المحكمة الدولية بدأت بحث الدور السوري في لبنان... حمادة: حكومة 2003 فُرضت على الحريري من قبل غزالة
Read this story in Englishإنطلقت الإثنين مرحلة جديدة من عمل المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان من خلال الاستماع الى شهادة عدد من السياسيين والصحافيين، كان على رأسهم النائب مروان حمادة الذي كشف عن ضغوط دمشق على حكومة رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري بغية توسيع نفوذها في لبنان خصوصا عام 2003.
وفي بداية جلسة غرفة الدرجة الاولى في المحكمة الدولية، أعلن رئيس الغرفة القاضي دايفد راي، ان حمادة سيدلي بإفادته حول الوضع السياسي في الاشهر التي سبقت اعتداء شباط 2005.
وعرف راي عن حمادة، بصفته نائباً في البرلمان اللبناني، ووزيراً سابقاً وانه تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال في شهر تشرين الاول من العام 2004.
ولفت الى ان ادلة حمادة قد تحدد الدافع غير الشخصي للمتهمين لارتكابهم الاعتداء.
في ما بعد، استعرض حمادة سيرته المهنية بالاضافة الى المناصب السياسية الّتي شغرها طوال حياته، وتطرق الى اتفاق الطائف، لافتاً الى ان الحريري "كان احد مؤسسي اتفاق الطائف وكان الوسيط المستمر له ورغم المخاطر التي واجهها كان الوسيط بين المتنازعين من اجل التوصل الى وقف لاطلاق النار".
ولفت الى ان اتفاق الطائف اعطى لسوريا الدور الداعم لاستكمال سلطة الدولة اللبنانية لكنها بلغت حد الوصاية ومنها تعيين موظفي الفئات واجهزة الامن والعمل على القبض على سلطة الدولة بدءا من مجلس النواب الى الحكومة.
وشرح حمادة في مطالعته أن "الحريري لم يكن مشاركاً في وضع معاهدة الأخوة مع سوريا لكن كان عنصراً اساسياً في وضع اتفاق الطائف".
وأضاف "كان الحريري يقوم قدراته من أجل التوصل إلى الإستقلال التام بعد التوصل إلى ازدهار واستقلالية مادية"، مستدركا بالقول "كان واضحاً ان نية النظام السوري مختلفة عن الرأي العام اللبناني حيث كان النظام يرى في المعاهدة اداة لزيادة نفوذه في لبنان".
وأضاف "عملنا أن نقرب سوريا منا وحاولنا أن نقربها من الشراكة مع الإتحاد الأوروبي ومنظمة التجارة العالمية ونطبع العلاقات معها ونمضي معا معها لكن يبدو أن حلم الحريري هذا لم يكن حلم النظام السوري وحلفائه".
وردا على سؤال أجاب "بعد وفاة (الرئيس السوري السابق) حافظ الأسد زادت القبضة السورية على لبنان من خلال (الرئيس اللبناني الأسبق) اميل لحود والأجهزة الأمنية وحوصر الحريري".
وتحدث حمادة عن الحكومة التي شكلت في العام 2003 والتي "جاء بها رستم غزالة من دمشق وفُرضت على رفيق الحريري" كما قال.
وأضاف "رستم غزالة أراد تغيير بعض الوزراء داخل حكومة الحريري في نيسان 2003 ليتمكن من السيطرة على قرار الحكومة"، مشددا على "النظام السوري لم يكن يسمح للرئيس الحريري بأن يكون مرتاحاً للوزراء في حكومته".
من جهة أخرى تطرق حمادة إلى موضوع الجنوب فأشار إلى ان "حزب الله سيطر على الجنوب بعد انسحاب إسرائيل منه ودمشق منعت من انتشار الجيش اللبناني هناك".
وتابع أن "سوريا استعملت حجة مزارع شبعا للجم الأصوات التي طالبت بانسحاب سوريا من لبنان وانخراط حزب الله بالجيش اللبناني".
ومن الامور حول الدور السوري هو أن دمشق "كانت تنتخب أعضاء المجلس الدستوري"، وكانت تغلق الـ"MTV" "تحت مزاعم أنها تمس الوحدة الوطنية على الرغم من عدم موافقة الحكومة آنذاك"، دائما بحسب حمادة.
يذكر أنه ستتمحور افادات السياسييين والصحافيين في هذه المرحلة، حول "تدهور علاقة رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري مع سوريا نتيجة سعيه الى تعزيز استقلال لبنان".
والموضوع الثاني هو "زيادة عزم سوريا نتيجة لذلك على التحكم بشؤون لبنان الداخلية وعدم الاكتفاء بمجرد التأثير فيها"، أما الثالث عن "تزايد مخاوف المجتمع الدولي في ما يتعلق بالضغوط الخارجية على الشؤون السياسية الداخلية في لبنان".
ومن ثم الموضوع الرابع فهو "تطوّر حركة معارضة فاعلة في أيلول 2004 شارك الحريري فيها في البداية صمتاً ثم أعلنها لاحقاً".
يُشار الى ان فريق 14 آذار، يتهم كل من النظام السوري و"حزب الله"، بالضلوع في اغتيال الحريري وعدد من الاغتيالات التي ضربت لبنان منذ العام 2005.
ويُذكر أن المحاكمات في قضية المتهمين بمقتل الحريري (في 14 شباط 2005) افتتحت في 16 كانون الثاني الفائت، وأدلى، حتى اليوم، 36 شاهداً بإفاداتهم أمام المحكمة وقبلت 461 بينة بوصفها أدلة.
وبحسب نص الاتهام فان مصطفى بدر الدين (52 عاما) وسليم عياش (50 عاما) وهما مسؤولان عسكريان في "حزب الله"، دبرا ونفذا الخطة التي ادت الى مقتل الحريري مع 22 شخصا اخرين بينهم منفذ الاعتداء في 14 شباط 2005 في بيروت. واصيب في التفجير ايضا 226 شخصا.
اما العنصرين الامنيين حسين عنيسي (39 عاما) وأسد صبرا (37 عاما) فهما متهمان بتسجيل شريط فيديو مزيف تضمن تبني الجريمة باسم مجموعة وهمية اطلقت على نفسها "جماعة النصر والجهاد في بلاد الشام".
وفي 11 شباط الفائت، أصدرت غرفة الدرجة الأولى قراراً بضمّ قضية المتهم الخامس حسن حبيب مرعي إلى قضية المتهمين الأربع.
hamadeh's testimony will be a precious and balanced impartial input to this case!!
so trustworthy that it will surely be enough to overlook the fact that in 10 years the STL still hasn't managed to find a solid evidence of anything. who needs proof when we can have hamadeh's gossip? lol
lol anonyme, you seem to have proof that even the STL doesnt claim to have. please contact them ASAP with your exclusive revelations!
This court sounds more and more, like anonytexas' garbage everyday. Delusions and conclusions, and no evidence, facts or proof.
anonyme: "No need to - there is nothing I said that didn't come from STL press releases."
i call bull and ask you to give us links to these "press releases". but i know you wont, as usual you just post propaganda, make empty claims and divert the topic when asked to back your claims.
yea i remember your usj study, it was hilarious and i didnt need to comment any further because you dis. you made a claim that 90% of intoxication cases were in dahieh, bekaa and south, and when i asked you to show where the 90% came from you posted a source that showed it was far less than 90%, that you had exaggerated the whole thing. it was a case in point, showing you blow fake stats when it suits you, and i didnt need to waste anymore of my time on that.
missing text in previous comment:
-yea i remember your usj study, it was hilarious and i didnt need to comment any further because you discredited yourself on your own*
as for your source, once again, you prove to be completely dishonest.
you claimed certain things, which are completely different from your source.
you said "the explosive composition which has been traced to its original manufacturer"
but your article says:
"Investigations were ongoing to trace the precise origin of the explosives and to establish possible forensic links with other cases."
you said: "To the pictures & videos of the Mitsubishi truck driven from Dahieh entrance of beirut."
but your article says:
"While it was known that the vehicle had been stolen in Japan before being shipped to the United Arab Emirates and then transported to northern Lebanon in December 2004, the Commission was currently working on new information regarding the sale of the van to individuals who could be involved in its final preparation for the attack."
as for your last link, the naharnet article, there is nothing that backs or is related to your previous claims. you're such a waste of time dude, you always do the same thing and i'm still wondering if you do this out of pure dishonesty or out of utter idiocy.
"At least I base my arguments on solid basis. "
oh really now?? distorting figures and exaggerating them is what you call "solid basis"? ROFL
Here we have Mr. Panzy farce texas, writing about farces.
It was you a few days ago, whom felt death threatened on Naharnet, by some other commentator.
More pathetic statements like that, cannot be made.
Who said I was whining texasusa? I am clearly quoting your own words, a few days ago. It was something like, "Hezbollah Cyperwarfare is going to kill me" or some other garbage like that. You are still alive aren't you? So can you stop accusing others to of being pansy's, when you are one of the worst ones, we have in here?
anonyme did you even read my answer? your claims are nowhere to be found in the stl press release. when the press release says they are trying to figure out something, you claim to already have the answers. and of course those answers serve your biased views. ridiculous.
Catch nasrallah and throw him in jail for undermining the Lebanese state. Once he orders the list of names to surrender then release the theif of government properties and manholes that he uses to run his Iranian telecom network.
What are you talking about FT, nothing is happening in Syria Mr the presifent Assad has triumphed years ago and he's loved by all Syrians, that's a fact!
Absolute LOVE. And translate this love to all syrians by: fill in the blank: again, and this Love to all syrians is translated by sending them ....... .... from the sky. He spraid them with ....... and lunched ..... into their villages.
While we have ISIL and Nusra on our doorstep, we still have STL CIA tribunal spending much needed funds, on garbage. Yet we have our "Lebanese" countrymen in the west, following these matters closely.
ISIL and Nusra on our doorstep
Mystic that's a lie Sayyed Hassan (SAWS) promised that if Hezballah goes to Syrian the terrorists will never come to Lebanon and we all know Sayyed Hassan(SAWS) never lies!
Signed President Michel Aoun ex-head of the party previously known as FPM now fully incorporated into Hezballah "the Islamic Resistance in the
Lebanon and everywhere else the Ayatollah want us to go".
It is an independant honest and competent court, unlike corrupted justice to which you are used with your good friends.
how do you know it is "independant honest and competent"? because the UN pawns said so?
murderers need to hire people like you to fight their battles in public forums with lies because they don't stand a chance at fighting their battles in a court of law where silly things like the truth comes into play.
well said southern for your comment that's been downloaded to you to paste on every STL article.
Southern - Do you not see that you are full of delusions and lies? Be honest and admit that, like most people here, you suspect that the Hezb killed Hariri. Reality is you care more for Hezb than you do about the truth.
"this fake tribunal was set up with the aim to harm HA reputation"
Right, that's why the Tribunal was established in 2007 and took four years until it indicted the Hezbos.
And what about the evidence about the phone networks that traced back to a Hezbo hospital, did Eid really make it up?? And wasn't Eid killed afterwards??
And just answer this question: who killed Hariri? Israel?? KSA?? Wasn't the leader of the Syrian moukhabarat in Lebanon, Ghazi Kanaan, assassinated later that year?? Was it pure coincidence, or was it Nusra??
No matter what, where is your proof nickjames? It is pure conclusions you guys come up with.
anonytexas, you should be the judge in this tribunal, that is as "legitimate" as this is going to get.
Looooooool no matter what??? So in other words, "yeah Kanaan was killed because he knew who was behind the killing, but he's dead so you can't prove it" lmaoooooooooooo what a stance Mughniyeh.
If you're going to dismiss the STL as a conspiring body aimed at tarnishing hizbullah's reputation without any proof of such claims and based on gut feelings, you have to be willing to accept the even more solid conclusions based on circumstancial evidence, such as the Eid investigations and subsequent assassination, the ghazi canaan involvement and assassination and the fact that Hizballah and the Syrian regime are doing all they can to derail the investigations...
Hizbullah is clean. They don't have cells killing people nor do they have cells in Peru, Argentina, Bulgaria, Thailand, Bahrein, Iraq, Yemen, etc. No. What's his name told us so.
save Lebanese time and money and let some countries who refused to give satellite pics and videos be obliged by this court so we now the truth quickely and cheaply
The Lebanese are foolish- first they allow the Syreians to manipulate them and now Iran is applying for the position
Can you explain why they were arrested to start with? 4 Generals arrested, jailed for 4 years then released ...yet you trivialize it as no biggie...
Don't waste your time taxes, every man and his dog know that HA carried out the assassination. You don't need to look for proof, HA implicated themselves by their reactions and responses to everything the STL threw at them. The very people against the STL, Mystic, Mowaten and Southern know full well that HA did it. The sad part about all this, is the fact that the STL will in due time reveal all the evidence they have gathered and these three dogs I just mentioned will change their tune and start to justify why HA killed Harriri, Flamethrower has already started down this path.
funny M8ers.... they soon forgot that aoun pointed his fingers at damascus before turning his coat....
Portugal in 1990 the Army of Lebanon led by General Emile Lahoud and Syrian Arab Army joined forces to remove the renegade general Aoun and his militias from Baadba, of course he quickly ran away without telling his militias which led to many of them getting killed and some exicuted by the brave Syrian Arab Army.