الحكومة الاردنية تأمر بطرد السفير السوري ودمشق ترد بطرد القائم بالاعمال

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طردت الحكومة الاردنية الاثنين السفير السوري في المملكة بهجت سليمان بسبب "إساءاته المتكررة" الى الاردن الذي يخشى تداعيات النزاع السوري ويستضيف 600 الف لاجئ على اراضيه، في خطوة ردت عليها دمشق باعلان القائم بالاعمال الاردني "شخصا غير مرغوب فيه".

ميدانيا، تقدم مقاتلو المعارضة السورية في ريف ادلب (شمال غرب)، ما اتاح لهم تضييق الخناق على معسكرين اساسيين للقوات النظامية.

وقالت المتحدثة الرسمية باسم وزارة الخارجية الاردنية صباح الرافعي ان "الوزارة وبإيعاز من وزير الخارجية (ناصر جودة) سلمت السفارة السورية في عمان مذكرة تتضمن قرار الحكومة الاردنية اعتبار السفير السوري في عمان بهجت سليمان شخصا غير مرغوب فيه".

وطلبت الوزارة من سليمان مغادرة "اراضي المملكة خلال 24 ساعة"، بحسب وكالة الانباء الاردنية.

وبررت الرافعي القرار بكون سليمان واصل "اساءاته المتكررة وعبر لقاءاته الشخصية وكتاباته في وسائل الاعلام والتواصل الاجتماعي والموجهة ضد المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية"، وانه لم يلتزم "بأدنى متطلبات العمل الدبلوماسي في دولة مضيفة تحتضن وتؤوي مئات الالاف من مواطني بلده الذين لاذوا الينا طالبين الأمن والأمان في بلد الأمن والأمان والاستقرار".

واعتبرت انه "استخدم اراضي المملكة كمنبر للتشكيك بمواقفها وتوجيه الاتهامات الباطلة لها"، واساء الى "دول عربية شقيقة وجارة للأردن وقياداتها، والتي تربطها بالأردن اوطد العلاقات الاخوية وامتنها".

ورأت ما قام به "خروجا سافرا على كل الاعراف والمواثيق الدبلوماسية".

وكان الاردن وجه في السادس من حزيران "انذارا نهائيا" للسفير السوري، بعد انتقادات نسبت اليه، لاستضافة المملكة لاجتماع اصدقاء سوريا الذي عقد في ايار 2013، وطالبها بنشر صواريخ باتريوت.

ونقل عن سليمان قوله حينها ان "الاردن بلد جاهل وعلى سوريا ان تعلمه ان لديها صواريخ اسكندر وهي قادرة على علاج الباتريوت وبشكل ناجح جدا جدا". 

وقال جودة في حينه ان سليمان "تجاوز كافة الاعراف والممارسات الدبلوماسية من خلال تصرفاته ولقاءاته المعلنة وغير المعلنة وتصريحاته المرفوضة والمدانة"، وانه اطلق "اساءات متكررة" للأردن ومؤسساته.

واعتبر المحلل محمد ابو رمانة ان "حدة تصريحات السفير زادت في الاونة الاخيرة"، وان ما يصدر عنه "يمثل اهانة للحكومة الاردنية وفيه نبرة اتهام".

وردا على الخطوة، قررت "الحكومة السورية اعتبار القائم باعمال السفارة الاردنية في دمشق شخصا غير مرغوب فيه"، بحسب بيان للخارجية السورية بثه الاعلام الرسمي.

وطلبت الخارجية من السفارة الاردنية "ابلاغ القائم بالاعمال منع دخوله اراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية".

ورأت ان القرار الاردني "مستهجن" و"لا مبرر له"، وانه "لا يعكس طبيعة العلاقات الاخوية العميقة بين الشعبين الشقيقين في سوريا والاردن".

وتوترت علاقات البلدين منذ اندلاع النزاع السوري منتصف آذار 2011. وغادر السفير الاردني عمر العمد دمشق منذ استدعته بلاده للتشاور في تشرين الثاني 2011، اثر هجوم متظاهرين سوريين على السفارة الاردنية، بعد تصريحات للعاهل الاردني عبد الله الثاني دعا فيها الرئيس بشار الاسد الى التنحي. 

وتتهم دمشق عمان بتسهيل تسلل مقاتلين عبر حدود البلدين. وحذر الاسد في نيسان 2013 الاردن من امتداد "الحريق" السوري اليه.

وقال المحلل عريب الرنتاوي مدير مركز القدس للدراسات السياسية لوكالة فرانس برس ان "الخطوة مفاجئة ومن الصعب الان التكهن بمغزاها ودلالاتها، لكن هي تطور الى الوراء في العلاقات الاردنية السورية".

ورأى ابو رمانة ان القرار "سيؤثر بدون ادنى شك على العلاقات بين البلدين"، مشيرا الى ان "أي خطوة مثل هذه الخطوات الحساسة ستؤثر سلبا على العلاقة بين الاردن والنظام السوري وتحديدا نظام بشار الاسد". 

وتخشى الولايات المتحدة من تداعيات الحرب السورية على الدول المجاورة ولا سيما الاردن، أحد ابرز حلفائها في المنطقة. ونشرت واشنطن مجموعة مقاتلات اف 16 وصواريخ باتريوت في الاردن، مع انتهاء مناورات "الاسد المتاهب" العسكرية المشتركة في 20 حزيران. 

وقال مسؤول في وزارة الدفاع الاميركية لفرانس برس حينها ان واشنطن عززت عدد جنودها في المملكة ليصل عددهم الى الف جندي.

ويستضيف الاردن أكثر من 600 الف لاجىء سوري مسجلين. وتقول السلطات الاردنية انه يضاف الى هؤلاء، نحو 700 الف سوري يقيمون على اراضيها منذ ما قبل النزاع.

وفجر الاثنين، شب حريق في 11 عربة متنقلة للاجئين السوريين في مخيم الزعتري (شمال)، دون وقوع اصابات، وفق مصدر في الدفاع المدني.

ويأتي قرار طرد السفير السوري بعد نحو عشرة ايام على موافقة الحكومة الاردنية على مشاركة السوريين المقيمين فيها، في الانتخابات الرئاسية المقررة في الثالث من حزيران، والتي يتوقع ان تبقي الرئيس الاسد في منصبه. وتقام عملية التصويت في السفارة في 28 ايار.

وتجرى الانتخابات داخل سوريا في المناطق التي يسيطر عليها النظام.

وتواصلت المعارك في الميدان السوري الاثنين. وافاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان وناشطون عن تقدم مقاتلي المعارضة في محافظة ادلب، وسيطرتهم على حواجز عدة للقوات النظامية، واجزاء من طريق دولية بين ادلب ووسط البلاد، وضيقوا الخناق على معسكري وادي الضيف والحامدية المحاصرين منذ اكثر من عام.

من جهتها، تبنت جبهة النصرة ذراع تنظيم القاعدة في سوريا التفجير المزدوج بسيارتين مفخختين الذي استهدف الاحد مدينة حمص (وسط)، ما ادى الى مقتل 12 شخصا واصابة ثلاثين على الاقل.

وفي الرباط، اوقفت وزارة الداخلية المغربية "شخصين متورطين في تجنيد وإرسال مقاتلين مغاربة إلى سوريا"، بحسب ما جاء في بيان لها.

التعليقات 50
Thumb popeye 14:35 ,2014 أيار 26

Well done Jordan, any country with self respect will do the same.

Thumb Machia 14:39 ,2014 أيار 26

It is great to be a sovereign nation like Jordan. They got all their land back from Israel. So have the Egyptians without a so called "resistance".
Lebanon is still under Iranian Islamo-fascist occupation and cannot kick out the ever interfering Syrian ambassador.
If we were a sovereign nation we would have given the Syrian ambassador to Lebanon, a clean shaven Bashar worshiper, the boot a long time ago!

Thumb cedre 15:45 ,2014 أيار 26

'resistance' has another meaning in these people's mouth, ma3na batinia...

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:54 ,2014 أيار 26

Machia!!! you are just plain stupid! Jordan lost the west bank and Jerusalem to Israel, and inherited millions of refugees (amounting to about 70% of its current population). Egypt fought violent wars against Israel, Camp David would have been impossible without those wars. The only Fascists are you and your ilk!

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:13 ,2014 أيار 26

Hassan Nasrallah is no man at all sending young brainwashed Shia in Syria to fight for lies.

He said he would fight himself. Instead, he's hiding underground while hundreds of lebanese shia youth are being buried every month ! What a waste !

Thumb Machia 15:20 ,2014 أيار 26

You've got a point FlameCatcher! Nasrallah is underground and gives fiery speeches the way Michel Aoun used to give fiery speeches before he escaped to the French embassy leaving his wife, kids and army behind.
Cowardly attraction! Cowards in love! Cowards in arms!

Missing peace 15:36 ,2014 أيار 26

just like you southern were never concerned when your beloved syria killed innocent lebanese and opponents to your beloved regime...
your resistance is just a big hypocrisy and a farce that only weak people believe....

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:56 ,2014 أيار 26

@Southern : You can only call it a sacrifice if you know what you are sacrificing your life for. Those idiots you call martyrs do not know why they "gave" their lives. They dies stupidly to keep Bachar in Power. No benefit to Lebanon!

Therefore, they are not martyrs and they died stupidly !

And your Hassan Nasrallah is no more "hiding" than Saad el Hariri who's affraid you will murder him like you did his father !

Thumb Machia 16:02 ,2014 أيار 26

Hey Southern, you underground bearded Islamo fascist leader decided to wage war on his Islamo Nazi ex-brothers in arm in Syria and the bombs came and hit his "labayk-Nasrullah" crowd. Why should it concern me? It is not my war, Dahyie is not part of my country.

Thumb Machia 16:03 ,2014 أيار 26

Hey Southern, your underground bearded Islamo fascist leader decided to wage war on his Islamo Nazi ex-brothers in arm in Syria and the bombs came and hit his "labayk-Nasrullah" crowd. Why should it concern me? It is not my war, Dahyie is not part of my country.

Thumb Machia 16:23 ,2014 أيار 26

Unfortunately not. But anytime in a Tel Aviv cafe better than a Cafe in Dahie.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, Bashar and his worshipers and Hezbollah and their massacres of civilians make Israel look like a dove.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:05 ,2014 أيار 26

@Southern : Dayhé is part of Southern Iran right according to Hezbollah ?

Thumb Machia 15:15 ,2014 أيار 26

Better a US puppet than an Iranian one!
Jordan's King cares for his country and is doing his best along with his government to grow his country's economy.

Thumb Machia 15:56 ,2014 أيار 26

Aha Tilt Bingo ChingChing!
Yes in the world today you are either with Iran-Assad Regime-Hezbollah-North Korea-China and Russia (the fascists) or you are with the West (the good guys).
So you wanna live in Amrika and love it but support The Islamic Republic of Iran and Kim Jong-un.
A very Aounist kind of mental health dichotomy.

Thumb Machia 16:46 ,2014 أيار 26

"I love american freedoms, inventions, technology, music, and many other cultural things from america...but i dont love american foreign policy"
Ok so you must hate the islamic republic of Iran's repression of freedoms, ban on pop music and you must also hate the Assad regime's repression of freedom and massacre of civilians but you loooooooove their foreign policy!
Aoun really messed you up!

Thumb geha 15:16 ,2014 أيار 26

the strong man is the one who can make peace, as doing war is easy.

we hope one day we will be liberated from the tyranny of those invading us currently (i.e. the Iranians), and then we would be able to follow suit and kick out this terrorist Syrian ambassador.

Missing thousand.years.back 17:51 ,2014 أيار 26

The "divine" party wants war...war to liberate Jerusalem and what is beyond...beyond...Jerusalem! This means generations of suuferings for the Lebanese people...

The choice is not obligatory ....it is whether you like it or not...DEMOCRACY is a new word for them!!!

Missing peace 15:17 ,2014 أيار 26

look how prompt and fast M8ers come here to defend syria whenever they are attacked...and insult jordan because they expelled their pimp's ambassador!

it only shows how faithful they are to this dictatorship regime... their capital lies in damascus, not beirut....

Missing abdallah 00:09 ,2014 أيار 27

Jordan is also a dictatorship so let's not praise it just because we agree with them expelling the bashar envoy. They too torture, they too dont allow free media or freeeom of speach.

Missing peace 00:23 ,2014 أيار 27

it is not the problem but rather to see how upset M8ers are because the syrian ambassador was expelled...it proves how much the syrian regime is something you cannot discuss about because it is their beloved model of society...

Thumb Machia 15:17 ,2014 أيار 26

You mean "beoble" right?
Za Beoble hate Amrika and lovez Jumhuri-ye Eslami-e Iran!

Thumb lebanon_first 16:20 ,2014 أيار 26

FT. so you think that our "resisting" policies put us in better shape than jordan?

Jordan was traditionally the poorest arab country. Today it went up notches because of its policies, while traditionally rich lebanon is going down because of our bogus "resistance" and state within a state.

So Hariri came to lebanon, and consecrated Saudi hegemony over lebanon, in fact ending a maronite rule that lasted 50 years. I hate that, but lets get over it. At least Official Saudi Arabia brings stability and work to lebanon, and is way better than being under iran, the pariah of international order who has even less respect for lebanon's sovereignty, and uses us as a pawn to advance its interests.

So jordan's policies are 100 times better than ours. I in fact envy them for their policies.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:11 ,2014 أيار 26

FT. yes I mean economically. Because stability, jobs creation and prosperity are the most important parameters of modern society.

We are not living in subordination to israel. Right. But we ended up living in subordination to HA. I find it way more humiliating to become a second class citizen under this pasdaran milicia than to do a peace deal with the zionists.

Our ancestors built Lebanon apple after apple, olive after olive, and today we are the subject to the decisions that take place in phone calls that take place between dahieh and teheran. This is what subordination and shame is about.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 15:27 ,2014 أيار 26

insults comes also when we try to bribe a country or pay money for politicians to influence them ,....

Thumb Machia 15:40 ,2014 أيار 26

Interesting profile on this Bashar worshiper and torturer, Bahjat Suleiman: http://syrianobserver.com/Government/Gov_Who/Bahjat+Sulaiman+The+New+Old+Guard

Thumb Machia 15:43 ,2014 أيار 26

Btw his son Majd Suleiman is the partner of Bashar Kiwan and they own Al Waseet and Al Balad newspaper. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Rita_awi

Thumb cedre 15:49 ,2014 أيار 26

This guy is probably sunni or christian. Not.

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:00 ,2014 أيار 26

US puppet, Iranian puppet, I really don't know which is worst !

All I know is that in the US, women are free and you can speak your mind without getting beaten or stoned to death.

In Iran, you get jailed for removing your veil and expressing how happy you are !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:59 ,2014 أيار 26

Thank you for you auto-derision ! I respect that ! I always said that about you ! Your double standard binary view of the world is what makes Lebanon and most particularly M8 sheep primitive !

Thumb lebanon_first 16:09 ,2014 أيار 26

Southern your HA that was here when you were in lebanon is long gone. The HA that liberated the south is long gone. You see lebanon through media, and have a idealistic view.

Today HA morphed into a regional powerful milicia that terrorizes lebanese investors, that terrorizes free shia thinkers, and that terrorizes syrian peasants more than it terrorizes israelis.

HA is no more the underdog fighting israel that you remember and cherish. It became a filthy milicia.

Thumb cedre 16:16 ,2014 أيار 26

Jordan's king dont fool his people under a fake 'resistance' slogan.
Saladin, Tarik Ibn Ziad, Mehmet Fatih made agreement with their enemies, no harm in that. Problem is with the scumbags using palestinian cause/israel threat to keep power and weapons...

Thumb cedre 19:29 ,2014 أيار 26

better visas to israel than fake resistance and syro iranian occupation.
Defeat is part of the game, we lost, they won, they have 300 nuclear warheads, lets try to get the best deal with them and the best army in case they get too greedy...

Jordan and Saudi kings are building their countries, they love their people and their people love them.
They dont do scuds, sarins, etc...

Thumb Mystic 22:01 ,2014 أيار 26

Yes bravo Cedre, admit to everyone that you hate Shias more than Israelis. That's what we want you Salafis to admit, and you just did it wlo.

Thumb cedre 23:39 ,2014 أيار 26

Lie all u want mastic, i dont mind ur taqiya...
But u're right in comparing farsi and zionist expansionism, very similar indeed...

Missing abdallah 00:20 ,2014 أيار 27

Cedre come on. The bedouin king of jordan is a dictator with better PR than Assad that is qll. Please don't compare what salahuddin did to what jordan did. Salahuddin defeated his enemies and then made peace with them. Jordan helped the enemy win and then signed a "peace deal" giving israel everything they want. That was not a peace deal, it was a zionist plan. The so called king of jordan is not even from jordan, he is hijazi and his mother is british. Jordan was never supposed to be a seperate country, britain created it as part of their zionist plan. Tell me brother, did salahuddin live in a castle? Did he have a hijab-less wife spending bribe and aid money on designer clothes while people are poor? Look at how they treat syrian refugees in jordan, its a disgrace! This "king" and his fellows have more in comon with assad than they are different. La3anhom Allah tnayneton.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:26 ,2014 أيار 26

Poor Syria. They are such victims of the evil west. When will the evil west leave these peace loving people alone. All they want to is oppress and murder Syrians and Lebanese in peace and this stupid evil west will not let them be. Whyyyyyyy?

Thumb Machia 16:34 ,2014 أيار 26

Syria is not evil but the Assad regime is. Jordan and its King are indeed very good. Good for his people, good for his economy. Bashar massacres his people and destroyed Syria.
As for this thing about Amrika and Israeeeel give me a break, the fascists from every sects in the Middle East have used this excuse to fill their pockets with money and their hands with blood.

Missing peace 17:35 ,2014 أيار 26

we all know that you thanked syria for the destructions of lebanese villages and torture of thousands... not to mention those killed in syrian prison, but all out of brotherly love to you subhuman FPMers...

but seems you forgive them for that and even defend them now... how stupid can FPMers be....

what did jordan do to Lebanon? nothing but still you spit on it just to defend your pimp bashar! LOL see how DERANGED you are? piece of trash....

Thumb Machia 18:56 ,2014 أيار 26

Thanks to GCC and Jordan do gooders Lebanon was reconstructed. Thanks to GCC and Jordan do gooders thousand of Lebanese families are making honest money.
What have Bashar and Hafez worshipers and the Islamic Republic of Iran given us except death, destruction and theft.
How they are using the Islamo Nazis to fight the Islamo Fascists and Bashar worshipers in Syria is their problem not mine.
After all the Islamic Republic of Iran used the Islamo Nazis in Iraq and Lebanon for its own purposes, (as an example remember how Hassan Nasrallah freed Omar Bakri from prison http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-11832083).

Thumb Machia 16:35 ,2014 أيار 26

Syria is not evil but the Assad regime is. Jordan and its King are indeed very good. Good for his people, good for his economy. Bashar massacres his people and destroyed Syria.
As for this thing about Amrika and Israeeeel give me a break, the fascists from every sect in the Middle East have used this excuse to fill their pockets with money and their hands with blood.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:37 ,2014 أيار 26

Oh yes southern. Syria is standing up against these terrible policies and doing the right by the people of the world. How delusional are you? You support a regime responsible for murder, rape and pillaging of your own country, just not your sect, so it's ok? Where's all this patriotism you speak of? You must have a different definition of the word.

Missing thousand.years.back 17:54 ,2014 أيار 26

Aoun is NOT a terrorist..he is only mad...!!! Truly and honestly mad!!!

Missing thousand.years.back 17:55 ,2014 أيار 26

He also is the underdog of the "divine" party!!!

Thumb Machia 21:22 ,2014 أيار 26

The sad thing is that he is taking his followers towards collective suicide the way Jim Jones did in Guyana http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones

Thumb Machia 21:19 ,2014 أيار 26

Southern, you like "Ze Amrikan Beoble" but do not like "Amrikan foreign Bolicy"...Good for you...
But the Islamo fascist Republic of Iran liked, clapped and helped "ze Amerikan" invade Iraq.
The rest I guess you learned in the Islamo Fascist history books that are given to you in Hezbollah backed schools. Amrika is bad but ze beoble are good. Aslem Taslam.
I praise those schools because its pupils are all great inventors, writers and scientists that are shining the world over unlike Amrikan schools and universities that graduate Amrikan marines and evil boliticians.

Thumb Mystic 22:02 ,2014 أيار 26

Jordan is part of Greater Israel already, it is not a sovereign state. That they expel the Ambassador of Syria comes as no suprise, i'm amazed it did not happen before.

Thumb Machia 00:10 ,2014 أيار 27

You got it wrong buddy, the great Islamo fascist republic of Iran is claiming to be expanding to our shores:http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/05/15/former-irgc-leader-claims-irans-border-to-lebanons-shores.
Anyhow Israel has great universities, great scientists, great medicine, great musicians, a great financial system. While the Islamic Republic of Iran has .... can someone help here "blease???!!!!" Ze great Amrikan Gonsbiracy took everything from Joumhouri-ye Islami-ye Irani.

Thumb Machia 00:12 ,2014 أيار 27

Actually sorry they are professional Hashashins/Assassins. It is a long tradition.

Missing phillipo 06:42 ,2014 أيار 27

"israelis enter jordan without visas, jordanians need humiliating visa procedures to get into israel.
Change Israelis to - Lebanese, Syrians Iranians
Change Jordanians to - Americans, British,
What's the difference?

Missing karim. 07:20 ,2014 أيار 27

Lebanon should expel the Saudi ambassador for espionage and the promotion of terrorism.