باسيل يطالب بـ"الاستقلال السياسي" وعدم التدخل بشؤون لبنان الداخلية

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شدد وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل على ان المساعدة الدولية للبنان تكون من خلال الوقوف الى جانبه وعد التدخل بشؤونه الداخلية، آملاً ان يتكل اللبنانيين على انفسهم في ايجاد الحلول.

وفي كلمة ألقاها امام رؤساء البعثات الديبلوماسية والمنظمات الدولية المعتمدين في لبنان، الجمعة، أمل باسيل في ألا يعتاد لبنان على الفراغ وعلى العيش بدون رأس.

ولفت الى ان "البعض يقول ان لبنان بلد التسويات، وانا أقول انه قام بناء على تسوية داخلية بين ابنائه"، من هنا طلب باسيل مساعدة لبنان من خلال "عدم التدخل بشؤونه الداخلية بل بالوقوف الى جانب كل ابنائه ومؤسساته".

وأضاف ان لبنان بحاجة الى المساعدة "في عدم رهان اي من ابنائهم على اي دولة بديلاً عن دولتهم وان يتكلوا على انفسهم في ايجاد الحلول".

واذ شدد على انه "آن آوان الحل وليس التسوية وآن اوان الاستقلال"، دعا الى مساعدة الجيش الذي يحارب الارهاب ويقدم الشهداء والمخطوفين دفاعاً عن القيم المشتركة.

الى ذلك، أوضح باسيل على ان "الديبلوماسية المستقلة هي من أبهى مظاهر الاستقلال، وهي تميز لبنان الجغرافي لا يمكن ان يحافظ على فرادته بأبعاده الدينية والحضارية من دون استقلال قراره".

وأشار الى ان "الاستقلال السياسي لا يعني انعزال الوطن وغير آبه لمحيطه، بل أن يكون منفعلاً ومتفاعلاً بكل ما يعنيه"، مشدداً على ان "الديبلوماسية المستقلة تكون بتغليب المصلحة الوطنية".

وأضاف، قائلاً ان هذه الديبلوماسية تعني ان يبادر لبنان الى اتخاذ الموقف الصائب عند كل قضية حق والا يبقى "متفرّجاً منتظراً"، الى جانب انكفائه "حيث يجب الى داخل حدوده حفاظاً عل تعدديته ويحيد نفسه عن مشاكل المنطقة والعالم".

وأردف، ان هذه الديبلوماسية، تعني ان يرسم لبنان سياسته الخارجية بالاستناد الى سياسته الداخلية ويعززها بالتشاور والوحدة، وهي تتمثل في حقه في المقاومة وان يقف بوجه العالم عندما يتهدد وجوده بالتوطين الفلسطيني والنزوح السوري، وفي تعزيز قدراته في وجه الارهاب التكفيري.


التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:58 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

god bless independence and god punish dependent people and muppets

Thumb somebody 12:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

It's funny when he "claims" that he wants political independence and is allied with Iran Syria and HA :) such a hypocrite like his leader...

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 13:05 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

i m not so fond of the guy, but the message is correct

Thumb freedomarch 13:52 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Talking the talk versus walking the walk.

Missing humble 12:29 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Yes, Patriotic to Syria and Iran his Masters.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Parotic to king Dollar. Who pays him makes no difference. Would you guys believe that he still doesn't know what side a steak knife should be placed when invited to a meal? Minister my butt.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 12:29 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

the only way to stop outside interferences is a popular vote and an electoral law based on proportionality as stipulated in taef
god bless independence from (arms and money )

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 13:02 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Nobobody...i repeat nobody can contradict this factual ...fact (-:

Thumb geha 13:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

have you noticed?
he is loosing his eyesight and wearing glasses from counting the stolen money....

Thumb freedomarch 13:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21


Thumb freedomarch 13:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Too many hours late at night infront of comuter watching "stuff"... ;)

Thumb -phoenix1 21:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

FT, just as that seat is driving papa Aoun and his prodigal son nuttier. Mou?

Thumb freedomarch 13:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21


Thumb freedomarch 13:14 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Peiple answer this legitimate question: who is Iran's number one man from FPM...?

Thumb freedomarch 13:17 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Humbke Agree100%.

Thumb freedomarch 13:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21


Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (ضيف) 13:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Honestly speaking I classify people like Jebran Bassil in Lebanon as emerging elites whose ascend to power comes not from merit or hard work, but through personal connections in this case would be political alliances at the expense of rival factions that collectively dominate the entire political arena in Lebanon.
However, it is crucial to point out that this is in no way restricted to Mr.Bassil, but is a general phenomenon in the internal political dynamics of Lebanon. We can say in this respect that corruption and nepotism in Lebanon are the means of reaching the ends. All political representatives in this decaying political system engage in one way or the other in similar methods for reaching their political objectives.

Thumb freedomarch 13:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

A Looser is nit always a Looser, if you make them rich, provide him with bodyguard, a broacasting platform, continously on TV for no or some trivial reason, always talking about great subjects that doesn't nake sense, Encounters with important people acting like a weird kid ... then serious media press speachs about his encounters to clear his unfortunate misshapens. HE IS Back again covering his masters as if people are as simple as he is.

Default-user-icon lebanese but not proud (ضيف) 13:54 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Lebanon will never change as long as people keep supporting the same thugs from the 75 to 90 era. I donno why u guys criticize each other, yet you defend those politicians. Did any 1 of them supported the people financially? Never. They become rich so fast, yet you stay poor. Enough with the non-sense, if just for once, you stop supporting these thugs\puppets, maybe there will be a change for good. God bless you all.

Thumb freedomarch 13:56 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

@ The smart guy comparing Iran to KSA, where do you see KSA helping mustaqbal or LF with weapons against peoples will?

Missing humble 14:36 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Even if they want to criticize KSA etc... why don't they acknowledge the destructive role of Syria and Iran and their local agents?

Missing greatpierro 14:47 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

how can we have political independence when Aoun is covering for an armed Hizbollah who is armed, funded and directed by Iran

Default-user-icon to French embassy rally winner (ضيف) 15:50 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

There is an interesting phenomena here that I cannot help but notice and that I'm sure many of you have as well, when the so called flame thrower is away most other M8 spammers are also away. Following his first post there is a deluge of them posting like their life depended on it. I wonder if they are all bused in like little mentally handicapped children going to the lollipop factory or do they pile into one clown car and come over together, the contents of most of their posts suggests the later. Or just maybe the spam squad are really just the Johnny punch-card AKA flame thrower.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:20 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Interesting how Geagea is called criminal yet people even more criminal seem to be exonerated on the fly. If people like Aoun, Nasrallah, Berri and Jumblatt don't get that label stuck on the forehead, then that should by definition make Geagea an angel, that simple. Now let's cut off the crap shall we?

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 14:48 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil asked on Friday for the assistance of the international community to prevent interference in Lebanon's internal affairs.. please interfere to stop interference!

this is comedy gold folks, after his farther in law croaks and his political career is over he can go into comedy his deadpan is worthy of Leslie Nielsen!

Please don't call me Shirley call me Caroline.. CAROLINE!

Missing humble 15:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Aoun & co have been lying to you...just look at how much money they have...even Simon (everyone knows the little commerce he had in Paris) he is now multimmillionnaire...HOW?

Thumb nickjames 16:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Guys don't make fun of Bassil, he's our future president lmaoooooooooooo

Default-user-icon FPM in dependence (ضيف) 20:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

Bassil Calls for 'Political In'

Hizbullah secretary-general's political aide Hussein Khalil announced Thursday that the and us have become one body

Default-user-icon Em (ضيف) 20:05 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 21

witty flamethrower is making himself laugh

Default-user-icon Jay Kay (ضيف) 16:48 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 22

Seriously are there still people in Lebanon that listen to this guy apart from his wife and maybe his chauffeur ?

Ahhh...I almost forgot about FT :D

Peace y'allll !