turning back!! Right Aoun?!
Le Phoenician... you are a freak.. why does nahar net keep allowing him to post such disgusting posts about murderers being saints.... wle inta 3ar 3al umma
@Haytham : Probably to show people how much people have to be lowlife / scumbags / pathetic / losers / stupid / blind / (the list goes on but i don't want to be banned) in order to follow people like aoun / nassrallah. Le phenicien is a typical march 8 follower.
It's good that he keeps reminding us that we need to put an end to March 8 once and for all ... he motivates people to hate them and doing a excellent job at it
According to the interior minister it is a material dispute between 2 men.
Fine why did they have to carry their carcasses all the way to Entelias in the same car with a bomb to resolve this dispute? I bet our interior minister will have to make a phone call before answering this question.
hahah All too ironic. What does hezbollah call this a technical mistake?...beucase if it were sunni bomb plants it would have been "Gods will." Now THIS is Gods will if anything. This just comes to show you what a joke they have become. No need to go on about these low lifes, their on their way out along with Assad's regime like a Vinyl record.
Funny how every time the STL has a deadline a bomb blows up in the Christian parts, now we know who was the culprit. Unfortunately for our Shiite terrorists they screwed up today and were literally hoisted with their own petard:.
Isn't Oqab Saqr a Shia? Isn't Bassem al Sabeh Shia? Duh? The are Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades' best allies. No? Ask them if you want. They are honest and believable. Mou?
A bomb explodes in a parking lot killing two individuals and injuring others. Before jumping to conclusions about who is behind the killing, ALL Lebanese should express their condemnation of this event... including all party leaders - without any exception - as Lebanon is not for one but for all.
As for the affiliation of the victims (call them whatever you want), Lebanese sell their souls for a rhetoric or religious affiliation... hence anyone who wants to harm Lebanon can pay the price and buy anyone.
It's time to stop fighting each others - 'cause Lebanon loses each time - and let's all condemn anyone who carries a weapon or aims to harm Lebanon!
its going to be hard for the hizb to put a spin on this, but here's what I think they will come out with.
Two hizbula operatives came across a suspicious vichicle with an equally suspicious man messing around with it. They decided to investigate. Good that they did because they stumbled on a man, probably an Isreali agent (the star of David bandana gave him away), just about to bobby trap a car. Our hizby boys on order of nasrala aka Big NAS, decided to foil the assasination attempt, but unfortunatly and with great sadness and regret, the bomb got our heroes.
so we lebanese should be thankfull for the ever vigilant hizbula boys always on the look out for that illusive no good isreali agent.
Martin is the same person as Le phenicien..... he is so retarded.... hiding your identity is not going to help you.
Wow.. Hiz Bala Asel are in trouble... They have no more reliable assassins... 4 of their best assassins (the so called Saints) are hiding somewhere in Iran, so their services are no longer available... the rest of the assassins are busy in Syria killing innocent demonstrators, so they cant do any work in lebanon, because come on, they cant fight on 2 fronts... innu killing innocent civilians is not that easy... so Hiz Bala Asel are using second rate assassins to do the dirty job in lebanon... Unfortunately for Hiz Bala Asel these second rate assassins are not as good as the Badreddine and Co... Iguess they are thinking now of renting some assassins from Iran...
Nitram where are you!? My favorite chimp mcbrain has left you a message dude please answer him or he'll start flinging his feces about à la Nasrallah.
Souma, enjoy
"Hizbullah and al-Jamaa al-Islamiya confirm Resistance’s role in fortifying nation"
Both are Islamic terrorists but consider themselves the Islamic resistance in Lebanon one prays with his left butt cheek on the floor the other with his right butt cheek on the floor. As for al Qaeda the only two guys in Lebanon that ever to praise it were Fathi Yakan and Omar Bakri both friends of Hassan.
Maybe these members of Hezbo were targeted themselves....How can naharnet state that the judge was targeted when he stated explicitly that hes not even involved in politics????
Isn’t this supposed to be some kind of a holy month for the Shiites? How can their mullah give the assassination order? Unless Nasi allah is a Jew?
And the morons whom died will probably receive a martyr funeral. Something is wrong with this sect. This is defiantly not Islam
Finally they blew their cover! Two Hizballah members were killed planting a bomb in a Christain area. To summarize, two shias killed carrying or planting a bomb, with one of the killed brother admitting that his deceased brother was a Hizballah member. Shame on you Aoun and all of your idiot followers. I am sure Hizb a shiatan will deny this and come up with some excuse as usual. Shame on you Michelle Sleiman and the Lebanese army for not exposing Hizb shiatan for what they really are - A TERROSIT ORGANIZATION- noting more nothing less.
Thank you for posting this Assafir-Hezbollah propaganda as a warning to all of us and I agree with you not even a brain damaged retarded two year old could buy such Al-Manure, although sadly some M8 supporters do. Have you ever heard of a hand grenade containing metal balls and nails.
The preliminary official attitude of the government reminds me that of Frangie in 2005.They issued quick results about the explosion, making it a personal dispute between two armed (Shiites, which one of them by his brother admission is supposedly a Hezb member!) men. Had the prominent politicised ( and not the other way round with the STL being politicized!!) lebanese justice handled the Hariri murder file, we would have had an espresso decaff final verdict, similar to the one Charbel issued yesterday (putting his credibility in the forefront, but does he have any??) , with either Aboul Adass as the main culprit , or some othe ficticious conclusion hastily drawn, or as Frangie (minister of interior then) stated: lebanon does not have the technical means to handle scientifically the RH file! Banan Republic! Keep up the good work Bellemare!
I love it how no one is focusing on the main issue. Assume these guys were not planting a bomb and they got into an argument what the hell were they doing carrying a grenade!!!!!!
oh let me see what i have in my back pocket.... paper, coins, grenade launcher, house keys....
This is the problem people are trying to explain what happened when both M8 & M14 should be taking a look and doing something about people walking around with bombs/ grenades (whatever you chose to believe)
This crime is the last straw and the nail in the devil's party's coffin. It's time this party was banned and its leaders jailed. It is a cancer upon Lebanon that will kill it if it is not excised immediately.
To all you ignorant cowards who sit behind the computer screen saying people deserve this and jump to conclusions have no life my uncle was the most peaceful man you could find and no he was not affiliated with hezbollah nd to that stupid person who said his brother confirmed he was in Hezbollah, if uactually watched the news report he said he wasn't in Hezbollah my uncle was the to get a loan from the bank and I don't know what his friend was doing with a grenade my uncle is a business man who trades cars and the only time he ever held a weapon was back when he was in the army
whoah this blog is fantastic i love studying your articles.
Stay up the great work! You realize, lots of people are searching round for
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