"التغيير والإصلاح": تطورات المنطقة تثبت أن ما نقوم به هو لحماية لبنان
Read this story in Englishأعلن تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" الثلاثاء أن التطورات في الشرق الأوسط وخصوصا في العراق تثبت أن ما "قام به" من انفتاح على تيار "المستقبل" بعد حزب الله "هو لحماية لبنان".
وقال أمين سر التكتل ابراهيم كنعان بعد اجتماع عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "كلنا نرى التطرف في العراق ودولة "داعش" واستعدنا مواقف قديمة جديدة للعماد (ميشال) عون عام 2006 حين نبه من خطورة الوضع في المنطقة والفتنة السنية الشيعية".
عليه شدد كنعان على "أهمية الإنفتاح الذي حصل في الداخل"، متابعا ً "من يسأل ماذا يفعل العماد عون نرده إلى تصريحاته منذ سنوات فكل التفاهم الذي حصل عام 2006 وصولا إلى الإنفتاح على تيار المستقبل يصب في خانة حماية لبنان".
ويشهد العراق تطورات دامية منذ أسبوع بدخول عناصر تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام" إلى بعض المحافظات والسيطرة عليها، إضافة إلى احتجاجات ضد الحكومة العراقية ارتفعت حدتها بفعل الدخول السريع للتنظيم المتطرف. وتضاف هذه الأوضاع إلى وضع سوريا المتأزم منذ أكثر من ثلاثة أعوام وتداعياتها السلبية على لبنان.
وأضاف كنعان "مرة بعد مرة تطورات المنطقة تعطينا الحق أكثر فأكثر وقناعة على مستوى الأداء أن ما نقوم به هو لمصلحة لبنان وإن صلبنا أكثر من مرة وصلب العماد عون أكثر من مرة".
وخلص إلى القول "عملية البحث عن رؤية وطنية مشتركة أمر أساسي والعبرة ليست بالإصطفاف والأداء والقدرة على الجمع".
من جهة أخرى لم يخف كنعان أنه "أسبوع حافل على صعيد سلسلة الرتب أو غيرها وندعو بكل احترام وقناعة إلى أن تثمر جلسة منتجة نهار الخميس".
وردا على سؤال أجاب "لا نقول أننا متفائلون بشأن السلسلة بل قلنا أن هناك مسعى يحصر الخلاف بين الكتل ويحصر الأرقام في يد وزارة المالية وهناك بحث ليومين قبل الجلسة".
أما في الأمور الأخرى "سيتكلم الجنرال عون مساء" في مقابلة تلفزيونية كما شرح كنعان الذي أردف "هناك مصلحة لكل اللبنانيين والمعنيين أن يسمعوا لكلمة العماد عون الليلة وإن شاء الله يكون صدى المقابلة إيجابيا لدى الجميع".
"when we look back at some of (FPM leader) General (Michel) Aoun's statements in 2006"
LOL and when we look back at prior statements from the same general he said that Lebanon will not be at peace till the assad regime remains, that hezbollah was a terrorist militia, that syria was the main cause of lebanese corruption, that... that...
his statements only prove that he changes his speeches according to his own interests... and never lebanese interests!! LOL
@FT : Idiots are people like you who don't seem to understand the first thing about this MOU ! It's BS !
Here's your MOU : http://www.voltairenet.org/article163916.html
There isn't a single mention of "Islamists" and "Terrorists" and fighting Sunni extremism is there ?
The MOU is VOID / NULL ! It's been breached by Hezbollah and Aoun like a puppy turns a blind eye !
How can you respect a leader whose partners are stepping all over him.
It was never in Hezbollah's "Mandate" to protect Lebanon from Islamists or protect Bashar.
isil was insignificant before 2013 ya FT...stop eating those mushrooms... and the only K9 is you... for feeling that you need protection from Hezbollah... the Christians of Lebanon need nothing from your bearded friends, or no other fundamentalists!
How can you state that ?
1- Your partnership with Hezbollah is a joke ! They breached your MOU so many times. Using their weapons for anything else other than "liberating Lebanon from occupation" or defending Lebanon from Israeli aggression is a flagrant breach of your MOU
2- Hezbollah treats Aoun like a lunatic and don't want to see him as president
3- Hezbollah is the reason Lebanon is exposed to Israeli and "Takfiri/Nusra/ISIL/Zombie/Cannibal/Alien" aggressions
FPM's partnership with Hezbollah is a flop and your leader has lost all integrity by still siding and supporting them. The same way he has lost integrity by accusing Bashar of murder and supporting him months later.
We are all Aounies. Problem is Aoun is no longer a Aounie !
Fight for your beliefs and stop fighting for putting your ego-centric self loving dictator Wanabee Aoun in power !
If you go back far enough, Aoun called Hezbollah a terrorist organization and Assad a terrorist sponsoring state. How can anyone with any credibility say look to what Aoun has said in the past to judge the accuracy of the man. He has said whatever is necessary to advance the interests of Aoun.
The fact is that he has been the most destructive force within Lebanon since he first came onto the scene. The history is known, but just in the last 10 years, he has taken the place of the Assad regime to provide Hezbollah with political cover to continue Hezbollah's erosion of Lebanese state institutions. Aoun has participated in the divide that weakens the Lebanese Christian political parties so that they have all ben ineffective. Aoun's blind pointless ambition to become President has served the interests of his paymasters in Iran by paralyzing Lebanese State institutions so as to increase the power of Iran's power projection instrument, Hezbollah inside of Lebanon.
And finally, Aoun's support for Assad is THE most inexcusable about face act of treason that any Lebanese has engaged, including Eli Hobeika. Assad has occupied Lebanon, made war on Lebanon, used Sunni Fundamentalist proxies to try to break Lebanon; Assad has unleased ISIS the hated Fundamentalist "tikfiri" against whom Hezbollah fights with Aoun as the cheer leader, but it is Assad who has fostered this to discredit his Opposition and to make the war to oust him a now dangerous regional sectarian war that threatens to engulf Lebanon into the flames of irrational religious war. This is the wisdom of Aoun. The wisdom of a complete idiot.
Ibrahim Kanaan striking the pose of "The Thinker" is a joke of the first order. There is more brainpower in the concrete head of the statue by Rodin than is between the ears of Mr. Kanaan.