الرئاسة الأولى مرهونة بنتائج "الحوار بين عون والحريري"
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تحوّل الاستحقاق الرئاسي الى "رهينة" للحوار القائم بين (رئيس تيار "المستقبل”) سعد الحريري و(رئيس "الوطني الحر") ميشال عون ، والذي لم يسفر بعد عن نتائج حاسمة على مستوى حسم المصير الرئاسي لـ"الجنرال"، بحسب المعلومات الصحافية.
وأشارت مصادر نيابية بارزة في "التيار الوطني الحر" لـ"السفير"، الخميس، الى ان الحوار بين "التيار الحر" و"المستقبل" مستمر، بعد 25 أيار، لكن ليس الى ما لا نهاية بالنسبة لـ"الجنرال"، لأن هناك سقفاً لكل شيء ولا يمكن لنا أن نستمر طويلاً في الوضعية الحالية.
وأكدت أن 25 أيار يشكل محطة مفصلية لا يمكن تجاهلها، و "الحريري مدعوّ بعد هذا الحد الفاصل الى الإسراع في حسم خياره، وإذا تطوّرت الأمور نحو المزيد من الإيجابية، يصبح الوقت عاملاً ثانوياً"، معتبرة أن "الكرة هي الآن في ملعبه".
وفي سياق متصل، رأت أوساط قيادية بارزة في "قوى 8 آذار" أن مَن يراهن على يأس او تعب عون فهو "مخطئ جداً، فالجنرال هذه المرة ليس بوارد التنازل عن حقه في الوصول الى رئاسة الجمهورية، مهما طال الزمن والفراغ، وهو لا يملك لا الوقت ولا الترف لوضع "الخطة باء" البديلة إذا كان هناك مَن يراهن على بلوغ حتمي لهذه المرحلة".
من جهتها، لفتت مصادر بارزة في تيار المستقبل لـ"الأخبار"، الى أن "التواصل مع عون مهمّ جداً، لكن الأمور لم تكن ناضجة لدعمه كمرشح توافقي للرئاسة".
وقالت المصادر إن "الحريري اقتنع في مرحلة معينة بأن وصول عون إلى رئاسة الجمهورية أمر جيد ويعكس استقراراً في البلد"، موضحة أن هناك أكثر من رأي داخل التيار تم النقاش حوله، كذلك ترى السعودية أن الأمور ليست ناضجة لتبني عون.
ورأت أن اتفاق الحريري مع عون" له سلبيات وإيجابيات، ويعود بالمنفعة على تيار المستقبل"، مشيرة الى أنه "من الإيجابيات فك التصاق عون بحزب الله، ومنع (رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني")ىالنائب وليد جنبلاط من البقاء كبيضة قبان في ظلّ علاقة رباعية مع عون وأمل ـــ حزب الله ومسيحيي 14 آذار، وتحقيق استقرار كبير في البلد".
لكنّ السلبيات هي" فرط عقد 14 آذار وتحالف استراتيجي مع جعجع"، بحسب المصادر.
وكان عون قد أشار في حديث لقناة "المنار"، الأربعاء الى أنه يريد أن يكون ضمن "مثلث متكامل الأضلاع" مع حزب الله وتيار "المستقبل"، ملمحا إلى ضرورة انسحاب التوافق الذي تم بينهم في تأليف الحكومة على رئاسة الجمهورية.
يشار الى أن فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد خلال ثلاثة جلسات انتخابية دعا اليها رئيس المجلس نبيه بري، فضلاً عن تأكيد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في أكثر من مناسبة رفضه التمديد وأنه سيكون في منزله في 25 ايار، اذ ان ولايته تنتهي في 24 الجاري وسيلقي خطاب الوداع في هذا اليوم، أديا الى تخوّف من الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة الاولى.
"Hariri hasn't yet “openly” agreed to support FPM leader Michel Aoun's candidacy to the presidency"... their source is the Roar.
but Aoun has to buy Hariri a return ticket and cancel the one way ticket he once issued.:)
It is amazing how the old Lunatic Aoun has gone from accusing Hariri of being a thief to praising Hariri as a pillar of Lebanon. That is almost as a big a flip-flop as when Aoun went from calling Hizbullah a terrorist organization to calling them a Resistance.
GMA at 80 years old is till a spring chicken ! isn't it?
As if Lebanon needed a senile head of state suffering from dementia...and narcissism as well...
popular vote is the solution to curb outside interferences and sterile political debate of Lebanese parties
and no one can say that the president elect is Iranian , saoudi , American ,....
he will be made by the people of Lebanon and he will be 100 % Lebanese
god bless democracy
popular vote for the presidency is the best way to curb outside interferences and sterile political parties debate and it will be 100 % made in Lebanon
god bless democracy
(1). The day of infamy that Saad Al Hariri makes a deal with Michel Aoun will be the day when Samir Geagea must immediately pull out of the M14 coalition and take the Lebanese Forces out of it altogether. I am one who very much hopes that Hariri will know better than bind himself once again with an entity that has betrayed Lebanon way too many times. He Hariri has had his fingers burnt badly by his silly mistakes of twice compromising with Hezbollah and the M8 it commands, if this time he repeats that kind of mistake with Aoun, then Hariri would have proven to everyone that he is one more blatant opportunist who simply has found his other arriviste half, Michel Aoun. Hariri would have also shown that now he represents very few but his personal interests.
personal interests ? tell us what interests he has in lebanon...
that's his interests ? being PM ? why would a bilionnaire risk his life to be PM of a banana republic under iranian control ?
Saad doesnt need or want to be PM, he'll do it if he feels he has to... Same for most m14 members, they risk their life for their country, they could be living in florida, cote d'azur or dubai...
Btw nobody is giving saad the PM place, he has almost all sunni vote + he's heading party with most MPs...
Cedre with all my respect for you, it took you a while to understand that our next president could well be another Syrian lackey, and you still ask me that question about what interests?
(2). M14 stood on its feet because of parties like the LF and the Kataeb, M14 still stands because of the Christian participation, if Hariri betrays that part of Lebanon that wants to remain free of bondage, then M14 will fall apart like a house of cards, together with the part of Free Lebanon. Mr. Geagea, Mr. Gemayel, Mr. Chamoun, if Hariri stabs you in the back, then all of you leave M14 and stop speaking to this man. I hope that this is a rumor, but if it ever happens, then drop the man who learned little from his years as his father's successor.
christians were divided before HizbIran creation...
I dont even understand why kataeb and LF dont unite in one party...
Feudal mentality probably...
it is so premature to start judging hariri based on ifs and buts and hypothetical scenarios. In all probability this will not happen.
aoun or not, our next president will be a syro-iranian lackey...
Iran controlling our army, parliament, etc...
Lebanon is kaput...
Flimflam, as we all know Aoun is the great divider, he will do anything for the elusive chair.
popular vote for presidency is the only solution to curb outside interferences and sterile political debates between parties
and the elect president will be 100% made in Lebanon
maheik ya cedre
Yeah right ft lol how dare naharnet publish assafir rubbish about rubbish m8 fpm source rubbish still pushing the rubbish surreal concept that hariri can even be considering voting for aoun. Aoun and entourage creating his own reality a bizzaro world in which up is down left is right black is white and aoun is the uniting consensus president, in the real world aoun managed to split the fpm.
Sources close to the March 8 alliance told As Safir that “Aoun will not waiver his right to reach the presidency.”..........
His right to reach the presidency? His right to be Candidate YES, but right to be the next President CRAZY.
“Aoun will not waiver his right to reach the presidency.” Ah, its his "right" now to become President. And we are all obstructing him! And its Hezbollah's right to engage in the Syrian War regardless of the policies of its host state, Lebanon. What of the rights of the Lebanese people? Aoun and Hezbollah deserve each other since both feel free to trample the Lebanese in pursuit of their own private agendas.
Should Hariri go with Aoun, let us play out the scenario. This would cause a break of the Mustaqbel-LF alliance and a break of the FPM-Hezbollah MOU. Geagea would become isolated. Aoun will become dead. Hezbollah does not have former allies, they kill them all.
End result, the buffer that the Christian parties have given Lebanon between Sunni and Shia will have been diminished and Lebanon will have become more unstable and susceptible to the regional sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia.
The split of the Christian parties between Sunni (Mustaqbel) and Shia (Hezbollah) has rendered the Christians weaker by division, but the division has probably ameliorated the Sunni-Shia sectarian conflict in Lebanon as both sides have been required to moderate their behavior toward each other so as not to alienate their Christian partners.
Hariri moving with Aoun would break the equilibrium and the stability of the current situation, even if a void is created in the Lebanese Presidency.
No wonder you M8 sheep are idiots. You're illiterate ! This is a report from As-Safir you moron. Nevertheless, you hang on to any FAILED opportunity to claim "propaganda" when all you do is show the world how full of BS you are !
FAIL from the greatest M8 mind FT ! You are EXPOSED for your attempts to lie !
Rumours have it that Aoun promised to take care of HA arms if elected Pres. in less than 2 years . . . .
and who would believe him after what he said on al manar yesterday