صقر يدعي على مشغّل حساب "احرار السنة" على تويتر
Read this story in Englishادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر على مشغل حساب "لواء احرار السنة" على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر" بهدف اثارة الفتن بين المواطنين.
والموقوف حسين الحسين اقدم على انشاء حساب وهمي على "تويتر" بإسم "لواء أحرار السنة في بعلبك"، ومن خلاله عمل على توجيه تهديدات إلى أبناء المنطقة وشخصيات سياسية وأمنية وإلى الجيش.
كما تبنى عمليات انتحارية وسقوط قذائف على مناطق في بعلبك والهرمل بهدف إثارة الفتن بين المواطنين ومن أجل خلق حال من الكراهية والعداء بين المواطنين وتحريضهم وحملهم على القيام بأعمال حربية وتفجيرات إرهابية، وعلى الاقتتال بين بعضهم، لا سيما بين الطوائف والمذاهب.
وأحل صقر الحسين إلى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الأول رياض أبو غيدا.
والاثنين أحيل الحسين إلى القضاء العسكري، وذلك بعد توقيفه الخميس الفائت، يوم أعلنت قوى الأمن عن انه يبلغ من العمر 19 عاما ويسكن في بعلبك.
ولواء "أحرار السنة" كان حسابا غامضا تبنى العديد من التفجيرات الإنتحارية وظهر للمرة الأولى في 28 تشرين الاول 2013 بعد اشتباكات في سوق مدينة بعلبك بين حزب الله وآل شيّاح أدّت إلى مقتل اثنين من عناصر الحزب وشخصين اخرين. كذلك تبنى هذا الحساب العديد من عمليات الإعتداء بالصواريخ على مناطق شيعية كاللبوة والنبي عثمان والهرمل.
وبحسب تقارير صحفية، فإن الحسين وأهله مقربين من حزب الله.
إلا أن الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله قال الجمعة الفائت "من أوقف بتهمة صاحب لواء موقع أحرار السنة يجب أن يحاسب لأن التحريض هو كالسيارات المفخخة".
Funny how al manar covered all this guys stories and threats even suggesting other Arab States were sponsoring him. Now he has confessed to belonging to Hezb haram all of the sudden the great mouth piece of truth has gone silent, not even a whisper about this guy being arrested let alone belonging to the flock. I guess HA invasion in Syria May not have been as popular as they hoped and needed to further convince the faithful.
he didnt confess to belonging to hezb, his family claimed to be "close to HA", and from that the m14 propagandists made him an honorary member of the HA shura council... seems like simplistic minds are very permeable to BS.
the family could be claiming they are "close to HA" for a many reasons, among which, from the top of my head:
-trying to avoid a backlash (they live in a neighborhood of baalbek, where you dont really want to be seen as those who were cheering the assassination of lakkis, or making sectarian threats)
-trying to implicate HA (which would suggest they are anti-HA in reality)
-trying to flaunt any relations they had with HA, hoping HA will help their kid get clemency
or... another thousand possibilities.
i wouldnt really trust the ISF, whose leadership doesnt have any problem claiming political partisanism, and often tortured people into making any confession that suits their agendas...
but to my knowledge, even the ISF didnt claim he admitted to being HA member. if they did, please show me the source.
According to Al Jadeed TV his family is naturalized of Turkmen origin convert to shi3a, pathetic OTV told half the story.
deranged kid? or small time agent for some intelligence agency?
hoping we'll know the truth behind that one day
now he is a deranged "kid"...lol. Before the arrest, the news of this free sunni brigades of HA was read and broadcast on all M8 news channels and sites as priority news and before any other news.
As usual deny everthing
Army Helicopter Attacked Over South Lebanon, Captain Killed
The Central News Agency quoted Hizbullah sources as saying the group knows nothing about the shooting.
before the arrest, nothing was known about the "brigades". when they (actually "he") claimed to be behind lakkis' assassination and certain car bombs, of course media were going to take it seriously. after all, twitter is now the main media through which nusra/isil/hariri express themselves.
now that we know the claims were false and there is no brigade, just a poor 19 yo kid who couldnt afford a computer and was tweeting from a blackberry.. the bubble kinda popped.
For LEGAL PURPOSES i duly ask Naharnet not to display anymore posts that support terrorist organization. We do know that few idiots do support hizbullah that has nothing to do with our Culture, History and Human Dignity...please proceed quickly. Thank you
Hassan al-Laqqis was shot in the head from close range by a silenced gun as he arrived home at around midnight in the Hadath district of Beirut, a source close to Hezbollah said. A previously unknown group, Ahrar al-Sunna Baalbek brigade, claimed responsibility for the attack in a message on Twitter. also "فدا السيد حسن نصرالله"
At 4 pm Iran time yesterday, an explosion reportedly took place in the city of Qazvin. Located 150 km northwest of Tehran. Qazvin has a population of approximately 400,000 souls. According to the Iran based Jam News, a Salafist organization from Lebanon by the name of (Liwa Ahrar al-Sunna Baalbek stated on its twitter account that it was behind the explosions. The group claims that the bombing was in retaliation to a recent statement by the former IRGC commander and current Ayatollah Khamenei adviser Genenral Yahya Safavi that Iran’s front line is in “Southern Lebanon”. Everything they did was "فدا السيد حسن نصرالله"
We all know this account was created by this Hussein, to create strife and portray the Sunni as extra extreme. He wanted to help the PR campaign to take the attention off of HA in Syria and help increase the need and awareness to put down Sunni extremism in the Levant. This is typical Lebanese politics.