52 نائباً اختاروا "الورقة البيضاء" و48 صوتاً لجعجع والدورة الثانية الاسبوع المقبل

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فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية في الدورة الاولى للجلسة الانتخابية، حيث المعركة تركزت بين مرشح 14 آذار، رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، ومرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، و"الورقة البيضاء".

ومع فرز أصوات النواب الـ124 الذين حضروا الجلسة الانتخابية، فازت "الورقة البيضاء" بـ52 صوتاً، مقابل 48 لجعجع و16 لحلو وصوت واحد لرئيس "حزب الكتائب" أمين الجميل. في حين تم الغاء 7 أصوات.

ومع بدء عملية فرز الاصوات، انسحب عدد من نواب 8 اذار من الجلسة.

وقد تغيب عن الجلسة، النواب: سعد الحريري (رئيس "تيار المستقبل")، عقاب صقر، ايلي عون وخالد الضاهر. وقد حضر 51 نائباً من قوى 14 آذار، 57 نائباً من قوى 8 آذار و16 نائباً من المستقلين.

وشهد المجلس النيابي قبيل بدء الجلسة لقاء بين رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ورئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون، بعد ان كان من المتوقع ان يغيب الاخير عن الجلسة.

ويتطلب انعقاد الجلسة حضور ثلثي اعضاء مجلس النواب البالغ عددهم 128، وهو امر شبه محسوم. وبحسب الدستور، يحتاج المرشح الى ثلثي اصوات المجلس اي 86 صوتا للفوز في الدورة الاولى، ثم الى الاكثرية المطلقة في الدورات التي تلي، من دون ان يتغير النصاب المطلوب.

وقد عيّن بري موعداً للدورة الثانية للجلسة الانتخابية، يوم الاربعاء المقبل عند الساعة 12 ظهراً، مؤكدا ان للنصاب الدائم لانتخاب الرئيس هو دائما 86 نائبا.

ومع انتهاء الجلسة قال عون: "نحن بإنتظار التوافق قبل اعلان مرشحنا، وهناك شريحة لديها ذاكرة وعبرت عن رأيها بموضوع ترشيح جعجع". ولفت الى انه "من المبكر الحديث عن الاتفاق على مرشح توافقي غيري".

وأوضح ان انسحابه ونوابه من الجلسة هو بعد ان "تبين أن لا أحد يمكن ان يشكل حوله التفاهم، لذلك انسحبنا من القاعة بعد انتهاء الدورة الاولى في انتظار الاجماع حول المرشح".

يُذكر ان عون كان قد أعلن أنه لن يترشح الى الانتخابات الرئاسية ما لم يتم "التوافق على اسمه".

من جهته، أكد رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط انه "ليس لدينا مرشح آخر وسيبقى مرشحنا هنري حلو".

اما النائبة ستريدا جعجع فلفتت إلى ان "الرهان كان ان نصل (اي 14 آذار) إلى الجلسة اليوم غير موحدين ونحن أثبتنا العكس".

واذ شددت على اكمال "المعركة حتى النهاية والذي سيفوز بها سنبارك له"، أشارت الى ان "ربح اليوم ليس ربح للقوات بل ربح مسار سياسي وربح 14 آذار وتضحياتها".

اما المرشح النائب هنري حلو، فرأى ان "العملية الانتخابية كانت ممتازة وديموقراطية بكل ما للكلمة من معنى، ومن دون اي تدخل اجنبي".

وشدد على الإنفتاح، وقال:"الحل الوحيد يكون بالإعتدال والوصول إلى مرشح يجمع"، معلنا انه مستمر في المعركة وموقف "كتلة اللقاء" و"جبهة النضال" واضح".



  • 12:43 ,2014 نيسان 23

    الدورة الثانية ستعقد الاربعاء المقبل عند الساعة 12 ظهراً

  • 12:42 ,2014 نيسان 23

    48 صوتا لجعجع مقابل 16 للنائب هنري حلو و52 ورقة بيضاء وصوت لأمين الجميل

  • 12:34 ,2014 نيسان 23

    عون سيعقد مؤتمراً صحافياً من مجلس النواب فور انتهاء عملية فرز الاصوات

  • 12:27 ,2014 نيسان 23

    انسحاب عدد من نواب 8 اذار من الجلسة الانتخابية مع بدء عملية فرز الاصوات

  • 12:21 ,2014 نيسان 23

    بدء فرز الاصوات

  • 12:20 ,2014 نيسان 23

    المتغيبون عن الجلسة الانتخابية هم النواب: سعد الحريري، غقاب صقر، ايلي عون وخالد الضاهر

  • 12:14 ,2014 نيسان 23

    بدء اقتراع النواب

  • 12:09 ,2014 نيسان 23

    بري: عدد النواب في القاعة هو 124 نائباً

  • 12:07 ,2014 نيسان 23

    بدء الجلسة الانتخابية

  • 12:06 ,2014 نيسان 23

    دخول بري الى القاعة لبدء الجلسة الانتخابية

  • 12:03 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول نائبة "القوات" ستريدا جعجع الى البرلمان

  • 12:02 ,2014 نيسان 23

    LBCI: السفير الفرنسي باتريس باولي يحضر الجلسة وشوهد يأخذ صوراً داخل الجلسة

  • 12:00 ,2014 نيسان 23

    المشنوق: الخلاف السياسي موجود وطبيعي الا انه لا بد من انتخاب رئيس

  • 11:59 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق الى مجلس النواب

  • 11:58 ,2014 نيسان 23

    النائب زياد القادري: نحن ننتخب برنامجاً ومشروعاً وجعجع أكد مشروع الدولة و"14 آذار"

  • 11:56 ,2014 نيسان 23

    LBCI: عدد النواب حتى الساعة بلغ 101

  • 11:53 ,2014 نيسان 23

    النائب ياسين جابر: هناك دورات عديدة للجلسة الانتخابية لكن الإيجابي أن هناك جلسة مكتملة النصاب اليوم

  • 11:52 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام الى مجلس النواب

  • 11:47 ,2014 نيسان 23

    LBCI: اكتمال النصاب مع وصول عدد النواب الى 86

  • 11:44 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "الجماعة الاسلامية" عماد الحوت: ليس لدينا فيتو على احد

  • 11:43 ,2014 نيسان 23

    النائب بطرس حرب من مجلس النواب: ملتزمون بقرار 14 آذار بانتخاب جعجع وعلى كل نائب ان يصوت من يراه مناسباً

  • 11:43 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول رئيس "كتلة المستقبل النيابية" فؤاد السنيورة يصل الى البرلمان

  • 11:41 ,2014 نيسان 23

    منسق الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد من معراب: جعجع هو مرشحنا لكل الدورات وليس فقط للدورة الأولى

  • 11:40 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "القوات" جورج عدوان: سنخوض المعركة حتى النهاية و14 آذار موحدة ونجاح اليوم هو بسبب توحدنا

  • 11:40 ,2014 نيسان 23

    OTV: نواب طرابلس يجتمعون قبيل بدء الجلسة الانتخابية

  • 11:39 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "الكتائب" ايلي ماروني: اليوم المرشح هو جعجع وسنرى في المراحل المقبلة من هو المرشح

  • 11:38 ,2014 نيسان 23

    النائب محمد كبارة: ملتزم بوحدة 14 آذار وسأرى لمن أصوت

  • 11:35 ,2014 نيسان 23

    جعجع مواكباً جلسة الانتخاب من معراب: للمرة الأولى منذ زمن طويل الانتخابات الرئاسية في لبنان لبنانية وجديّة

  • 11:33 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "الكتائب" نديم الجميل: لم نتخل عن ترشيح الرئيس امين الجميل ابدا

  • 11:31 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "القوات" انطوان زهرا: مستعدون للنتائج مهما كانت ونحترم الموقع الدستوري وخيار اللاتسمية ليس خيار ديمقراطي

  • 11:29 ,2014 نيسان 23

    رئيس الحزب "السوري القومي الاجتماعي" النائب اسعد حردان لـ"المنار": لا يجوز ان يكون هناك قاتل رئيساً للجمهورية

  • 11:27 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "المستقبل" هادي حبيش: كل ماروني له حق الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية ونحن اليوم سنختار الرئيس القوي جعجع

  • 11:26 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "القوات اللبنانية" فادي كرم: جعجع مرشح قوى 14 آذار وسنكمل حتى إيصاله إلى رئاسة الجمهورية

  • 11:20 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول رئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية

  • 11:20 ,2014 نيسان 23

    MTV: وصول نائبي "الوفاء للمقاومة" محمد رعد وعلي عمار الى مجلس النواب ودخولهما من الباب الجانبي للبرلمان وليس من المدخل الرئيس

  • 11:18 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "جبهة النضال الوطني" غازي العريضي للـMTV: تسمية النائب هنري حلو هو لتثبيت الوسطية وجئنا لننتخب لا لننسحب

  • 11:15 ,2014 نيسان 23

    المنار: ارسلان يعلن من امام مجلس النواب انه سيقترع بورقة بيضاء

  • 11:14 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" آلان عون من البرلمان: كل القوى السياسية ستقيم ما سينتج عن جلسة اليوم من أجل المراحل المقبلة

  • 11:12 ,2014 نيسان 23

    نائب "كتلة المستقبل" احمد فتفت من البرلمان: الصوت السني بأغلبيته الساحقة مع الدكتور جعجع

  • 11:11 ,2014 نيسان 23

    وصول رئيس الحزب "الديمقراطي اللبناني" النائب طلال ارسلان الى البرلمان

  • 11:09 ,2014 نيسان 23

    رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط وصل الى مجلس النواب للمشاركة في الجلسة الانتخابية

  • 11:08 ,2014 نيسان 23

    لقاء جانبي بين رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ورئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في البرلمان قبيل الجلسة

التعليقات 40
Thumb Bandoul 08:28 ,2014 نيسان 23

Lousy piece of theater! All 128 members should be banned from politics for life.

Thumb ibinherathreik 21:05 ,2014 نيسان 23

does anyone know how many votes aoun got? frangiyeh? emile rahme? gilbert zwein?

Thumb popeye 09:31 ,2014 نيسان 23

lol @gp:) He is always invited to important tuxedo and candle lit dinners and receptions. He only mixes with the rich and famous.

Default-user-icon anonymous (ضيف) 11:36 ,2014 نيسان 23

Fares Soaid get it right monkey...
“Reconciliation and SUNNI-Christian coordination … still form the core of the FAILED March 14's choices,”

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 11:41 ,2014 نيسان 23

What a circus!!! Funny how everyone else is Saints and geagea is the only criminal!!! if we open all the files, all of them should spend more then 11 years in prison. A bunch of jokers they are...

Thumb Senescence 15:03 ,2014 نيسان 23

I don't see a war-criminal essentially electing himself as a candidate to run for the presidency of the country except Geagea. So yeah, he's the only one who matters in this regard.Pretty much the contemporary joke of the international community too.

Good thing he got less than half of the needed votes. Also, maddening how M14 elected a candidate who butchered so many Sunnis (as well as Christians, Shiites, Druze, etc.). Let somebody else take charge, somebody fresh and new. Warlords aren't welcome for the presidency of this proud republic.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:34 ,2014 نيسان 23

This is another crucial national matter that will be made to drag on forever. Clearly the process of sabotaging Lebanon remains in full gear. If only the military staged a Coup and sent them all civilians under house arrest and ruled the nation by decree, this this country regained some sense and some orientation.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:41 ,2014 نيسان 23

**Till this country....**

Thumb cedre 14:32 ,2014 نيسان 23

military coup ? u need united army for that...
Jeannot is staying calm, coz HA will probably try to impose him, they know his docility, they tested him in Abra...

Missing -samy 12:39 ,2014 نيسان 23

No, no according to FT's brilliant theories, the french ambassador is there to kidnap Aoun and ship him to France again to do some new genetic tests. The French are still interested in finding out why this guy is still so brilliantly unique.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:23 ,2014 نيسان 23

Today is a good day for Lebanon. Parliament convened at almost full capacity with no single assassination attempt.

And Geagea was not elected president.

I hope the MPs will be wise enough not to elect Michel Aoun either in the next session.

Thumb cedre 14:33 ,2014 نيسان 23

they laughing at lebanese people...

Thumb Senescence 15:09 ,2014 نيسان 23

Some of the Lebanese who made the country a joke made all of the others a part of their circus too. A convicted warcriminal who slaughtered every beacon of prosperity in his own sect and those of others, trying to become president. Ludicrous.

And why, just because he's against Hezbollah? You think he'll be able to coerce them? Hardly. The nation as a well will have to bear in its history books that it tried to elect such a man, much to the chagrin of future generations.

Think of the thousands of Sunnis he killed, and all the peaceful protestors in Nahr Al MOT. Enough hypocrisy and blood-drenched criminals. Get somebody new or let there be vacuum. The country cannot and will not tolerate electing a mass murderer as its presidential representative.

Thumb Senescence 17:06 ,2014 نيسان 23

"If you want to be credible - then you have to look both ways."
I am.

"Yes Geagea WAS a war criminal during civil war."
Still is pretty much, sorry to burst your bubble. The families, church-goers, and peaceful protestors he murdered in cold blood; the difference between military operations(i.e. casualties and collateral damage) and a blood-thirsty psychopath.

"But so was the rest of the warlords currently inparliament & cabinet.
And so was your dear Hezbollah."
And? Also, it's not my Hezbollah nor is it dear, ok? Let's get that straight first and foremost.

"Your dear Hezbollah was indeed as much a mass murderer as Geagea was."
Please quantify that and I will head your words. Also, it is not relevant, because Hezbollah has not nominated itself as a presidential hopeful, and neither have any of the other warlords and criminals. It is Geagea's lunacy alone that outshines that of the rest combined many folds over.

Thumb Senescence 17:07 ,2014 نيسان 23


"But Hezbollah never stopped murdering like Geagea did."
You say this with conviction. Personal conviction, of course.

"Hezbollah is still murdering people to this day."
Hardly. It is fighting for the survival of the ME as we know it. A takeover by extremists who behead, rape, torture, make sharia courts, mass executions, kill kids for merely supporting their government, behead them for joking, train them to fire mortars, welcoming them in beheading rituals and taking their pictures, stealing children from their parents for the satisfaction of their deviance, and so on, is a noble fight indeed. You simply have your rose-tinted (white, red, and blue, rather) glasses on at the moment. Not me.

"And want to push for a president that will allow it to continue to murder people un-abated & unchecked."
You are mistaken. Who does Hezbollah want to push? Please tell me their candidate.

Thumb Senescence 17:11 ,2014 نيسان 23

"Now you want a Presidnt without past criminal record - i agree."
GOOD. That is only what I want, otherwise... Lebanon has had enough rape.

"I think Helou (the only other candidate so far) would make a good president."

"But only problem is ... adopt dissociation policy."
You do not know this, nor can you predict the future. So judgement's still out on that. Also, bear in mind Hezbollah was with the dissociation policy, before the other camp sent milk and blankets and provided safe havens for terrorists, essentially beyond the reach of law, as your ilk like to say of the other.

"I.e they want to continue murdering unchecked & with impynity."
Right, no.

Thumb Senescence 17:12 ,2014 نيسان 23

4. The man is a WAR-CRIMINAL with the blood of literally thousands and thousands on his hands, and allowing him to represent the people of Lebanon, as president, is a grave mistake history will not forgive (nor acquit, if you get my drift).

Thankfully, I do not believe he has a chance (e.g. other M14 candidates are surfacing), but to see his psychopathic a bout of delusion, arrogance, shameless audacity, and the coercion of thousands of supporters is an overwhelmingly grand sight to behold indeed.

Thumb Senescence 18:27 ,2014 نيسان 23

"Got that Senescense - Mr. Hezbo Takkia boy - trying to pass himself as - centrist - non-paetisan."
See this? Exactly what I'm talking about. How can I reason with such a man consumed in his own paranoia? I believe continuing this discussion will be fruitless, and will therefor politely stop. Of course, that won't stop you from posting some smirky comment, but alas.

full-disclosure. thank you friend. Some people are pretty slow though. I don't think you could ever convince them of anything neither by rationality nor negating their hard cold facts. Fortunately, the masses are not similar at all to the people on here. You really need to be a Sisyphus of sorts 'round here it seems.

Well, back to real life.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:56 ,2014 نيسان 23

@Southern : the only people opening wounds and gaps are the ones bombing our politicians and fighting in Syria.

You have shown your true face and unless you drop your weapons or kill us all, please refrain from discussing politics and spreading nonsense.

Yes it's a good thing that Geagea was not elected but this is non of Hezbollah's business.

You want to earn respect and the right to talk, drop your weapons and surrender your murderers, otherwise, shut up !

Democracy and weapons cannot co-exist !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:33 ,2014 نيسان 23

@Southern : Shut me up ! You can bomb me, assassinate me, kidnap me, erase me or do whatever terrorist thing it is you do to shut me up.

I won't shut up on my own because my voice and that of millions of other lebanese is far stronger than any weapons you point our way !

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:35 ,2014 نيسان 23

All I'm telling you is to choose between weapons and words. Both cannot co-exist.

You want to participate in the democratic life of this country, you're free to do so without your weapons.

You want to debate ? drop your weapons.

You want to adhere to democratic values ? drop your weapons

You want to make Lebanon strong and believe in the state of lebanon ? drop your weapons

It's very simple really. To co-exist, there can be no weapons outside the state and you must accept the rule and will of the majority.

Missing -samy 18:14 ,2014 نيسان 23

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:48 ,2014 نيسان 23

I'm not arguing with him. You cannot convince the braindead anything. But it's important for others that his comments, nonsense, lies, contradictions, heresies are exposed.

Otherwise, they will eat us alive and turn this country into a theocracy where god is non other than Hassan Nasrallah, the "sayyed", "prophet", dictator, general, terrorist, leader of the army of Kalashnikov Zombies fed, armed and trained by Iran !

Thumb Senescence 15:41 ,2014 نيسان 23

5 votes for Danny Chamoun
1 for Tony Frangieh
1 for Karami


Missing jeff070 15:58 ,2014 نيسان 23

They want to win. They don't to lose. They don't want others (other than Geagea) to win. Yet they don't want to play.

Only in Lebanon.

Missing jeff070 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 23


Thumb Maxx 16:21 ,2014 نيسان 23

At least that convicted criminal served out his sentence. The General went on a 15 year vacation to Paris while his followers in Lebanon were either massacred by the Syrian army, or simply "disappeared"; and upon his return, he bent over before the murderers of his followers. Get yourself a new moral compass. Because next time Der General goes on a vacation, you could be one of the new generation of those he abandons.

Missing jeff070 16:30 ,2014 نيسان 23

Justice is whatever you perceive it. Again we are going around in circles where the ultimate goal is the country.

"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matt 7:2

Who put employed you as the determinator of justice?

Missing jeff070 16:33 ,2014 نيسان 23

How do you win when you are not even playing.

Put a candidate on the table or vote for Henri Helou.

Again, I don't care who wins, we need a president in place.

By the way, this Lebanese politics stuff is like the Turkish films, entertaining and never ending.

Where is my popcorn?

Missing -samy 18:19 ,2014 نيسان 23

No no , Aoun was kidnaped by the French ambassador, shipped to france and served 15 years at the Bastille.. Lol

Missing jeff070 16:36 ,2014 نيسان 23

FT the country needs a president. If the other party does not support Geagea, vote for someone else, or put a candidate.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:02 ,2014 نيسان 23

Cedre, you're right, and that's why I said "if only.." knowing that it would be a far shot. But today the day closes for Lebanon in quite a somber mood, if this is all we can bring forward for the presidency of this country. Politicians will go home today having some feeling best known to them, but the people will just have to add this event as another failure for them all.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:05 ,2014 نيسان 23

FD, forget Al Fanik Maarouf's baby, one of the many lately. The poor chap is mumbling to itself.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:11 ,2014 نيسان 23

BJ, I am with you 100%, a centrist plus a professional technocrat, I am sure here we have no shortage of great mind and spirits for this job. The outcome of today's seating proves that the old generation no longer has anything to offer, but allow the younger generation to take over the reins of power. Let us at last have the guts to bring about our youth, only them have our answers, as contemporary as they are now.

Missing -samy 18:23 ,2014 نيسان 23

No technocrat will be able to tame this jungle called Lebanon.

Default-user-icon simon (ضيف) 18:25 ,2014 نيسان 23

We need a dictator to rule Lebanon... No if or but about it... No centrist, or anything else.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 20:12 ,2014 نيسان 23

I like how Michel Aoun lead the charge out of the parliament, sound about right; the "general" is always the first one to run away.

Missing houna 23:01 ,2014 نيسان 23

anonymetexasusa, don't bother replying to these retards (roar, flameintayeh, southern, and the likes). They will never engage in a debate.
There is a saying in arabic that goes like "no matter how much you hit the water, it will remain water". Hence, just ignore them.... they will eventually get tired from barking and will go back laying under their masters legs.

Default-user-icon FTyourfullofcraphomie (ضيف) 01:26 ,2014 نيسان 24

We are all still waiting. Maybe he can identify the 10.......Man I love how full of it you are. So laughable, should do stand up comedy or send your posts to the comedy section in a newspaper. OR better do some meme's with FT's posts. LMFAO

Default-user-icon FTyourfullofcraphomie (ضيف) 01:39 ,2014 نيسان 24

Yes FT
The same Lebanese court that issued the 6 arrest warrants against Hezbollah members (5 in Hariri case + 1 in Harb case).
The same Lebanese Justice that issued arrest warrant against Ali Eid & Co.
Geagea presented himself for questioning & for trial.
Your 6 saints + Ali Eid & Co are still evading the same Lebanese Justice.
You are cherry picking at your convenience.FT.