حصيلة العدوان على غزة تتخطى الالف واطلاق صورايخ على اسرائيل أثناء تمديد الهدنة

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ارتفعت حصيلة الهجوم الاسرائيلي على قطاع غزة الذي بدأ في 8 تموز الى اكثر من 1030 قتيلا فلسطينيا السبت غالبيتهم العظمى من المدنيين فيما وافقت اسرائيل على تمديد الهدنة الانسانية اربع ساعات حتى منتصف الليل الا ان حماس أطلقت صواريخ بعد 12 ساعة من الهدنة.

ووافقت الحكومة الامنية الاسرائيلية المصغرة السبت على تمديد وقف اطلاق النار في قطاع غزة اربع ساعات اضافية لينتهي بذلك عند منتصف الليل، وفق ما قال السبت متحدث باسم الجيش ووزير الاستخبارات.

وكتب متحدث باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي على حسابه على تويتر "جرى تمديد وقف اطلاق النار اربع ساعات حتى منتصف الليل". واكد وزير الاستخبارات يوفال شتاينتز قرار التمديد.

ونقلت الاذاعة العامة الاسرائيلية عن مسؤول رفيع المستوى ان الحكومة مستعدة للموافقة على "هدنات انسانية" بشرط ان يواصل الجيش عملياته لتدمير الانفاق.

ولم تعلن حركة حماس حتى الان، عن موقفها تجاه اعلان التلفزيون الاسرائيلي او تجاه دعوة وزراء خارجية دول عدة في باريس الى تمديد الهدنة.

واتى قرار التمديد قبل اقل من ساعتين على انتهاء المهلة الاصلية عند الساعة الثامنة مساء بالتوقيت المحلي (17,00 تغ).

وبعد موافقة اسرائيل على تمديد الهدنة،أعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي عن اطلاق ثلاث قذائف هاون باتجاه جنوب اسرائيل. وقال في بيان ان "الارهابيين قرروا المرور عبر النافذة الانسانية".

وتبنت حركة المقاومة الاسلامية (حماس) مساء السبت اطلاق سبعة صواريخ باتجاه اسرائيل من بينها اثنان على تل ابيب، ما يمكن ان يعني رفضها بحكم الامر الواقع تمديد الهدنة الانسانية في قطاع غزة والتي انتهت مهلتها الاصلية عند الساعة الثامنة مساء.

وقبل ساعات على دخول الهدنة الانسانية، قتل 20 شخصا على الاقل بينهم 11 طفلا في ضربة اسرائيلية في خان يونس (جنوب) كما اعلن الناطق باسم وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية أشرف القدرة.

وما ان بدات الهدنة حتى انتشرت طواقم الاسعاف، قال اشرف القدرة انه تم انتشال 132 جثة تحت الانقاض. وبالنتيجة ارتفعت حصيلة الضحايا الفلسطينيين منذ بدء الهجوم الى 1032 قتيلا على الاقل بالاضافة الى اكثر من ستة آلاف جريح.

ومن الجانب الاسرائيلي اعلن الجيش عن مقتل خمسة من جنوده في معارك دارت في قطاع غزة مساء الجمعة وصباح السبت ليرتفع عدد القتلى العسكريين الى 40. ولم يتكبد الجيش الاسرائيلي خسائر فادحة بهذا الشكل منذ حرب 2006 ضد حزب الله في لبنان والتي خسر فيها 119 جنديا.

وقد دخل اتفاق الهدنة الانسانية حيز التنفيذ عند الساعة الثامنة بالتوقيت المحلي (5,00 تغ) بعدما اعلنت حماس فجر السبت موافقتها عليه ثم اعلان الجيش الاسرائيلي التزامه بها، مؤكدا انه سيرد في حال تعرض لهجوم كما "سيواصل الانشطة العملانية لكشف وتدمير الانفاق في قطاع غزة".

وبعد ساعات على دخول الهدنة الانسانية حيز التنفيذ لمدة 12 ساعة في قطاع غزة عاد الفلسطينيون الى احيائهم المدمرة، بحثا عما تبقى لهم بين الحطام. 

وفي بيت حانون راى صحافيو وكالة فرانس برس جثة مسعف لدى الهلال الاحمر الفلسطيني في مستشفى شبه مدمرة بالقصف الاسرائيلي، في حين كان الصحافيون والمسعفون يبحثون بين انقاض المباني المدمرة بالكامل وحيث انتشرت بقع الدماء على الارض.

ونصحت حركة حماس النازحين بعدم الاقتراب من المباني المدمرة جراء القصف الاسرائيلي ومن ساحات المعارك خشية من وجود اي عبوات غير منفجرة.

وقال خضر سكر من حي الشجاعية الذي تعرض لقصف اسرائيلي عنيف "نخاف ان نفتح احد الابواب ونجد قنبلة".

واكد الجيش الاسرائيلي ان قبول هذه الهدنة لا يعني السماح للغزيين من سكان المناطق التي كان أمر باخلائها تمهيدا لمهاجمتها بأن يعودوا اليها في قطاع مساحته 362 كلم مربع ويعيش فيه حوالي 1,8 مليون نسمة ويخضع للحصار الاسرائيلي منذ العام 2006.

وفي باريس قال وزير الخارجية الفرنسي لوران فابيوس للصحافيين "ندعو كل الاطراف الى تمديد وقف اطلاق النار الانساني لمدة 24 ساعة قابلة للتجديد"، وذلك بعد لقاء عقد في باريس بحضور وزير الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري ونظرائه من بريطانيا والمانيا وايطاليا وقطر وتركيا وكذلك ممثل للاتحاد الاوروبي.

ومن جهته قال كيري بعد اللقاء للصحافيين ان "اتفهم عدم توقيع اسرائيل على وقف اطلاق نار من دون حسم مسالة الانفاق. نحن نفهمها ونعمل على ذلك".

وتابع "بالطريقة ذاتها لا يمكن ان يقبل الفلسطينيون وقف اطلاق نار اذا لم يؤد سوى الى تثيبت الوضع  الراهن". ودعا الى اتفاق يسمح للفلسطينيين "بالعيش بكرامة" والتحرك بحرية وعدم التعرض للعنف.

كذلك اعتبر وزير الخارجية البريطاني فيليب هاموند في حديث لشبكة سكاي نيوز ان تمديد الهدنة "ضرورة انسانية قصوى... ان كان لـ12 ساعة او 24 ساعة او 48 ساعة، وما الى ذلك". 

ولم يشارك وزراء خارجية اسرائيل وفلسطين ومصر في هذا اللقاء الذي اطلق عليه اسم "الاجتماع الدولي لدعم وقف اطلاق النار الانساني في غزة".

وفي تعقيبه على الاجتماع الدولي في باريس حول غزة قال المتحدث باسم حماس فوزي برهوم لوكالة فرانس برس "نتمنى ان تكون مخرجات هذا الاجتماع تصب في صالح الضحية الشعب الفلسطيني".

واعلنت اسرائيل ان مهمة جيشها هي تدمير ترسانة حماس وحليفتها حركة الجهاد الاسلامي. اما الهدف الثاني فهو الانفاق التي تستخدمها حماس لشن هجمات في العمق الاسرائيلي. 

وكانت الحكومة الاسرائيلية الامنية المصغرة اعلنت رفضها لاقتراح قدمه جون كيري حول هدنة من سبعة ايام تسمح بالدخول في مفاوضات غير مباشرة بين الاطراف المعنية. ونقلت الاذاعتان الاسرائيليتان العامة والعسكرية عن مسؤولين قولهم ان بنود الهدنة التي قدمها كيري تميل لمصلحة حماس.

ودعا وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي موشيه يعلون جنوده الى ان يكونوا جاهزين "لتوسيع كبير في العمليات البرية".

التعليقات 43
Thumb nickjames 18:26 ,2014 تموز 26

Drew they are terrorists, here's why: these underground tunnels should be used to shelter civilians, not rockets. Because they prioritise their rockets over their people, that shows Hamas doesn't even care about its own people. So stop complaining about all these people dying, as many lives could have been saved if Hamas provided them shelter. Israel has shelters for its people, and because Hamas administers the Gaza Strip they are responsible for sheltering its people.

Thumb Kalzyturks 22:49 ,2014 تموز 26


GAZA is the most populated place on earth per square metre.

there is no way of they can shelter it's population.

Israel has reduced the land of Gaza by half annexing land from Gaza.

The only way to counter Israel aggression is by placing military assets under ground.

The blockade is devastating gazan population & social & infrastructure. The elected government has no choice but to make a stand against this but Israel is clearly the one provoking fuelling the fire.

Missing zgmdf 12:36 ,2014 تموز 27

Well said!

Thumb cityboy 19:49 ,2014 تموز 26

Ok Israel, if this truce lasts, should the Palestinian begin to prepare for 2016, the next time line in your massacre of the palestinians. As much as it would be easy for me to wish for Hamas to keep fighting, i understand if they are forced into a truce due to the zionist absolute horrendous tactics agains the innocent.

Thumb cityboy 19:52 ,2014 تموز 26

annoyntex and nickjames, you two must be really really sick minded individuals or you have a really sick agenda on this site. Why would anyone want to debate you two is beyond me, you two are the lowest forms of humans for even defending anything Israel is doing.

Thumb nickjames 20:08 ,2014 تموز 26

Hey psychopaths city boy and big john, I am not a Zionist. I am a real Lebanese nationalist who speaks the truth without bias. I am against all foreigners, which includes Palestinians, Syrians, Israelis, Saudis, Iranians, their respective proxies trying to control Lebanon. So you two can go to hell

Thumb cityboy 20:22 ,2014 تموز 26

"I am a real Lebanese nationalist who speaks the truth without bias."

I wont get into a discussion with you, but have to say, if you believe that about yourself, you really should spend more of your time doing stand up then being on here. good day.

Thumb nickjames 20:16 ,2014 تموز 26

You two idiots don't get why none of the Arabs are doing anything: because they're done caring about the Palestinians. How does that make me a Zionist? Egypt doesn't wanna get involved because Sisi isn't an Islamist. Syria hasn't attacked Syria in 40 years. Hezbollah is fighting in Syria. Nobody cares, because they don't like Hamas.

Thumb nickjames 20:18 ,2014 تموز 26

Hasn't attacked Israel*

Missing actionmen 20:18 ,2014 تموز 26

To Bigjohn "Why is a Lebanese Website allowing zionist scum free propaganda? I understand very few persons read this English website, but it is a CRIME in Lebanon.",it is called freedom of speech ,it is the same as allowing a Qawmi like you to defend a regime that butchered thousands of lebanese.
AS per nickjames ,was there any rockets in Qana UN base when the israelis bombed it?killing almost 200 civilians?
A helicopter chasing and bombing Palestinian children running on beach is a self defense against terrorism no?Or chasing and bombing ambulances in lebanon is a self defence no?Have you ever been to lebanon nickjames and saw what the criminals israelis did?

Thumb nickjames 20:22 ,2014 تموز 26

I lived in Lebanon at two different points in my life. Before I always thought about the humanitarian side. But at the end of the day that doesn't matter anymore. Israel is gonna keep indiscriminately attacking Lebanon and Gaza as long as Hezbollah and Hamas are around. That's the truth whether I like it or not

Missing actionmen 20:27 ,2014 تموز 26

Few days ago ya Big John ,there was a report about the israelis bombing a school,someone said that the reason is that Hamas were hiding rockets inside the school ,your answer which i agree with you in was ,hiding weapons does not justify attacking the school.
Same day there was a report about Syrian regime bombing hospitals ,suddenly ya Qawmi ,you were there to defend the regime,saying that the UN should perhaps investigate whether or not the FSA are hiding weapons inside the hospital.
Funny no?you accusing ppl of being traitors and labeling ppl as traitors ,criminals etc etc,take 2 min and look at yourself in the mirror,try to justify your defense of bashar and his criminal father to thousands of lebanese that have lost family members during the Syrian occupation.

Missing actionmen 20:36 ,2014 تموز 26

Nickjames,yes Hizbollah dragged us into the 2006 war.
I do believe that Hizbollah should cease to exist as a militia,but there was no Hizbollah members in Qana.and no israeli army did not attack indiscriminately ,the iraeli army TARGET civilians,they committed war crime but they get away with it,same with Bashar and his father in lebanon.

Thumb nickjames 21:05 ,2014 تموز 26

I'm not even gonna respond to citypsycho. Anyway, yes there were no Hezbollah fighters in Qana. Yes, Israel targeted this location. I am not defending Israel. All I know is that Israel gets away with it because America is controlled by Jews. That's the reality, we can't change that. I've turned numb to it because we can't change it. I don't defend Israel or Palestine, they're both stupid. You understand my position.

Missing actionmen 20:37 ,2014 تموز 26

Of course i did not expect a reply from Big John ...

Thumb nickjames 21:56 ,2014 تموز 26

I changed my mind, I'm gonna respond to city psycho. Hey psycho: you're right I should do stand-up because I stand up for what I say. You argue out of pure bias and blind loyalty when you don't even consider history or foreign policy. You just argue because you're sympathetic to someone. I say the way things are, whether I'm for it or against it. A real Lebanese nationalist is the following: someone who wants powers returned to the president and to the Christians, someone who wants the army to have sovereignty and jurisdiction over all of its lands without sectarian militias, someone who wants Lebanon not to get involved in foreign conflicts, someone who wants a country free of hegemony, free of paralysis, free of hypocrisy, and free of scumbags like you. Understood, psycho?

Thumb nickjames 22:00 ,2014 تموز 26

That's what being a real nationalist is. Not supporting Zionism or the stupid Palestinian cause when both these people destroyed our countries, not supporting a sectarian militia who assists a murderer, not supporting takfiris, and not supporting people who ally themselves with militias. Who do you (not) support? Are you a nationalist, psycho? Or are you for the Palestinian cause, who thinks people who don't like Palestinians are Zionists?

Thumb nickjames 22:04 ,2014 تموز 26

Destroyed our "countries" is no typo, because Lebanon has never been a country. It's never been a country because of stupid people like you who are sympathetic to foreigners and not Lebanese independence. To hell with the Palestinians, to hell with the Israelis, and to the Saudis, and to the Iranians. I want a Lebanon that takes care of itself, not that takes care of foreigners.

Thumb nickjames 22:12 ,2014 تموز 26

Big John, you try to insult me for not caring about Palestinians dying, and here you are saying "BTW, According to the Syrian opposition media 'observatory for human rights.'" If you care about the Palestinians dying, you should care about Syrians dying instead of mocking an activist organisation. 170,000 Syrians have died and you're mocking activists who are only activists because they're being slaughtered and bombed by a murderer? There wouldn't be this Observatory for Human Rights if this "president" didn't kill his own people. You're a hypocrite and no less of a psychopath than city boy

Thumb Kalzyturks 22:57 ,2014 تموز 26

Naharnet quickly grew to become one of the leading portals in the Lebanese market and diaspora spreading over 220 countries. It provides news, information, entertainment, mobile and social networking services.


Missing helicopter 23:34 ,2014 تموز 26

Is it OK with you to have a Hezb (or anyone else) decide matters of war and peace? This is the job of the Government and the LAF. I wish the Hezb and all other militants will just go away (disappear)

Thumb nickjames 00:14 ,2014 تموز 27

Finally my intellectual ally comes in. Texas, we're gonna take over this country one day and evict all these morons.

Thumb cityboy 00:48 ,2014 تموز 27

anonytexas, what are you stupid. Do you think building a shelter involves simply digging a hole and pouring a little concrete under ground. Furthermore, why not blame hammas for not building an iron dome or manufacturing some tanks or planes to defend the civilians from israels autrocities. Good thing you have Nickjames to cheer on your stupidity cause i dont think even the other M14 are stooping down to your level on this one.

Thumb nickjames 01:26 ,2014 تموز 27

Hey psycho at least I proved that I'm a Lebanese nationalist, ad you totally ignored me. The thing you don't get is Israel doesn't care about civilians and we all know that. Hamas is letting their people die by using tunnels to shelter rockets instead of people. They're giving Israel a reason to do whatever it wants. By the way Hamas just rejected another truce, so expect more Palestinians to die.

Thumb nickjames 02:57 ,2014 تموز 27

Psycho doesn't even know what a latrine is without having to look it up. You're using big words Texas

Missing VINCENT 01:26 ,2014 تموز 27

That is because one's actions are based on his beliefs. If he is mistaken about his beliefs, then is actions are less likely to succeed. A credulous character like him, in his mind, can declare victory absent a clear, determined and collective criticism from all those interested in ending the violence but disinterested from the outcome and/or who declares a dubious victory. Iran surely and effectively once again postponed the nuclear talks in Iran's favor I just don't understand what Qatar wants to get out of this.

Thumb nickjames 01:28 ,2014 تموز 27

You just cry out "poor Palestinians" without really analysing the reality. Hamas is a terrorist organisation whose leader lives in a five-star hotel and doesn't give a damn about his people. If Meshaal doesn't even care about his people then why should Israel?

Thumb nickjames 01:28 ,2014 تموز 27

You just cry out "poor Palestinians" without really analysing the reality. Hamas is a terrorist organisation whose leader lives in a five-star hotel and doesn't give a damn about his people. If Meshaal doesn't even care about his people then why should Israel?

Missing VINCENT 01:29 ,2014 تموز 27

This has nothing to do with Lebanon (except emptying the camps), and don't accept H.A.'s alleged resistance in the name of Israel. It is an equivocation.

Thumb nickjames 01:32 ,2014 تموز 27

They have (or had) thousands of underground tunnels. How can you say they don't have room for shelters? You're so oblivious to the fact that Hamas cares about their rockets instead of their people.

Thumb nickjames 01:36 ,2014 تموز 27

You people on this forum think like Arabs. You go into a fight (or in this case an argument) with swords rather than guns. Grow up and get a taste of reality. Israel can get away with being as evil as it wants. That's why all the countries made peace with Israel. The only two who are stupid enough to try fighting them are Hezbollah and Hamas, the two terrorist organisations

Missing VINCENT 01:37 ,2014 تموز 27

As this worthless cause and circle of violence continues, the world has now been educated re. Hamas' tactics and will accept consequences of Hamas' actions as Hamas has no choice other than to do the same. These two despicable cultures must find their own way to make peace or destroy each other. Even wild animals in the Jungle do not put their females and youngins in harms way when fighting an aggressor. Grow up, clear the smoke, look at the facts and accept them.

Thumb nickjames 01:44 ,2014 تموز 27

Egypt, Jordan, and Syria all have made peace or armistice agreement with Israel. That's why none of these countries care about the Palestinians (I almost forgot Bashar is slaughtering Palestinians in Yarmouk). Face the music, Israel wins every conflict.

Missing phillipo 09:37 ,2014 تموز 27

Why do you ignore the fact that Lebanon has also got an armistice agreement with Israel ,or does that not fit in with your "reasoning" why the other countries don't care about the Palestinians.
If Lebanon "cared" about the Palestinians, they would have given them citizenships 50-60 years ago, allow them to work freely, and inverst their energies into the improvement of the Lebanese economy.

Missing VINCENT 01:50 ,2014 تموز 27

Well said.

Just look what Bashar and his predecessors in Syrian have done and continue to do to fellow Arabs. The Palestinians need to put their trust on those who can forge peace with Israel (not Iran and Qatar), which in turn, would prompt the Israelis to elect a counterpart with similar convictions who can bridge the gap to bring peace.

Thumb nickjames 01:59 ,2014 تموز 27

Meshaal would rather have 1,000 of his people die than 1,000 of his rockets destroyed. That's why the rockets are underground instead of the people. You can't even try to argue this, psycho. If you do then you're just living in denial like all the other Arabs. Winning arguments is not based on picking a side, it's about analysing what each side is all about. Good luck in your next argument.

Thumb Sanelebanese 02:23 ,2014 تموز 27

Hamas is happy about it. They perceive the destruction and more than 1000 death as victory. If Hamas really care about their people , they should accept cease fire, and stop their stupid pinches. Their firework kind of rockets is just a joke.

Thumb mffsc 02:27 ,2014 تموز 27

nickjames for president, and texas for prime minister.

Thumb nickjames 02:34 ,2014 تموز 27

And mffsc for secretary-general. Wait, that's too Hezbo. You can be Speaker.

Missing phillipo 11:16 ,2014 تموز 27

You can complain as much as you want about Israel, but please try and make me understand the following.
The Israeli Health Minister has spoken on television saying that there is a large consignment of medicines for chronically sick people in Gaza ready to be sent, but the Red Cross tells her that no-one on the Gazan side is willing to accept the medicines.
Is this the way that Hamas takes care of its population?

Thumb nickjames 21:53 ,2014 تموز 27

They're gonna reply by saying he's lying about the medicine

Missing zgmdf 12:31 ,2014 تموز 27

Show us one independently verifiable case where this tactic was followed by the Zionists.

Missing zgmdf 12:35 ,2014 تموز 27

Wow,Jihadist propaganda at it's worst.Cooked brain,with such an idiotic brain content there never going to be peace for anyone in the ME.