السعودية تتجه لرفع الحظر عن سفر رعاياها الى لبنان
Read this story in Englishتتجه المملكة العربية السعودية إلى رفع الحظر عن سفر مواطنيها إلى لبنان، وذلك بعد إقراره منذ أيلول الفائت.
وقالت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الثلاثاء أن "السعودية تتجه لرفع الحظر عن سفر رعاياها الى لبنان نهاية الشهر الحالي".
ويأتي القرار في حال تحقق بعد عودة سفير السعودية لدى لبنان علي عواض عسيري في الثاني من الجاري الى بيروت لاستئناف مهامه الديبلوماسية.
ومنذ 24 أيلول الفائت، غادر عسيري لبنان بسبب "تردي الأوضاع الأمنية" كما صرح حينها ولم تكن حكومة تمام سلام قد تشكلت لتقر خطة أمنية محكمة في البقاع وطرابلس.
وقد دأبت السعودية على الطلب من مواطنيها عدم زيارة لبنان منذ حوالى السنتين، بعد اندلاع الازمة في سوريا. وآخر قرار كان في 12 أيلول 2013 وعزت المملكة حينها السبب "للاوضاع الحالية التي تمر بها المنطقة".
cedre, what kind of talk is that? I always defended you against naysayers accusing you to be palestinian.
True Hezbos are here, but it is not a reason to not love our country!
lebfirst, it is just sarcasm and irony against those insulting khalijis here days and nights...
Of course its good news for our tourism industry, we ll even get tourists supposed to go to syria...
This is the best news. Saudi Arabia have given a lot to lebanon. I will never forget the 1 Billion KSA put in 2006 to support our economy when HA was playing boom boom against israel. Saudi under king Abdallah is a force for the good.
God Bless Saudi.
To all of you expats who keep complaining about Lebanon, Check out this link:
Lebanon voted on the top 9 places to visit before you die.
and i hear a noise going off... it's the department of homeland security terror meter, the lebanese one.
Roar & Southern : There is no place in Lebanon for racist idiots like yourselves. You want to scan stuff ? Start by scanning Hezbollah import / export at the port and the airport.
Lebanon needs to move on from stone age racist idiots such as yourself. You don't want to evolve ? The die ! Kill yourselves but leave us the f alone !
go and tell ur fpm MPs and ministers, all talk no action like usual.
What about the 100s of 1000s of lebanese in Gulf coming back to lebanon for summer or ramadan ? Block them as well ?
Dear Lebanese,
You may want KSA to do you a favor and keep the travel ban in place. It has kept MERS in Lebanon to just one case.
Dear brother,
We will pray for them and God willing they are sufficiently informed to take as many precautions as they can to protect themselves.
There have been three cases of MERS reported in the U.S. one in the state of Indiana (the patient was a KSA healthcare worker who came to the U.S.) and two more identified in the state of Florida who were exposed to someone visiting Orlando from KSA.
It looks like our Summer Tourist Season is building up nicely, so far that is. But memories of 2006 remain fresh and painful, because everyone was gearing up for what would have possibly been one of the very best seasons ever for Lebanon, till alas our dear Hezbollah decided to remind us that it is the Lebanese State, and NOT the Lebanese State is the Lebanese State. What happened thereafter needs no more explanation but remind of the string of miseries that ensued thereafter. It seems now that in Lebanon prosperity for its people has become illegal.