جعجع يستنكر الحملات على الراعي: تمس بميثاق العيش المشترك

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أعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الإثنين أن الحملات التي تطلق ضد البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي على خلفية زيارته إلى الأراضي المقدسة "تمس بميثاق العيش المشترك"، معلنا إبقاء الإتصالات مفتوحة مع بكركي "رفضا للفراغ" في سدة الرئاسة الأولى.

وأعرب جعجع خلال اتصال أجراه بالراعي وبحسب بيان صادر عن مكتبه الإعلامي بعد ظهر الإثنين عن "استنكاره الشديد للحملات التي تطال غبطته معتبراً إيّاها حملات وقحة تتخطّى كلّ الأعراف والأصول اللبنانية، لا بل، وفي ما مكان ما، تشكّل مسّاً بميثاق العيش المشترك".

وأثارت زيارة الراعي إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية التي ما زال يقع بعض منها تحت الإحتلال الإسرائيلي امتعاضا من حزب الله خرج إلى العلن بعد رفض الراعي يوم الجمعة الفائت اعتبار المبعدين إلى إسرائيل "خونة ومجرمين" داعيا إلى عودتهم إلى ديارهم. لكن الحزب أعلن على لسان أكثر من مسؤول رفضه "وجود عملاء في لبنان"، قائلا أن الدولة وحدها من تقرر مسألة تصنيفهم.

من جهة أخرى بحث جعجع "مطوّلاً" مع الراعي في موضوع الانتخابات الرئاسية حين أبدى "امتعاضه وأسفه الشديدين لقيام كتل نيابية بتعطيل هذا الاستحقاق الهام عبر الامتناع عن حضور الجلسات".

كذلك تداول الرجلان "في ما يمكن القيام به للحؤول دون هذا التعطيل، وتم الاتفاق على إبقاء الاتصالات مفتوحة بين معراب والصرح البطريركي لمحاولة إحداث ثغرة في جدار التعطيل القائم".

وتوافقا على وجوب وضرورة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية "في أسرع وقت ممكن لأن الفراغ مرفوض رفضاً قاطعاً في الموقع الرئاسي الأول في البلاد".

ودخل لبنان في 25 أيار الفائت مرحلة الشغور في سدة الرئاسة الأولى بعد عدم تمكن مجلس النواب من انتخاب رئيس في خمس جلسات متتالية عطّلت قوى 8 آذار النصاب في أربع منها رفضا لترشيح جعجع.



التعليقات 16
Thumb zahle1 16:26 ,2014 حزيران 02

Bottom line is that any Christian regardless of nationality has a right to visit a Christian holy site. That is #1. Everything else is just propaganda. You cannot deny any Christian the right to see a religious place of worship, just like you cannot deny a Muslim or Jew.

On a side note, it is funny that LF is not defending Rahi, when they used to have an issue with everything that he did, because they claim he was Aouni. I personally think he is OK. He definitely does not take the stance that Sfeir did.

Missing phillipo 16:46 ,2014 حزيران 02

Remember between 1948 and 1967 it was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan which refused to allow Jews to visit the Wailing Wall or go up onto the Temple Mount.
Christians and Moslems from all of the world can visit their holy sites in Israel, but in many cases it is their own government (Lebanon for example) which prevents them doing so.

Thumb ado.australia 18:22 ,2014 حزيران 02

How many Christian and Muslim Palestinian villages were wiped off the face of the earth by the haganna and Irgun militias? Haganna is now the army and Irgun the secret police. (They were labeled terrorists by the British) How many of these people were ethnically cleansed after the 1948 war. Not during war when these things could be blamed on war, but afterwards during peace time. Between 1948 and 1967? This is a crime much worse than Serbians committed in Yugoslavia. No one remembers or cares? If Israel wants peace than its available to them but peace will mean that a civil war in Israel will erupt between secular Jews and the Orthodox Jews that don't pay taxes or even believe in the state of Israel. This is the bigger threat to the Israeli state than Palestinians.

Thumb zahle1 17:09 ,2014 حزيران 02

meant to say it is ironic that the LF are "NOW" defending Rahi when they used to have an issue with him.

Thumb ado.australia 18:12 ,2014 حزيران 02

anonymetexasusa... I'm surprised and a little glad to agree with you. Your obsession with everything anti Hezbollah is at times a little boring and difficult to even bother reading. Not that I'm a Hezbollah "fan" or "agent" as some claim I am, but that their is often more we can agree on and that unites us as Lebanese than divides is what I'm interested in reading. If the Lebanese commentators on this site looked at what we agree on and that unites us as Lebanese, than much of the comments on naharnet would be much less offensive and confrontational.

Israel does not see Palestinians as people! Zionist Israel sees non Jews as gentiles and lesser than the chosen people. They portray themselves like western (Christian) civilized people but treat other religions like the apartied South Africa behaved in the 80s. Most Jews are not like the racist extremists that run the country but are too ashamed to confront and challenge the truth.

Thumb ado.australia 18:33 ,2014 حزيران 02

Zahle1...agree 100%. Was about to write the same thing. They use to dare any Maronite to speak badly about batrak sfier but as soon as batrak Rahi replaced sfier they attacked him over the smallest comments he made that we're not aligned with their politics and was not anti Hezbollah or fear mongering... They claimed he was an aouni. Only recently when he decided to go to Israel and in their view, challenge Hezbollah did they start having his back. He is my batrak and I respect him no matter what. No politics involved, just as the captain of our small and significant church in the turbulent seas of the Middle East.

Thumb ado.australia 19:00 ,2014 حزيران 02

anonymetexasusa.... I am not "m8"... Believe it or not. I'm Lebanese. I was active protester on March 14 2005. One of the most proud and glorious days of my life. But the current m14 movement is not what I support or follow blindly. I believe that the LAF should be the soul military power in Lebanon. I am LAF to my death. I want Hezbollah to be under the LAF. I don't hate them or fear them and I also don't agree with them on many things. But to me they are Lebanese and we want to encourage their integration in the LAF. They are powerful and effective military force that we can be proud of. They could easily integrate like the hagana and Irgun militias did with the IDF. But they will not do so when they are being attacked and insulted. Respect and trust will result in their integration with the LAF... Not hatred, insults and treachery. My life and the life of my martyred family members are for a strong United Lebanon! This is my truth.

Thumb beiruti 16:44 ,2014 حزيران 02

Lebanon now is leaderless. Its borders with Syria are wide open. We have 2,000,000 Syrian refugees in the country now as Assad is emptying his country of those who do not like his rule.
With the vacancy in the office of the Presidency, the extent of the Caretaker Government's ability to act is at best questionable. The extended mandate of Parliament, itself a constitutionally questionable act, expires in 6 months.

Thumb cedre 19:06 ,2014 حزيران 02

hizbIran bombing sunni civilians :


Default-user-icon Fifth.Estate (ضيف) 19:21 ,2014 حزيران 02

legitimacy of the syrian occupations court

The Publications Court shut down MTV in October last year after finding the station guilty of carrying out electoral propaganda for Murr in by-elections in Metn a few weeks earlier. Three appeals by the station against the ruling were thrown out.

Thumb cedre 01:23 ,2014 حزيران 03

little karimo still doesnt understand that ikhwan are considered terrorist in ksa...

Missing karim. 01:28 ,2014 حزيران 03

Ikhwan, Al Qaeda, FSA-Al Qaeda, KSA, Taliban, Mustaqbal/Kataeb/LF, etc. All the same thing and ideology, more or less.

Missing karim. 03:04 ,2014 حزيران 03

Great story, terrorist. Where were 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 from? Where was bin Laden from? Which country spread the Taliban and Al Qaeda's ideology? Germany? Sweden?

Default-user-icon Abu Pierre (ضيف) 02:55 ,2014 حزيران 03


Missing karim. 03:05 ,2014 حزيران 03

Salafists arent eligible to run for the Lebanese presidency.

Default-user-icon Salso (ضيف) 08:42 ,2014 حزيران 03

To Popeyes,
Liked your comment.