"كتائب العزام" لحزب الله: لن يهنأ لكم عيش حتى يعود الأمن لأهل سوريا ولبنان

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حذرت كتائب عبدالله عزام حزب الله من أنهم "لن يهنأ لهم عيش حتى يعود الأمن لاهل سوريا ولبنان"، وذلك بعد يوم على التفجير الانتحاري الذي وقع في الطيونة.

وقال القيادي بعبدالله عزام سراج الدين زريقات الثلاثاء عبر صفحته على "تويتر" "يتعامى الحزب الإيراني عن عدوانه على أهل السنة في سورية ولبنان، وأنه استعدى بعدوانه أهل السنة عليه".

وتوجه الى الحزب بالقول "إن معركتك لم تعد معنا وحدنا بل مع أهل السنة في سورية ولبنان"، مضيفا " وهاهم أهل السنة يسعون لضربك كل ما يسر الله لهم ذلك. جنيتم على أنفسكم بمغامراتكم في سورية".

وأضاف إن "التفجيرات الأخيرة لهي دليل واضح على أن حربكم ليست مع تنظيمات تكفيرية كما تدعون،ها هم عامة أهل السنة يباشِرون الدفاع عن أنفُسهم بأنفُسهم".

كما قال زريقات "فلا أعد استهداف عميلِكم براهيم وما رأيتموه في ضاحيتكم إلا تأكيدا على أنه لن يهنأ لكم عيش آمنين؛ حتى يعود الأمن لأهل سورِية ولبنان"، في اشارة الى اللواء عباس ابراهيم الذي كان بعيدا امتار قليلة عن موقع الانفجار الذي حصل الجمعة على حاجز للجيش في ضهر البيدر والذي اودى بحياة مؤهل في قوى الامن الداخلي.

يشار الى ان اللواء ابراهيم لعب دورا كبيرا في المفاوضات التي أفضت الى الافراج عن مخطوفي أعزاز السابقين.

وأمس الاثنين وقع تفجير انتحاري أيضا قرب مقهى شعبي وحاجز للجيش في الطيونة سقط فيه عنصر في قوى الامن وجرح 20 شخصا.

ولست المرة الاولى التي تتوجه فيها كتائب "العزام" الى حزب الله بالتحذير، كرد على تدخل الحزب في القتال الى جانب النظام في سوريا، ما يعرض اغلب المناطق التابعة لحزب الله في الضاحية الجنوبية وبعلبك لاستهداف بالصواريخ والعمليات الانتحارية.

يشار الى ان زريقات كان قد اعلن تبني كتائب عبدالله عزام للهجوم الامنتحاري المزدوج التي تعرضت له السفارة الايران في بيروت في 19 تشرين الثاني 2013.


التعليقات 28
Thumb Maxx 20:26 ,2014 حزيران 24

No, dude! Just no! I hate Hizb as much as the next guy, but to wish wholesale death and destruction in this manner is just going too far. This sort of extremism is precisely what both sides here are trying to sow, and your words could have just as well come from the mouth of the poster-child for one of their recruitment campaigns. Tayyouneh comprises of both Sunnis and Shia, and both were down on the ground immediately after the explosion to help out the wounded, since a car-bomb doesn't differentiate.

Thumb theresistance4.0 20:37 ,2014 حزيران 24

Well said Maxx! We can disagree politically but murder is murder and anyone who supports a terrorist bombing in Lebanon committed by any side is the real traitor!

Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 12:52 ,2014 حزيران 25

sormeyto lal sayyed bteswa el kell!

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:10 ,2014 حزيران 25

@ResistanceFailed4x : Murder is murder you say ? Hmmm ... not only is your party made up of known murderers, plotters, assassins, bomb riggers and such. You support the murderer and butcher Bashar ! There is no difference between you and the rat in the article above ! Both terrorists. You should both be eradicated ! And you are as much a traitor as anyone you accuse !

Thumb theresistance4.0 20:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

But ur not going to cheer kudos to u...TERRORIST!

Thumb theresistance4.0 20:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

'HA declaring war on the Syrian people" LOL! Tell me Jerry how is Saudi this time of year?

Thumb theresistance4.0 21:11 ,2014 حزيران 24

Bravo Parraeels! Well said brother

Missing imagine_1979 21:29 ,2014 حزيران 24

And no resemblance with khomaini?....
Go have chupachups folks, really a lot of chupachups...

Thumb lebpatriot2223 21:43 ,2014 حزيران 24

That is one ugly cannibal terrorist who will soon be smoked out and brought to justice by our brave Lebanese soldiers and resistance.

Thumb smarty 21:54 ,2014 حزيران 24

<<<---- Reminder

Thumb lebpatriot2223 22:28 ,2014 حزيران 24

Prove it terrorist

Thumb lebpatriot2223 11:50 ,2014 حزيران 25

Where's your clear proof idiot?

Missing peace 23:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

funny cause not even hezbollah said that KSA killed all the antisyrian lebanese! LOL just you for the sake of your propaganda it seems... LOL

Thumb beiruti 22:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

Another. bearded turbaned guy pointing his finger, mouthing some religious reason to engage in mass killing of people who do not recite prayers of worship like he does. If it were not true it would be funny. The arms dealers dream, anther religious fanatic, fanning the flames of war with a sure fired way to incite people to kill, religion! Sex sells and so does religion, move that product boys, stack those bodies, and keep those orders for weapons and ammo coming in

Thumb beiruti 22:42 ,2014 حزيران 24

What a waste to have a fine religious based militia, without a second one, equal in fervor and money for it to fight? Hezbollah v. ISIS, the match of the ages. Shia v. Sunni! Perfect, the conflict that has no end or resolution, since the initial grievance is 1400 years old. arms merchants must be licking their chops, think of the bottom line, the sales, the soaking of KSA and Iran as they duke it out over the Middle East. The Military Industrial Complex has really outdone itself this time!! Everybody get a good seat, CNN, Fox, BBC, too, big revenues from this one, the shocks thrills and chills. Better than Christians in the Colosseum. Feed the beast, and become one.

Missing peace 23:25 ,2014 حزيران 24

extremists like this guy or nasrallah don't care about God's message if it goes against their interests... they twist the message to fit their propaganda! the Church has been doing this for hundreds of years too!

Missing peace 23:37 ,2014 حزيران 24

tell us which lebanese extremist sunni called for the slaughter of minorities in Lebanon?

Thumb cedre 23:39 ,2014 حزيران 24

first time I disagree with u jnoubi.
Nasrallah and his Iranian money are no excuse for what some shias are doing. Everybody has a brain and a heart, and should use it. We are all responsible for what we do...

Thumb cedre 23:40 ,2014 حزيران 24

Khmeynists and takfiris are brothers, they should be hanged on same tree...

Thumb lebpatriot2223 02:23 ,2014 حزيران 25

Sunnis are the worlds cancer

Thumb lebpatriot2223 11:51 ,2014 حزيران 25

Dream on odiot

Thumb lebpatriot2223 02:41 ,2014 حزيران 25

Sunnis have been a growing cancer since the death of the prophet.

Thumb cedre 09:56 ,2014 حزيران 25

thats what iranpat2223 learnt in his iranian-funded husseynia :
hate sunnis, insult sahabas and kiss khamenei's dirty old bum...

Thumb geha 07:52 ,2014 حزيران 25

let us be clear about this: this guys is a terrorist!

that said: when did we start seeing and hearing about these guys? yes it is after hizbushaitan went to liberate palestine in Syria to defend the weapons of the so called resistance!

stop the BS Iranians: you are the cause of all that is happening to us.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:05 ,2014 حزيران 25

HA brought these characters and their retaliation onto the shia community no ifs or buts about it. @defacto, there are daily flights to tehran from beirut so you can hop on any of those and save us some space in lebanon.

Default-user-icon Anonk (ضيف) 09:22 ,2014 حزيران 25

Expel all Syrians from Lebanon

the country has had enough, they have brought nothing but security problems, political problems and economic problems

Thumb cedre 09:57 ,2014 حزيران 25

btw, syrian mukhabarats should know that takfiris dont wear hat and dress like these, ali mamluk please find others...

Thumb wassupmanigga 17:28 ,2014 حزيران 25

Simple equation. It all started with Hizballah. The more they abuse their presence and existence, and inflict and force themselves in every aspect of Lebanese politics and daily life, the more people are going to get bothered and want them out. They started because they want to liberate Palestine, now they are liberating Syria. The party should be called The Liberators. End Hizbullah, Lebanon will be a real country. Period.