إغتصب طفلا قبل أن يقتله ويرميه في مكب للنفايات
Read this story in Englishأقدم قاصر الأحد يبلغ من العمر 17 عاما على اغتصاب طفل سوري لا يتعدى الأعوام الخمسة قبل أن يقتله ويرميه في مكب للنفايات، في جريمة مروعة استفاقت عليها بلدة حلبا العكارية.
وفي التفاصيل، وبحسب بيان صادر عن قوى الأمن الداخلي بعد ظهر الأحد ورد إتصال من المدعو محمود. ع. إلى مخفر حلبا مفاده ان ابنه المدعو: ـ ن. ع. (17 عاما) اعترف له بجريمة قتل طفل ورميه في إحدى حاويات النفايات بالقرب من مهنية حلبا الرسمية.
وبعد التنسيق مع والد المشتبه به الذي يدعى محمود عياش أوقف الشاب المذكور داخل منزل ذويه.
كذلك عثرت قوى الأمن داخل حاوية للنفايات بالقرب من مهنية حلبا الرسمية على "جثة طفل عمره حوالي خمس سنوات تبين بأنها عائدة للسوري : ـ محمد. خ. مصابة بعدة طعنات سكين في خاصرته" بحسب البيان.
وقالت الوكالة عينها أن الطفل يدعى محمد الخولي.
بالتحقيق مع القاتل اعترف انه قام حوالي الساعة العاشرة من صباح الأحد "بإغتصاب الطفل وقتله بواسطة سكين داخل محل معد للقهوة لأهل الضحية، وانه رمى الجثة في مكب للنفايات بالقرب من المحلة".
وأكثر من ذلك تبين أن الجثة "تعرضت لإعتداء جنسي، ومصابة بخمس طعنات في خاصرته اليمنى ما أدى إلى الوفاة".
هذا وتم ضبط السكين المستخدم، واحيل الموقوف مع المضبوطات إلى مفرزة حلبا القضائية للتوسع بالتحقيق بناءً لإشارة القضاء المختص .
A 17 year old kid raped him ...what the hell is this world coming to?
must be hanged a guy like him doesn t deserve to stay a life it is a shame for the human being
RIP poor child. This is as sick as it gets. Thats one more child that will never go to school, never get to fall in love, never get to be cool...
This is disgusting! Naharnet please respect the child's family and remove the picture.
The murderer should be jailed for life and not released like Geagea with delusions of running for president.
Please dont exploit even this tragedy to take a jab at some politician. Geagea fought in the civil war like so many else who has stuck to important official posts for years and years.
Stick to the story. Naharnet is simply reporting the facts to tell the story, and the entire Lebanon needs to know what happened.
That's exactly what everyone who supporters the filthy Geagea should remember. Yes this is unfortunate but it brings reality to geageas supporers.
Wtf are you talking about you idiot? What's this got to do with politics you shameless thing? Ascend from your tribal thinking just for a minute and think about that poor child and his parents instead of going on a political campaign. You're an idiot, seriously, you're an idiot.
I have had heated conversations with so many here, and I was never close to losing it, so well done, fair play, you idiot
Don't play stupid idiot. You support a child killer for president and complaining about me.
I'll put this in words you understand you idiot f... You and geagea, and anything else you stand for, idiot
you are pathetic
what does this kid's story have to do with Geagea?? get a life dude and quit being so polarized
Stick to the story. Naharnet is simply reporting the facts to tell the story, and the entire Lebanon needs to know what happened.
Moments like this show us how meaningless our arguments are, there are no words to describe such atrocity, I hope the judiciary sends a swift message. Terrible times.
Politik buro
Please relax no sense of getting upset Although I totally share your frustration please do like me and try to ignore. After such time I got used to this jab on this site to the point where I can only expect to read trashy comments+, so please keep your cool bro as these people cannot do better
I always do, but this guy is beyond repair, people are entitled to their opinions, and I like to think that I can converse with everyone here on both sides. This guy however needs to know how idiotic he is, evil prevails when good people stand aside
Some people just don't have what it takes to be a basic human being mate, you might as well be talking to a wall
I don't get it some people are so pathetic and so polarized to the point that all they see its this group's fault or vice versa. I bet they havde no clue what they are saying they simply get an orgasm on blaming someone or another
get a life idiots
I will keep referring you to this day the next time you M14 losers bring up the pathetic name of the child murderer Geagea
I agree with you lebpatriot, Nasrallah is a pathetic child murder...... and all other murderers/Iranian takfiris should rot in hell.
Good Lord!!! Hang him by the balls, let him die a slow death. What an animal, but first let him be given the same treatment this dirty murderer meted on this poor innocent child. Just one example Ya Dawleh, one example, in public and let the rest learn.