رعد يؤكد ان "لا مكان لداعش في لبنان"
Read this story in English![W460](http://images2.naharnet.com/images/9442/w460.jpg?1310033146)
أكد رئيس "كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد ان "ليس في لبنان مكان لداعش"، مشدداً على اهمية التنسيق بين مختلف الاجهزة الامنية في العمل على مطاردة الشبكات الارهابية.
واعتبر في كلمة خلال الإحتفال التكريمي الذي أقامه "حزب الله" في حسينية بلدة قانا الجنوبية، ان مطاردة الشبكات الارهابية تحتاج إلى "دقة ومتابعة وجدية وكتمان أثناء تنفيذ المطلوب".
وشدد على ان "المطلوب هو العمل من دون أن يؤدي ذلك إلى إشاعة الرعب بين الناس"، مشيداً في الوقت عينه بـ "جهود الأجهزة الأمنية والعسكرية لا سيما مخابرات الجيش اللبناني لمطاردة شبكات الإرهاب التكفيري في لبنان".
من جهة أخرى، أكد رعد أنه "ليس في لبنان مكان لا لداعش ولا لمن يدعمها على الإطلاق"، مكرراً موقف الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله بالقول "لو لم نفعل ما فعلناه مع الإرهاب التكفيري في القصير والقلمون لكان هذا الإرهاب سيفعل ما فعلته داعش في الموصل".
يُذكر ان نصرالله كان قد اعتبر وفق صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء الفائت انه "لو اننا لم نتدخل في سوريا في الوقت المناسب وفي الطريقة والكيفية المناسبتين.. لكان داعش الآن في بيروت".
يُشار الى ان داعش هو تنظيم مقرّب من القاعدة، وقد برز في الآونة الاخيرة جراء الازمة السورية المندلعة منذ آذار 2011، وهو ضد النظام السوري. وقد تبنى تنظيم "داعش" اعمالاً ارهابية واطلاق صواريخ على بلدة اللبوة البقاعية المؤيدة للنظام السوري.
وتخوض القوات العراقية معارك مع "داعش" الذي يحاول السيطرة على مناطق عدة في العراق وبالاخص شمال بغداد.
ISIL is not a big threat to lebanon. ISIL can conquer a teritory. However it will not sustain because: 1- It cannot hold a territory. 2-It cannot make an honest alliance. ISIL is the Gengis khan of the 21st century. They are not a threat to lebanon.
The only threat to lebanon is the HA milicia which infiltrated the government and paralized it, killing whomever stood in its way and the Amal thugs which bloat our public administration with useless overpaid employees.
can we know the nationality of the terrorists cought in napoleon hotel ?
just so Lebanese citizens know who support isil and who works with them and especially who fund them
god bless democracy and the rule of law (not the rule of a holy book)
The LAF and ISF are laboring under circumstances where an alternative organized military force exists on Lebanese sovereign territory and follows it's own unilateral military policy to wage war in neighboring states. It is that policy pursued by Raads party, Hezbollah, that has exposed Lebanon and caused so much difficulty for the Lebanese security agencies and people.
The Lebanese not only must tolerate the Hezbollah's presence in their country under the threat of Hezbollah arms, but we have to clean up their messes and pay the consequences of their myopic selfish decision making. Hezbollah, the 16 year old rich kid whose parents pay the price for having raised a spoked child.
all religious fanatics armed with weapons, beards and false interpretations of their religion to keep on terrorizing their fellow citizens and a population seeking some normality and peace into their life are bascially sick and tired of HA, nusrah, ISIL, ASSAD, IRAN. Honestly, if your HA and then ISIS can just pack and go somewhere and keep slaughtering each other- only then we will have the lebanon we dream of. If you want to take aoun with you- feel free to do so as well.
the arsonist playing the fire brigade... nothing new under the sun of propaganda....
Yes sir! ISIL and it's a march 14 supporters are learning a real ledgin
"called on Saturday for further coordination between security agencies in the fight against terrorism"
never had they ask for that when anti syrian figures and journalists were targeted and killed...oh! maybe they didn't call for security measures knowing they would not be targeted!
but now?
seems they are nervous and afraid....
Hezbollah : you want security ? Stop being the damn reason ISIL and other organisations want to pick up arms and attack Lebanon.
No Hezbollah weapons, no terrorist attacks ! Simple !
The army is perfectly capable of handling them. Proof is Hezbollah was not capable of preventing a single attack anyway meaning their weapons are useless !
FD : I believe the broken record is the one about Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, Israel, Divine Victory, Liberation of the South, Takfiri, ...
Not only is the record broken, it's a pile of BS !
Stop the BS. HA and da3esh are the same. they are both supported by same sours (Iran and russia).we want both of them out of lebanon. glad they are still killing each other, good riddance of both.
i hope they will crush you and your bloody militia along with your iranian masters (REM: i'am a christian and have nothing to loose nor to gain in that silly arab region).