الافراج عن مواطن في بعلبك بعد خطفه وسلبه وقطع طريق تعلبايا احتجاجا على خطف شخصين من آل الحجيري
Read this story in Englishخطف عصر السبت المواطن جوزيف غانم فيما كان يزاول عمله في بعلبك بدافع السرقة، لكن افرج عنه بعد فترة وجيزة.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام بعد اعلانها عن خطف غانم، عن إطلاق سراحه بعدما خطف من أمام محلات جبق في بعلبك، بعد سلبه بقوة السلاح مبلغ 4 آلاف دولار وفيزا كارد وهاتفه الشخصي.
وغانم بحسب الوكالة الوطنية هو وكيل شركة "بوش" للخرضوات.
وفي سعدنايل، أقفل أهالي المواطنين خالد ومصطفى الحجيري اللذين خطفا عند منتصف ليل الجمعة في سعدنايل طريق تعلبايا - سعدانيل احتجاجا على خطفهما، ثم اعادوا فتحها.
وتكرر عمليات الخطف في البقاع لدوافع عدة. ومنذ فترة افرج عن عبدالله البريدي والدكتور حسين حسن الفليطي من عرسال اللذين خطفا على يد مجموعة من آل المصري (من بريتال) ، ردا على خطف الجندي علي زيد المصري على يد المجموعات المسلحة في المعارك التي حصلت في البلدة مطلع آب الفائت.
وتحصل عمليات خطف متبادلة وايضا خطف من قبل المجموعات المسلحة المتمركزة في جرود عرسال.
Come on, those are individual acts nothing more. The fact they are usually committed by Hezballo supporters is unimportant and insignificant.
Of course if one's not a Hezballo supporter one's automatically a supporter of ISIL, thus goes the divine turbans' logic. Turban wrapped much too tight. Blood flow to alleged brain withing turbaned head, weak to absent.
There is an interesting phenomena here that I cannot help but notice and that I'm sure many of you have as well, when the so called flame thrower is away most other M8 spammers are also away. Following his first post there is a deluge of them posting like their life depended on it. I wonder if they are all bused in like little mentally handicapped children going to the lollipop factory or do they pile into one clown car and come over together, the contents of most of their posts suggests the later. Or just maybe the spam squad are really just the Johnny punch-card AKA flame thrower.
ironic, HA claims it has no control over these terrorists, yet all of them are members of HA. A colleague of mine goes to his village in the Baalbek area and he has to go through at least 8 checkpoints for HA before he gets to his village. Yet, these criminals in Brital and other places are free to roam and enjoy impunity.
It's a fact, more car come out of Brital than Detroit.
Of course unlike Detroit, Brital does not have an automotive industry per se. Every single car that come out of there was pre-owned until one day it vanished only to reappear in Brital. There after a little clever makeup it's repurposed without the knowledge or consent of the legal owner's. Some lucky owners sometimes get a phone call offering them a chance to reclaim their lost possession for a fee.