جنبلاط: أنا مع تشريع زراعة الحشيشة في لبنان خصوصا في البقاع
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط تأييده تشريع زراعة الحشيشة في لبنان خصوصا في البقاع، مجددا من جهة أخرى تفضيله انتخاب "مرشح تسوية وفاقية يجمع اللبنانيين" لرئاسة الجمهورية.
وقال جنبلاط في حديث إلى قناة "الجديد" بثته مساء الخميس "لا خوف من تشريع الحشيشة وتنظيمها لأسباب طبية وهي لا تشكل خطرا على الصحة ما لم تصبح إدمانا".
ثم كرر تأييده الأمر "لأسباب طبية وشخصية إذا لم نصل إلى الإدمان لأن البقاع من أفقر المناطق إلى جانب عكار" مذكرا أن إيرادات الحشيشة في البقاع كانت "تفعل الدورة الإقتصادية" في لبنان.
واستنكر كيف أن الدولة عرضت على أبناء البقاع "زراعات بديلة منها زراعة الزعفران" مشيرا إلى أنها "زراعة هنية ولكنها تحتاج إلى خبرة ويزرعوها في إيران وتحتاج إلى يد عاملة متخصصة".
وبعد إصرار جديد من مذيعة القناة رد جنبلاط "نعم أنا مع تشريعها في لبنان وفي البقاع الشمالي خصوصا ولا بد من روابط طبعا قانونية".
ونفى أن يكون يهدف إلى إفتعال صدمة من تصريحه، قائلا "هناك إنتاج للحبوب المخدورة أوالتي تعطب الصحة وهي الكبتاغون فأليس الأفضل العودة إلى الحشيشة التي لا تؤثر على الصحة بدل الدخول إلى مواد كيميائية مدمرة".
يذكر أن كلام جنبلاط ليس الأول من نوعه إذ طالب وزير السياحة السابق فادي عبود بالأمر نفسه. ففي 15 الجاري طالب عبود "بقوننة زراعة الحشيش وتشريع استعماله الطبي وتصديره"، لافتا إلى أن "هناك عدة بلدان منها أميركا أصبح فيها استعمال الحشيش قانوني 100 بالمئة"، موضحا أنه "يتكلم عن التصدير وليس الإستهلاك المحلي".
وفي موقف متطابق مع جنبلاط طالب بـ"وقف الكذب على اهالي البقاع بتأمين زراعات بديلة".
ومعلوم ان الحشيشة في لبنان تكاد ان تتحول في أماكن زرعها بمثابة "إرث" لعائلات تدرّ عليها هذه "التجارة" سنوياً نحو 1.5 مليون دولار، وهي كانت ازدهرت بقوة بين العامين 1975 و1990 خلال الحرب الاهلية اللبنانية.
وتلفت آلاف الهكتارات من زراعة الحشيشة في البقاع في الأعوام الماضية لكن في العامين الاخيرين غاب حضور الحكومة تقريبا.
وتُعتبر الحشيشة اللبنانية من افضل الانواع عالميا اذ تتميز بلونها الاخضر اللامع، وهي قاسية وجافة. وتأتي بعدها مباشرة الحشيشة المغربية ولكنها داكنة اللون ومرنة. ويدعوها البعض بالحشيشة الذهبية لأنها تدر الكثير من المال.
وفي تقرير سابق لها نقلت وكالة "فرانس برس" العالمية عن مزارعي القنب البقاعيين الذين يستفيدون من غياب السلطات بسبب الحرب السورية ان الطلب ارتفع بنسبة 5 في المئة العام 2012 وان القنب يباع في غالبيته الى سورية ومنها الى الدول المجاورة واوروبا.
it doesnt need that much water when compared to mint or other herbs...
Isn't smoking haram for druze ?
It makes no difference whether Jumb smokes Hashish or not because he will always speak nonsense anyway
Only if they all would smoke together and see how fast our problem's are put aside. But in Lebanon you are called a hashash, but you can be a drunk and that's all fine.
This is by far the most stupid thing I've heard from a Lebanese politician.
He just wants a share in the mafia business and thinks he can "legalize" illegal substances.
Ultimately - it's a poison (with brain cell reducing effects) and shouldn't be legalized.
what's so stupid about it? why not legalize it and generate badly needed income to Lebanon? it certainly is not a poison. it has a lot of medical benefits. I think you should read about it
It is definitely a poison buddy. The medical effects you're talking about are effects where the body cells slow down, and in only a few medical conditions it may assist (no more than a hand full)...
The scientific and medical evidence is solid, there is insufficient information about the long term side effects - even when used for medical purposes.
Its clear that the negatives far outweigh the benefits of legalizing it... at least until such time that there is recognised science saying over the long run its okay to use
Buddy, what you're saying applies to alcohol and tobacco too.
Fried food also contains carcinogens. Should we ban them too?
Lastly, if it's legalised and taxed, what does that change for you? It being legalised doesn't force you to smoke it. If you're convinced it's bad, no one is forcing you.
For once I agree with junblatt we should legalize hashish. it is pretty much legal in the US and I know in California state controlled Marijuana sales have more than covered the state's budget deficit of $80 billion dollars
OMG I can't believe I agreed on something with Junblatt
I don't see any problem with that; it is legalized in many states and in Canada for medicinal purposes. Besides, smoking tobacco and alcohol isn't much better anyways. There are many benefits to Cannabis.
I completely agree with you. The people criticising it probably visit Amsterdam annually so they can smoke up there, but then say it's haram once they're in Lebanon.
The prohibition of cannabis is like the prohibition of alcohol in the US. A waste of state resources, and the encouragement of criminal activity, to appease the moral values of a conservative minority. It's not based on factual evidence, or on an efficient strategy.
Not only we should legalize it but we should force all our MP's to get high maybe they can start getting along and make sense. they are failing now perhaps Cannabis can help them???
We can't enforce wearing seat belts, stopping at red lights or even the simplest of road rules how the heck would we be able to enforce and control this? Otherwise cudos to jumby for thinking out side the square.
hash = peace. I hope they can spray hash smoke all over the country so that everyone can relax and enjoy life more. We're too stressed in Leb and this is more than a welcome suggestion. Number of people who died from smoking it = Zero in the past 100 years. It's harmless and has no physical addiction. They only negative side of it is the bad stigma around it - they call every kind of drug addict "7eshesh" and we hear a lot of jokes about "M7ashash" (even though the m7ashash person turns out to be witty in these jokes). If you take a look at places like Amsterdam and Jamaica people are happy. We miss really do miss happiness here. I'm not a big fan of Mr. Junblat or any of our lovely set of politicians because each is looking for his own benefits but at the end of the day, if we get a piece of the cake they're gobbling then be it.
Just because it won't affect me directly doesn't mean I don't care about the future. Alcohol and tobacco should be banned but because people are already addicted to it it's too hard. In this case we have an opportunity to keep something banned so that the people don't get addicted to it in the first place and then later become impossible to ban.
If they can get medical scientific proof there that there is no bad side effects after long term use then go for it, but they know its worse then alcohol and tobacco that's why no credible scientific journal will release a solid founded result on the matter. It's simply bad and there isn't enough long term information on the medical use side of it.
@FT : there is a huge hypocritical contradiction your stance !
You cannot legalize cultivation but not consumption !
1st off, you need to depenalize consumption. Not necessarily legalize it. You cannot treat stoned kids like you treat major drug dealers. Drug dealers which actually get away with it.
Depenalizing also means putting an end to police corruption who make a living out of bribes for turning a blind eye to the people they catch and harass.
I'm also against exporting 100% as cannabis can provide great touristic value to Lebanon and I'm not talking about "stoners" but medical tourism. Hell, even let the stoners enjoy it. It surely beats arab tourists !
In fact, you should have some yourself FT, it would open your mind to truths and wonders and actually make you a peace activist instead of a war loving militia supporter !
No you cannot do so. Under your logic, why not legalize the production of Heroin and export it too ? You can make more money out of it !
It's simply the biggest hypocrisy.
Unless you can depenalize consumption or even legalize it, then don't legalize production.
Where do you shut me up ? I would never report your posts as they show the world what peaks of irrelevance and nonsense you have reached. Keep on climbing !
Yalla, while you're at it, why don't you legalize and start exporting Hezbollah explosive vehicles. Make sure to make them illegal in lebanon though. It can bring a lot of money to the economy if you export 100% of them !
you really are misinformed. I suggest you do some research. it will show you Cannabis is far less damaging than alcohol or tobacco. the fact that the latters are legal belie the danger and risk they cause
Legalize it: money goes to peasants
Penalize it: money goes to dealers scum
Akid legalize it! Since even the americans who have been pressuring us to penalize it, are doing so!
Aywa, Jumblat has been modernized, if the West is legislating it, why not us? Right? The next thing Jumblat will tell us, legalize gay marriages. Do I see a camel caravan yet?
It really actually sounds like your a bunch of drugged up fools on this site and can't get enough hashish Into your system...
I don't support m14 and I don't support m8 nor the middle guys they all all shit, just like jumblats idea and your arrogant and demeaning heads.
Our society must be built on intelligence not scum and illegal activity, it saddens me that people actually stick up for the wrong thing.
At the end of the day - I know I'm right - I've done the research and been advised by the top people in the medical field on this. There is not supporting evidence that outweighs the negatives and it is worse then tobacco and alcohol from the limited studies that exist.
And FYI you imbeciles in Australia tobacco is banned from public places and universities and cars and it will be soon extended to the point where the tax itself costs 10 times more then the product, making it almost a bad - and it's working great... Addicted people actually try and get off it!
Who is buying it from you? the medical organizations that make up 10% of the consumption of the product while the rest is using it for leisure. And if you are selling to organizations that are illegal *wink* *wink* cartels you think the government will allow that?
Social moral ethical standards will drop.the mafia will have some legal basis and people will eventually get brainwashed into believing its good or "not bad". but the biggest issue that you haven't thought about is that even if it's legalized you think that Lebanon will be able to export to make money the United States has big time sanctions on drugs (even if internally partially legal) especially from a place like Lebanon. Under UN Law it's illegal to export this stuff. It will never ever be accepted by the UN nor international transit ports and terminals
I am all for legalizing weed, prostitution etc... My main concern from an agriculture perspective, we have so much potential in potatoes, Almonds, and other legal products that could bring in as much revenue if not more. There are other ventures where we could start with prior to this. Plus, how do you expect to regulate these industries where we cannot even regulate other areas in the country that are basics. Finally, let's say legalizing weed happens, which country would import it as most of them have it as illegal?
The people wanting it legalized are the Lebanese that do not need it for medication but more for personal enjoyment and are trying justify themselves.
Before we talk about how good marijuana is for economy, let talk about how good it is to change ourselves & beliefs & try to get out of tht rock shell.. Smoke weed every day after a hard day at work & pass the love to ur children .. The plant tht god created to find ur inner peace... Lots will call me crazy as jumblat, I know tht.. But for those, I wd say u r the ones who need to smoke weed to fix this world.. Just try it & discover it & believe in it& then u will c how everything will fall in peaceful place... Believe