فرنجية: مواقف الراعي تعكس هواجس المسيحيين
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أكد رئيس "تيار المرده" النائب سليمان فرنجية، " أن مواقف غبطة البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الراعي بما تتسم به من عمق وجدية تعكس هواجس وقلق المسيحيين، خصوصا في ظل الاحداث الجارية في المنطقة".
وقال فرنجية في تصريح له : "غبطته ينطلق من ثابتة وحيدة للكنيسة هي الانجيل المقدس، ومن هم أساس هو تكريس دور المسيحيين في المنطقة وتفعيل دورهم وضمان عيشهم بحرية وكرامة، بما ينسجم مع جوهر الارشاد الرسولي الذي أرساه قداسة البابا يوحنا بولس "".
ورأى فرنجية أن تخوف الراعي "ليس مبنيا على فرضيات بل من واقع ووقائع، لافتا الى أن "أبرز مثال ما حدث في العراق".
وأضاف: "ومعلوم أن الانظمة المتطرفة تضع المسيحيين أمام خيارين، أو الهجرة أو أهل ذمة، ونحن اذ نرفض الخيارين، نلفت بأن من انتقد وينتقد مواقف غبطته فانه كمن يرتضي أن يكون أهل ذمة".
وكان الراعي وكان الراعي قد طلب من فرنسا إعطاء فرصة للرئيس السوري للقيام بالإصلاح رابطا سلاح حزب الله بوضع الفلسطينيين في لبنان إلا أن الراعي أكد لصحيفة "النهار" أنه كلامه "اجتزئ وأخرج من إطاره".
وشدد فور عودته من فرنسا "على ضرورة ألا يجتزأ الإعلام التصريحات"، قائلا: مأخذي عليهم أنهم يقومون بإجتزاء الأمور، ومأخذي على القراء أنهم يكتفون بالعنوان ولا يقرأون الباقي".

I thought u liked beeing governed by muslims since Hezbollah has a leash for you and other dogs that bark but do not bite, you are all part of the same plan , cowards working for Israel secretly like the so- called resistance that has hidden so many spies , even admitted it and we do not have any feedback since, also engaging in direct negotiations for prisoners with Israel , how can u do that without having ties from within already? you are all delusionnal that think that this piece of crap militia is a resistance, it is only here to govern Lebanon and be a card for Iran in case the West wants to bomb it, exept that, Hezbollah's will is not theirs and they are commanded from distance like a kids toy car, and we saw that on Naqba day, the palestinians got killed in demonstrations in the South by Israelis and they did nothing but only condemn.

Hezbolllah are bunch of hypocrites working for Israel, Iran and Syria, next time your disgusting no good for nothing foreign MILITIA wants to play a little act with the zionists and block our economic growth as well as destroy our infrastructures, you can tell your followers to stay in the south rather than heading to christians , sunni, or druze areas when bombed, i agree Lebanon is for alll, but not when YOU dont let us go to your neighboorhoods, next time go to North Israel, im sure they will welcome you like you welcomed them when they entered Lebanon throwing flowers at you, i really regret to say that the modest , noble chiite sect has been transformed by Hezbollah into criminals, gangsters and thieves, anyway, be aware that this time, you will not be able to hide in our regions no more, you will be stopped and dealt with like fugitives, you can only blame your big fat rat zionist-iranian-syrian agent hiding somewhere in Haifa probably in the compagny of other low life Sharon.

Stop spreading rumors kiddo.
Christians and Moslems have lived side by side peacefully in Syria for over a millenium.

Of course there are concerns, nobody said the contrary, but do concerns prevail over the slaughtering of peaceful demonstrators, children, elderly people, over the jailing of tens of thousands, over the depravation of freedom, over free will...
Please do not mix Syria with Iraq. The problem is very different, the context is different, the timing is different, and the religious equation radicaly different!

Who used to shoot with the air pistol at your dad's visitors in his palace in Ehden (those who disagreed with him). Who used to rap the women of Chekka and Batroun? if your house is in glass I do not think you want to throw stones at others. Rouh inseter ya walad.