"حماس": نأمل أن يفتح حزب الله الجبهة ضد اسرائيل

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أعربت حركة "حماس" عن أملها في أن يقوم "حزب الله" بفتح جبهة ثانية ويساعد الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة التي يشهد عدوانا إسرائيليا مستمرا عليه.

وقال نائب رئيس المكتب السياسي في حركة "حماس" موسى أبو مرزوق في مقابلة مع وكالة "نوفوستي" "نأمل أن تفتح الجبهة اللبنانية لنحارب معا هذا الكيان".

وأكد بو مرزوق أن "المقاومة في لبنان قادرة على فعل الكثير".

ويرزح قطاع غزة تحت قصف إسرائيلي منذ اثنين وعشرين يوما أسقط آلاف القتلى والجرحى، في عدوان لم يوفر الأطفال والنساء والمستشفيات وحتى مدارس الأمم المتحدة التي تؤوي نازحين .

وقال الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله الجمعة الفائت "نحن في حزب الله كنا وسنبقى نقف إلى جانب الشعب الفلسطيني كل الشعب الفلسطيني وإلى جانب المقاومة في فلسطين وكل فصائل المقاومة في فلسطين".

وأضاف "نحن في حزب الله لم نبخل بأي شكل من أشكال الدعم والمؤازرة التي نقدر عليها".

ولم يخف نصرالله أن الحزب يتابع بدقة "وبالتفاصيل كل مجريات المعركة ونتابع كل تطوراتها الميدانية والسياسية ومن هذا الموقع نقول لإخواننا في غزة نحن معكم وإلى جانبكم ونحن سنقوم بكل ما نرى أنه من الواجب أن نقوم به على كل صعيد".


التعليقات 23
Thumb EagleDawn 19:14 ,2014 تموز 29

You can only wish for another phone call from Nasrallah if you are lucky , Mr. Marzouq.

Default-user-icon globalresistance (ضيف) 19:32 ,2014 تموز 29

lol, eagledawn: if hizbullah doesn't open the front, you would say look they can only give you a phone call. if hizbullah opens the front, you will say wtf r they doing, we don't want to get embroiled in this. make up your minds eagle dawn and the likes

Missing karim1 19:30 ,2014 تموز 29

"We hope the Lebanese front will be opened so that we can fight this entity (Israel) together,” said Moussa Abu Marzouq".

It is not Lebanon's job to get involved, terrorist.

Thumb galaxy 19:39 ,2014 تموز 29

He wasn't asking Lebanon, he was asking Hizbullah.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:59 ,2014 تموز 29

Karim1: While I am against embroiling Lebanon in this conflict, why are you calling Mr. Abu Marzouq terrorist? The one terrorist - par excellence - is the Israeli government.

Default-user-icon proof (ضيف) 01:03 ,2014 تموز 30

any additional proof that karim1 and co are pro-ISIL and pro-israel?

Thumb galaxy 19:36 ,2014 تموز 29

Hizbullah is busy and very busy in Syria (and Iraq) liberating Syria from its inhabitants while having a peaceful co-existence with the "zionist" enemy. But hey, you can dream..

Thumb ex-fpm 20:14 ,2014 تموز 29

HA strategic objectives have shifted. Israel is no longer their priority but fighting and hoping to win their sectarian war in both Syria and Iraq. We all recall Nasrallah's message to the the Israelis through the Russians reminding them of how peaceful the South is and shall remain. Hamas hopes could be to corner Nasrallah and nothing more.

Thumb thefool 20:20 ,2014 تموز 29

Maybe they should ask Iran for a change, the Lebanese people will not tolerate another war now.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:40 ,2014 تموز 29

Unfortunately this is your war. Not ours. We had our war, and are done with it.

Missing madhatter 20:53 ,2014 تموز 29

Calling General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force and it's affiliated Lebanese mercenaries, I suppose Moussa Abu Marzouq is sending this SOS to you in particular, what are your orders going to be #:-Σ

Thumb Marc 21:48 ,2014 تموز 29

Might as well have all out war until someone is victorious and get it over with one way or the other.... I actually think that Israel is in bad shape and have barely achieved any success in Gaza... I see people in North America turning against the Zionist Regime at a very high rate!

Thumb cityboy 21:58 ,2014 تموز 29

Finallly, a sensible and rational post to read. Seems this is getting to be harder and harder to do on this site given all the imposters allowed to troll on here.

Missing canadianadam 03:46 ,2014 تموز 30

Sure glad I'm not your neighbour you pathetic being. I'll agree with the M8 and M14 guys here that we all support Palestine.

Thumb liberty 05:30 ,2014 تموز 30

He is not Christian.

Thumb liberty 05:33 ,2014 تموز 30

do you have any views on the article, or you just enjoy harassing people and making a fool out of yourself..

Thumb liberty 05:33 ,2014 تموز 30

my comment is to flamethrower!

Default-user-icon Abdullah Rasib (ضيف) 06:47 ,2014 تموز 30

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

You should not enter this fight that has nothing to do with Lebanon. Just going to take the people for a war without size.
Skip the dirty politics of Hamas, the party did not support the President of Syria Bashar. This dirty party raises a flag of a false Islam, which is the reign of ISIL. If you have the minimum of love Lebanese land not support this liar party Hamas started the war with the government of the Zionists. NOT HELP THE HAMAS Nasrallah

Missing lebalways 08:29 ,2014 تموز 30

He should ask Iran for help, before Hezb. Maybe Israel will hit Iran then finally.

And if Hezb does open a front, let's hope all non-Hezb politicians completely denounce and reject their actions, so that Israel doesn't destroy all of Lebanon as a result of that.

Missing Secular 09:43 ,2014 تموز 30

We don't need another 5 billion $ added to our exponentially growing debt

Missing Secular 09:36 ,2014 تموز 30

Why don't you wage war on israel from your own territories intead of using ours? scared are we ?

Missing cedars 15:05 ,2014 تموز 30

He is hinting for basil to start booking his flights to the gulf to ask for donations as he expect the bridges and power plant to be destroyed by the IDF. The world is guilty to watch Israel massacres but why is it only our problem to interfer.

Missing phillipo 15:16 ,2014 تموز 30

I hope for the sake of Lebanon, that Hezb doesn't try to "assist" Hamas by opening fire on Israel from the north.