أوباما يدعو الأسد للمرة الأولى إلى الرحيل

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طالب الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الخميس الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ب"التنحي" واعلن عن فرض عقوبات جديدة قاسية على دمشق من بينها تجميد جميع اصول الحكومة السورية وحظر الاستثمارات الاميركية في سوريا والتصدير لها.

وقال اوباما "قلنا باستمرار انه على الرئيس الاسد ان يقود انتقالا ديموقراطيا او ان يتنحى. لم يقد (الانتقال) ومن اجل الشعب السوري، فقد ان الاوان لكي يتنحى الرئيس الاسد".

وفي بيان ارفق بالامر التنفيذي، أعلن اوباما ان حملة القمع العنيفة التي يمارسها النظام السوري ضد المتظاهرين "يشكل تهديدا غير عادي واستثنائيا للامن القومي والسياسة الخارجية والاقتصاد الاميركي".

وفي التفصيل أفاد بيان لوزارة الخزانة الأميركية أن اوباما امر بفرض عقوبات على المؤسسة العامة للنفط، والشركة السورية للنفط والشركة السورية للغاز، وشركة السورية للنفط وشركة سترول.

التعليقات 24
Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 16:50 ,2011 آب 18

Finally he said it!!! Get out ya Bashar. Leave the Hezz naked.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 16:59 ,2011 آب 18

Well I guess thats everything he CAN do short of going into war. Well played though not sure about the timing.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 17:07 ,2011 آب 18

Well done mr president, better late than never.

Default-user-icon Vartanoush (ضيف) 17:15 ,2011 آب 18

I didn't know that Obama was the long-awaited Messiah. Or is he? Not even the American people listen to this failure anymore. PATHETIC.

Thumb shab 17:15 ,2011 آب 18

bye bye Assad

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 17:24 ,2011 آب 18

Finally.The 41 year old regime will be gone soon and peace will come to lebanon.The syrian regime was the cause of all the wars in the middle east.the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head. The lebanese gov will fall soon.there is a big danger of a civil war. but at the end the free lebanese people will rebuild the new Lebanon. Many important people have left lebanon or will be leaving soon. The one way ticket guy will try to leave but no country will take him. he will commit suicide . Hizbo have allready rockets lounchers all over lebanon. they are on high allert knowing well that the end is near. I hope what i am saying is wrong but i see it like cinemascope. Its a domino effect . Once the assad regime falls all his followers will follow.

Default-user-icon I love Guantanamo, war and genocide (ضيف) 17:34 ,2011 آب 18

Well done Mr. beloved criminal president!
You and Hillary Clingone are the most professional hypocrites of the world.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 17:37 ,2011 آب 18

President suleiman left the country with his family just 30 minutes before obama asked assad to step aside. mmmmmmmmmm. ????? dakkat saaet el sefer.

Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 18:25 ,2011 آب 18

bear lion....
may you rot in hell....
The noble martyrs (who u contributed do not want you any place close them....
Either way killing and torturing innocent children should go a long way in determining where u end up

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:27 ,2011 آب 18

what took u so long?

Default-user-icon anonym (ضيف) 18:45 ,2011 آب 18

shout all you wish mr. the president, too bad you have fallen victim to your zionist congress, and you are obviously too naive to understand the real politics and the situation in the region, it seems you will never learn form your past mistakes and the mistakes of your predecessors, the problems in Syria are over, finished you lost, now you are barking empty words.

Thumb shab 19:17 ,2011 آب 18

bigdig I shit on Gaddffi, Assad, Khomeni, Khameni and your Sayed

Default-user-icon STL fairy tale (ضيف) 20:07 ,2011 آب 18

Obama said today he wants to step down too as a reason of his own war crimes and lies.
But he said he'll do it after Assad is gone.

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 20:08 ,2011 آب 18

It's about time that Mr. Obama had said what he was suposed to say 5-months ago. Good to know that he finally put on his eye-glasses and hearing aid..

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 20:10 ,2011 آب 18

@Bigdig: Qaddafi had the backing of Russia and China initially, until they dropped him cause they knew he would not survive. Russia is still whining about the NATO assault on Qaddafi almost daily.

Default-user-icon Zogheb (ضيف) 20:56 ,2011 آب 18

None of Obama's or the EU's business. All the do is create instability and chaos; nothing more. Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan.

But, this could be a bright spot for the US. Maybe Obama can replace Assad.

Default-user-icon 78 risk tower (ضيف) 21:12 ,2011 آب 18

None of you were bothered Obama called on Moubarak and Ben Ali to step aside, I bet it's because Moubarak and Ben Ali never murdered any Lebanese as Assad Sr and Jr did .

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 21:24 ,2011 آب 18

I agree Obama isn't a great president and came up empty on many promises thus I will not be voting for him come election time, but these talks about war crimes are outrageous. What are u people even talking about? Uk bush and Obama aren't the same person right? Or is every amewikkan politician a war criminal in ur eyes?

Default-user-icon Zogheb (ضيف) 21:41 ,2011 آب 18

Not that all American politicians are criminals but sometime I think the Mafia is better behaved. The West is not what I would call a reliable ally. They destabalize countries and there experiments have been very harmful to many. They have created havoc and caused mayhem wherever they have gone. They are most likely funding and arming those radical elements that have infiltrated and tainted those who seek truth, justice and democracy. They are playing with millions of lives and do not care if they hand the people over to the very groups that seek the destruction of the US. The radical Moslem elements will infiltrate, as we have seen in Iraq and other countries, and utterly destroy the country; denying freedom for all but a few and forcing all to live under a strict Shiria-based society chocking off all rights of free thought and liberty.

If that's what people desire go for it! But I for one, although I am a second-generation American, believe that this is not best for Syria..

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 21:50 ,2011 آب 18

ithinkthere14iam is a moron...Obama is identical to Bush! Another loser who bought into his speeches....

Missing realist 22:43 ,2011 آب 18

What took the United States 5 months or "so long" like many here are wondering is that Bashar and his dad were the US boy. rhetoric aside, her is their boy..take a look at what happened in sinai today, do you now know why bashar is israel's favorite dictator?? the US is switching horses simply because they know that the people have the upper hand now and that Assad has become a liability rather than a key to "stability", when a dictator no longer ensures stability and is doing atrocities that have become too hard to swallow then it is time to let him go, if bashar was able to finish the people off the first two months everyone would have been ok.This is classic US doctrine: support the dictator till the end and if the people are winning switch horses and make it look like you were with the people all along. The first military coup that happened in Syria in the 50's was sponsored by the CIA. Nevertheless, Salute to the heroic Syrian people who are forcing the world to go their way!

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 22:48 ,2011 آب 18

The Syrian people have said it long before.
Obama and his administration could not believe that they were duped by Assad who pretended to react to their reopening of dialogue with his regime. This is why it took them long to admit that they were wrong and to declare Assad as a hopeless case.
Assad withe the help of iran and hezbollah will try to stir trouble to divert attention but the end game is in the hands of the syrian people.
" Al sha3b yoreed isqaat alnizaam " I bet that Assad cannot take thiese chants out of his head!

Thumb mrbrain 13:10 ,2011 آب 19

Let’s us admit it the Syrian Regime is tyrant and has committed many crimes. These are facts no one can deny. On the Other hand the Syrian regime maintained a secular system where Minorities (e.g Christians) enjoyed, to certain extent, religious freedom...
Now what is going on in Syria is not a peaceful transition of power or toward a democratic change let us face it what is happening in Syria might lead to a civil war...where every group will be a loser. As per Mr Obama's demand i frankly don't think it counts since Americans have lost credibility with their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and their global involvements. On top of that we all know that the foreign interventions in Arab springs are not innocent..a good Example is Libya , Qadhafi or Mr Mad Dog was a good partner the Italians were reluctant to intervene, the Americans froze the Libyan assets...It’s no secret money and oil are the main reason for such intervention l ..Let the syrian themselves shape the future of Syria...

Missing petersdemocracy 18:24 ,2011 آب 19

i love how my comment got deleted cuxz i saidobama step aside