انتحاري يفجر نفسه داخل فندق في الروشة أثناء مداهمة للأمن العام والقاء القبض على آخر وسقوط 11 جريجا
Read this story in Englishفجر انتحاري نفسه عصر الثلاثاء داخل فندق الـ "دو روي" في منطقة الروشة في بيروت وذلك أثناء مداهمة كان الامن العام يقوم بها، وسط معلومات تم تداولها عن وجود حزام ناسف وانتحاري آخر في الفندق لكن تأكد انه تم القاء القبض عليه.
و ذكرت مصادر صحفية فإن التفجير حصل داخل غرفة الانتحاري الذي أفيد أنه من التابعية السعودية ويدعى عبد الرحمن حميقي من مواليد 1994 ، و بعد علمه بمداهمة يجريها الامن العام فجر نفسه داخل الفندق.
وفي التفاصيل، وبحسب ما أفادت قناة الـ LBCI إن "العناصر الذين دخلوا الى فندق الروشة بلباس مدني هم خمسةر وضابط من الامن العام، طلبوا من موظف الاستقبال رقم غرفة الانتحاري، فصعد ثلاثة عناصر في المصعد وحين وصلوا الى مدخل غرفة الانتحاري فجر الأخير نفسه وكان علق الحزام الناسف خلف باب الغرفة".
وقالت الـ LBCI أيضا أن "هناك شك بأن احد العاملين أو الموجودين داخل الفندق هو من أعطى المعلومة للانتحاري بان هناك دورية للأمن العام".
وذكرت قناة الـmtv أن هناك أربعة جرحى من الأمن العام.
ولاحقا أفاد مدير الصليب الأحمر جورج كتاني عن اصابة "11 شخصا في التفجير، مشيرا الى ان 7 منهم مدنيين و 4 من عناصر الامن العام وقد نقلوا جميعا الى مستشفى الجامعة الاميركية".
الا أن القاضي صقر صقر صرح ان هناك ثلاثة جرحى من عناصر الأمن العام. وأفاد عن اعتقال مشتبه به في عمليه التفجير.
والانتحاري الثاني الذي ألقي القبض عليه هو بحسب الـ MTV من آل السويني مواليد 1995.
واثر الاعلان عن جنسية الانتحاري، أفادت السفارة السعودية في اتصال مع "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" انه "يجري حاليا التأكد من هوية الانتحاري الذي فجر نفسه في منطقة الروشة".
وأكدت أن "التنسيق جار مع السلطات اللبنانية للتأكد من حقيقة ما ذكره بعض وسائل الاعلام اللبنانية من ان الانتحاري سعودي، خوفا من ان الهوية قد تكون مزورة".
وكانت نقلت معلومات عن وجود انتحاري آخر داخل الفندق يجري التفاوض معه بحسب ما أفادت الـ LBCI وان القوى الامنية توسع رقعة انتشارها من اجل تأمين سلامة النزلاء الذين ما زالوا بالفندق.
وقالت القناة عينها ان " هناك عبوات ما زالت موجودة داخل الفندق وحزاما ناسفا أيضا ويتم أبعاد كل المدنيين".
لاحقا، اوضحت الوكالة الوطنية انه "تم العثور على حقيبة مفخخة في محيط الفندق، وأن صقر كلف الخبير العسكري تفكيكها. وقالت الـ LBCI ان "كمية المتفجرات التي عثر عليها داخل الحقيبة بلغت نحو 7 كلغ من المواد المتفجرة".
أما الـOTV فأوردت فور وقوع الانفجار أن انتحاريين فجرا نفسهما عند مداهمة غرفتهما وهما خليجيان، مشيرة الى أن "مداهمة الفندق على علاقة بالشبكة التي أوقفت بالشمال اليوم".
والثلاثاء أوقف الجيش خلية ارهابية كانت تخطط لإغتيال أحد كبار الضباط الأمنيين في الشمال.
وبحسب "الجديد" تم توقيف 3 اشخاص من جنسات عربية خلال المداهمة الامنية لفندق "دي روي" في الروشة.
وبعد ساعة من وقوع الانفجار وصل وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق الى موقع التفجير، حيث قال أن "ما حصل هو ضربة استباقية للأمن العام لأن الانتحجاري كان سيفجر نفسه في مكان آخر"، مضيفا أن "الاجراءات الأمنية التي تتخذ تمنع الانتحاري من الوصول الى هدفه".
وتبنى لواء أحرار السنة بعلبك التفجير عبر "تويتر". وقال: "مجاهدين أخرين أصبحوا بأمان خارج منطقة العملية الإستشهادية".
وأضاف: "عملياتنا المباركة لن ترحم حزب الات والجيش الصليبي وكل من يستهدف المجاهدين الأحرار".
وقال أيضا أن "النصر اللذي تحققه الدولة الإسلامية في العراق على جيش المالكي يأتي بمثابة دافع لكل مجاهد في العالم".
وشوهدت آثار حريق وتحطيم زجاج وخراب في الطابقين الثالث والرابع من فندق "دوروي" حيث وقع الانفجار.
وفور وقوع الانفجار سجل انتشار للحزب االسوري القومي الاجتماعي الذي يقع مركزه قرب مكان الانفجار في الروشة، فيما سمع اطلاق نار في محيط الفندق.
وهذا الانفجار هو الثالث خلال ستة أيام بدأ بانفجار ضهر البيدر ثم انفجار الطيونة الذي وقع الاثنين.
I might see a reason why a Saudi man wants to do what he does best against Shiaa in Lebanon or Iraq. But what I still can not comprehend: why the Saudi man is killing New Yorkers, Bostonians, Spanish, Russians, Chinese
thank god lebanon is much safer since hezbollah went to syria just like hassan promised
I would like to thank General Hassan Nasrallah, Terrorist in Chief of Hezbollah of sending an open invitation to his enemies to turn Lebanon into a hellhole !
His actions are responsible for ruining our entire economy and messing up every single summer season since 2005 !
I hope he's happy !
Disarm everyone in Lebanon immediately ! Put en end to the rule of these illegal gangs !
We can't disarm Hezbollah. Hezbollah is in total control, is more powerful than the army and is holding the entire country hostage. Every single Lebanese and every single government institution is hostage to Hezbollah.
Texas, I wish you were right, but I have doubts. Hezbollah is not some ragtag miltia. It is an extremely well trained, equipped, financed and motivated ARMY. It has huge grassroots support among the Shia. Whether we like it or not, it made the Shia count in this country after decades of marginalization. I am not against the Shia taking their fair share of power and influence in the country - quite the contrary. I am on the other hand vehemently opposed to an organization like Hezbollah that hijacks an entire country for its own purposes. Hezbollah seems to have succeeded in convincing its supporters that there are no Shia without Hezbollah. So for many, many Shia, the question of Hezbollah's weapons is an existential one. Hezbollah isn't going to implode any time soon, in my opinion.
@Southern : Hassan Nasrallah is directly responsible for the events that are unfolding in Lebanon ! Had he stuck to his mission of defending our southern border, this would never had happened !
You are not allowed to express yourself except to apologise for your stubbornness, arrogance and crimes !
Hassan Nasrallah and his crew should be hanged along with every other sunni extremist and terrorist in this country !
And how did you come to the conclusion that the Saudi king is behind this?
The army must immediately
- take over control of Lebanon,
- arrest all religious leaders,
- arrest all politician involved in Lebanon's war
- disarm all political and "pseudo-political" parties
- take control of all borders and shoot anyone coming in and out of the country be it Hezbollah or other Arab terrorists.
- establish military rule for a period of 2 years during which the grounds will be laid for a new breed of politicians to come up and draft a new constitution
- organise a referendum on the new constitution
- organise the election of a new political class
Hezbollah won't let the Army do this. It would mean a drastic loss of influence for Hezbollah and Iran. And if Hezbollah doesn't want something done, it won't get done. Guns talk in this country, and Hezbollah has the biggest ones.
Then let them fight the army. The first bullet they shoot, they lose ! Because the people won't accept this. Not even them.
@FT : You are wishing for a Match. There shouldn't be a match.
It's natural for the army to be the sole holder of weapons in the country. Only Hassan Nasrallah and idiots like yourself would turn this into a "match".
Lebanon is ruled by the iranian thugs calling themselves resistance. Resistance that brought doom and gloom to Lebanon and fake victories. No one should enter Lebanon without visas anymore. We have no tourism in Lebanon, it is all fake. We have pollution, traffic jams, armed militias, terrorism, and a coterie of online self-proclaimed experts.
Whether it is in NY, Boston or Madrid, the terrorists killing work-goers are always belong or supported by same culture.
He said we go there so they don't come here, but they still came here he told them we are there come fight us there they did not agree they still came here why is he still there must be something else he's not telling or just waiting for them to give him a fresh lie to tell us.
"Muslim wrath"- killing innocent people and blowying yourself up for no reason, some "wrath". filthy losers
Oh look, a terrorist from Saudi Arabia. I've never seen that before.
Brilliant speech de facto, down with the jihadi Muslims and their blood soaked sword they only know hate
they try to bark like rottweilers but are as harmless as a puppy! FT is the perfect example of a frustrated syrian puppy....
the army should also apprehend the assassins of Hariri, Tueni, etc...
Do I need to provide the culprits' addresses in Dahye and Damascus?
We are under attack by these filthy animals who use God's name in vein to justify their murderous and pre- historic actions. Regardless of the cause ( and we are under no illusion who brought this filth to our door) , we should be standing together to rid ourselves of these animals and stand united as a country. All this bickering serves only to divide us further therefore somewhat validating these cowardly acts. We must first and foremost stay united as we did in 2006. We must also as one voice demand HA withdraw from Syria and support the LAF under the LAF command until such time we are truely rid of these animals then HA must integrate into the army. We as Lebanese are unbeatable when united but we will not tolerate a rouge militia being part of the problem. They must start to be part of the solution that is a unified LAF W BASS!!
wahabism is a violent satanic death cult. this man's suicide is the essence of his filthy cult known as wahabism. it needs to be smashed and put down on a global scale, time to wake up world.
hit every crevice , cave , dungeon these bastards are in and dissect this filthy germ called suicide bombers and terrorists ...bravo Lebanese security
killing innocent civilians on the streets by road bombs planted by hizballah and his allies to target men of opinion is not less of a terror than those terrorist suicide bombers.
we are not sure of what da3esh is, his relationship with assad is as dubious as fat7 el islam which leader shaker el 3absi was one of the very lucky to leave assad prisions after 3 years of. we however are sure what hizballah is.
let us stand united against both, let us condemn sunni and shi3i terror represented by both da3esh and 7alesh. # Da3esh = Hizballa
Another proof, that the Saudis are the true enemies of Lebanon.
@Mystic : with all due respect, when calling Hezbollah terrorists, we do not mean that all shiites are terrorists. When calling your Ayatollah a terrorist, this doesn't mean all Iranians are terrorists and enemies of Lebanon.
So, you cannot state that Saudis are enemies. Radicals are enemies whether they are sunni or shia ! Not Saudis, not Syrians, not Iranians. Their regimes surely... not the people which want nothing more than live in peace ...
“Our blessed operations will not be merciful on (Hizbullah), the Crusader army (Lebanese Army) and anyone targeting the free jihadists,” the group threatened.
Even the salafis recognize the Resistance and the LAF as one. So why do we keep hearing M14 minions say differently?
They are not "one" unless Hezbollah's military falls under the exclusive authority of the state, i.e. merges with the LAF. Until then, Hezbollah is a state-within-the-state, and an organization that holds the Lebanese people hostages to the whims of hassan nasrallah.
Although terrorism may be inevitable considering these Gulf parasites have terrorized the entire world, we cannot deny the treason Hezbollah is committing in Syria on behalf of their masters in Iran is only complicating the situation and making Lebanon a magnet for Jihadist terrorists. ALL Islamists should be disarmed, deported, hanged, you choose, whether they are in Tripoli or Dahyeh, they are a burden on humanity and Lebanon.
Excuse me? There are plenty of Shiites such as myself that absolutely hate Hezbollah and Iran but scum like you make us think what is the alternative... you think you are any different than those you criticize? You are all Jihadist parasites, scum of the earth.
Oh please, Hezbollah is nothing but an Iranian paramilitary organization that is loyal to Iran first and Lebanon second. I am from the South and I see very well we replaced Israel with Iran, we are still being occupied and we are still dying for foreign countries, Hezbollah can burn in h*ll along with all other Islamist groups in Tripoli and ALL non-state illegal arms.
Josh, do you have a complex with Shiites? I am a Shiite, I find your bigotry and fascism and blind hatred scary and comical at once. Remember something, Shiites dont consider Christians and Jews and heretics and infidels, it is your takfiri friends but maybe when they come rape and pillage your little resort in Jounieh you will change your mind. Only in Lebanon do some right-wing Christians support Jihadists... as far as I am concerned, you right-wing scum, Hezbollah, and the takfiris are all the same.