السجن 9 اشهر لرجل ضرب زوجته وتغريمه 20 مليون ليرة
Read this story in Englishاصدر القضاء حكما بالسجن تسعة اشهر على رجل تعرض لزوجته بالضرب المبرح في سابقة تأتي بعد اشهر من اقرار مجلس النواب قانونا يجرم العنف الاسري، بحسب جمعية غير حكومية.
والمحكوم عليه هو حسين فتوني (30 عاما) المتهم بضرب زوجته تمارا حريصي (22 عاما) مطلع حزيران، ما ادى الى دخولها المستشفى.
واعلنت جمعية "كفى" الناشطة في الدفاع عن حقوق المرأة ان القضاء اصدر الثلاثاء حكما بسجن حسين فتوني تسعة اشهر، وتغريمه دفع تعويض قيمته 20 مليون ليرة لبنانية لاقترافه "جرم الضرب والايذاء".
ورحبت الجمعية بالحكم الا انها انتقدت العقوبة "غير الكافية".
وقالت المسؤولة الاعلامية في الجمعية مايا عمار لوكالة فرانس برس الاربعاء "بحسب اطلاعنا، هذه هي الحالة الاولى التي يصدر فيها حكم ضد المعتدي بموجب القانون الجديد" الذي اقره البرلمان في الاول من نيسان.
واضافت "لكننا لا نرى ان هذه العقوبة كافية. بالطبع هي افضل من اخلاء سبيله كما كان محاميه يطلب، لكنه دين بتهمة ضربها لا محاولة قتلها"، مشيرة الى ان "الادلة بحوزتنا تظهر بوضوح وجود محاولة للقتل، ونعتقد ان الحكم عليه كان يجب ان يتم وفق ذلك".
وقالت حريصي في مقابلة تلفزيونية في 11 حزيران ان فتوني الذي تزوجته سرا في 31 كانون الثاني 2012، عمد صباح الثامن من حزيران الماضي الى ضربها بعنف لنحو ثلاث ساعات وهي مكبلة القدمين، قبل ان يرمي عليها الكحول ويحاول احراقها.
وبدت الشابة النحيلة ذات الشعر البني الداكن متماسكة خلال المقابلة، الا ان آثار الاعتداء بدت واضحة على وجهها، لا سيما لجهة البقع السوداء في محيط عينيها، وآثار الدمار في عينها اليسرى.
وقالت حريصي ان زوجها توعدها قبل خروجه من المنزل بعد ضربها قائلا "سأعود واقبرك هنا". الا انها تمكنت من الهرب والاتصال بشقيقتها.
وبحسب عمار، لم تقرر حريصي بعد ما اذا كانت ستستأنف الحكم.
ونقلت صحيفة "ديلي ستار" الناطقة بالانكليزية اليوم عن حريصي قولها ان "الحكم جيد نظرا لكوننا في لبنان".
واقر مجلس النواب القانون بعنوان "حماية النساء وسائر أفراد الأسرة من العنف الاسري"، بعد سنوات من حملات قام بها ناشطون ومنظمات غير حكومية، للمطالبة بقانون يحمي النساء من العنف الاسري الذي تسبب خلال الاشهر الماضية بوفاة نساء عديدات نتيجة تعرضهن للضرب او القتل عمدا على ايدي ازواجهن.
ونوهت مايا عمار بالسرعة التي اوقف فيها فتوني والحكم الصادر بحقه، واصدار أمر بابتعاده عن حريصي. الا ان الزوجة الشابة تواجه حاليا تحديا جديدا يتمثل بطلبها الطلاق من زوجها، وهو ما يجب ان يتم عن طريق محكمة دينية، نظرا لعدم وجود قانون مدني للأحوال الشخصية في لبنان.
وقالت عمار "ما زالت امامها معركة طويلة لتخوضها، لكن نأمل في ان تمنحها السلطات الدينية الطلاق".
ويخضع الزواج والطلاق في لبنان لقانون الاحوال الشخصية الخاص بكل طائفة.
I have not seen a lot of Christians in Lebanon committing crimes of violence whether terrorism or other violence like this. We are still 30 or 40 pct. Are we more refined or is it not reported. I haven't seen us on here kidnapping, drugs, or shooting at soldiers or being arrested for guns. Are we better behaved or is the news biased? What about this observation instead of Iran vs Saudi debate?
Zahle1 i am christian and this kind of observation is baseless. Being refined would be not to see things from a religious perspective.
Batata we spend so much time on Sunni vs Shia. Iran vs Saudi. I don't think this is baseless at all. I am not saying anything from a religious perspective. Everyone's religion is fine. I am making on observation on the news reported and an observation of the sects involved. If you feel the crimes committed are not disproportionate pick a week time period over the past 5 years, or even past month and prove me wrong. Its either a fact the the violence is disproportionate, or a media reporting issue. You tell me which one it is.
This is good dialog. The civil war. Bravo. No doubt. So let's talk about times since we were young. I'm talking recent years. We can go back 100s of years if we like and find bad people regardless of sect no doubt. How about the past 5 years? That is a long time right? It seems extremely disproportionate. I'm talking In Lebanon. You see elyasel I read this site everyday. Every single day. And you need to stretch back 24 years plus maybe more. Or you point out a story about a guy who killed his wife, I'm not sure who or where but maybe that article was posted on here if you say so. I'm saying I read something on here every day about Sunni and Shia and Iran and Saudi and kidnapping and wife beating and shooting Lebanese troops and militia in Syria and killing crusader speech and protecting holy sites and killing Sunni to protect Lebanon. And shooting at isf and killing LAF and attacking places or worship....
You are on this site, I read this site, we are 30 or 40 pct, I'm not seeing the crimes reported. Does anyone have links in the past 5 years of Christians in Lebanon shooting at Lebanese troops, attacking mosques, kidnapping others, using militias in the name of stopping terror? Maybe Christians are just as guilty and commit all of these things proportionately and I'm missing all of the articles? The war was ugly I'm not talking civil war. If you want to go back 24 to 40 years that's silly. I'm talking recent. Why little to no reports on violence from Christians? By the way what does liberal or conservative have to do with committing crimes? I am a conservative by the way.
Vast majority of the Christians politicians voted in favour of stricter domestic violence punishments. Vast majority of Muslims voted against it...so it didn't pass.
Everywhere one looks there are pictures and words of violence. People are being programmed to turn from kind, gentle individuals to angry and violent individuals. This is magnified by economic difficulty.
When it comes to religious differences, Christians have the strong connection to Jesus who exemplified LOVE, PEACE, COMPASSION, HEALING. His teachings imbue these qualities upon those who think of him, read his words and keep him in their field of existence. It is impossible to be connected to Jesus and become violent and hence he is known as the Prince of Peace.
Just an off topic note, why is our currency referred to as "pound"? It is "lira" and on the currency itself, it is printed "livres".
well, that's because "pound" is the correct translation of "livre". For example the UK currency "pound sterling" is translated into "livre sterling". Originally, the term comes from Latin "libra".
Some countries prefer/promote the transliteration of their currencies instead of translations, Lebanon accepts "pound" as the english translation of arabic "lira".
Zahle1, Are you sure you are looking? Or you are just closing your eyes pretending nothing is happening? This is happening in the Christian community, it's happening a lot! Christians like to believe themselves as being more liberal, truth is they are not so liberal ...
No not liberal at all. I'm conservative. Conservative social and religious, both. Nothing to do with terror, shooting our troops, kidnapping... So Georges, if it happens so me the posts on here, the articles. I'm not seeing them. I'm definitely not seeing them 30 or 40pct. You tell me. The news is biased, we have an Israeli media in Lebanon like the USA, or it's not happening. Which one is it? Look at today, look at the past wee, the past month. Prove me wrong! Who is shooting at Lebanese troops and isf everyday? Who is sending militias back and forth? Who is kidnapping for ransom? Post it! Prove me wrong. Show me the darn articles! Is it biased media or reporting the news as it happens?
This man should've gotten much longer than just 9 months. Women are not objects in Lebanon and should not be treated like objects. There is no room in Lebanon for Saudi-style practices and laws. Whoever wants to live under barbaric, radical terrorist rule can move to Saudi Arabia.
I totally agree with you karim.. but have you ever looked into the "barbaric" laws we have when a women wishes to divorce? or when child custody is being decided? I didn't, i always thought we were like all civilized countries, until a family member was divorcing. Women have no say in such issues, the father if good or bad they directly give the child to the him. Also a divorced mother needs a signed consent to travel with her child while the father is not required to. Also she is lucky if gets child support...and i'm not going to start telling you how those religious figures are corrupt and take money to keep their eyes shut...
P.S: I'm not talking about one specific sect but all.
religion is like a pair of shoes , find one that fits for you , but don't make me wear your shoes
god bless democracy
Yes pick any religion ya hanoun and just don't kidnap, and shoot our LAF and ISF and go to other countries to fight as a militia outside of the state. Be any religion and refrain from the above. You don't have to wear my shoes just don't wear shoes that do the above, I could care less what religion.
Crime has no religion, race, geography.. Most cases of rape in Lebanon and most of the world go unreported as most victims are raped by family members, or family friends. Most do not press charges!! Let us not even discuss rape and sexual assault in the church that has plagued Pope Benidctus XIV years as pope. As for the Muslims, how many fathers receive a large dowery to accept marrying their minor daughters to men 20, 30, 40 years older. Many of these transactions occur in the religious courts!!! That amounts to assault, in my opinion. There are more educated people, who commit different kinds of crime, the wealthier they are the more resources they have to hide their crimes, or defend themselves. This goes everywhere. As for Lebanon, all the same trash. Those calling themselves more refined are actually trying to get a mass murderer into the presidency!
Crime does have geography. It happens in some areas exponentially more than others. Again, everyday there is violence in Lebanon reported by serta in sects? Don't talk about a church with issues in other countries. Do you really want to talk about rape and forced conversion? What about Nigeria? Egypt? Iraq? Don't go there. We are talking Lebanon. Why the disproportionate violence reported? Real or a reporting issue?