الحريري يرد على "الكلام غير البريء" لنصر الله: الطائفة الشيعية أشرف من أن تتورط بالجريمة

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أكد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أن "الطائفة الشيعية أشرف من أن تتورط في دم الشهيد رفيق الحريري وليست محل اتهام من أحد وما يتهددها يتهدد سائر اللبنانيين".

ورأى الحريري في معرض رده على كلام الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، أن الاخير "لم يكن موفقاً خصوصاً لجهة الكلام غير البريء الذي حاول من خلاله أن يضع الطائفة الشيعية في دائرة الخطر".

وتوجه لنصرالله بالقول في تصريح لمحطة "أخبار المستقبل": "كأنك تعمل من خلال ذلك على تجيير الاتهام بجريمة اغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري ورفاقه الشهداء من أربعة أشخاص حزبيين إلى كامل أبناء الطائفة الشيعية وفي ذلك منتهى التحريف والسعي إلى وقلب الحقائق".

ولفت الحريري إلى أن المتهمين الاربعة محددون بالاسم والهوية، و"حزب الله" يعترف بإخفائهم،مضيفاً "نحن جميعاً في مركب واحد وسنواصل العيش في وطن واحد ولن يكون هناك أي معنى للتلاعب بعواطف الأخوة الشيعة واستنفارهم في وجه مخططات وهمية يعلم السيد حسن أنها من نسج الخيال أو نسيج الحاجة لتبرير الهروب من الحقيقة".

وكان نصر الله رد أولي على القرار قد اعتبر أن "ما نشرته المحكمة الدولية أمس من قرار اتهامي يؤكد صحة ما قلناه خلال السنتين الماضيتين بأن التحقيق ليس شفافاً ولا علمياً ولا حرفياً، وتم تسريبه وموجود في صحف عربية وأجنبية وتلفزيون سي بي سي".

واضاف نصر الله في إفطار الهيئات النسائية في هيئة دعم المقاومة الاسلامية أمس: "لا يوجد اي دليل مباشر في النص كله والامر الوحيد الذي يستند اليه القرار الاتهامي هو الاتصالات الهاتفية ويتحدث عن تزامنات وبعض التحليلات (…) وما ذكر لا يكفي ان يكون دليلاً". واكد ان القرار "يزيدنا اقتناعاً بأن ما يجري هو على درجة عالية جداً من الظلم والتسييس وان هؤلاء المقاومين الشرفاء لا يجوز ان يُقال عنهم حتى انهم متهمون".

الى ذلك، دعا الحريري في بيان أصدره عقب نشر القرار الاتهامي، السيد نصر الله وقيادة حزب الله"الى موقف تاريخي لوضع حد لسياسات الهروب الى الأمام، والإعلان عن التعاون التام مع المحكمة الدولية بما يؤدي الى تسليم المتهمين والمباشرة في إجراء محاكمة عادلة".

واعتبر الحريري أن "المدعي العام تقدم بالأدلة الكافية للانتقال الى مرحلة المحاكمة العادلة، ولا موجب بعد الآن لأي نوع من أنواع الصراخ السياسي والإعلام. وما هو مطلوب من قيادة "حزب الله" يعني بكل بساطة، الإعلان عن فك الارتباط بينها وبين المتهمين".

وأضاف: أما بالنسبة الى الحكومة اللبنانية فإن لغة التذاكي على الرأي العام، والإعلان عن الشيء ونقيضه في آن، وسياسة توزيع الأدوار بين رئيس الحكومة وحلفائه، ومحاولات التهرب من تحمل المسؤولية تجاه ملاحقة المتهمين وتحديد الجهات التي تعطل عملية الملاحقة. إن كل ذلك لم يعد يجدي نفعا ويحمل الحكومة مسؤولية الاشتراك في عدم التعاون، والتخلي عن التزامات لبنان تجاه متابعة قضية الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري ورفاقه.

التعليقات 25
Default-user-icon palestini (ضيف) 08:52 ,2011 آب 18

put nassrallah on the first plane to tehran and say bye bye

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:26 ,2011 آب 18

20000 pages of painstakingly collected evidence scientifically analysed are not good enough for the Sayyed to build a case against those convicted. But 150 lebanese (if not more) arbitrarily arrested and held without trial is good enough. A final 3 minutes political verdict related to the antelias explosion where an explosives hizbollah expert died follwing the explosion of a nails stuffed device concluded to a personal dispute is satisfactory! This is the Addoum, Suleimani (the Iranian mafioso), and Ghazali sort of justice, are what they would prefer for us. Had they been in charge, they would have concluded Hariri died of a heart attack, and that his passage through the St Georges area was purely coincidental when the explosion occured. Why is it so then they have that attitude? One explanation: the assassins and their bosses in Lebanon and abroad are just one same party in crime. Their very existence is derived from such parternship, and the cases the STL are investigatingno matte

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:37 ,2011 آب 18

No matter how big they may be, are probably the tip of the iceberg. Hezbollah has been set up from the beginning , under iranian sponsorshi, ( under different names in the past), to be the right hand tool of the iranian strategy in their global strategy, in the ME , stretching anywhere around the world to acheive it, southern America in particular..

Thumb ado.australia 09:58 ,2011 آب 18

"we will continue to live in a single nation"... this coming from the man holidaying in paris and living it up in monte carlo casinos for the past 7 months. Such concern about "your" nation. Excatly how long has Saadadine lived in this nation? He was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, his family still lives there. While he was Prime minister of Lebanon, he still spent more time in Riyahd and Paris than he did in Beirut!!! Yes Saadadine is the defender of the Truth!

Default-user-icon ASSAAD123 (ضيف) 12:39 ,2011 آب 18

ما من كفرٍ أكبر من الذي يستغل إسم الله . من يسمي حزبه على إسم الله و من يتكلم ويمارس السياسة و يامر بإسم الله. ألم ينتهي عهد الأنبياء ؟؟ ألا تخافون من قول أكاذيب أو أخطاء على ورقة مختومة بإسم الله تعالى ؟؟؟

Thumb shab 12:40 ,2011 آب 18

Nasralla is too much of a coward to release the four suspects whom are hiding in Israel.

Default-user-icon fadi (ضيف) 12:50 ,2011 آب 18

You guys are all haters and all your comments clearly show that you know nothing about politics. Suggest you guys to stick to your daily jobs i'm sure you'd be better off than writing nonsense.

Thumb will_rogers 13:05 ,2011 آب 18

Only a matter of Time for their Syrian Masters to Ship Out, hopefully followed by Ahmednijad, let's see how tough they'll be then.

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 14:01 ,2011 آب 18

nasrallagh is terrified he is next in line to die. you can see it on his facial expressions.
the government should find him and make an example of this killer once and for ever. But has Miqati the guts to do so...

Default-user-icon Cabimero (ضيف) 14:14 ,2011 آب 18

Guys i feel so sorry for you, You all look like chickens arguing back and forth,instead of looking for a brighter future,You talk about politicians as if they care about you and what you do!! Grow up people before it's too late,the only difference between the Lebanese in the civil war and the lebanese of today is that you were able to use your home weapons freely back then where as today you wish you could,instead you talk trash!!!

Default-user-icon Lebo (ضيف) 14:19 ,2011 آب 18

Very credible comment coming from the lovely and talented ado.australia he defends the truth. BTW where is this place australia, I'm guessing somewhere near Amioun, or Hrajel and err no no probably close to Chneneer... OK OK I actually googled this australia of which the cleaver intellectual giant ado speaks, it's on the road to Jerusalem around Jounieh. Obviously ado is a hippo originally from the island of Crete and comes from a long line of fat cretins.

Default-user-icon work work work (ضيف) 14:45 ,2011 آب 18

OK fadi thanks for the advise and you stay jobless and stupid writing your nonsense.

Default-user-icon Sofradi (ضيف) 14:57 ,2011 آب 18

How many times must I say that Hariri is an idiot and an imbecile and a loser, huh? If the leader is an idiot, then what does this say about his followers, i.e. his Christian Sunnis and his Lebanon Never First except in robbing?

Thumb bashir 15:16 ,2011 آب 18

“What’s happening now is an attempt at undermining and sabotaging the social fabric,...."

are you talking about your party creating no go zones? preventing security and investigators from following up on bombs in S.Beirut?

"... dragging the resistance into (strife) and consequently striking the resistance and harming its credibility,”

it already has no credibility.none.

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 آب 18

you got to love Ado and the rest of the M8 Masked may bandits.
How they are trying to lead Hariri back to lebanon.
Just like the Syrian Bootlickers hooked Gebran Tueni back to lebanon only to kill him.

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 15:24 ,2011 آب 18

you got to love Ado and the rest of the M8 Masked may bandits.
How they are trying to lead Hariri back to lebanon.
Just like the Syrian Bootlickers hooked Gebran Tueni back to lebanon only to kill him.

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 15:26 ,2011 آب 18

you got to love Ado and the rest of the M8 Masked may bandits.
How they are trying to lead Hariri back to lebanon.
Just like the Syrian Bootlickers hooked Gebran Tueni back to lebanon only to kill him.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 15:56 ,2011 آب 18

All Hariri knows is robbing , I bet if comes back he would even help us Shiites rob the Maronite church's land in Jbeil , Christian land in Hadath and Metn , Vatican land in Dahieh etc even though technicality we are taking back what's rightfully our .

Default-user-icon Moughtariba (ضيف) 16:54 ,2011 آب 18

I like all anti-hezboulchaytan comments! They r brilliant! Yaani Chou hal aalam hol, ma tendon deen wala fehem kamen. sorry to have to say it, but unfortunately that these devilish people are leading our country to the dark unknown while the best of the bests are leaving the country, and the rest are helpless. I think what we lack is more faith in God and more prayers,the others pray to the Devi and he's answering their prayers, we should pray to our almighty God so He listens to us and give us victory.
By the way, I'm back home, no ightirab ba3da el yawm! Loubnanou Lana,wa sawfa yabqa Lana...

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 16:58 ,2011 آب 18

And no phoenicien, the CHRISTIANS were here first in Lebanon. We r the true Lebanese. 1000000%. Unlike the jnoub where MANY families can trace their roots back to IRAN (Robert Fisk "pity the nation") so yeah, if u support the Palestinian cause bc it was "their land first nd it was usurped by the Jews" maybe u should practice what u preach and go back to Iran and give us Christians our land back :p

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17:00 ,2011 آب 18

Phoenicien: na, ur buddy Michel aoun sells the Christian lands in jezzine to the shiites, I'm sure u think that's admirable but not of a Hariri commits the same crime :P and no, phoenicien, all Hariri knows isn't robbing. He kows how to build a state up from destruction, build state institution not just for his sect but for all of Lebanon ;) truly, it is nabih berri who knows nothing more than robbing, for that has been his job foe the last 20 years. I wish anybody knew how much this man was worth, but of course, he is not amicable enough to disclose such info. Hariri didn't care, he had nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Nabih berri, walid jumblatt, sleiman franjieh, Emile lahoud, selim al hoss,Michel aoun, all these dirty men refuse to disclose their fortunes. U can type in miqati or Hariri wealth in google and get an answer, but not those men....only the guilty and rotten hide the truth.....

Missing mansour 17:19 ,2011 آب 18

Le Phenicien the only land that you and the rest of those filthy Palestinains , Syrians , and finally but not least Grubs of the Century Hezbollah, is where ill tell you way out in the middle of the Mediterranean as fish food.Though i bet that you would even leave a sour taste on those poor fish.Thank you

Default-user-icon alhikani (ضيف) 18:16 ,2011 آب 18

Ya shabeb l3abouha Sourieh. The Syrian strategy is wait and see. I tell you all to wait and see. Soon very soon the tyrants and the terrorists will fall . The line into the sky will be them running.

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 22:11 ,2011 آب 18

This loser needs to stay and France! Enough of his corrupt policies! ONE WAY TICKET!

Default-user-icon joe (ضيف) 00:08 ,2011 آب 19

the hariri family wants to create a dynasty in lebanon
for them self only to control .