مفوضية اللاجئين السوريين "تنتقد" الحظر اللبناني على النازحين السوريين
Read this story in Englishلاقى قرار وزارة الداخلية اللبنانية بحظر انتقال اي سوري من لبنان الى سوريا تحت طائلة فقدان صفة "نازح"، اعتراض المفوضية العليا لشؤون اللاجئين التي ترفض منح الحكومة اللبنانية "داتا" اللاجئين، وفق المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد نقلت صحيفة "السفير"، عن مصادر رسمية لبنانية متابعة لملف النازحين، الثلاثاء، ان قرار وزارة الداخلية كان موضع اعتراض من قبل المفوضية العليا لشؤون اللاجئين وأعطت رأيها السلبي بالقرار اللبناني.
يُذكر ان وزارة الداخلية اللبنانية كانت قد طلبت في بيان السبت من "جميع النازحين السوريين والمسجلين لدى مفوضية الامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين (UNHCR) الإمتناع عن الدخول إلى سوريا إعتبارا من 1/6/2014 تحت طائلة فقدان صفتهم كنازحين في لبنان".
وأوضحت أن هذا التدبير "يأتي انطلاقا من الحرص على الأمن في لبنان وعلى علاقة النازحين السوريين بالمواطنين اللبنانيين في المناطق المضيفة لهم، ومنعا لأي احتكاك أو استفزاز متبادل".
ووفق مصادر "السفير" فإن المفوضية تتساءل "هل يجوز نزع صفة اللاجئ عن كل شخص يغامر بحياته دورياً لأجل تفقد أفراد من عائلته أو منزله وأرضه وأملاكه، وهل يصح القول إن هذه العودة تعني أنه أصبح بأمان في بلد يشهد حالة حرب ودمار وقتل وتشريد لا تستثني أحداً؟".
وحذرت المفوضية تبعاً للمصادر من أن قرار الحكومة اللبنانية "سيرتد عليها سلباً وهو بمثابة دعوة مفتوحة للنازحين لنسيان بلدهم وتثبيت حضورهم على الأراضي اللبنانية؟".
الى ذلك، أفادت مصادر "السفير" ان المفوضية ترفض منح الحكومة اللبنانية "داتا" اللاجئين الكاملة "مخافة استخدامها في غير محلها"، موضحة انها "تكتفي بتسليم بيانات حول محصلة اللجوء وتوزع اللاجئين مناطقياً".
The Syrian refugee situation will become very dangerous very soon in Lebanon. Desperate refugees will start stealing, killing and squatting in people's houses and lands.
The Lebanese government has to set up camps on its borders, the way Jordan and Turkey did, to contain the flood. And the UN, instead of blaming the victim, should cough up money and lots of it, (billions of dollars).
The US okayed this war and is keeping it going with weapons and political cover, yet they have only taken in 121 refugees. I dont hear the UNHCR "slamming" them.
Funny how much the US "loves" syrians when it's about giving weapons to destroy their country, but not so much when it is about welcoming them.
Some of the "refugees" are here only to get benefits. They have a refugee status here in Lebanon but at the same time, they live in areas unaffected by the war. They go back and forth between their refugee homes and their real homes in Syria. This is our state's concern. They are taking advantage of a situation.
If a Syrian can go back to his home in Syria, why he is still a refugee here?
I also heard that some Lebanese are also benefiting with fake Syrian IDs. Now I don't know how reliable that claim is but I hear more than a few people talking about it as well.
It's easy for UNHCR to criticize when many of their employees are getting rental apartments for 3000$ individually with nobfamily, salaries worth 20x the minimum wage in Lebanon. Well yeah why would they feel the pressure!? For them they are are neighbors and we should help. They just don't realize we did beyond our capacity and that this should be considered a global crisis and not just blame Leb. The local authorities should accept refugees status if UNHCR accepts a change of its humanitarian status to leisure club.
They don't pay taxes, they don't pay Income Taxes, they don't pay for electricity,they don't pay for water, they don't pay for property taxes, they don't pay for car mecanics, they dont pay for parking tickets , they flood the streets with their cars, they work and never pay taxes. They enjoy all the benefit of lebanese citizens without any obligations to inject $$$ back into the economy. This is costing the Lebanese economy close to $7 Billions. And guess who is going to pay the price, the Lebanese citizens where as the Lebanese citizens by paying more taxes to fund services used by the Syrians. I say anyone who go outside Lebanon to vote in Syria should stay their becasue they automaticaly break the conditions of being refugees.
the only way to handle this is to build huge camp in beqaa and akkar, managed by LAF then we can get GCC/EU/UN to finance it...
Turks and Jordanians did it and it works well...
We have over a million refugees and aren't receiving sufficient support from the UN. The EU is always encouraging us to let them in, but I hardly see any of them taking in a great number. Germany took in a few thousand, what is that to a great power like them of 82 million? A quarter of our population isn't Lebanese, so how about the UNHCR aids us in helping the Syrians instead of bashing us. What a load of drivel.