اعتقال الماني من أصل لبناني وآخر من غزة بألمانيا يشتبه بأنهما ارهابيان
Read this story in Englishأعلن مصدر في الشرطة الالمانية الخميس، أنه تم اعتقال شخصين يشتبه في أنهما "ارهابيان" وبأنهما قاما بالتخطيط لاعتداء بالقنبلة في برلين كما جرت مداهمة مسجد.
وأكدت نيابة برلين فتح تحقيق بحق رجل في الثامنة والعشرين يتحدر من قطاع غزة، وألماني من أصل لبناني يبلغ من العمر 24 عاما.
ويشتبه في أن الرجلين حاولا صنع قنبلة من خلال الحصول على عناصر الكترونية وحمض مستخدم في الزراعة.
وكشف موقع صحيفة "برلينر مورغنبوست" هذه المعلومات صباح الخميس.
وأضافت الصحيفة أنه تم فتح تحقيق "للاشتباه في الاعداد لاعتداء ضد الدولة"، قبل أكثر من شهرين.
وأوقفت الشرطة الرجلين، بالاستناد الى معلومات حصلت عليها من الشركات التي تقدما لديها بطلبات للحصول على مكونات القنبلة.
وكان المشتبه بهما يرتادان بانتظام مسجدا في حي ودينغ للعمال في برلين، ويمضيان الليل فيه أحيانا، بحسب الصحيفة التي أفادت أن الشرطة داهمت المسجد صباح الخميس.
ويأتي توقيف المشتبه بهما قبل بضعة أيام على الذكرى السنوية العاشرة لاعتداءات 11 أيلول في الولايات المتحدة، وزيارة البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر الى المانيا بين 22 و25 ايلول.
وامتنع المحققون عن اعطاء المزيد من الايضاحات.
Once identified, it will be obvious taht the so called lebanese is not truly a lebanese. Either an arab, or an imposter. Us lebanese are not people of violence and criminal acts. The fact taht he is associating with a palestenian gives one a good idea what sort of lebanese he is. Lebanon first
ELI: do your research and you will find that he is a Lebanese Sunni funded by a Middle Eastern fanatic... then we wonder why us Lebanese have to suffer discrimination in Europe and US!
lebanese are not capable of violent action? What do u call the Hezbollah assassination of former PM Hariri?
Lebanese are peaceful people who would not harm a fly... unless it is from a difference sectarian group lol...
Regardless of his name..origins etc..the man is living in germany, HE IS GERMAN; I assume raised in germany. this is a German failure, not a Lebanese one. His origins can be anything.. he could have been a son of palestinian refugees in Lebanon, or of Lebanese..sunni or shia or whatever.. he can also be a born again christian..we don t know anything yet. He is a German problem, not ours to deal with..unless of course we discover that he trained in Lebanon and bought his chemicals here too..
constantly deteriorating our image abroad.. i wonder why get these pple who are good at nothing into such countries in the first place.
German Police Detain Two Over Suspected Terror Plot
September 08, 2011
German police say they have detained two men in Berlin on suspicion of obtaining chemicals that could be used to make a bomb.
They were identified as a 24-year-old German of Lebanese descent and a 28-year-old from the Gaza Strip.
Police early on September 8 searched their apartments and also an Islamic cultural center in the German capital where the two men spent time.
A spokesman said the two men, who were not named, were suspected of planning a "violent criminal act."
Police were searching for chemical substances that can be used to make a bomb.
Hopefully soon the Lebanese police will arrest Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades.
I will be blunt, while trying not to be a racist, and offebding anyone. I make the following points:
I know lots of palestenians, kurds, and others who hold lebanese passports.
I do not consider that HizSyRan 's loyalty to lie with Lebanon, hence not true lebanese.
Long live democratic and civilised lebanon
I would like to add that perhaps it upsets me to no end when I hear stories like this one which brings Lebanon and the lebanese to shame. I am a proud lebanese who prides himself on teh achievement of the honest, good, and true lebanese people out there.