المشنوق: المرحلة ليست "مرحلة مقاومة"
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أكد وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق، أن المرحلة ليست "مرحلة مقاومة"، مردفاً أن "هناك قرار إقليمي بضبط الوضع في لبنان بشكل أو بآخر".
وكشف المشنوق في حديث لصحيفة "الوطن السعودسة" نشر الثلاثاء، أن "المرحلة المقبلة ستشهد نقاشا معمقا من قبل الحكومة، والأطراف التي تستحوذ على ذلك السلاح الذي يوضع في إطار ما يعرف بالمقاومة".
وأضاف أن "النقاش سيتركز على إخراجه من المعادلة السياسية، وعدم استخدامه كأداة للضغط"، معتبراً أن "المرحلة ليست مرحلة مقاومة".
وأوضح المشنوق أنه من الضروري أن "نعرف الفرق بين السلاح الاستراتيجي أو الإقليمي وهو ليس سلاح لبناني"، والفردي في لبنان، مضيفاً أن "السلاح الفردي تم تحييده. والأمور أحسن من ذي قبل. والنقاش سيكون على السلاح الاستراتيجي والإقليمي في المرحلة المقبلة".
ورأى أن هناك طرف لبناني واحد ذهب بكل ما يملك من قوة إلى المشاركة في أتون الصراع السوري، "لذلك سمينا الحكومة حكومة ربط نزاع وأجلنا الخلاف حتى المرحلة المقبلة".
وأضاف أن "الأزمة السورية حريق لم يصلنا بالرغم من استعاره، كل المساعي منعت وصوله".
وعن أوضاع السعوديين في لبنان، قطع المشنوق عبر "الوطن" وعدا بتوفير الأمن لكل مواطن سعودي يقدم إلى لبنان، وبحل ملف المعتقلين السعوديين، بمن فيهم الضالعون في معارك "نهر البارد".
و لم يتردد وزير الداخلية في إعطاء ضمانات "جدية"، و"على كفالته الشخصية"، بأن ينعم السعوديون في لبنان بالأمن والاستقرار، وألا يتعرضوا لأي مضايقات من أي نوع.
وقال: "أنا متأكد أنه لن يحدث أي خطأ مقصود على الأقل. أنا كفيل أن الجو السياسي والأمني هو أكبر ضمانة لأن يأتي السعوديون".
ورفعت السعودية الحظر عن مواطنيها إزاء المجيء الى لبنان,
ولفت المشنوق في حديثه الى أن هناك قرار إقليمي بضبط الوضع في لبنان بشكل أو بآخر، مؤكداً أن "هذه الحكومة نتاج هذا التفاهم الذي يندرج على طرابلس وغيرها".
“There are guarantees that the arms (of Hizbullah) will not be used against any Lebanese.” Really what was the militia using when they storm Beirut in 08, feather dusters?
Bottom line a country can only have one armed force and that can only be the LAF.
BTW, what are they resisting at? Resistance is from within, not beyond borders (I don't buy the Chebaa crap). Jean Moulin, was the best example when the Germans occupied France during WWII.
“All that Saudis are asking for is security and peace in Lebanon,” he remarked.
The Saudi terrorists are contributing anything but security and peace to Lebanon. Down with the kingdom of terrorism!
karim: phil is not a wahhabi, he's an israeli. it shows how he systematically never misses an occasion to promote israel and make it look like a victim.
mowaten, we all thought you said it loud and clear you will not be using this alias anymore for "personal" reasons?:)) What unforeseen circumstances made you not keep your "honorable" word?
eagledown: still on about it? you really have nothing to say. and no cityboy was not me. how many accounts do YOU post under?
cheers southern, indeed it seems that returning to my original username traumatizes them :)
Jordan and Egypt did not need to resist and kill more of their people to get their territories back. Syria under the Assad regimes did nothing to get its Golan Heights and proved to be better at massacring its own people than resisting.
Those bearded Islamo fascists neanderthals funded by the Islamic Republic of Iran decided to resist in order to give a reason for the dictatorship of the Supreme Leaders to stay the Supreme Leaders and impose their crazy interpretation of religion on 80m Iranians and send them to die by the hundreds of thousands to fight Iraqis.
The result has been death, destruction and poverty funded by Iranian oil, in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
Meanwhile Israel is thriving economically and culturally and getting stronger by the day.
Those Islamo fascists do know how to build and improve people's lifestyles. They know how to pay for human fodder that will be used in their supreme battle.
Khamanei's son is a billionaire while he wants to send his people to die: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2639812/Jihad-end-society-rid-America-Irans-supreme-leader-Ayatollah-Khamenei-chilling-threat-U-S.html
As long as the Hezbollah neanderthals, the founders and promoters of takfirism in the world, the re-developpers of suicide bombing, the killers of a thriving Lebanon, are present no Lebanon will arise.
The true resistance are the people like Mashnouk, like Boutros Harb, like Sami Gemayel, like President Suleiman and all 14 March.
They are the true resistance against Islamo Fascism. They do it without weapons, without threats, without violence. They are the heros.
Those Islamo fascists do not know how to build and improve people's lifestyles. They know how to pay for human fodder that will be used in their supreme battle.
Khamanei's son is a billionaire while his illuminated dad wants to send his people to die: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2639812/Jihad-end-society-rid-America-Irans-supreme-leader-Ayatollah-Khamenei-chilling-threat-U-S.html.
As long as the Hezbollah neanderthals, the founders and promoters of takfirism in the world, the re-developpers of suicide bombing, the killers of a thriving Lebanon, are present no Lebanon will arise.
The true resistance are the people like Mashnouk, like Boutros Harb, like Sami Gemayel, like President Suleiman and all 14 March.
They are the true resistance against Islamo Fascism. They do it without weapons, without threats, without violence. They are the heros.
How dare he criticize the army of hussein it cannot be confined within borders and will go where their commander orders them to go, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Bosnia, Iraq it's all the same jihadist duty.
and hopefully end up in hell along with the Takfiris and all their sponsors.
What God do you believe in that spreads death and destruction?
The Takfiris are the Islamo Nazis. They used to be in bed with the Islamic Republic of Iran (remember how Hassan Nasrallah sprang out Omar Bakri from jail http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-11832083) now they work for the highest bidder in Syria.
The Islamic Republic of Iran and their Islamo fascist Hezbollah are the godfathers of all takfiris. Now they are killing each other in Syria...that is great news for humanity and for March 14.
After all who wants to be ruled by bearded Islamo fascists or Nazis except the power craved Aoun.
Well said Machia.
Lest we forget who released all the terrorist from their jails when the Syrian Civil war started.
They are strategic in their resistance to Islamo fascism but tactical in their politics. They love their country and they will not use violence to fight an extremely violent and ruthless Hezbollah that will happily destroy Lebanon the same way Bashar and his worshipers destroyed Syria.
The March 14 public are the dynamo of Lebanon. They are the ones keeping what is left of the economy. The March 8 neanderthals are the brutes, the thieves, the extortionists, the killers and those who live on religious cocaine and of course the Aounists mental cases.
all hizb fighters should join the Lebanese army with their weapons
In principle I would agree with this but how do you integrate people brainwashed with an Islamo fascist doctorine into a national non-religious army. They are used to take their orders from religious luminaries and ultimately from the Islamic Republic of Iran's Supreme Leader how can they take orders that are in theory given by a Maronite President?
That cannot be.
The only way is for them to either take over Lebanon or to carve out their own Islamic Republic of Lebanon. I would rather go for the latter.
That's what israel and the takfiris want you mean?
Who kicked the israelis out and liberated the land, if not HA?
Who deterred israel from their bombings every year before the summer season, if not HA?
Who stopped the takfiri suicide bombings in Lebanon, if not HA?
Who secured the border and prevented Lebanon from becoming a nest of extremist islamists, if not HA?
M14 should find some real issues to work on, all they do all day, year in year out, is obsessing on the resistance weapons, the only weapons that are used with restraint, discipline, and in respect of cohabitation values. Then they wonder why they get called zionist agents.
p.j, karim: mowaten is not just an iranian, he's a khomenists. it shows how he systematically never misses an occasion to promote the terror party and makes it look like a victim.
you are so bankrupt of arguments that you troll and try to attack me personally. laughable.
Who let the Israelis occupy Lebanon for another decade for the sake the Islamic Republic of Iran's Supreme leader?
Who let the Israelis destroy Lebanon numerous times?
Who let the Israelis win over the second intifada in Palestine?
Who re-invendted suicide bombing?
Who helped Bashar and his worshipers kill hundred of thousands of innocents in Syria?
Who brought Takfiri suicide bombers to Lebanon?
Who made Lebanon a nest of Islamo fascists and Islamo Nazis?
Who sprang Omar Bakri from Jail?
M8 should stop snorting the Islamic Republic of Iran's religious cocaine, stop stealing electricity, stop dealing and planting drugs, stop corruption and theft and help build a sustainable Lebanese economy. In short they should start becoming real Mowateneen.
you do not make any sense machia, your accusations are empty and disconnected from reality.
i guess it must be your job to do disinformation.
who kicked out the Israeli army from the South?
well, I am neither March 8 nor March 14.
But I did learn something from reading Agatha Christie's books with "Mr. Quinn" character, and how he helps "Mr. Satterthwaite" in solving old crimes.
He would say, think of it now, and look back at what are the major events that happened...
well, here's what I think happened:
May 25 2000, Israel retreats from the South.
June 10 2000, Hafez el Asad "is declared dead" - note the "declared" part.
I think he had died earlier, and they kept his death a secret until they arranged his successor Bashar to take over.
Basically, Israel retreated when Hafez died. Why?
Hafez died, so the deal was terminated.
Of course I have no proof, but what a coincidence huh?
no one is obsessing about legitimate weapons, rather the Lebanese people are obsessing about the weapons that are used to threaten them, day in day out.
these terrorists that are taking us hostage for their Iranian masters should be killed one by one.
always the most expensive watches mr mashnouq not bad for a journalist to make such fortune
Hello Southern, The takfiris you are talking about are the Islamo Nazis, the ex-girlfriends of Nasrallah and the Islamic republic of Iran, who are the Islamo fascits.
They are both neanderthals and high on religious cocaine. They think that they are doing God's work. They are nuts.
Both Islamo Nazis (Takfiris) and Islamo Fascists (the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah) hate Christians (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/15/opinion/irans-oppressed-christians.html?_r=0#), Jewish people, secular and moderate Muslims (Sunni and Shia), atheists, agnostics, Zoroastrians, etc.
Now they are killing each other in Syria...What great joy!
since when do hezbis believe in the state? NEVER....
if they believed in the state they would OBEY the state...
whatever their supporters here may say, the facts are that hezbis never obeyed the state and even SPIT on it... like brave foreign agents they are... who pledged allegiance to iran in 1989 and still calls itself ISLAMIC resistance but not LEBANESE resistance? LOL
Mashnouq - “I believe that we surpassed the period of the resistance. It became a regional power that even the Lebanese don't have the decision whether to use it or not,”
Only real Lebanese supporting their Resistance, can make the decisions whether to use it or not. Not some Saudi stooge, or American garbage collector.
Virginia Senator Mr Richard black
رسالة للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد يشكر فيها الجيش السوري على بطولاته في مكافحة الارهاب. وذكر موقع دي برس ان السيناتور اشاد ببسالة ومهارة الجيش السوري، واصفاً الإرهابيين بـ"مجرمي حرب متوحشين و مرتبطين بالقاعدة"، ومرتزقة يدخلون سوريا لقتل الشعب، مؤكداً أن قلّة من الأميركيين يدركون أنهم يدعمون نفس الجهة التي قامت بأحداث 11 أيلول/سبتمبر 2001، وأن هؤلاء هم أنفسهم من يذبحون المدنيين ويستخدمون التفجيرات في سوريا ليقتلوا النساء والأطفال.
and some in Lebanon do the same they support 9 11 same terrorists
“All that Saudis are asking for is security and peace in Lebanon,” he remarked.
Does the Interior Minister mean by "Saudis" the king or someone besides the king? If he means only the king, he should say "Saudi", as in "All that the Saudi is asking for . . . ."
The question is, who is included when you make a "consensus"? Is the Interior Minister favoring the abolition of the Taef Accord's giving half of Parliament to the Christian minority so that all Lebanese voices may be equally heard?