متظاهرون غاضبون يحرقون خيما للنازحين وعائلة مدلج تطلب ضبط النفس

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حرق محتجون على "ذبح" الجندي عباس مدلج من بعلبك خيما تابعة لنازحين سوريين في الضاحية الجنوبية والبقاع، في حين طالبت عائلة العسكري بضبط النفس "بشكل يليق بالشهداء الأبطال".

وأفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" عن معلومات حول "إحراق خيم للنازحين السوريين في بريتال وذلك عقب اعلان تنظيم داعش" إعدام مدلج.

وعصر السبت زعم تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" المتطرف أنه ذبح مدلج بحجة أنه حاول الهرب. ومدلج - إذا صحت معلومة قتلة - ثاني عسكري يذبح على يد التنظيم المذكور والذي ما زال يأسر لديه تسعة جنود بينهم جثة بحسب معلومات غير رسمية.

من جهتها لفتت قناة الـ"MTV" إلى "وجود قلق متزايد من امكان ان يترجم الغضب في الشارع بأعمال عدائية تجاه اللاجئين السوريين".

وكشفت عن انذار عدد كبير من النازحين "بمغادرة البلدات الموجودين فيها، كما عمد البعض الى احراق خيم تعود لهم في الليلكي وحي السلم".

هذا وأشارت إلى أنه "اعيد فتح كل الطرقات التي كانت قطعت خلال ساعات الليل احتجاجا على قتل" مدلج.

أما عائلة الأخير فأعلنت في وقت متأخر من مساء السبت "ان خيارنا لا يزال كما هو، لبنان بلد العيش المشترك بين كل مكوناته".

وشدد على أن "الفعل الارهابي الذي أدى إلى استشهاد ابننا عباس هو جريمة بحق كل اللبنانيين، سنة وشيعة ومسيحيين ودروزا" داعية إلى "درء الفتنة وعدم السماح للتكفيريين بالتغلغل إلى نسيجنا الوطني ومنعهم من تحقيق أهدافهم التقسيمية والفتنوية".

وتابع البيان "شهيدنا هو شهيد لبنان، ولنا ملء الثقة بالجيش اللبناني الوطني. وندعو إلى التصرف بشكل عاجل من أجل وضع حد لمأساة العسكريين الباقين، كما ندعو جميع أهلنا إلى ضبط النفس والتصرف بشكل يليق بالشهداء الأبطال".

التعليقات 19
Thumb _mowaten_ 10:52 ,2014 أيلول 07

even if i understand and share their anger, attacking civilians is completely unacceptable. we need to go after isis/nusra, not some poor refugees who have been the first to suffer from these apes.

Default-user-icon cityboy-mowaten (ضيف) 11:56 ,2014 أيلول 07

but it is your civilized people who were out in force killing, kidnapping, and cursing

Thumb lebanon_first 10:56 ,2014 أيلول 07

The war was between Assad and Syrian democracy seekers.
Then it became between Assad and Extremist islamists. (ISIS)
Then it became between Hezbollah and Extremist islamists.
Then it became between Lebanese army and Extrimst islamists.
Now it became between Lebanese people and syrian refugees- Assad reached his objective.

All those ripples of destruction and death started up by Evil Assad.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:12 ,2014 أيلول 07

lebanon_first you sounded sane until "Assad reached his objective"

let's forget that you have nothing to back such claims, just answer me that: why would he want that? how on earth would that be his objective?

Default-user-icon hammouds (ضيف) 11:53 ,2014 أيلول 07

why wouldn't he do that mowaten...?lol you are being paid well to defend hizb and assad

Thumb lebanon_first 12:49 ,2014 أيلول 07

The rhetoric of Assad since 2012 has been "If I am attacked, and go down, the whole region will go down with me" We both know that. Or you want me to give you proof of that? I can give you a link to that statement. Or I can remind you of his attempts to plant sedition in lebanon by sending Michel Samaha.

Today, There is conflict between army and islamists, between lebanese and syrian refugees:HIS WAR REACHED LEBANON. His statement "If you mess with Syria, there will be war in the whole region, spare my regime, and stability will return" materialized. He hence reached his regional objective.

Thumb lebanon_first 12:50 ,2014 أيلول 07

The rhetoric of Assad since 2012 has been "If I am attacked, and go down, the whole region will go down with me" We both know that. Or you want me to give you proof of that? I can give you a link to that statement. Or I can remind you of his attempts to plant sedition in lebanon by sending Michel Samaha.

Today, There is conflict between army and islamists, between lebanese and syrian refugees:HIS WAR REACHED LEBANON. His statement "If you mess with Syria, there will be war in the whole region, spare my regime, and stability will return" materialized. He hence reached his regional objective.

Missing helicopter 19:54 ,2014 أيلول 07

You can even go back to Hafez Assad days. He armed all anti-Lebanon groups within Lebanon to have proxies that he uses as he pleases to destabilize Lebanon. Baath believes that Lebanon should be part of Syria and at the very least subjugated to Syria in all aspects.

Thumb zahle1 01:21 ,2014 أيلول 08

I think this is an accurate portrayal of events

Default-user-icon Mahdi Faridoon Harun (ضيف) 11:55 ,2014 أيلول 07

but flamethrower you always said you never defend assad, I am surprised. Even my brother was shocked.

Default-user-icon theresistance4.0-ashrafiehBurnHA (ضيف) 11:58 ,2014 أيلول 07

yalla ya hero show us what you can do

Thumb Chupachups 13:03 ,2014 أيلول 07

the birth of ISIS - enjoy .


Thumb Chupachups 13:03 ,2014 أيلول 07

the birth of ISIS - enjoy .


Thumb lebanon_first 13:06 ,2014 أيلول 07

Closeted flamerinteyeh.

Pathetic. You are stagnating in certitudes manufactured and packed by others for your consumption.

If you crave to debate with big boys and add something to the debate other than boring platitudes, I suggest you leave the keyboard for a few hours a day and go training your single neuron brain in distinguishing shades of gray.

Thumb lebanon_first 13:06 ,2014 أيلول 07

Closeted flamerinteyeh.

Pathetic. You are stagnating in certitudes manufactured and packed by others for your consumption.

If you crave to debate with big boys and add something to the debate other than boring platitudes, I suggest you leave the keyboard for a few hours a day and go training your single neuron brain in distinguishing shades of gray.

Missing .karim-- 19:49 ,2014 أيلول 07

This is entirely FSA-Nusra's fault. They KNEW that Syrian refugees would be in jeopardy if anything happened to the soldiers.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:25 ,2014 أيلول 07

If ISIS continues its murderous rampage it may succeed in uniting warring countries to band together to destroy it.

Thumb kanaandian 22:31 ,2014 أيلول 07

syrians need to be on the front lines against their savages, any syrian not doing so is a jabhat luva

Default-user-icon elias (ضيف) 01:03 ,2014 أيلول 08

kill them all expel them out of lebanon let them go back they are all the same goverment oposition