أسير من حزب الله لدى "الحر" يناشد أهله التحرك.. والحزب يأسر عددا من الجثث
Read this story in Englishبدأت حرب الأسرى بين جهتي المعارضة السورية وحزب الله مع اشتداد معارك جرود القلمون، إذ أفادت مصادر الأولى عن شريط يظهر "الأسير" عماد عياد يناشد فيه أهله تلبية مطالب "الجيش الحر" فيما كشفت مصادر الثانية عن جثث لـ"مسلحين" أسرى لدى الحزب.
وفي التفاصيل، تداول ناشطون سوريون الخميس شريطا نقلا عن "تجمع القلمون الغربي في عسال" ظهر فيه عياد الذي قال أن أصله "من الجنوب". يشار إلى أن مواقع قريبة من الحزب قالت أنه من طيرفلسيه ويبلغ من العمر 24 عاما.
ويجلس عياد أمام صخرة ولا يتبيّن أي من خاطفيه في الشريط. ويقول انه مع "الجيش السوري الحر" في حين لم يؤكد حزب الله رسميا نبأ أسره.
يشرح ردا على أسئلة الخاطفين أن "حزب الله كلفه بمهة في قارة وعسال الورد بجرود القلمون". أما مهمته فهي "تعبئة احتياط في الحزب وحماية موقع".
هذا الموقع في الجرود كان يتواجد فيه "4 سوريين و3 لبنانيين" وتحت قيادة حزب الله بحسب عياد.
واضاف "أنا كنت في الخيمة وهربت إلى ما وراء الدشم نزولا حين وصلت إلى بستان تفاح واختبأت عند حاج مسن حتى أتى شبابكم أخذوني".
وردا على سؤال أجاب عياد الذي كان وكأنه يئن من وجع ما "هناك 200 مقاتل للحزب في جرود القلمون وهناك سوريون تحت قيادتنا (..) لدينا شباب اختصاص دفاع جوي".
ثم ظهر عياد في مشهد آخر بعدما خلع عنه السترة ولوحظ زنده مربّط بشاش موجها رسالة إلى الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله بالقول "نحن نأتي إلى هنا ونجرح ويتركوننا (مقاتلو الحزب الآخرين). نقول لهم أصبنا يردون "ماذا نفعل لك ألا ترى القصف كيف يمكن أن نصل لك". هؤلاء هم المعنيون بنا والمسؤولون عنا يا سيد".
كما كانت رسالة "إلى أمي وأبي وكل إخوتي" قائلا "أنا مع الجيش (السوري) الحر ويعاملونني معاملة حسنة وأنا بينهم اليوم". وخص والده قائلا "إذا اتصلوا بك الشباب (الجيش الحر) وطلبوا منك شيئا لبِّ طلبهم وأنا بخير الحمد لله".
من جهة الحزب نشر موقع قناة "المنار" في وقت متأخر من ليل الأربعاء صورا قال أنها "تعود لجثث مسلحين قتلوا بنيران مقاومي حزب الله والجيش السوري في منطقة القلمون، اثر الهجوم الذين شنوه أمس في الجبة وعسال الورد".
وأشارت مصادر الموقع إلى أن "هذه الجثث هي في ايدي عناصر المقاومة الإسلامية".
كذلك أكدت القناة مقتل ما قالت أنه "أبرز قادة الجيش الحر المدعو "محمد داويدة" بعد استهدافه من قبل الجيش السوري مع مجموعته قرب بلدة عسال الورد في القلمون".
ميدانيا قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان أن الاشتباكات العنيفة لا تزال "مستمرة بين قوات النظام والمسلحين الموالين لها من جهة ومقاتلي الكتائب الاسلامية من جهة اخرى على أطراف مدينة زملكا من جهة المتحلق الجنوبي".
وبحسب المصدر عينه "قتل عنصران من حزب الله اللبناني في اشتباكات مع الكتائب الإسلامية وجبهة النصرة".
في المقابل يقول المرصد في بيان آخر أنه "استشهد مقاتل من الكتائب الإسلامية في اشتباكات مع قوات النظام وقوات الدفاع الوطني ومقاتلي حزب الله اللبناني في جرود القلمون".
يذكر أن حزب الله تقدم الثلاثاء نحو هذه المنطقة حيث يخوض معارك إلى الجانب الجيش السوري، بعد هجوم على موقع "عين ساعة" التابع له في جرود بريتال الأحد.
وخسر الحزب حتى الآن بحسب مصادر غير رسمية 11 قتيلا على الأقل منذ الأحد.
They keep coming like there is no tomorrow most of them in pieces. We work very hard on trying to make them presentable for the rituals
Thank you ..-flamethrower-. for your continuous support of General Aoun and Hizbollah, but after yesterday's embarrassment We no longer require your services. Effective today, you are no longer on our payroll as a paid poster. Your recent inconsistencies and posts have become a LIABILITY for the party and any future posts you make are your own personal opinion or those of your new found employer. We urge you to stop by our headquarters at your earliest convenience and collect your personal belongings and your last paycheck. We have included a special end of service "bonus" package that you will no doubt appreciate.
We thank you for the time you spent as a paid employee of the party and its media outlets. We wish you success in all your future endeavors at our sister Al Manar.
At least this will bring some humility to nasrallah and make him negotiate from a 'position of strength' in the same manner he was dictating to the government what to do. As to this "hero" from Bashoura (but originally from the south), hopefully he no longer thinks he is the hero he thought he was on the streets of Beirut. I enjoyed watching the video
13 minutes ago LBCI: The government has unanimously agreed to engage in serious negotiations over the release of the captive troops.
Only now they agreed "unanimously"??! I wonder who was delaying taking the decision in the cabinet for 2 and a half months which resulted in the execution of 3 of our soldiers! So, up until now all what we have been hearing about negotiations was NOT serious? Hezbollah and Aoun are the only reason these negotiations have not been serious.
5 minutes ago OTV: The government is divided between supporters and opponents of a prisoner swap amid the abductors' failure to clearly state their demands.
Sorry, that explains who the opponents of a prisoners swap are, and who has been playing with the lives of our soldiers until this point. Quite clear to me
Cheap blackmail by cowardly terrorists who wet their pants when they see HA fighters."
But, Imad Ayyad a HA PRISONER says otherwise :
“I was in the tent and I FLED to an area behind the barricades."
I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you,..-flamethrower-. , but alas!
cowards, terrorists, and murderers.. I have no sympathy whatsoever for these sectarians.
Southern, the bodies of the dead rebels were a result of the Syrian air force dropping bombs and not the heroics of your terrorist militia. The Syrian air force carried out more than 20 raids on that position alone dropping barrel bombs.
13 minutes ago Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: At least 25 people, including four children, were killed in multiple regime airstrikes on the town of Irbin near Damascus.
will southern and flamethrower condemn this senseless massacre or are they afraid if they do their comments will be deleted?
Well, at least he's with the FSA and not with ISIL, so at least this time we can actually hope that he will not get beheaded. I don't like Hizb, but until we as Lebanese resolve our own political bickering back home, I'm gonna support all efforts to get him back out of his POW status.
While HA's professional best trained fighters are dying busy defending Bashar Assad under the Ayatollah's battle orders, they leave their obviously barely trained poor lowly reservists to "defend" Lebanon and the Lebanese people. And while HA's professional best trained fighters where dying busy helping the Syrian regime push the Takfiris in Syria's Qalamoun to orderly withdraw, fully armed, into the Anti-Lebanon mountain range and the Lebanese border, they leave the Lebanese army and the obviously barely trained poor HA reservists to face the withdrawn armed Takfiris alone.
HA's priority is what the Ayatollah tells them it is, nothing else. The fact that they hold Lebanese passports is incidental, just like the multinational Jihadis they are fighting in Syria. The suffering people of Lebanon and in particular Shiites like Imad Ayyad are props used to further HA's image nothing more. For them the Lebanese border in drawn in pencil, they erase it whenever they wish and go on operations in Syria, Iraq, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Egypt and wherever else the Ayatollah needs them to go. Nasrallah himself admits this.
I was thinking exactly the same @cityboy, 100% the same. It is really strange, you know why? both of us are shia, both fanatics, both pretend we are moderates, both have fake accounts, both are paid to post, and many other obvious similarities. I just hope people don't get the impression we are the same poster.
Hezbollah captured scores of ISIS terrorists in the Qalamoun mountains.
These terrorists were caught during recent clashes with Hezbollah on the bordering region between Lebanon and Syria
thank you for the demonstration guys, your rejoicing here confirms every reason why Hezbollah has weapons and must keep them.
it is not new, we saw it all through the occupation of the south, there are too many traitors in lebanon happy to side with outsiders and aggressors against their countrymen, and therefore one cannot rely on his countrymen for mutual defense, it's like turning your back on a greedy hyena.
"and therefore one cannot rely on his countrymen for mutual defense"
Defending the country according to you and your hizb of terror means being in Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. Your propaganda is not working; find another job.
defending the country does mean being in syria, as recent events have proven we cannot allow them to get to here.
What a shame..any Lebanese suffering is shameful on our failed politicians that have alliagiance to the foreign countries before Lebanon . Bring these people back home and enough lies on the poor citizens.