محكمة اميركية تأمر بدفع اموال ايرانية لضحايا اعتداءات بيروت
Read this story in Englishاكدت محكمة استئناف في نيويورك الاربعاء حكما للمحكمة البدائية يقضي بدفع 1,75 مليار دولار من الاموال الايرانية لعائلات اميركيين قتلوا في اعتداء وقع في بيروت عام 1983.
واكد ثلاثة قضاة في محكمة استئناف فدرالية بالاجماع قرار القاضية كاترين فورست الذي صدر في اذار 2013 وامرت فيه بدفع الاموال المجمدة في حساب ستي بنك في نيويورك لعائلات الضحايا في اطار حكم صدر عام 2007 وقضى بدفع 2,65 مليون دولار من الاموال الايرانية.
واستهدف هجومان في 23 تشرين الاول 1983 الكتيبتين الاميركية والفرنسية في القوة المتعددة الجنسية في بيروت وقد قتل 241 جنديا اميركيا و58 مظليا فرنسيا. واتهمت الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا حزب الله وايران.
ورفعت عائلات الضحايا الاميركيين شكوى في العام 2010 بعد ان علموا بوجود اموال ايرانية.
وكان البنك المركزي الايراني الذي اتهم مع الحكومة الايرانية ومصارف اخرى، قد استأنف قرار المحكمة البدائية.
ومن الممكن ايضا تقديم استئناف جديد وعلى ان يدرس هذه المرة من قبل مجمل قضاة محكمة الاستئناف وحتى المحكمة العليا.
really? please tell me when will the US pay for the destruction of iraq and killing of 2 million of its people?
that's 10,000 Billion $ if the same rate is applied, before counting the attorneys fees
same goes for palestine and lebanon which were bombed and terrorized by israel with US approval and support.
and LOL btw, for labelling "terrorism" an operation against military forces. they send their troops to kill and occupy and then cry foul if people fight back
The marines were not occupant you ignorant. They were part if the multinational force that came to Lebanon after the Israeli invasion as a peace keeping force.
The real occupant who stayed in Lebanon looting our resources, killing and destroying were the Syrians.
Southern the devil is the one who refuses peace and keeps chanting death and revenge to his enemy.
They were mostly comunists who help bringing down the imperialistic shah regime then... U know the kind of leftist like bigjohn on this forum as well as most of the "moumana3a"... Leftist with no lecture of the past and going threw same mistakes as their fellow iranian comrads...
Anyway this article only prove that iran is normalising its relation with the satanic west, just like kazafi did few years ago lokerbi case...not official normalisation but kind of good term agreement deal, as well as calls for iran/USA joint help to democratic and secular irakian maliki...
So after all iran, like bashar did for years can be friend with big satan... With imperialist satanic west...
Chupachups for all the moumani3in...
Let iran pay and pay for its world wide terrorism. For those who defend Iran, one figure:
100 000 iranian executed by the islamic iranian revolution without judgment.
They were mostly comunists who help bringing down the imperialistic shah regime then... U know the kind of leftist like bigjohn on this forum as well as most of the "moumana3a"... Leftist with no lecture of the past and going threw same mistakes as their fellow iranian comrads...
Anyway this article only prove that iran is normalising its relation with the satanic west, just like kazafi did few years ago lokerbi case...not official normalisation but kind of good term agreement deal, as well as calls for iran/USA joint help to democratic and secular irakian maliki...
So after all iran, like bashar did for years can be friend with big satan... With imperialist satanic west...
Chupachups for all the moumani3in...
Last time i remembe rsaudi arabia was heavily funding terorrists in syria and lebanon and in iraq, i need to provide you some glasses greatpierro
when are they going to bill al saud for 911?
why do they gave those barbarians a free pass for their support of terror- including 9/11, which was all but an exclusive saudi operation.
One of the darkest days in Lebanon's History. The day shall come when the bearded one gets his due.