وزير الدفاع الأميركي قلق من تقدم حزب الله "تكنولوجيًا وتسليحا"
Read this story in Englishأعلن وزير الدفاع الاميركي تشاك هيغل السبت عن "خطة مبتكرة في مجال الدفاع" ترمي الى ضمان "استمرار وتطور التفوق العسكري الاميركي في القرن الحادي والعشرين"، معربا عن قلقه من تطور الأسلحة والتكنولوجيا لدى حزب الله.
وقال هيغل في كلمة امام منتدى حول الدفاع نظمته مؤسسة الرئيس رونالد ريغان ان هذه الخطة "ستتيح وضع موارد في الابتكار" مع الاخذ في الاعتبار "حقائق الميزانية الراهنة".
وتابع "إن هذه الخطة التي سيقودها روبرت وورك، نائب وزير الدفاع، تأتي في وقت يواجه فيه التفوق العسكري الأميركي خطرا نتيجة لانتشار التكنولوجيا، فالتكنولوجيا والأسلحة التي كانت فيما مضى مجالا قاصرا على الدول المتقدمة".
وبحسب هيغل "أصبحت متاحة لسلسلة كبيرة من الجيوش وقطاعات لا تمثل دولا، ابتداء من كوريا الشمالية الاستفزازية وحتى تنظيمات إرهابية مثل حزب الله".
وإذ ذكر بانه أمر الجمعة بتحديث الترسانة النووية الاميركية، اكد هيغل انه يعتزم ايضا اصلاح نظام رواتب العسكريين.
وفي إشارة إلى عدم هيمنة البنتاغون على التكنولوجيات التي كان يأمل باستغلالها، لفت الى أن الوزارة ستتواصل مع الشركات والجامعات بغية الحصول على أفكار والمساعدة في تعزيز جهودها.
Right. And in your twisted view of the world, does George W. Bush represent strength then? Is Abdul-Rahman Kassig also weak in your view, because he also chose to aid the helpless and wounded and sought to avert causing wars at all price? I suggest you re-calibrate your moral compass.
Mr Hagel may be hizb got these sophisticated weapons cause you refuse to give our LAF weapons as sophisticated as hizb and Israel weapons, god bless democracy
we have only one tongue and TWO ears,they talk twice than they hear, its a major problem for the yankees.
Simply, Hizbolah, Are the biggest "Militia" on earth. Not even a militia, they have long range missiles and other weapons with such network of supporting institutions and extends from fighting Iran's wars in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yaman passing Israel and covert operations into several other countries.
They are like the FARC terrorists. They're guerillas... We are past the militia stage!
To Bigon Poison: As An Iranian Agent, you go and look at the green Revolution, the freedoms given by your vilayat Alfaqih, the criminal involvement of Basadran against innocent Iranian People and using shi3a in the Arabic countries against their People and governments. DO Not Use ZIONIZIM as an EXCUSE to increase your Iranian involvement more and more in countries that hate you and hate your fake Ayatolah and their Revolutionary Guards who are more dangerous than ISIS and Nusra. You see Bigon, in all these problems Zionizim and zionists are not as hurting as your HizEbola terrorists and sub agents and their Masters in Iran. Clear This logic does not work hear any more.
Fighting Arm-less Lebanese have nothing to do with what you say about Nuking and problems.. if there were problems with Israel, what this have to do with the Islamic state of Iran's Arm taking people's life hostage. It might be true that Problems exist, but what does this have to do with Iran and what a legitimacy an Iranian entity an off shoot of Rev. Guards to control our lives?
Well Mr. Hagel, your Hollywood movie makers have been teaching the bad guys about getting advanced weaponry, till James Bond comes over to destroy the stockpiles and the bad guys. You know what, they've learned fast, you Sir haven't.
Zionists, the favorite go to word of rhetoric memorizing Takfiris to accuse anyone who happens to disagree with them, for fifteen years some of the biggest Zionists according to those Takferis was the exiled Michel Aoun and his local supporter not to mention the usual suspects in the Kataeb, Ahrar and LF.
The U.S is shocked about Irans perfect drone replica. Soon these will also be in the hands of the Resistance.
Big John how many times s day you bend over & worship your trio masters ? Aka hassoun, clown & bashar?