المطرانين يازجي وابراهيم "بخير في الرقة وبقبضة داعش"

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كشفت المعلومات الصحافية، ان المطرانين المخطوفين في سوريا بولس يازجي ويوحنا ابراهيم، "ما زالا بخير" وهما بقبضة الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش).

فقد نشرت صحيفة "الاخبار" السبت، تقريراً عن قضية المطرانين، أشار الى ان الجهة الخاطفة تُدعى "عصبة الانصار" وهي مجموعة مسلحة كانت المجموعة تدين بالولاء السري لـ"جبهة النصرة"، قبل أن تُبدّل ولاءها لاحقاً وتبايع "داعش" بشكل سري أيضاً.

ولفتت الى انه وبعد ايام من عملية الاختطاف فوجئت العصبة بالضجة الكبيرة التي أثارتها العملية وشعرت بأنها أقدمت على "عمل خطير، بما يتجاوز قدرتهم على تحمل تبعاته، فلجأت إلى قيادات "داعش" لطلب المشورة".

وتابعت الصحيفة ان الرد جاء بنقل المطرانين وبسرية تامة، وتسليمهما لـ"داعش"، في مدينة الرقة أبرز معاقل "داعش".

وأكدت الصحيفة ان "المطرانين ما زالا بخير، ونُقلا أخيراً إلى منطقة تل أبيض في ريف الرقة الشمالي، وعلى مقربة من الحدود التركية.

يُذكر ان مجموعة مسلحة أقدمت في نيسان الفائت على خطف المطرانين بولس يازجي ويوحنا ابراهيم، في نيسان الفائت قرب حلب، والمعلومات عن مصيرهما او مكان وجودهما لا تزال متضاربة.


التعليقات 14
Missing karim. 09:58 ,2014 حزيران 07

So much for the FSA-Al Qaeda cannibal jihadist terrorists being "secular" and "moderate" LOL.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:02 ,2014 حزيران 07

So much for your honesty. You know that ISIL spends most of its time fighting the the FSA, the other Islamist movements and Al-Qaeda and it hardly fights the regime. I yet to see one iota of honesty from you Karim.

Missing karim. 10:21 ,2014 حزيران 07

FSA-Al Qaeda is openly allied to Nusra Front, the main Syrian branch of Al Qaeda. Just because FSA-Al Qaeda is fighting ISIL (another jihadist terrorist organization), that does not make them "secular" and "democratic". Jihadist terrorist organizations fight each other all the time.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:25 ,2014 حزيران 07

Karim ... You are full of it. Your posting clearly imply that you are accusing FSA-Al Qaeda of holding the Bishops while it is clear that ISIL is the one holding them. This is the same ISIL that hardly fights the regime and spends most of its time fighting the rebels. At the same time, the supposedly secular regime is allied to radical Shia militias from Iraq, Lebanon and Iran fighting on its behalf. This is the same regime that committed by far the most crimes in Syria, followed by ISIL. I may not like Al Nusra but those supporting the infinitely more criminal Assad regime are hardly in a position to speak.

Thumb cedre 22:16 ,2014 حزيران 07

haboub, why did they get released from syrian and iraqi jails ? tell us...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:44 ,2014 حزيران 07

ultrahabib - These guys represent a collection of extreme (and unbalanced) people who are easily manipulated. They also have a common enemy with the regime: the more mainstream and moderate rebels.

Thumb zahle1 14:48 ,2014 حزيران 07

Yes the majority not all but majority of the Syrian opposition "HATE" Christians.

Thumb cedre 22:18 ,2014 حزيران 07

even the christians in the opposition ?
arent George Sabra and Michel Kilo opposition top leaders ?
Or do u know better then them ?

Thumb zahle1 02:51 ,2014 حزيران 08

Most but not all hate Christians. Those guys you mentioned are the exception. My good Cedre. You are the dominant sect throughout history in this part of the World for the majority of the past several years. I'm not someone who doesn't have family and friends in Homs, Damascus and Saidnaya and Maalula. The Christian station in these areas are terrified yes terrified of the opposition does the matter which group. All of them they are terrified of. Nobody says oh the good opposition does not harm us or our churches. From Homs to Maalula to Saidnaya I have people. Homs are all gone. The rest have been through hell. Again I do not support Assad, just because he is selective when to be be nice to christians. It's just a big cluster. Nobody is good. Just like usa politics.

Thumb zahle1 02:53 ,2014 حزيران 08

George Sabra is an embarrassment.

Thumb zahle1 02:53 ,2014 حزيران 08

Cedre I'm not Maronite

Thumb zahle1 02:57 ,2014 حزيران 08

I go to church with these people every Sunday. We take everybody and so I here there stories. Remember Zahle is not an ancient city so our great great Grandfathers all came from somewhere else. Assad is smart. He killed the Christians in Lebanon and treated the ones in Syria better. Typical divide and conquer just like the turks did. Yes I stand by the majority of opposition not all HATE Christians. If they were so great we would not have so many destroyed churches and nuns and bishops and priests.....

Thumb habib 17:16 ,2014 حزيران 07

Ya jame3a lmatarni bi yad nizam laykon kif 3an yezehro soret ledlamiyin bo dhershenya khedmi la botin

Default-user-icon robert (ضيف) 23:49 ,2014 حزيران 07

kill all muslims. destroy islam. bomb the kaaba.