بري: التوترات السياسية التي تشهدها البلاد ليست خطرة

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اكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على ان "لا مصلحة لأحد في أي تدهور أمني يؤدي الى الفوضى"، مشيرا الى ان "التوترات السياسية التي تشهدها البلاد ليست بالضرورة خطرة على الأوضاع الأمنية".

كلام بري نقله عنه زواره في عين التينة امس الخميس، فلفت الوزير السابق عبد الرحيم مراد بعد اللقاء، ان الحوار تناول "القضايا الراهنة والمحكمة الدولية وقراراتها المسيّسة كالعادة، والتي لم تأتِ بجديد، وقد نشرت سابقاً في المجلات الأوروبية ووسائل الإعلام العالمية، وبات الأمر واضحاً".

واعتبر مراد "أن توقيت إصدار قرارات المحكمة والقرار الاتهامي الأخير له علاقة بالأحداث في المنطقة، والغاية منه إثارة البلبلة والقلاقل وزرع الفتن داخل الساحة اللبنانية".

واشار الى ان الموضوع الثاني الذي تم بحثه هو "أولوية الأولويات عند المواطن، أي الكهرباء"، املا "إيجاد حل له في أسرع وقت، والبدء بتنفيذه لأنه الأهم".

الى ذلك نقل وفد من حركة "أمل" ضم الشيخ حسن المصري وعبدالله موسى تحيات الرئيس نبيه بري، الى مفتي الجمهورية اللبنانية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني، في دار الفتوى.

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 08:58 ,2011 آب 19

No one is confused about STL evidences. Today there are only two types of Lebanese. Those who know that Hizb is a criminal organization and will say it loudly. And those who know that Hizb is a criminal organization and are afraid to say it or have a vested interest or benefit from it as some benefited before from Syrian occupation. To assume there is a third option is to assume Lebanese are plain stupid and self delusional. Hizbollah is in essence and objectives not that different from Alqaida or the Basij that brutalized peaceful demonstrators during Green Revolution. It has no notion of morality and compassion, nor minimum understanding of freedom, individual choices or basic human rights. We are here today because M14 when they had power chose to compromise on their principles to find a common ground with Hizb and its marionettes. The only way forward is to look reality in the face and not blink and never compromise on principles of freedom, democracy, sovereignty and justice.

Thumb thepatriot 11:26 ,2011 آب 19

@Bigdig and Joesickmax
Your words reflect your image and your smell...

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (ضيف) 11:42 ,2011 آب 19

bigdig keep it civilized man and show some respect for the dead and their living relatives... the only confusion in Lebanon is political assassinations going on without the perpetrators being caught... Shame on Hezbollah for the violence it has perpetrated they have completely tarnished the image of the resistance...

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (ضيف) 12:15 ,2011 آب 19

Nabih Barreh and Hariri were like brothers during the syrian era. Both were stealing in coordination and harmony. Same for Lahoud, El Murr, Frangieh, Jumblat...
Fool who beleives that Hariri was the only one robbing and the only reponsible of our debts. The state was like a cake subdivised in parts (electricity, fuel, majlis el jnoub, telecom, sukleen, port....) and each minister was granted a part of the cake, under the benediction of the Syrians. So stop blaming Hariri as the unique responsible of the financial situation.
Nabih Barreh was not looking as a simple spectator on Hariri stoling. He was voracious like a predator and protecting one million residents from paying their electricity bills. Since 40 years he is contributing in the destruction of our democracy by being a mercenary under the orders of any ennemy of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 14:10 ,2011 آب 19

It is very simple process.
If they are not guilty....just prove it .
Go to court and explain your case.
Why threaten and kidnap and blow to prove that.....No it is not me who did it.????
Go and prove it...you have the floor......

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 14:53 ,2011 آب 19

Maybe Berri's world is being made more difficult and a state of confusion has been created in his mind by the STL, but in reality, the STL indictments have brought clarity to a clouded situation. There is a 47 page document, the product of a 6 year investigation and 200,000 documents which sets out a clear set of allegations with regard to the crimes charged in the indictment. We have clarity not confusion.

It is the perception and mindset of Berri, Nasrallah, Aoun and Assad who have been living in a state of denial that characterizes the post indictment period as a state of confusion. The house of cards that they have built and the fantasy world that they have spun has met face to face with the cold reality of an indictment from an international tribunal.

And did Berri really say that the STL action occurred just as the situation in Syria was "calming down"?? The US, France, Germany, and the UK have called on Assad to leave and have boycotted his oil. This is calm??

Thumb benzona 15:17 ,2011 آب 19

Istiz Nabeuh is out of arguments. Booooo!

Thumb will_rogers 17:54 ,2011 آب 19

Shut-Up, STL should put you on Trial for all the Crimes you have Commited against the Lebanese People and Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 19:44 ,2011 آب 19

Dear Mr. Berri, The biggest mistake made by march 14 forces was voting you back to office. You are nothing but an opportunist with many faces. Now you are undermining STL because you been in bed with Nasrallah and Hizballah. You have bluffed your way into power for years but the Lebanese people are not buying it anymore. You will be voted out and into retirement.