الادعاء على 28 لانتمائهم لداعش بينهم 7 اوقفوا خلال مداهمات لفنادق

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ادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاض صقر صقر على 28 شخصاً بجرم الانتماء الى التنظيم الارهابي داعش (الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام) بهدف القيام بأعمال ارهابية.

ومن ضمن المدعى عليهم يوم الاثنين، سبعة موقوفين ارهابين كان قد ألقي القبض عليهم في فنادق داهمتها القوى الامنية في وقت سابق.

وقال مصدر قضائي لوكالة "فرانس برس" أنه من بين الموقوفين " سعودي، واثنان يحملان الجنسية الفرنسية احدهما فار والثاني موقوف".

والادعاء هو بجرم الانتماء الى "داعش"، بهدف القيام بأعمال ارهابية انتحارية بواسطة احزمة ناسفة وتفخيخ سيارات وشراء صواعق ومتفجرات وأحزمة ناسفة واسلحة وتحضير اشخاص للقيام بأعمال انغماسية والقيام باعمال تدريب على اعمال انتحارية انغماسية.

وبحسب العبارات التي تستخدمها المجموعات الجهادية، فان "الانغماسي" هو الشخص المكلف تنفيذ عملية انتحارية تقضي بان يهاجم الهدف بالسلاح ويطلق النار قبل تفجير نفسه لايقاع اكبر عدد من الضحايا.

هذا الى جانب اعداد انتحاريين وتزويدهم بالاحزمة الناسفة للقيام بأعمال انتحارية في أماكن سكنية في بيروت سندا الى مواد نص عقوبتها القصوى على الاعدام.

وأحال صقر جميع المدعى عليهم الى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الاول رياض ابو غيدا.

يُذكر ان القوى الامنية كانت قد نفذت سلسلة مداهمات في منطقة أواخر حزيران الفائت، تركّزت على فندقي "نابوليون" في الحمرا و"دوروي" في الروشة، حيث تمكنت في الاول من توقيف شخص يحمل الجنسية الفرنسية تبيّن في التحقيق معه بأنه كان سينفّذ عملاً انتحارياً وأنه كان بانتظار "التعليمات".

أما في الفندق الثاني فنجحت القوى الامنية من توقيف انتحاري قبل ان يفجّر نفسه في حين تمكن آخر من تفجير حزامه الناسف.



التعليقات 21
Missing cedars 13:49 ,2014 تموز 07

Because the Syrian regime on the hands of Emile lahud days ensured that our internal system is infested with Syria backed allied mukhabarat such as Baath,ssnp and ha. The system itself needs to be cleaned up.

Thumb EagleDawn 14:17 ,2014 تموز 07

as usual, flamethrower is always relevant and it believes it has a sense of humor.

Thumb ado.australia 16:40 ,2014 تموز 07

As relevant as Jerry?

Thumb popeye 14:27 ,2014 تموز 07

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower._ , but alas!

Thumb cash.puppet 14:42 ,2014 تموز 07

I thought they were one and the same.. what happened now you are separating them?

Thumb cash.puppet 14:42 ,2014 تموز 07

Deflection deflection :)

Thumb cash.puppet 14:43 ,2014 تموز 07

As usual eagledung and his 87239477 alter egos attempt to deflect attention away from the article. Mind you these are the same users that claim the likes of FT and myself deflect attention away from HA. Moreover, these are the same users that claim ISIL and HA are one and the same. Deflection deflection ma heik ;)

Thumb ado.australia 16:52 ,2014 تموز 07

Full disclosure... What do your numbers represent? i.e 87239477?

Thumb cash.puppet 17:54 ,2014 تموز 07

Ado, just random haha. No meaning, just meant to represent the multiple accounts this user has

Thumb lebpatriot2333 15:29 ,2014 تموز 07

Pajama freak, why don't you stop defending your cannibal terrorists and stop accusing the resistance with your delusions.

Missing cedars 04:25 ,2014 تموز 08

How big is the resistance ho 2333?

Thumb ado.australia 16:50 ,2014 تموز 07

Why dont they release the nationality of the accused? Most are Palestinian, Syrian or Saudi.

I believe Rifi that Lebanese Sunni are not accepting or wanting these freaks attacking their fellow Lebanese. But they are in denial that these people are here. We can't just bury our heads in the sand... Non Lebanese religious extremists should be banned from entering Lebanon and every non Lebanese salafist should be exiled back to their place of origin.

Thumb ado.australia 18:05 ,2014 تموز 07

Tex... Even though again irrelevant, yes this is inexcusable and undefendable. Even though they are more likely amal thugs, is just as irrelevant to your question. Those scum that were claiming to liberate baabda, should also be arrested and tought a lesson from our presidential guards! But are you seriously comparing those idiots to blood thirsty terrorists whose aim is to kill as many civilians as possible? The right wing Jews that ran through tel aviv streets chanting death to all Arabs and 12hrs later kidnaped and then burnt a 16year old palestinian to death as he walked to prayers in the morning...worse or the same or not as bad?

Thumb ado.australia 18:26 ,2014 تموز 07

Tex... I'm not the defender or justifier of hezbollah.... I sick of repeating my thoughts over and over.But u seam to either ignor or forget my position. I want Hezbollah military to integrate with the LAF. I believe most Lebanese want the same including most Shiites that support hezbollah. I don't think this is possible by attacking them or isolating them. I believe its through defending them against Israel and foriegn attacks. You can't attack fellow Lebanese by siding with foreigners. This is treacherous. Jumblatt and other warlords might thnk this is acceptable but it aint! The LAF that defends all Lebanese from all threats is what I support and defend! The watan is our only hope and god bless the LAF and the people that serve our nation and The cedar on their baeray !!

Thumb cash.puppet 19:10 ,2014 تموز 07

Ado we all share your beliefs about integration through unity, but sexy texy has absolutely no interest in promoting that since he is on the Zionist payroll. This is obvious by his constant smearing of HA along with his minions ice-man etc...

Thumb lebanon_first 16:57 ,2014 تموز 07

Still awaiting the day when HA miliciamen get sentenced for killing Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, el Hassan, Salman, etc...

Thumb kanaandian 16:58 ,2014 تموز 07

i dont think saudis amount to much other then being suicide bombers.
what a useless breed.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:28 ,2014 تموز 07

You nailed it with wolfie. But u probably wont get an answer. His ilk does not yet know that HA is a milicia that took over our country with a soft coup, they are still drinking from the "HA is a resistance" cup.

Thumb music66 06:13 ,2014 تموز 08

Bravo Saqr , may more follow. It dont matter what party one belongs to. If its going to brainwash young men to volunteer to kill them selves and others all in the name crime then you don't deserve to be apart of civilization. The world needs more good men there is not enough of them unfortunately. Men who can do good for all humans of all cultures and spread love and good will not evilness among the masses. Hope other judges world wide also take this stance to wipe out evilness on earth.

Missing greatpierro 07:47 ,2014 تموز 08

This whole story about Daesh in Lebanon and the organized blow up seems very much of an ornagized set up by Syria/Iran who are behind Daesh. The aim is to scare the Lebanese and justify again and again the Iranian shiite hegemony. In the past the Syrian used the same technic by sending saiqa, fplp to scare and massacre the christians justifying the syrian occupation of lebanon.

Default-user-icon Jingarello Zubaybil (ضيف) 08:57 ,2014 تموز 08

What ISIL ya Nawfal Daou? What friggin ISIL? What a big lie, ya Nawfal Daou. Have you not heard Dr. Arreet 7akeh, who you respect as much as he disrespects you for being a hopeless jerk, say that these are revolutionaries? I hope and pray that the Doc of Bull send his Drs. Arteena Satleh to punish you by ending your manhood, and that by cutting off the middle finger of your right hand cause you deserve no punishment less serious than this!!!