"ازالة حواجز حزب الله في البقاع" تحضيراً للخطة الامنية
Read this story in Englishاستهل الجيش اللبناني، التحضيرات لتنفيذ الخطة الامنية في البقاع الشمالي، بتسلم حواجز "حزب الله" الممتدة من بعلبك الى عرسال، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية الاحد.
فقد لفتت صحيفة "النهار" الى ان الجيش بدأ السبت الخطوات التمهيدية لتمدد الخطة الامنية من خلال ازالة حواجز " حزب الله " بين بعلبك والهرمل ومنطقة عرسال "طوعاً".
ووفق ما نقلته عن معنيين، فإن هذا الامر "يعكس متانة القرار السياسي الذي يغطي الشق الثاني من الخطة التي ستبدأ فصولها تباعا في وقت وشيك".
وأشارت الى ان الخطة الامنية في البقاع سوف تلحظ تعزيز القوى العسكرية والحواجز والاجراءات على المعابر والمناطق المتاخمة للحدود اللبنانية - السورية لمزيد من التشدد في الرقابة ومكافحة محاولات التنظيمات الارهابية في تصدير سيارات مفخخة الى لبنان.
وأعرب أوساط معنية بالخطة، عبر "النهار" عن اعتقادها ان الخطة "ستلقى حظوظاً وظروفاً مشابهة تماما لتلك التي رافقت خطة طرابلس".
وكان وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق قد أكد السبت اثر لقائه البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي في بكركي، انه "لم يعد هناك أية حواجز غير رسمية على طريق عرسال"، لافتا الى أن "كل القوى المسلحة غير الرسمية لم تعد موجودة على الطرقات في منطقة بعلبك- الهرمل".
يوم الثلاثاء، انتشر الجيش اللبناني في طرابلس، حيث عمل على ازالة الدشم والمتاريس، والقى القبض على عدد من المسلحين، في حين تمكن عدد بعض قادة المحاور من الهرب من المدينة. وجرت مصالحة بين اهالي باب التبانة وجبل محسن، حيث جرى توزيع للحلوى.
Brital... Please handle Brital.
By going to Hermel you are protecting Hermel. By going to Brital you are protecting the rest of Lebanon.
agreed. however the thugs in brital are mainly car thieves and drug dealers, and pose a lesser threat than those in arsal, who threaten the rest of the country with car bombs.
i'd suggest focusing on arsal first, then brital, then the rest.
As texas told you, Brital are not only petty thugs who steal cars and deal drugs. They are grand criminals who kidnap 10 y o kids. They are known and they are covered by Berri the thug who negotiated the release.
Now I dont really disagree with your post, as long as they actually do go ahead and go to Brital second. Not halt at the areas that suit HA.
Typical Naharnet propaganda, the LAF took over the checkpoints, after a clear deal with the Resistance, why all the hostility Naharnet? The LAF came in Agreement with the Resistance to move into these areas. There were no trouble at all, so stop your Israeli American media. Be neutral for once
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdZgkGI5h0A The real patriots. Not Kataeb not Lebanese Forces.
How are they going weaker mr. phalangist? We always will resist Israel and USA, while you cowards kiss their feet. You think the LAF is against the Resistance, think again. I have many family members in the LAF.
I come here every day 24/7 to post my propaganda because it is my job to do so. I am a faithful employee of GQS.
God Bless the LAF as it dismantles the terror party's illegal checkpoints and arrests their criminal terrorists. More is needed, much more..
3 years of M8 government = nothing done....
the gvt changes and a security plan is set up....
just saying....
FD, I know, I had a good laugh when I read the dimwits post too, and couldn't help but reply to his stupidity.
When the LAF doesn't do its job, it is criticised, when it does it is also criticised, so let the LAF do its job. Allez, frappez avant de parler.
no criticism from M8 leaning supporters on this site, let the LAF do it its job, no conflict with HA, the checkpoints gladly handed over to LAF.
because HA are too weak and need the man power in any way, maybe you cant see this from Australia, but they are very short handed. do you know that their are many agencies monitoring hez's every move and capabilities?? comment on your Australian news and go look for malaysian airline. You are not Lebanese just a fan of terror.... mystic the fool, i didnt forget you in this post
hey falanges, you think you are tough, because you were able to slaughter women and children? You kiss the feet of Israel, while you do their dirty business. The Resistance which you hate, are the only ones with the guts to stand up to Israel, while you fake christians and cowards give political cover for Israeli airplanes.
we are armed and ready fool. hahaha hand and hand. you are too brainwashed by your manar tv u watch from satellite in the western country your from. you can say that we kiss the feet of usa and isreal all day long, but you uneducated cant see that the world views (even yours) support the western civil lifestyle. i would like to see your freedom of speech in your beloved iran or any other country you see as your role model country. If you hate the west so much, dont wear their clothes, dont use thier phones, dont watch their tvs, dont use their invention called the internet, dont drive a car... ride your camel, wear your sheets, entertain yourself watching stonings and hangings, and live like an animal in the stone ages like the hungry iranians are forced to live because of their govt you support. ask an iranian in private what they think of their govt and you will see the reality you are supporting.
lol the halfwit, can you quote us saying that? i remember praising HA checkpoints for intercepting your takfiri freaks.
and "jnoubi" lol you're a funny one. you think anyone will believe you're lebanese, let alone from the lebanese south?
if you meant south of the border however, i'd believe you.
how convenient anonyme, making up BS as you go, and then deciding you "confirmed" something. you're only confirming how mentally limited and hateful you are, if the sun rises in the east you'll take it as a confirmation that syria is behind it too..
Who is this clown jnoubi? If you really are from the South, then you probaly live in Israel, with your SLA family. Who kicked you cowards out?
Anonymetexasusa.... I believe I can speak for my fellow employees Flamethrower. Mowaten and Full-Disclosure..... You listed 6 clear facts, and since we have no argument to counter any of those facts, we are forced to attack you as a person, because those facts are indisputable.