الاجهزة الامنية تشتبه بأحد "المتوعّدين بتحرير بعبدا"
Read this story in Englishبدأت الاجهزة الامنية تحقيقاتها لتعقّب الاشخاص الذين ظهروا في شريط مصور يطلقوت النار في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت ويتوعّدون بـ"تحرير بعبدا".
ووفق صحيفة "المستقبل" الاحد، فإن الاجهزة الامنية تأكدت من ان اطلاق النار تك في الضاحية، وبدأت التحقيقات والاستقصاءات لتعقب مطلقي النار.
وأشارت مصادر الصحيفة الى انه تم الاشتباه بأن المدعو ع.ح. هو المسلح الذي بدا متحدثاً في الشريط، بينما التدقيق مستمر لكشف هويات باقي المسلحين الذين ظهروا معه.
يُذكر ان قناة الـMTV، بثّت يوم الجمعة شريطاً مصوراً يظهر أشخاصاً يطلقون النار باتجاه منطقة الطريق الجديدة ويقول أحدهم "سنأخذ بعبدا من الرئيس المقبل".
وأضاف "خليها تشتي رصاص على الطريق الجديدة، حرام آدمية"، وأضاف سائلاً من بجانبه "معكم قنبلة" ثم وجه التحية وهو يطلق الرصاص بكثافة، قائلاً "هيدي لعيون (الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد) بشار والحاج أبو مصطفى نبيه بري".
وقد استدعى الشريط تحرك وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق موعزاً للأجهزة الأمنية "تعقب وتوقيف المرتكبين"، في حين أحال وزير العدل أشرف ريفي التسجيل المصور على النيابية العامة التمييزية طالباً من النائب العام التمييزي القاضي سمير حمود "كشف هوية الفاعلين، وإجراء التعقبات بحقهم وإنزال أشد العقوبات بهم".
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "المستقبل"، الاحد، لفت ريفي الى ان التسجيل يختزن "جرمين، الأول جرم إطلاق النار باتجاه مناطق مأهولة في بعبدا والطريق الجديدة، بينما الجرم الثاني يكمن في العبارات التي صدرت عن أحد مطلقي النار بشكل يمس الأمن الوطني ويحض على الفتنة الطائفية".
وأضاف: "من واجبي وحقي كوزير للعدل حين تصل عبارات كهذه إلى مسامعي أن أكلّف النيابة العامة التمييزية التحقيق بالموضوع واتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية والقضائية اللازمة".
كما طلب ريفي الاستحصال من الأجهزة الأمنية على نسخة من التسجيل المصوّر الذي يوثّق الحادثة وفتح محضر قضائي بها.
garbage...their place and home should be dora garbage mountain...or dahyieh...same same...
Those are the civilized allies of FPMers, nyeloun aa hal allies that they are so proud of protecting and having as "missel al aalah"
what is astonishing is how m8 guys still accuse others of being extremists and sectarian, while saying they are angels and pure :)))))
and i was right... two FPM jerks came to defend them! LOL empty minds are so predictable....
Iranian agents, traitors to their country, born with and raised on hatred. They attempt to cover their feeling of inferiority by using weapons. They fail and fail miserably
Maybe it is because they moved to Qom where the internet is censored and instead are too busy kissing the hands and shoulders of their Islamo Fascist Waly Khamanei.
Or maybe it was them on the video and now have joined their Islamo Fascist Nasrallah and the killers of Hariri in their underground palace.
predictable answer from the FPM thing to defend his friends ...
nice try but this is not thuggish behavior it is the typical amal hezbollah behavior of its members...
it is not the first example of sectarian hezbi hatred...
now go and play with you dolls....
God Bless our Lebanon and wish all our Brothers live in peace in Lebanon and for those who left Lebanon will come back soon.
As for "Frank..stein" Lebanon is not for a particular sect and for sure not for Nabeh berri or nasrallah as well as the Aoun." and also not for any one else
to tell them to go somewhere else. Be fare and think what you are saying!
Mr. Snore why post the same lame comment 2 times are you upset that it shows your "Brave Men of Iran" as they truly are Criminal Thugs. "a stupid act by a shite person" after every Nasarallah propaganda telecasts there is a garage of celebratory gunfire.
he is desperate because he has to defend the typical thuggish behavior of amal and hezbollah... so difficult task without appearing ridiculous....
but it is soooo representative of what amal and hezbis are like....
and i guess all the rounds of fire when their leader speak is also isolated behaviours?
check the posts when the syrian air force bombs Lebanon and tell us if you find any M8ers to condemn the attack on the sovereignty of Lebanon.....
i do not belong to M14 and i also criticize them, but the fact is that M8 are even worse and sold to syria like in the good old days that they regret and want back!
hey bigjohn you are talking about criticizing M8 and M14... not syrian regime or else... you d better make up your mind! LOL
Ft, southern, karim, thepesticdes4.0, and the rest of their clan are embarrased to see 3 idiots displaying the true face of HA (treason and secterianism) .... how can they defend this other than by disclaiming those guys.
Ashraf Rifi listed two criminal acts
“The first is opening fire at residential areas in Baabda and Tariq al-Jadeedah while the second is expressing sectarian incitement and harming the national security.”
Please add to these two many more, such as possession of weapons and blatant endangerment of public as well as treason (Loyalty to Bashar and hostility towards Baabda). IDIOTS, like I always said, they are the other side of Takfiri coin.
of course they did use them, they were even filmed on tv... but the difference was that the camp was emptied from civilians who were evacuated before unlike bashar who uses them as a weapon of fear and destruction...
why should this guy be arrested ? what has he done ? he's just doing his jihadist duty against tariq jdide's sunnis, after having done it in qusayr, qalamoun, ghouta against other sunnis...