عون: تطير الحكومة لكن كرامتنا ستبقى فممنوع المس بها
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن "الحكومة تطير لكن كرامتنا تبقى" مشيرا إلى أنه "إما ننجح نحن والحكومة أو نفشل سويا".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع للتكتل عصر الثلثاء من الرابية :" هناك صراع بين الوطن واللاوطن إن شاؤوا أم أبوا هناك نفقات للوزير فهو الذي يحدد الصرف، تطير الحكومة ولكن كرامتنا تبقى فممنوع المس بها".
وبعد فشل الإقتراح المقدم من قبله في مجلس النواب أعيدت الخطة التي تدعو إلى تخصيص وزارة الطاقة والمياه بمبلغ مليار و200 مليون لشراء 700 ميغاوات من الكهرباء إلى الحكومة التي لم تتوصل حتى الآن في ثلاثة جلسات إلى اتفاق نهائي على إقرار الخطة لإعادة طرحها في مجلس النواب.
وأمل عون إلى ان "تبت قضية الكهرباء أو الذي قلناه في السابق نكرره اليوم" في إشارة إلى انسحابه من الحكومة وأضاف :"إما ننجح نحن والحكومة أو نفشل سويا وإذا لم يريدوا مواكبتنا لماذا يحملوننا الفشل؟".
وردا على الذي ينتقدون غياب الرقابة في الخطة أوضح عون :أننا نحن الذين نريد أن نمررها على الجهاز والحكومة هي التي لا تفعل ذلك عادة" محذرا من التضليل الإعلامي.
وأبدى عون ثقته أن "حركة التغيير والإصلاح ستعم على الأقل كل الإدارات والبوصلة ماشية" مضيفا :"ليكن معلوما عند الجميع أننا نرجع قواعد صرف الأموال في لبنان إلى الصرات المستقيم".
وعن ما قاله عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب خالد الضاهر عن أنه سيطلب "من أهلنا في الجيش ان يفضحوا قائد الجيش" سأل عون :" هل سيتحرك النائب العام التمييزي عن ما يقال؟".
وتطرق عون إلى موضوع لاسا عون فقال :"من يعتدي على جاره "سيأكلها" وهذه القضية ليست سياسية بل أفراد (...) طبيعة الخلاف هو تقصير من قوى الأمن هناك وممنوع أن يعتدي أحد على أحد وهذا تفاهم مع كل الأطراف".
وكانت قد وقعت جملة اعتداءات على قوى الأمن وعلى عدة محطات إعلامية لمنعها من كشف بناء مخالف للقانون في هذه القرية الجبيلية.
أما عن موضوع المحكمة الدولية فحمل عون المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي ومدعي عام التمييز سعيد ميرزا مسؤولية عدم العثور على المتهمين إذ قال:"أرفض التعليق على ما ورد في مجلة الـ"تايم" ولكن أليس ريفي مديرا عاما للأمن الداخلي وميرزا مدعيا عاما للتمييز؟".
وتطرق إلى الوضع الدولي فلفت إلى أن "من لم يدرس التاريخ فليدرس بدأت نهاية الإمبراطوريات، أنظروا إلى الشعب الأميركي كيف أصبح" مضيفا:"مهما عظمت الأمور سوف تصغر لأن الإنسان هو الأساس وليس القوة، نحن الصغار مع قوة الحق، والكبار مع حق القوة كله سيرجع إلى حجمه".
وخلص رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" إلى القول :"أبواب الجحيم لن تقوى على هذا البلد الصغير".
17:27 ,2011 آب 23
عون: آمل أن يبقى جوبيه قبل ان بصل إلى سوريا
17:24 ,2011 آب 23
عون خاتما: أنا لا أقايض وليس لدي مصلحة خاصة ولكن لا أترك الخطأ مكان الصح وهناك قضايا مبدئية نحن معها
17:22 ,2011 آب 23
عون: لحزب الله الحق في الدفع باتجاه براءته
17:21 ,2011 آب 23
عون عن الحركات السلفية: حركات انتحارية لأنهم خارجين عن الزمان والمكان واسمهم "سلفية"
17:21 ,2011 آب 23
عون عن لاسا: من يعتدي على جاره "سيأكلها" وهذه القضية ليست سياسية بل أفراد، أي معنى طائفي أو مذهبي لا قيمة له، طبيعة الخلاف هو تقصير من قوى الأمن هناك وممنوع أن يعتدي أحد على أحد وهذا تفاهم مع كل الأطراف، الموضوا يعالج بالقانون والمحكمة والأمن
17:20 ,2011 آب 23
عون: من هو المسوؤول عن التقصير في قضية المتهمين؟ أليس ريفي مديرا عاما للأمن الداخلي وميرزا مدعيا عاما للتمييز ؟
17:18 ,2011 آب 23
عون: إما ننجح نحن والحكومة أو نفشل سويا وإذا لم يريدوا مواكبتنا لماذا يحملوننا الفشل
17:14 ,2011 آب 23
عون: يضربون غزة كل يوم وأشعلوا المجتمع السوري فأين العدالة الدولية ولا تغشوا بالإعلام الغربي، لأنه نادرا ما تكون هناك مقاربة علمية صحيحة
17:13 ,2011 آب 23
عون: من لم يدرس التاريخ فليدرس بدأت نهاية الإمبراطوريات، أنظروا إلى الشعب الأميركي كيف أصبح، مهما عظمت الأمور سوف تصغر لأن الإنسان هو الأساس وليس القوة، نحن الصغار مع قوة الحق، والكبار مع حق القوة كله سيرجع إلى حجمه
17:11 ,2011 آب 23
عون: خطاب كنلة المستقبل وحلفائها كلها تخضع للقوانين وهل سيتحرك النائب العام التمييزي عن ما يقال عن الجيش، نحن نكرر لن يحدث أي صراع مذهبي مسلح في لبنان والإستقرار سيبقى، جسمنا لا يقبل الميكروبات وأصبح لدينا مناعة، والدول التي استقوت علينا بحجمها ستنهار هي ونحن لن ننهار، فليتخيلوا ماذا حصل بالإتحاد السوفياتي بخروجه من أفغانستان
17:09 ,2011 آب 23
عون: حركة التغيير والإصلاح تعم على الأقل كل الإدارات، البوصلة ماشية، ليكن معلوما عند الجميع أننا نرجع قواعد صرف الأموال في لبنان إلى الصرات المستقيم ومن يطرحون الأسئلة جهلة ونواياهم خبيثة ولن نصبح مثلهم فمن شاب على شيء شاب عليه
17:08 ,2011 آب 23
عون: لبنان سيصبح دولة وليس مكب والمهم على الشعب اللبناني أن يكون واعيا وهناك خطة كهرباء وخطة القضاء على المافيات، هناك صراع بين الوطن واللاوطن، إن شاؤوا أم أبوا هناك نفقات للوزير فهو الذي يحدد الصرف ـ تطير الحكومة ولكن كرامتنا تبقى ، قالوا أنها لن تمر على جهاز المراقبة ولكن العكس فنحن نريد أن نمررها على الجهاز والحكومة هي لا تفعل ذلك فاحذروا من التضليل
17:05 ,2011 آب 23
عون: رفعنا الإتصالات من 1200000 مشترك إلى 3200000 والحبل على الجرار والجيل الثالث من الإتصالات سوف يصل للبنان والألياف البصرية أيضا، مشاريع المياه عندما تصل 24 ساعة على 24 تستنتجون أن البلد كان مسروقا وليس مكسورا، نحن نعمل ضمن المجتمع السياسي المقصر بطريقة إدارته وإقتصاده الريعي ومزرعته الخاصة
17:05 ,2011 آب 23
عون: بناء لمطالبة الوزير تعقد الحكومة للوزير الصفقة بالتراضي وهذا ما لا نريده، نتأمل أن تبت قضية الكهرباء أو الذي قلناه في السابق نكرره اليوم
17:03 ,2011 آب 23
رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: أصبح هناك دناءة في بعض المقالات في ما خص قضية الكهرباء ، نحن نريد دولة تحمي المواطنين أما الآخرين فاعتبروا الدولة شركة مساهمة
Aoun is like an elephant in a China store. Hezbollah is now stuck with an ally to whom the hezb owes its political survival. Aoun thinks he is entitled to the booty and Hezbollah and the other ministers want their share of the loot.
Meanwhile the government is crippled and Lebanon is the weakest it has been in years to abosrb the changes that are sweeping the region.
Let the show begin...
You have become everything you fought against in 1989/1990.
Nothing separates you anymore from your follow criminals and mafioso: Geagea, Jumblat, Hariri Jr, Nasrallah, Gemayel...
You're pathetic...
Aother Hassan nasrallah! He's not even addressing anything! He's just blabbing to his sheep! He says he wants the audit to Look into the plan! That's not what the audit does ya general! The audit OVERSEES the expenditures! This man is trying to pull some scummy move to rob the Lebanese! A man who doesn't adress the issues is either a liar, trying to pull some scummy stunt, or knows he Is in the wrong! In this Case, it's all 3! His logic on America is FALSE! I live in the states! There is nothing wrong here! As far as I'm concerned, the USA is still byfr the most powerful nation militarily and economically! The us is still the first nation suffering and nations in need call upon for help! And we ALWAYSZ HELP! The us liberated the south Sudanese, have contributed the most to the famine in Somalia, and helped with it's NATO allies to liberate the libyans! This man has become the Christian nasrallah and he is truly a pathetic, losing soul
I pray for those who attack and oppose you, forgive them Lord for they know not what they do.
Aother m8 move! Blame rifi! For what! It's his fault that 3/4 suspects left the country! His fault that the Hezbollah repercussions of catching the other guy will be extraordinary! It could cause another may7! If Hezbollah wasnt so belligerent ane quick to pull the trigger, Lebanon would be able to pursue suspects and work freely to achieve justice! And yes ur right u don't have any personal interests to achieve, u just have Syria and hezbollah's interests to achieve. AOUNIES WAKE UP!!!! You're a pawn in Hezbollah's game!
Aoun is despicable,he's rhetorics are abnormal.Aoun has no credibility what's so ever,he speaks to the Lebanese people as he's subordinates.He (Aoun) should be ashamed of himself, he is nothing but a coward.The Lebanese people should never forget and forgive Aoun for abandoning his troops to be slaughtered by the criminal Syrian regime he and his blind followers are aligned to know.Aoun is morally and politically bankrupt,Any were else in the world Aoun actions would have resulted in him been court marshaled,he's behavior is deplorable.Shame on you Aoun.
Ya General, you have never brought anything good to this country, why would you start now?? Don't you and Imbessil waist our time. Resign! NOW!!
True, the dude is useless and hurt because he wasn't chosen as president. But the collapse of the government would bring nothing good, at least until next years's elections. I hope we aren't on the brink of a new civil war :-/
Nope, sorry too late, your dignity collasped when you sided with the filthy non-Islamic militia
Aoun is a great leader and deserves ti get his piece of the pie. He and his incompetent son in law should get their millions to add to the millions Aoun took with him to Paris in 1990. But the sectarian monkeys don't want him to get his share.
General Aoun should return the money he stole from the lebanese people donated it and should leave his position as MP. If not he should be tried for his crimes like the rest of pour crooks in government! I totally agree with you all. This guy is not for his purpose, he is was and always will be a small time crook and a murderer. Do you remember all the nonsense he said before he ran away in his Pyjamas to the French Embassy to escape with the loot! we will never forget and one day you will be accountable for all the people who died.
My dear General your dignity has vanished long time ago .... Many broken hearts but we are all humans after all ... we all make mistakes... time to speak to the people and apologize for your mistakes and arrogance like how many others have done so far...
mr Aoun you have and do not deserve any dignity and hezballa has no rights whatsover they are simply a terrorist organisation. So please leave us alone and take your family as well, please, please.
His lips move, and he makes sound, but he says nothing. All he does is give political cover for the Hezz.
The only reason Lhasa is not cleared up is because of the threat of the Hezz backing the local thugs.
Oh I fogot to say your dignity left long ago when you ran away from your responsibilities in your pajamas and left your army and your family. Then you filed your pockets with Syrian money.
Aoun and Bassil have the same inflated ego and imaginary self-importance as Moamar and Seif Khadafi. Aoun knows about reforms and accountability as much as Khadafi knows about democracy. They both have the same disregard to human life and belief in self-righteousness. Khadafi is responsible for stealing Libya's resources and causing senseless destruction and loss of human life, and Aoun is the hired assassin of the Cedar Revolution that delivered Lebanon to the Basij and Mukhabarat destroying our economy, bankrupting businesses and forcing thousands to emigrate. How can Aoun/Bassil talk about financial accountability and not investigate the billions funneled to Hizbolah? talk about stability while ignoring HizbIran's arsenal? talk about maritime borders while ignoring land demarcation? talk about reforms while surrounded by profiteers and practicing influence peddling? talk about transparency while asking for blank check! Aoun and Bassil are the new pirates in a cabinet of pirates!
Tell Aoun Lebanon is a country and does not need him in any shape or form. We can do it without crooks like Aoun and his friends in government.
Didn't you lose it when you left your troops and family and fled to the french embassy?
Didn't you lose it when you turned against everything you said and declared when in your fancy exile just to try to become president?
Look up the word maybe you do not know what it means.
Until the Lebanese who are under Rasputin's spell see that he is a blatering idiot, he can come out every Tuesday with his looney tune news conference and not lose a vote, not one of his constituents will hold him accountable. And this is unfortunate for the Christian people and for Lebanon.
I know they all think that regardless of how bizzare Aoun may be, "there is a reason for it" and they do not question the reasoning or ask what is the reason. It is blind followship. This is not what democracies are made of. Sure there are elections, but then there is accountability of the elected to the people. If the people default on their duty to hold elected officials accountable, if they blindly follow, then you get Mr. Crazy and his Idiot Son in Law in the Council of Ministers.
Gadaffi is gone. Assad is next. Without Giddo Bashar, this sheep Aoun will wash out too.
The only sense he made is that the government will fall, the rest is garbage. I think he is starting to realize that Assad will not be around come 2012
Thank you for deleteing my post Naharnet. It show what a mature and impartial organization you are.
I would like to know if the 700 MW will solve the electricity shortage problem in Lebanon. Will that mean that the country will enjoy electricity 24/7?
Lebanon buys electricity from Jordan and Syria. How much dol we pay for 700 MW? Is it cheaper to buy from outside or produce internally?
The question should be why is it that the country does not have electricity yet? How much extra electricity do we need to produce or buy tonprovide a 24/7 supply to the people? Is the government trying to save money by cutting electricity production? This applies to all governments? How much are the savings?
It would be nice if someone (perhaps reporters) could dig in and find what the actual numbers are.
Having electricity 24/7 is good irrespective what polititian is backing the initiative.
Lebanon needs 10,580,000 MW-hr/yr in 2005 (CIA). How does that compare to the proposed 700 MW plant?
Your dignity left you when you started those wars on the Christians. Your dignity decided never to come back to you since you left your wife and kids in the presidential palace that was being shelled. Your dignity denies it ever existed when you allied yourself with Hezbollah and started making the most controversial and unpatriotic statements ever.
It is sad that you will die with unresolved issues by not having achieved your long life goal of becoming a president for which you sacrificed everything you had.
Its ok General , we forgive you, for we all know you get shots of insuline to diminish your anger management problems, added by alzheimer at your advanced age for saying you have dignity, you maybe forgot your escape like a runaway bride from your now obvious lover SYRIA, you are nothing but a rat , we all remember your dear close friend Karam who was caught spying for Israel, you are more corrupted than march 14th, because we all know that you made a deal to release Karam and leave ashraf rifi in office, but you failed till now, this is why you are still attacking the only honorable officer there is left in this jungle state. Rather than playing card like you during wars, he performs his duties like stopping your thugy little friend charbel nahhas from cutting soem communication links of Ogero and giving it to Hezbollah for free, as well as leaving for him the 1 billion + revenues of his ministry and not giving to the state's treasury, time will prove you are the biggest crooks
Now this is idiot is accusing Ashraf Rifi of shortcomings in that he did not lay his hands on the 4 saints! This guy is a totally bipolar individual who should retrn to Deir Es Salib!
What dignity is he talking about? That of the one who cleared the syrians from Hariri's assassination 3 minths after he landed in Beirut? That of the General who ran away like a rabbit when the Syrian bombed him and left behind his defending comanions to be slaughtered? That of the one who did not send ne single rep to the funerals of those same soldiers who gave thier lives to cover his retreat and whose remains were subsequently uncovered? That of the one who dropped the case of the 200 lebanese arbitrarily arrested and rotting in Syrian prisons? Or the dignity of the one living from handouts, and digging personnally into the political money after the 30 M dollars he stole from the treasury ran out?? This is Mr General!! General Miche Petain!
Please go away, and yes topple the government. Even when you're master is gone, we will always remember you and how you destroyed Lebanon twice.
Yes apparently while the world moves ahead, naharnet expands its censorship team.
it seems to me that they like to steer the conversations in the ways they like. some comments are deleted while others are not.
Bravo naharnet. you can delete that.. Hell you can delete my whole account. I'll just go to al manar's website
Mansour if you need proof i saved the screen when that comment was before mine ;)
and I'm fully with you. i actually do not use offensive languge so as not to break the terms and conditions, but still, they are now censoring opinions.
as of now the gloves are coming off, and you can suspend my account for all i care naharnet
Dignity is a term that went obsolete after the Middle Ages which in addition to hacing warlords and religious politicians confirms Lebanon has still not gone beyong that period in history
Rudy they delete mine all the time,apprantly we supposed to feel sorry for whats happening in Syria and what the Palestinians are enduring i say this to all of the so called Naharnet administration that right ow im sitting back with my nice HOT cup of coffee and reading about all the misery that they are now enduring and hope they endure for another 100 years and then maybe just maybe i mite forgive them, very small chance though :) enjoy your misery grubs.Thank you
and you should be free to say that. and other people should be free to disagree no matter how they disagree..its the internet for fuck's sake!!
so when you read this admnistrator, i hope you take a lesson from it. in case you're too dense to understand, i am explaining how people actually have the right to disagree, and even to offend each other. yes it's actually a right!! shocker!
no one is forced to come in and debate or comment. and whoever feels hurt shuld probably get off their screens and get a life. (you too administrator)
i agree with Rudy if you dont like the facts then dont read the comments stick to just the articles.Thank you
can't we get one of those hats with bells on the pointy corners for GMA? It would befit his dignity.