العاهل السعودي يندد بالارهاب ويتعهد محاربته
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/126411/w460.jpg?1404028803)
أكد العاهل السعودي الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز ان المملكة ستواصل محاربة الارهابيين منددا في الوقت ذاته ب"تيارات واحزاب غايتها زرع الفرقة بين المسلمين" في اشارة الى الاخوان المسلمين وغيرهم.
وقال الملك في رسالة وجهها بمناسبة بدء شهر رمضان "لن نسمح لشرذمة من الارهابيين (...) ان يمسوا وطننا او احد ابنائه او المقيمين الامنين". واضاف "كما نعلن اننا ماضون بعون الله تعالى في مواجهة ومحاربة كل اشكال هذه الافة".
واشار الى "بعض المخدوعين بدعوات زائفة ما انزل الله بها من سلطان (...) فلم يفرقوا بين الإصلاح والإرهاب" معتبرا ان هدفها خلخلة المجتمعات بتيارات واحزاب غايتها زرع الفرقة".
وكانت السعودية اظهرت عزمها على مواجهة جماعة الاخوان المسلمين والحركات الجهادية، فاتخذت في السابع من اذار الماضي قرارات متشدد حيالها واصفة اياها بالارهابية.
يشار الى ان الاحزاب السياسية محظورة في المملكة.
ويشهد تيار الصحوة القريب من فكر الاخوان المسلمين حراكا في المملكة كما ان العديد من المغردين والدعاة البارزين يعدون من المقربين كذلك.
وقد قرر الملك عبد الله الخميس الماضي اتخاذ "كافة الاجراءات اللازمة" من اجل حماية المملكة مما قد ترتكبه المنظمات "الارهابية" في ظل مجريات الاحداث و"تداعياتها" في العراق خصوصا.
وتعرضت المملكة لموجة من الاعتداءات شنتها القاعدة بين العامين 2003 و 2006 خصوصا اوقعت عشرات القتلى من الاجانب والسعوديين.
ويشن مسلحو تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" وتنظيمات سنية متطرفة اخرى هجوما منذ اكثر من اسبوعين سيطروا خلاله على مناطق واسعة في شمال العراق وغربه.
كما افادت تقرير اعلامية ان المتطرفين تمركزوا في مواقع في محافظة الانبار المجاورة للمملكة التي تتقاسم مع العراق حدودا بطول 814 كلم يفصل بينها سياج امني محكم شيدته السعودية قبل عدة اعوام.
Saudi Arabia slamming extremism and terrorism, LOL. Saudi Arabia is the DEFINITION of extremism and terrorism.
Khomaini from his side is doing official funerals for his brave shiite fighter martired during their jihadist duty...
Bravo karim, now as usual go have some chupachups man, chupachups...
Do u need links for official iran shiites militant dead during jihadist duty funerals in iran or u know but just chose not to see that..
Chupachups man..
As my respect goes around to every older person, you as well deserve my respect King Abdullah.
Having said that, my father once told me that if I misbehave, people would judge him (my dad) for bad bringing.
My dad went to say, "if your brothers commit any heinous act as well, I will be considered as a failure. And I should search to where I went wrong." My father kept repeating those lines when we were kids. However we turned ok in life with no trouble worth mentioning.
Now, king Abdullah, your sons committed every suicide-bombing targeting work-goers out there. Your sons inspired every violent person who sought nothing but killing for no cause and no legitimate reason what so ever.
Isn't time to start questioning the whole culture? A father can not just condemn his sons, every day when they blow themselves up, and move on!!!!
Continue below.....
..... continued from above,
The Americans are keeping you in this place to do just that. The Americans as well the Israelis love terror and dysfunctional culture.
My dear king, I think it is about time to man up!
I swear my intention is to save the Arabic identity. Please stop listening to the American and use common sense.
Own up to the problem. Take internal measures and God is with you.
God bless
more proof
the extremist
the terrorist
Do u need links for official iran shiites militant dead during jihadist duty funerals in iran or u know but just chose not to see that..
Chupachups man..
Waou resistance great post, very constructive, defines very acureatly ur smart analysis, bravo...
Now time for some chupachups, no?...
You seem to use the woe terrorist a lot, define Terrorist for us would you ?
7alesh those guys knows they supports the sameterrorists than isil execpt that they do scream ya ali.. They know that syrian regime let out more than 500 jihadist out of jail in the biggening of the uprising while jailing protestors, torturing and killing children (hamzah el khatib..)..
They know fsa is fighting isil while assad bombing fsa...
But they are the true terrorists in their mind, sitting behinds their pc looking to all this destruction and readdy to support iran/assad democratic/secular/modern..regime for the sake of their national heros (aoun, psp...)
They must be in real need for chupachups man, chupachups..
one of the best way to counter these takfiry terrorists is to empower women
and to govern by rule of law not rule of any holly book
Big johns can you share with your sources for the claims that "KSA teaches children at young age hate towards everyone is not Wahhabi" ?
You are definitely "fida sirmaiyit el syed"
Your unstructured argument reflects tremendous weaknesses in how you look at things . First you started by claiming that it's against anything not Wahhabi that shifted to mosques, as if mosques are for Wahhabis also. Anyway you come from a school of lies and hypocrisy.
I dare you or anyone else to find a definition for terrorism that wouldn't include hizballah or the collapsed Syrian regime.
Well, he pays for them, I suppose he has the right to slam them if he wants.
he should put his grand mufti in jail if he' opposes extremism on a genuine basis- everyone knows this isn't true.
He says: We will not allow a "handful" of terrorists, using Islam for personal aims, to terrify Muslims or undermine our country and its inhabitants," OK, "handful. So these are the ones that went rogue? "Personal" aims. They deviated from your plan, have their own agenda and no more serving your interests (I wonder what the
Turks are up to)? "Muslims". So it is OK to terrify non-Muslims? "Our" country. Now you're pissed off that what you've created has come too close to home? I can't say that your circle is fully responsible for the support and creation of extremist elements in you adopted religion, but I can say that there are "compelling" reasons that you do.
On the other hand, if you promote "unity", "trust" and "cooperation" which is supposed to have basis in your religion, it will most likely change the culture of Sunni vs. Shiite adolescent aggression and turn it to a society of peaceful and tolerant existence, which based on my observations and opinion is favored and practiced by most of the civilized and educated Sunnis, Shiites, Arab Christians, etc.