لقاء بين كيري وباسيل الاثنين في ضوء مشاركته في "اجتماع دولي حول الارهاب" في باريس

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يلتقي وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل يوم غد الإثنين في العاصمية الفرنسية نظيره الاميركي جون كيري، وذلك في زيارة له للمشاركة في الاجتماع الدولي التي تسضيفه باريس من أجل الوضع في العراق.

وقالت صحيفة "الحياة" الاحد أن باسيل "يشارك في الاجتماع الدولي الذي تستضيفه باريس غدا من أجل العراق".

وتجري حوارات دولية واقليمية مكثفة حول أمن العراق ومساعدة حكومته في الحرب ضد الارهاب تبحث فيه فرنسا غدا الاثنين.

وكان باسيل شارك منذ أيام في مؤتمر "وزاري عربي أميركي لمكافحة الارهاب" في جدة حضره كيري أيضا.

وسيلتقي باسل بحسب "الحياة" وزير الخارجية الأميركية جون كيري ليبحث معه الوضع في لبنان في ضوء مشاركته في التحالف الدولي ضد الإرهاب".

وتتم هذه الاتصالات في ظل إلحاح دولي على التعجيل في إنهاء الشغور الرئاسي. بحسب الصحيفة عينها.

وكان كيري زار لبنان لساعات قليلة في الرابع من شهر حزيران الفائت، شدد حينها على أهمية انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية بأسرع وقت ممكن.

ورأت مصادر ديبلوماسية غربية لـ "الحياة" أن "عدم وجود رئيس يعطل المساعدات للبلد ولو لم يكن للرئيس صلاحيات كبرى".

وأوضحت "مثلاً لا تعود الحكومة تحتاج إلى 24 صوتاً لتتخذ قراراً"، معتبرة أن "انتخاب رئيس قد يشير إلى بداية العودة لوحدة المؤسسات".

وقالت المصادر لـ "الحياة" إن "هناك مثلا تمويلا لوكالة التنمية الفرنسية بـ200 مليون يورو لا يمكن صرفه لغياب التوقيع الحكومي"، مشيرة الى أن "معظم المساعدات تذهب مباشرة إلى الوكالات الدولية، مثل المفوضية العليا للاجئين وغيرها".

ومازال لبنان في مرحلة شغور رئاسي منذ 25 أيار الفائت لعدم تمكن مجلس النواب من انتخاب خلف لرئيس الجمهورية السابق ميشال سليمان في عدة جلسات متتالية.

من جهة اخرى أكدت مصادر في العاصمة الفرنسية للصحيفة عينها أن رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام سيلتقي في نيويورك التي ينتقل إليها في 22 الجاري، الرئيس الفرنسي فرانسوا هولاند.


التعليقات 43
Thumb EagleDawn 13:47 ,2014 أيلول 14

Politics is for grown-ups

Thumb ice-man 20:37 ,2014 أيلول 14


Thumb kanaandian 15:45 ,2014 أيلول 14

the real John Kerry? I bet he is very excited, nervous, ancy. John Kerry is famous.

Missing rami 16:33 ,2014 أيلول 14

He'll take his PS4 with him on the plane. "Call of Duty" is his favorite game.

Missing helicopter 17:00 ,2014 أيلول 14

Is he as good as Mansour before him? :)

Thumb nickjames 18:17 ,2014 أيلول 14

Bassil will be the president one day, are you smoking meth?

Thumb nickjames 18:38 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar, I wasn't insulting you, I was questioning your intelligence. Because when you say Bassil is gonna be president that's a very rash statement. So many people hate him, I know Aouniyeh who even hate him. Whenever Aoun dies, Bassil taking over FPM is not a sure thing. It could be Kanaan or one of Aoun's relatives in the army.

Thumb nickjames 18:57 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar stop changing the subject to what my opinion is. The argument is about your outlandish statement that Bassil is gonna be president one day. Where is the basis in that? I said even FPMers dislike him, and him becoming leader of the FPM is an uncertainty. I never said he wasn't, I said it's uncertain. So if it's unsure that he'll take over the FPM, how will he become president? If you argue he's certainly Aoun's heir as party leader, I rest my case.

Thumb nickjames 19:11 ,2014 أيلول 14

"how open minded are you & m14ers is my point."

Stop making a fool out of me. Yes you wrote your opinion, so defend it. So I'm gonna ask you again, where is the basis in the statement "Bassil will be your President one day, so start respecting yourself when addressing your future leader"?

That's a pretty strong opinion (also a stupid one), so I'm questioning it. The "start respecting yourself when addressing your future leader" part is very irrational, and you can't impose on other people to respect him as their future leader when you haven't made any effort to back up your reasoning for Bassil becoming president. So tell me how Bassil is gonna be president. You're entitled to use your imagination, I just wanna hear something from you.

Thumb nickjames 19:36 ,2014 أيلول 14

How does he have a superb record with all sides abroad? Who are these "sides" you refer to. When Sleiman and others asked Bassil to file a complaint for Syria's bombing of Arsal he didn't do anything. Who is happy to meet with him? Is that even a fact, or just an opinion from pictures of him sitting with people? He's the foreign minister, he has to meet his counterparts (this isn't the energy ministry).

I'll repeat the story I told Flame: five or six years ago, Bassil went to Canada to visit the Lebanese community. He went around Toronto meeting Lebanese, and by the Our Lady of Lebanon church, people (both M14 and M8) are gathered outside to greet him. Bassil gets out of his car wearing a suit and shades, smoking a cigar. He walks around like he's the only person there. The people (even Aouniyeh) began spitting at him. He had to leave.

Thumb nickjames 19:36 ,2014 أيلول 14

Bassil is an incompetent diplomat. He's trying to include Hezbollah and Syria in the anti-IS coalition when the US has made it clear that Bashar won't be part of it.

Thumb nickjames 19:43 ,2014 أيلول 14

So who are the top leaders, Roar? List names. He's hated within his own country and community, which world leaders are you referring to? Assad, Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, and Nasrallah?

Thumb nickjames 20:18 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar, all I asked you was to name top world leaders who support Bassil. You go on this rant about narrow-minded views and LF's dwindling popularity, instead of listing names. All I asked you to do was name leaders. Why is it so hard? Just give me names and examples as to how top world leaders like meeting Bassil.

Thumb nickjames 20:31 ,2014 أيلول 14

Oh sorry that was Flame talking about Ouwet, didn't even realise he came to your defence lol I'm so blind

Thumb mffsc 19:29 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar,I'm waiting for that day where you comment like an adult please wake up and stop following anyone blindly cause hell for M8 and M14 like seriously bro wake the hell up what the hell did they ever do to you. And bro stop living on denial bassil is the most hated politician in Lebanon he will never be president nick james has a better chance to be president. So please roar wake the hell up .

Thumb nickjames 20:14 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar, ISIS controls the area, not Assad. Assad is the one he released these lunatics from his prisons. Assad is the one who ignored them and fought FSA and Nusra. Assad is the one buying oil from them. This is no longer Assad's territory, he has no sovereignty over it especially since he's the one who let ISIS take over.

Thumb mffsc 20:31 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar please replay all he asked is the names of the leaders that love bassil answer pls i wanna laugh a bit.

Thumb nickjames 20:42 ,2014 أيلول 14

Maybe he was thinking about Hugo Chavez, the late leader of Venezuela. Remember when Ahmadinejad went to his funeral and hugged/kissed Chavez's widow, and all the Iranian clerics condemned him because he was touching a woman unrelated to him? Lol

Thumb mffsc 20:45 ,2014 أيلول 14

Dude thats exactly what he is thinking i know it. It roar man only him can get away with that kind of thinking.

Thumb ice-man 20:38 ,2014 أيلول 14

How are you today My Yazidi Friend? Is life in Sinjar back to normal? I care...

Thumb mffsc 20:41 ,2014 أيلول 14

Flame retard thrower what ever you have a limited mind man. If he is saying that he hates bassil that doesn't mean he likes M14 so don't be all defensive and shit man pls wake the hell up bro you are defending people that are bringing this country to its knees. WAKE THE HELL UP RETARDS.

Thumb nickjames 17:41 ,2014 أيلول 15

Flamer you said with your own words, "Bashar is my enemy in Lebanon but my friend outside Lebanon." You called him a friend you psychopath!

Thumb nickjames 20:43 ,2014 أيلول 14

Still waiting for Roar...which world leaders like meeting with Bassil???

Thumb ice-man 20:45 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar is now busy with some dignateries briefing him on geo-politics matters.

Thumb nickjames 20:50 ,2014 أيلول 14

He's so retarded. Read the argument from the very beginning, where he said we should respect our future president lol

Thumb nickjames 21:08 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar, you were wrong too. They chlorinate water as well, you never admitted that I was right on that part.

Thumb nickjames 21:09 ,2014 أيلول 14

Still waiting for you to name world leaders who like meeting Bassil...

Thumb nickjames 21:19 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar I never denied that he met them. I asked you who LIKES MEETING him? He's a foreign minister, like I said before he's obligated to meet other foreign ministers (his counterparts). Him meeting other diplomats doesn't mean they like him...

Thumb nickjames 21:32 ,2014 أيلول 14

You said something about liking.
"He has a superb record with officials from all sides abroad...Both sides of the political world divide are more than happy to meet with him....take that as a nod for future President endorsement."

The words "more than happy" suggest that people like/enjoy/look forward to meeting him. Stop playing stupid!

Thumb nickjames 21:41 ,2014 أيلول 14

No I don't get it. Bassil is accepted by all lol I'm gonna go enjoy some Chupachups.

Thumb nickjames 17:35 ,2014 أيلول 15

Flamer I love how you wait until after the argument was over to defend Roar with stupid comments. The original argument was that Bassil is our future president and that we should respect him. I asked Roar to explain why that was the case, and he got to this part where he said other diplomats like him. So I asked really who likes him and he couldn't give me a straight answer.

Thumb nickjames 21:14 ,2014 أيلول 14

Roar, how about you refute my statement intellectually. You didn't refute that Assad ignored ISIS to fight FSA and Nusra, and you didn't refute that Assad is buying oil from ISIS, nor did you refute that Assad released them from his prisons. He is in no position to join the battle to wipe them out because he's the one who allowed them to gain power.

Thumb nickjames 21:17 ,2014 أيلول 14

Exactly Roar, you didn't admit that. They chlorinate water as well as fluoridate. So if I'm retarded for not knowing they fluoridate water, you're retarded for not knowing they chlorinate water.

It was a stupid argument that had nothing to do with politics. I'm not a chemist, who cares what they put in tap water. Still waiting for you to name world leaders who like meeting Bassil...

Thumb nickjames 21:31 ,2014 أيلول 14

You said no it's fluoridated, that's it. You should have said "it is both chlorinated and fluoridated." But you never said that, you just said it's fluoridated. Stop making a fool out of me.

Thumb nickjames 21:36 ,2014 أيلول 14

Lol Roar you're hilarious. I know I said it's not fluoride. But when I said that, you are supposed to say it's both chlorine and fluoride. Instead you just argued that it's fluoride, and that I'm wrong for saying chlorine as if they don't put chlorine. Stop making me look stupid. And stop this argument.

Thumb nickjames 21:28 ,2014 أيلول 14

Big John, after the US invasion of Iraq, Assad sent radicals into Iraq. Some stayed in Iraq, but those who came back to Syria were imprisoned. Then the uprising broke out in Syria, and the FSA was the first organised group to oppose Assad. He released these radicals who were in his prisons to weaken the FSA. Because of the FSA's incompetency, arms ended up in these people's hands, they even raided warehouses of weapons that were for the FSA.

Thumb nickjames 17:32 ,2014 أيلول 15

You're changing the subject. There's a difference between terrorists reacting to US intervention, and Assad sending droves of busses over his border into Iraq.

Thumb nickjames 21:39 ,2014 أيلول 14

So if you don't care about Assad, why do you keep saying the West is trying to destroy his country? Why do you care about "his nation"? Assad did this to his own country, he let these fanatics out of his prisons to weaken the FSA, then started buying oil from them. This has nothing to do with M14ers lighting candles.

Thumb nickjames 21:54 ,2014 أيلول 14

So when Assad sent Islamists into Iraq after the US invasion, what exactly do you call that? He did it to keep Iraq unstable. I never said I was with the US invasion. And the argument is about Assad. When it comes to occupation and intervention, Assad is no less guilty than the US

Thumb ex-fpm 22:02 ,2014 أيلول 14

he is no australian, he is a fake.

Thumb nickjames 22:22 ,2014 أيلول 14

Big John, Assad's government facilitated the transit of jihadists over the border. They waved busses of foreign volunteers, meanwhile taking in fleeing Baathists from Iraq and letting them take refuge in Syria. It was the same thing KSA did when the Soviets were in Afghanistan: they send lunatics just to get them out of their country. Syria did not want Iraq to be allied with the US.

As for the prisoners Assad released, check this out.

Thumb nickjames 17:29 ,2014 أيلول 15

It's because of people like al-Jawlani that were released from Syrian jails that they were able to recruit thousands of fighters from around the world. Some of the most fanatic terrorists were in Assad's prisons.

Thumb nickjames 17:38 ,2014 أيلول 15

Lol ISIS is farther geographically. Yeah, that's why Assad travels all the way to Der ez-Zor to buy oil from them so he can bomb FSA and Nusra who are closer geographically. You're just giving excuses for Assad to ignore ISIS.