بري: الجنوب يريد الراعي ليبارك أرضها
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شدد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على أن كل الجنوب يريد أن يبارك البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أرضه.
وقال بري لصحيفة "النهار": "لا نبالغ اذا قلنا إن الجنوب يريد غبطته أن يبارك تلك الارض التي قاتلت العدو الاسرائيلي واختلط ترابها بدماء المسلمين والمسيحيين".
وأكد بري للصحيفة أن "هذا النوع من الزوار النادرين لا يحتاج الى دعوة"، مضيفا "فهو سيكون بين أبناء رعيته وأهله". وذلك، قبل أيام من جولة الراعي على المناطق الجنوبية الحدودية.
وكان البطريرك الراعي قام بجولة في مدينة بعلبك السبت، حيث أعلن من بلدة الطيبة أنه "سيكون الصدى للامام المغيب السيد موسى الصدر المسلم المتكلم".
ودعا الراعي اللبنانيين "للجلوس معا ورفض الارتباط بالخارج والعمل على بناء شركة ومحبة معا".
كما دعا في بلدة حدث بعلبك أيضا الى "عدم بيع الاراضي مهما تعددت الاسباب، معتبرا ان لبنان يبدأ بالارض.
وقال: "لا للحرب، لا للعنف، الله يريدنا عائلة واحدة له، فلنتجاوز كل الخلافات والنزاعات والارتباطات شمالا ويمينا ولنستمد من الله الذي كله له قيمنا، لنبني وطنا جميلا بجمال الله".

II am not hear to tell what the Patriarch should say or do or even attempt to do.
However, I am somehow concerned about the plight of the Christian community in Lebanon in specific and in the Middle East in general. The Patriarch might know something’s which we don't know or have some way of foreseeing the future with more accuracy. Despite this, I think that his recent comments were somehow not very attentive and successful. I also think that when he speaks, he should be more specific in order to save himself the hassle of saying that his words were taken out of context.
I also believe that he should confine his comments with matters of the church and with spirituality rather than delving into the dark alleys of politicians and their corrupted demeanors.
It's not too late for him to amend ways. And one way of doing this is by canceling his planned visit to the south boarders which might be misconstrued as joining the ranks of March 8.
Neutrality is a potent weapon

Is Rahi welcome in Lassa as well? Because this is where he should head!

Before you go and pray.....Remember patriarch Rahi the story of Balaam and Balak in the Bible. and remember that as Joshua learned, its not about whose side the Lord is on (our side or our enemy's side) ....... its more about who is on HIS SIDE. God of the Bible and Lord of all.... forgive us and may Lebanon be found humbly at Your feet on Your side.

Next we'll hear Rahi is moving the Bkirki quarters to Bint Jbeil...

I would like to remind every one that the south if you all like or not is part of Lebanon. Congratulations to the Patriach Al Rahi for putting Lebanon first before the ignorants of Lebanon or the world.

I just realised you were a lady. I shall monitor my language with you from now on ;)

monseigneur rahi has freedom to gamble,as long he is gambling from his own pocket/tribe.
it is not for us to judge him,as he is gambling from his own pocket.

or what??
Are u a Miss or a Mrs...maybe we can hook up!?

Well your knowlege is a real turn on sweatheart.. :-))

Batrak or not, it is fair to say that Rahi is the fourth Useful Idiot on the Lebanese scene. Supporting any tyrant in the Middle-East for short-term political benefit is a kiss of death for Christian survivability in the region. Not to mention that the prosperity and dignity of Lebanese Christians and all minorities are intimately linked to freedom, rule of laws, sovereignty, accountability and transparent democracy. Rahi seems to be mesmerized by media exposure and would say anything to be in spotlight. In his short reign in Bkerke he has managed to directly or indirectly support tyrants, justify HizbIran rockets, insult moderate sunnis, and praise Aoun (Khadafi's twin brother). Rahi should remember that first century Christians were thrown to the lions just for refusing to hail the Roman Emperor. The Church should replace Rahi before the damage he causes to Christians will be irreparable.

Al Rahi should stay out of politics PERIOD until he resigns! Al Rahi is on an endless appeasement campaign to stay in what he perceives as political office, he acts just like politicians who used to go in droves to the Tyrants in Damascus and Tehran to beg these Tyrants to do their dirty bidding in Lebanon against the Lebanese free people, just to stay in power. He remains the biggest liability for the Christians and all the democracy freedom loving communities in the ME. The Vatican should convince Al Rahi to resign with immediate effect over his rediculous stances as he has proven to be much like Aoun self centered and extremely ambitious (in all the wrong sense of the word). The French ambassador's visit to Bkerki was a big mistake. Anyone who defends a Tyrant has innate Tyrannical tendencies himself (much like the Assad door mat Aoun). Al Rahi SHOULD GO!!!