وفاة النائب السابق أحمد حبوس بعد إصابته بطلق ناري "عن طريق الخطأ"

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توفي النائب السابق احمد حبوس صباح الخميس، متأثراً بجروح كان قد أصيب بها جراء طلق ناري عن طريق الخطأ، في اواخر تموز الفائت.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، عن وفاة حبوس في مستشفى الهيكلية متأثرا بجروح كان قد اصيب بها جراء طلق ناري في وجهه.

وكان حبوس قد أصيب في 30 تموز الفائت، أصيب عن طريق الخطأ بطلق ناري في وجهه، اثناء تنظيفه مسدسا حربيا، ونقل الى مستشفى البير هيكل في الكورة.

ودخل حبوس مجلس النواب عام 1996 نائباً عن المقعد العلوي في طرابلس، وكان نال123,418 صوتاً في دائرة الشمال انذاك، النسبة الأعلى في تاريخ الإنتخابات النيابية في الشمال .

و كان يعتبر أن طائفته لم تأخذ حقها الطبيعي في التاريخ اللبناني حتى أنصفها اتفاق الطائف.


التعليقات 15
Thumb FlameCatcher 12:20 ,2014 آب 07

May this be the fate of all Lebanese carrying weapons outside the control of the state !

Disarm the Kezb ! Disarm the people !

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:31 ,2014 آب 07

he does.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 13:42 ,2014 آب 08

no we need all lebanese to grow brains and get an education ya ultrafahim enta

Thumb Maxx 12:37 ,2014 آب 07

"In life we may have had our differences, but in death we are all the same."
RIP Hbous.
That said, I still support that there be no weapons outside the control of the state.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:26 ,2014 آب 07

@FT : the moment I see an ouwatji army "liberating Lebanon" from Shiite Terrorists imported from Iran and waging war against the people's will left and right, then this will be another debate.

For your stupid, illiterate little brain cell to understand : may all ouwatjis and kezbollahis carrying weapons die a horrible death ! And so may their supporters !

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:24 ,2014 آب 07

@FT : who said it was "their turf" to defend. It's "our turf" meaning it neither belongs to them or us. We collectively rule and defend it.

Stop it already with your twisted logic and defending the undependable. There is nothing you can say to justify the crimes of the KEZB and their weapons.

You can force the weapons on us but you cannot force us to accept them ! Of course, forcing them on us is what you call terrorism !

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:29 ,2014 آب 07

Under your logic FT, I will build my army to defend "My turf" against trigger happy, war loving, drug trading, iranian islamist terrorists ! This is what lead to the civil war !

Default-user-icon Tyrik (ضيف) 14:36 ,2014 آب 07

@FlameCatcher @ the rest of misinformed populous of this online paper.

I have been reading comments on naharnet.com posted by misinformed member's for the last year or so. This is my first comment or post and might be my last but am regularly on reading silly misinformed and hateful comments. Some of the people keep calling the shi3a sect of Lebanon as Iranians, Iranian agents, Persians, foreigners and so on. Some of these posters are either misinformed not well read or don't know enough of the history of Lebanon and the history of its people. For your information the Shi3a Lebanese are some of the original inhabitants of Lebanon that arrived here from Bani Amelia in Yemen way before Jesus Christ was born. They then settled in Jabal Amel (South Lebanon) and Spread through out most of the land of the Levant.

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Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 14:12 ,2014 آب 07

A tragic loss... I was counting on the guy to train the others

Thumb thepatriot 14:22 ,2014 آب 07

Guess who is the retard FT...
Who defends his "turf" against isil or Israel?
Did your hezbozos friends fire a bullet at Israel for the past 8 years?
Did your hezbozos friend defend "their turf" against isil? Define "their turf"? Because they certainly did not dfend anything Lebanese. They went to wage a war IN Syria, to defend their sect, and sponsors.
Aaah... and in May 2008... Hezbozos used their weapons to defend their "turf" as well...

Default-user-icon Tyrik (ضيف) 14:37 ,2014 آب 07

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That makes the community them well over 2000 years old. The most recent study done on Phoenician genes proofs that the people of the south the Shi3a sect in particular are the closest relatives to the Phoenicians and some of the most original inhabitants of the Levant. So please refrain from using sectarian propaganda and hate speeches to fulfill your sectarian envy.

Having said all that I am sure s you will ignore my comment or try to discredit this information by using hateful, racist, sectarian words and go on being ignorant, because that's what best suites you and the rest of the people alike.

Default-user-icon Tyrik (ضيف) 14:38 ,2014 آب 07

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Lebanese unfortunately are some of the most racist, sexist, prejudices people this present world has ever come to known. We claim to be free, democratic and educated, while deep inside we have so much to learn and so much to teach.

"Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strongmen are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation.”
Khalil Gibran

Default-user-icon Tyrik (ضيف) 15:57 ,2014 آب 07

Clarification! Today's Shi3a of Lebanon were obviously not Shi3a until Islam made its way to the Levant.Perhaps I could have said the inhabitants of southern Lebanon. I decided to term them as such due to the fact that most of the inhabitants of South Lebanon are Shi3a. I don't argue that at some points they were Christians, Jews, and what ever religion was going through the area. The use of sect in my comment was for argument purpose only. In the end some of you as I stated in my earlier post understood me, while the misinformed majority decided to belittle my comments, and resort to personal attacks rather than providing facts. If that's how you mingle I then pity your upbringing.
One last thing Sayeds are from Mecca and Medina but not every shi3a is a Sayed.

Missing coolmec 21:33 ,2014 آب 07

I wish Aoun and Bassil will play with his gun maybe and hopefully......

Thumb charlesmartel 22:46 ,2014 آب 07

Aoun should have used his gun when he was in Baabda being attacked by syrian occupation mercenaries....should he use it now and as he misses everything... he will most likely miss himself...