عائلة المقداد سلمت قتلة مواطن في البقاع
Read this story in English![W460](http://images2.naharnet.com/images/122419/w460.jpg?1401106267)
سلمت عائلة المقداد فجر الإثنين قتلة مواطن من آل شقير في بلدة نحلة بقاعية قضى في إطلاق نار على رأسه.
وفي التفاصيل، شرحت قوى الأمن في بيان بعد ظهر الإثنين أن مجموعة من آل المقداد "وهم: ح. مقداد - ك. مقداد" اعترضت بعد ظهر الأحد "على متن سيارة نوع مرسيدس أشخاصا من آل شقير على متن سيارة نوع رينو كليو".
وحصلت مطاردة جرى خلالها إطلاق النار باتجاه السيارة التي على متنها اشخاص من آل شقير مما أدى إلى إصابة محمد شقير في رأسه، نقل على اثرها الى المستشفى للمعالجة لكنه ما لبث ان فارق الحياة.
اثر ذلك أصدرت عائلة المقداد بيانا، استنكرت فيه الحادثة، "وقامت عند الساعة الرابعة من فجر اليوم (الإثنين) بتسليم كل من (ح) و (ك) إلى فصيلة درك بعلبك، فيما توارى ح. ك. مقداد (مواليد عام 1969) عن الأنظار والعمل مستمر لتوقيفه".
وكانت قد أفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" الأحد أن مسلحي آل المقداد بعدما قتلوا شقير "اعترضوا سيارة يقودها ع. ي. وبرفقته نجله علي وهو مجند في الجيش" وسلبوا محفظة المجند وبطاقته العسكرية.
The terror party and its supporters/clans defy the law at every possible opportunity yet their chief terrorist says he is protecting the State.
Yalla, it's time for Hezbollah to follow suit and hand over their killers... oh I forgot, they murdered them too !
This is what karim had to say when this story first broke out:
karim. 14 hours ago 31
Filthy FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists need to be brought to justice.
This is karim's credibility and many of his fellow m8 posters.
No dude; I'll have to strongly disagree with your sweeping over-generalization. I mean, what if somebody with your family name (who might not even actually be related to you) does something murderously stupid; something that you, probably before anybody, would condemn; would you want to be associated with such a person at that point? I know many Moqdads who are ashamed to death of the actions of those Moqdads who are mentioned in this article. Some of them are teens who have absolutely nothing to do with this sort of crap; they are not to blame. Don't make them collateral damage for the idiocies of those who might also carry their family name. Peace.
Ya Abou Omar, let me explain to you a little gimmick in rhetoric: The moment you start using insults when addressing your audience, they will automatically put up their guard and your message will thus fail to reach them. The same idea, expressed without vulgarities, will carry much farther if you take a deep breath and calm down before you address your words to those you rightfully disagree with. With the Presidential vacuum, now more than ever you should be governing yourself with a steel grip. Stay calm brother...
crushed-mowaten Just give me yoour last name so i can piss on it
thanks Maxx but it seems people here are just behind their laptops imagining and craving for insults to be thrown at others due to their religion, or name, or what so ever. It is very hard not to get angry and out of your shoes when you see people generalizing things as if they were much better. and I bet you that most of them if they were to own machine guns they would've done worse