إشتباكات بين عناصر فلسطينية وأخرى من "حزب الله" قرب برج البراجنة
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دارت اشتباكات عنيفة استخدمت فيها الأسلحة الرشاشة منذ السابعة من مساء الإثنين في شارع العنان، عند أطراف برج البراجنة، تحديدا في حي الأكراد، بين أفراد من حزب الله وعناصر فلسطينية.
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام" أن "القوى الأمنية لم تتمكن من الوصول إلى المكان بسبب شدة الاشتباكات".
وأفادت مصادر أمنية لـ"MTV" عن سقوط 10 جرحى من حزب الله "في اشتباكات مع مجموعات سلفية في حي الأكراد قرب برج البراجنة".
فيما ذكرت قناة "أخبار المستقبل" أن "حي العنان في برج البراجنة في الضاحية الجنوبيّة لبيروت يشهد منذ السابعة مساءً اشتباكات مسلّحة حيث وقع عشرات الجرحي من بينهم شخص من آل عثمان وآخر من آل موسى"، مشيرة إلى أن تنظيم "الأحباش" طرف فيها".
وقرابة الساعة الثامنة والنصف مساء أفادت قناة "الجديد" أن الإشتباكات توقفت كاشفة عن عقد اجتماع بين "ممثلين عن حزب الله والفلسطينيين في مخيم برج البراجنة لتدراك الإشكال وتطويقه".
وأشار أمين سر حركة فتح في مخيم برج البراجنة لـلقناة عينها أنه "لم يكن هناك اشتباك بين الفلسطيين من مخيم برج البراجنة والأخوة في حزب الله إنما كان خلافا فرديا توتر بعد إلقاء قنبلة من جهة مجهولة".

Here we are again, the sacred arms of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance and that of the Palestinian Resistance supposedly both fighting Israel, in reality fighting each other over influence, and when they are not, they user the arms to change government and influence democracy.......
when will Hizballah be accountable to the Lebanese people through democratic election?
When will the Lebanese stand up in one voice "enough is enough".. no arms should be outside the government control, no thugs to militias!!

حزب الله او سلفيين او فلسطينيين . بؤر أمنية وسلاح غير شرعي . سلملي عالدولة ؟؟

...but how else are they going to demonstrated that the divine Iranian arms protect the Christians from Palestinian Syrian arms. I didn't think their be so obvious and dumb as to demonstrate it so close after Patriarch Raii's comments, but they are.
Wouldn't be funny if Hassan comes out of his Ratcave® and declares Borj al-Barajneh a red line zone.

Are these the bastards whom gonna liberate Palastine? ha ha let them kill each others filthy lowlifes

To the Zionist thugs commenting... Do not reassure yourselves..Over 99% of the weapons are pointed at you. HA is the ONLY armed group that used most of its firepower against Israel and not against fellow Lebanese.

i told this forum 2 days ago that hizballah and his kronies will regret the happy days of saado.

a desperate and convenient incident for syria and hezbollah that attempts to shift syrias unrest into lebanon and spark fear for all those who do not support these present evil powers.

Those who criticize the Lebanese Resistance and do not denounce the Israeli enemy are nothing but Zionists or traitors. Your voices are worthless in Lebanon (i did not see the same comments made when Christians were killing each other in Koura and Bshari not too long ago). Idiots..

I was talking to the hezbollah, palestinian and ahbash terrorists, wouf!

And where is the state in this? where is the ISF, the LAF? Hezbollah which has arms outside of the authority and the Palestinians with arms outside of the authorty engaging in military clashes in complete derrogation to the institutions of the state. And Hezbollah claims to be subservient to the institutions of the government?? Such a cruel stupid joke. They should be stripped of all credibility.
The fuse of Salafists and Hezbollah -- Sunni v. Shia would mean nothing if there were not dynamite at the ends of the fuses. But these are heavily armed camps on Lebanese soil. The solution is not for the Salafists to overcome Hezbollah or vice versa, but for all to submit to the authority of the state. Without the state, Lebanon's decline into this sort of thing on a regular basis is inevitable. Hezbollah's suppression of the state makes this inevitable. Its philosophy of confrontation rather than consensus is the tumor that has grown inside of Lebanon's body politic.

The arms of hizbollah is becoming more and more a burden on hizbollah ...they need to use it some where !!!

The " you are all zionists" brigade is getting larger. Keep up the propaganda my indoctrinated compatriots ! keep it up!

Lebanese Security Forces CANNOT reach the area due to the heavy fighting?
similar to the Gas Canister bomb? similar to the illegal buildings of the Airport road? similar to the incidents of bill/electricity collectors? For the moron who mentioned fighting in Koura and Beshari, those incidents were committed with a HANDGUN by the Syrian backed midgets.
No guns, no arms, no fireworks except for the Leb Army period, when this happens then you will have a state.

The Hezz are being shot by the people who they claim to want to liberate. Even the Palestinians are rejecting the Hezz. Is Nassy going to celebrate Quds day next year? Since when the Hezz get attacked and they don't shoot back. Their world is collapsing and they don't know what to do.

put them on the first plane to jabal amel or better still all the way to tehran by boat with berri, aoun, slueiman and company, and do not give them mobile phones!

Islamists vs. Islamists. Let them kill each other and rid the world of their religious fanatism.

To Lebanese Resistance, that is a lie, Hizballah like every other militia during the war, fought with other militias, they killed many communist militants, and the fought with Amal. So not, them like any other militia they are not that sacred.
The events of 7 May 2008 are a very recent reminder of what hizballa can do with their arms... for example trashing Future TV, and clashing with Socialist Party in jabal... I'm not sure that had anything to do with fighting israel.
as Lebanese we only have faith in a government, which, with all it's problems, we know we can elect or not the following election. Hizballah.. only the Iranian regime decide what happens with it.

I see that the word "zionist" is being used haphazardly by uneducated people who do not seem to know what zionism is. So the next paragraph is provided for educational purposes:
A Zionist is someone who advocates the right of Jewish people to live in a sovereign Jewish state. It is somewhat comparable to someone who advocates the right of muslims to live in an Islamic republic. This being said, Lebanese people who are opposed to Hezbollah are not Zionists because they generally don't give a rat's a** about the right of Jewish people to live in a Jewish state. They just care about their own country. So please find a different epithet to avoid sounding like an imbecile.

What a farce this resistance is.......! All their illegal weapons are pointed internally against fellow Lebanese. This is not the first incident and I am sure it won't be the last. Yes, they are a Malignant Tumor that needs to be surgically removed piece by piece, saint by saint, thug by thug, thief by thief, man by man, drug dealer by drug dealer. The day is coming..... and all their weapons, animosity, spite, and hate will come to an end.

Knight Templar? Really? A Templar supporting an islamist militia? Please open a history book buddy and read about Templar ideology instead of using nicknames that you don't know the first thing about.

every now and than, the zionist information war nerds slip and show that they have no idea about lebanon, while pretending to be lebanese.
this time it's marie:
"put them on the first plane to jabal amel...."
whoever is lebanese, know where is the problem with this. whoever is not, is not lebanese.
so called marie...we know who you are...no worry you get the rocket next war.

Habal Hamel, do you know where you guys in jabal amel came from???
No you don't....
for your history info which you did not learn at school....YEMEN
so please return...by plane, boat or on foot

The comments here are so biased, is there anyone that speaks with reason anymore from Lebanon?
Whenever I go to Lebanon I get the same experience, each party venerates their own. When they should speak the truth. Thank God I'm not associated with any party.
The Israelites rejected men of God because they spoke only the truth, the same here it is today.
America (Saudi and Israel inc.) and Iran (Syria inc.) are the sources of our problems, the moment we see this we will have a united Lebanon.
We need to be more respectful with our comments no ad hominems, just say what we need to say without the abuse.
Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (as) said it best "Humans are of two kinds; Your brother in faith or your equal in humanity"

We are talking about extremists, fanatics, with weapons, fighting each other.
We are talking about the worst in humanity!
If they could exterminate each other, the world would be a better place, and maybe in a world without extremists (of any kind of religion) peace could prevail...at last...

إشتباك الضاحية الجنوبية
رواية مغايرة من مخيم برج البراجنة
لم يعد بإمكاننا السكوت، ولسنا مكسر عصا، ولسنا وقوداً لأحد، ولسنا بلا كرامة، ولسنا طائفيين، ونحب المقاومة، ونحترم الدماء والتضحيات، لكن ليعلم الآخرون حدودهم فلا يعتدوا على حرماتنا، لسنا ضعفاء بل أقوياء وأقوى رجال.
بهذه الكلمات الواضحة لخّص لنا شباب من مخيم برج البراجنة شعورهم حيال ما جرى من اشتباكات تسبب بها أفراد أمنيون من حزب الله كانوا في مهمة أمنية رسمية على تخوم المدخل الشرقي للمخيم المحاذي لما يعرف بحي الروضة المعروف بحي الأكراد.
وعند السؤال عن المجموعة السلفية التي تعرضت لدورية حزب الله؛ أكدوا لنا ونفوا نفياً قاطعاً أن يكون الاشتباك مع سلفيين أو مجموعة مترابطة ومنظمة. ويضيف أحدهم متهكماً: عملونا سلفيين، وقاعدة، وإخوان مسلمين، وإرهابيين، وعملاء لإسرائيل!
الرواية الفلسطينية غير الرسمية
نحن لم نبدأ استعمال السلاح، ولم نرم القنابل، ومعظم ما نقل في وسائل الإعلام من نسج الخيال وغير دقيق ومفبرك... المسؤول الأمني هو من فتح القنبلة ورماها باتجاه شباب المخيم، ولكن الله رد كيده في نحره، فاصطدمت القنبلة بأسلاك الكهرباء، وعادت عل