رعد: نريد رئيسا يحفظ قوة البلد ونتصرف "قانونيا ووطنيا" في عملية الإنتخاب

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أعلن رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن النواب المقاطعين لجلسات انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية يتصرفون "قانونيا" بهدف "حفظ البلد".

وقال رعد في احتفال تكريمي نظمه حزب الله لعوائل قتلى وجرحى الحزب في جباع الجنوبية الجمعة "النواب يتصرفون في مسألة انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية بما هو حق دستوري وقانوني وسياسي وإنساني ووطني".

وشدد على أن هذا الحق "يمارسه من يريد أن يحفظ البلاد ويؤسس لوصول رئيس الى سدة الرئاسة يحفظ البلد وقوته".

وتتجه البلاد يوم الأحد المقبل إلى شغور في موقع رئاسة الجمهورية بعد عدم تمكن مجلس النواب من انتخاب رئيس جديد في خمس جلسات عقد آخرها الخميس، وذلك بسبب غياب نواب حزب الله والتيار "الوطني الحر" عن الجلسات وعدم تأمين النصاب.

وشرح رعد "ان الذين استخدموا من البعض ليعبروا بهم وبترشيحهم المهلة الدستورية حتى تنتهي المهلة فيبحثون عن مرشحين آخرين غيرهم يمارسون قناعاتهم التي نراها غير مساعدة على حسن سير الاستحقاق الانتخابي".

ويرشح فريق "14 آذار" رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الذي نال في الدورة الأولى للإنتخاب 48 صوتا لا تسمح له قانونيا بأن يصبح رئيسا. وجعجع معروف بموقفه المتشدد من حزب الله ويهدف بحسب برنامجه الإنتخابي إلى إنهاء الإحتلال الإسرائيلي في مزارع شبعا بمفاوضات مع سوريا والأمم المتحدة، تمهيدا لدمج سلاح الحزب بالدولة.

لكن رعد ذكّر في نهاية كلمته "اننا في لبنان قطعنا شوطا كبيرا من أجل أن نملك قرارنا ونصون سيادتنا ونمنع العدوان على شعبنا ونحقق معادلة ردع لا يستطيع عدونا تجاوزها".



التعليقات 18
Thumb ex-fpm 17:40 ,2014 أيار 23

How about the constitutional rights of the vast majority of the lebanese who do not want you, your hateful militia, and your intimidation of our democratic system.

Thumb ice-man 19:24 ,2014 أيار 23

Hezb is like the preventive medicine, it maintains the body sane and strengthens it to avoid the forthcoming diseases that otherwise the body could end collapsing!

Thumb irus_da_virus 18:21 ,2014 أيار 23

Mr Raad,if your going to give your opinion on something, lets stick to things you understand, next time if the topic is about falafel and mankoush then by all means nock yourself out,however if its about the constitution then best you leave it to others to comment on

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:05 ,2014 أيار 23

Raad: This is Lebanon you god damn traitor, not Iran. You're reading the wrong constitution. It's your constitutional duty to vote and boycotting the elections means you're a traitor.

Hezbollah has no lessons to teach about the constitution given it has broken every single article in it !

Now it's time to hang you traitor and persian dog along with your barker in chief Nasrallah for high treason !

Thumb Marc 19:53 ,2014 أيار 23

These people are disgusting..... It is my way or the highway! Go to parliament and keep voting until someone gets in even at 50%+1 History will not be kind to you and your likes... Shame shame shame

Default-user-icon Amir (ضيف) 19:59 ,2014 أيار 23

No further comments
We are all in brain vacuum

Missing enemy-of-christians 20:48 ,2014 أيار 23

Shame on all the followers of a man who is mentally ill - zero nerves - megalomaniac - liar and sold to the outside.

This man pretends defending the Christian interests BUT he is destroying the National Pact. Nothing less than that!

Thumb beiruti 20:55 ,2014 أيار 23

What does this asshole know about the constitution or law??

Missing enemy-of-christians 20:59 ,2014 أيار 23

How much more do you need to understand that the objectives of the "party" are to swallow the state? First step wll be to destroy our institutions.
Sorry, to say it loud and clear, but NapoleAoun is a vulgar traitor. You will see it ...hope it won't be too late when you will understand ...

Missing enemy-of-christians 21:03 ,2014 أيار 23

Followers: here on this BLOG you have kept insulting Hariri, Saudi Arabia, and called them Takfiris etc...

BUT what do you say now when your General is begging them??? What do you say to his agreement towards Hariri, Saudi Arabia AND Geagea??? What do you think of your leader???
You just obey like rats! It is not the fault of the General of being a dirty liar, it is the fault of those who still don't want to know!!!

Thumb Machia 21:39 ,2014 أيار 23

These are the Iranians we want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg5qdIxVcz8

Not the current bearded fundamentalists in Teheran that are as big a threat as ISIS and Nusrah.

Thumb shab 22:31 ,2014 أيار 23

filthy murdering militia

Thumb cedre 01:01 ,2014 أيار 24

+1000, these scums keep their weapons to control lebanon, syria and have leverage on israel...

Missing VINCENT 03:02 ,2014 أيار 24

This guy must be a constitutional scholar. What law school did he teach at?

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 05:07 ,2014 أيار 24

For all you skeptics about a State within a State, explain this, “we in Lebanon have come a long way to control our own decision" Speaks for itself.

Missing forces 07:27 ,2014 أيار 24

Let's read the very last paragraph , we have come a long way etc etc.

What he really saying is regardless of all the good intentions in any presudential program or MOU and regardless of any peaceful outcome reached we are not releasing our weapons and we will not discuss this matter. These scum are clearly and without a shadow of a doubt not even contemplating any concessions or discussion on their arms. Aoun is not making this a priority therefore we must draw a line in the sand we either want this militia to remain separate from the state or we need to integrate it no other option clearly exists.

Missing forces 07:32 ,2014 أيار 24

Correct M11 their brand of democracy is we win or we don't play.

Thumb thepatriot 09:59 ,2014 أيار 24

Thug! Scum! Terrorist!