20 لبنانيا على الاقل بينهم 10 أطفال على متن الطائرة الجزائرية المفقودة فوق مالي
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تواجد عدد من اللبنانيين على متن الطائرة الجزائرية التي اعلن الخميس عن فقدانها وكانت قادمة من عاصمة بوركينا فاسو الى الجزائر، في حين رجحت معلومات سقوطها فوق مالي.
وافاد مصدر رسمي لبناني وكالة فرانس برس ان 20 لبنانيا بينهم عشرة اطفال كانوا على متن طائرة الخطوط الجوية الجزائرية التي فقد الاتصال بها اليوم الخميس فوق شمال مالي.
وقال المصدر ان "20 لبنانيا كانوا على متن طائرة الخطوط الجوية الجزائرية التي اقلعت من واغادوغو في بوركينا فاسو"، موضحا ان بين هؤلاء ثلاث عائلات عدد الاطفال فيها عشرة.
من جهتها أوضحت السفارة اللبنانية في الجزائر في اتصال مع "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام" أن السلطات الجزائرية المختصة لم تفدها بمعلومات أكيدة بعد عن حادثة الطائرة التابعة لشركة الخطوط الجوية الجزائرية، سوى أنه فقد الاتصال بها.
وأشارت الى "وجود لبنانيين على متنها، ولكن لا معلومات أكيدة بعد".
من جهتها نقلت الـLBCI عن مصادر الجالية اللبنانية في بوركينا فاسو ان نحو 15 لبنانيا كانوا على متن الطائرة الجزائرية التي فقد الاتصال بها.
واللبنانيون وفق المعلومات الصحافية هم: رندة بسام ضاهر وأطفالها الثلاثة، جوزف جرجس حاج، فادي رستم، عمر البلان، منجي حسّان، محمد أخضر.
وأعلنت الخطوط الجوية الجزائرية في بيان الخميس ان هيئات الملاحة الجوية اجرت اتصالها الاخير مع الرحلة ايه اتش 5017 بين واغادوغو والجزائر بعد 50 دقيقة على اقلاع الطائرة".
واضاف البيان ان الشركة اعدت "خطة للطوارئ".
وكانت الطائرة تنقل 116 راكبا بينهم 51 فرنسيا و26 من بوركينا فاسو و7 جزائريين.
وتؤمن شركة الطيران بحسب موقعها الالكتروني اربع رحلات اسبوعية مع واغادوغو، احداها الخميس وتنطلق من عاصمة بوركينا فاسو.

You are a disgusting ´´human being´´, even a plane crash is an opportunity to spew your sectarianism. I am a Shiite, I also hate Hezbollah, but unlike you right wing parasites, I love my country Lebanon and ALL Lebanese more than I hate Hezbollah. You right wing parasites are so out of touch you are even allied with the Jihadist scum that consider you an infidel. The people of Mosul should spit on you and your likes, why dont you go protect them tough guy?

Yeah I'm getting paranoid. I'm about to travel twice within the next two weeks

Wrong answer Binary. You see that's living in denial, simply because it doesn't matter whether or not the church actually proposed them. And speaking of "nominating themselves", did Michel Sleiman nominate himself? The answer is no. Technically Aoun didn't nominate himself either, yet he talks about ensuring Hariri's security. Your argument is pointless and you're still dodging a direct question: what makes these guys unreasonable? It was you, who said he doesn't refuse reasonable candidates, as if you are his spokesman. So speak.

sorry dear @flamethrower, it is tough keeping up with the flamethrowers these days. Nevertheless, I re-phrase my question: Do you think Caliph Baghdadi will address this FGM issue with Sayyed Hasan in their joint live reality TV show tomorrow? How about you personally, is that something you think the resistance should support?

flamethrower; and if parties endorse some of the candidates will michel aoun go down to parliament and vote ?

I don't think Binary is gonna answer because he knows the answer: Michel Aoun still wants to become president. Because if he truly gave up, he would propose a compromise candidate. Because like in 2008 this is about compromise (not consensus) as you brilliantly pointed out in one of your posts.

There's 320 DC-9 and DC10 in the Aircraft graveyard in Kingman, Arizona, and the Algerian government still flying them?

hey flamethrower, are you planning and strategizing your comments for the anticipated article on sayyed hassan's speech of tomorrow ? I know I am.... get ready!

flamethrower: I hope you don't mind if I refer to you as MF (My Friend) do you?

What future are you referring to? Aoun wants to be president, right now. This has nothing to do with the future. And how many times do I have to say I'm not with the 14th of March? And when did I ever say Hakim for President? Anyway Geagea gave up because he knew he was never gonna be elected, unlike Aoun who's gonna drag this on as long as he wants.

You try to base your argument on things I've never said, which is stupid. I base my argument on things that you have posted. So don't you be calling me an idiot Binary. I've been reading your BS a while before I joined. And I joined because I don't like you. You try to insult peoples' intelligence when you just blindly follow this lunatic Aoun, ignoring facts. You're probably one of those people who painted your room orange and engraved an Aouneh checkmark in some wall of your house.

You don't think objectively, you just argue out of pure bias. Aoun doesn't care about Lebanon, he cares only about himself. And because you follow this psychopath, that means you don't care about Lebanon. I don't follow Geagea simply because he agreed to Taef some 25 years ago. Amine Gemayel is weak. The only person I like from the 14th of March is his son Sami because he speaks the truth. He says the way things really are, which is all I want to hear from a politician.

Texas, so you're pitying this guy and want me to stop? If that's what you mean I'm sorry but I just hate when this kid talks trash. In every debate, he dodges my questions than in his little manoeuvres he calls me stupid. I don't accept that. I argue with objectivity and he keeps talking out of his behind, then when I make him look so bad he stops talking. Then I bring it up the next day he acts like my comments the day before meant nothing

Texas, I haven't even been on this forum for a week and I've cornered him in every debate. Another guy is Southern. Check out how stupid I made him look. He never replied to me.

lol, nickjames you are new here. Many of us have been on here for years and we know what this character is all about. He feels important when he throws insults and name calls people. Debate is impossible with him, hope you will learn your way around pretty quick. Southern is a hopeless case...

So can't we form some type of committee, and as a collective group, ask Naharnet to expel these kinds of people citing academic reasons? Seriously, don't we have the right to intellectual, objective debates?

@ ft : isil would do worse, but a false information is a false information, no reason to lie...