"حزب الله" ينفي أنه قايض عماد عياد مقابل سوري موقوف لدى السلطات
Read this story in Englishنفى حزب الله الاربعاء أن يكون قد قايض أسيره المحرر عماد عياد مقابل سوري موقوف لدى جهة رسمية لبنانية.
وقال الحزب في بيان صادر عنه "ننفي بشكل قاطع الخبر الذي أوردته صحيفة النهار صباح الثلاثاء 2/12/2014 والذي تزعم فيه أن الحزب قايض أسيره مقابل سوري موقوف لدى جهة رسمية لبنانية".
عليه، أكد الحزب "أن هذا الخبر عار عن الصحة تماما ولا يمت إلى الواقع بأي صلة".
ومنذ أسابيع حرر حزب الله عنصر تابع له ويدعى عماد عياد، كان اسيرا لدى الجيش السوري الحر في جرود القلمون، حيث تمت العملية مقابل إطلاق سراح أسيرين لدى الحزب من المجموعات السورية المعارضة.
وأمس الثلاثاء أفادت "النهار" ان أحد الأسيرين السوريين اللذين قايض بهما "حزب الله" فصائل المعارضة السورية في القلمون من أجل إطلاق أسيره عماد عياد، كان موقوفا لدى جهة رسمية لبنانية.
ولفتت الى انه كان ممكنا استخدام هذا الموقوف السوري لدى القضاء اللبناني ورقة ضغط على المسلحين السوريين الخاطفين من أجل تقوية موقف المفاوض الرسمي لإطلاق العسكريين المخطوفين.
ولم تذكر "الصحيفة ولا الحزب في بيانه ما اذا كانت المقايضة لتحرير عياد جرت مقابل الافراج عن مسؤول جبهة القلمون ورئيس المجلس العسكري في "الجيش السوري الحر" العميد المنشق عبد الله الرفاعي.
الا أن الامن العام اللبناني اكد أمس الثلاثاء أن الرفاعي لا يزال موقوفا في عهدته، لافتا الى ان مصيره مرتبط بملف عسكريي عرسال المحتجزين لدى الجماعات الارهابية.
وكان الرفاعي اوقف على حاجز وادي حميد في عرسال في التاسع من الشهر الفائت بينما كان يتنقل بسيارته في جرود عرسال حاملا هوية لبنانية مزورة.
Hizbullah said last Tuesday that one of its members, Ayyad, was freed in exchange for two gunmen who were in the party's custody.
but i thought he was an engineer???
11 up votes? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke
16 up votes for mowaten? Lol, oooook yea, those multiples accounts DEFINTIELY are legit lmao!!! This site is such a joke
As an engineer he was doing some duties .. probably that is why he was not a professional fighter and was eventually captured. Let the guy rest with his family.
You know what being an engineer means mohammad? It means having an engineering degree, but it doesnt mean you can't be a patriot and defend your country.
The funny part about all this is seeing how you m14 pre-formatted goons suffocate at the idea that the guy is smarter, more educated, braver and more patriotic than you ever will be. A guy like Imad puts all of you trolls is his little pocket.
yes mohammad, listen to the farsi mowaten. This guy was defending his country in Syria when he was captured. If you watch the video of his capture and the way he talks, his grammar, his vocabulary, etc. I can assure you he never went to school.
Moowaten you never cease to be irrelevant especially when you are cornered. The comment was on whether he was a fighter or not, you goons are claiming he wasn't a fighter but an "engineer", yet he is posing in militia gear and a gun, so he is a fighter not an "engineer".
Indeed, many people are taking up arms, against the takfiris. Engineers, Doctors, even Bakers etc.
This will only continue, he was captured in Bekaa, not Syria. He was transferred to Qalamoun after his capture.
Nobody said he wasnt a fighter you compulsive liar. Just like imagine_1979, you keep inventing supposed statements and pretenting to answer them. completely irrelevant little trolls
One of my issues with hizbola and any other armed entity is that nither iran, the west or KSA or any one should be the final decision maker fighting outsude the country or add to that extending your armed wing beyond resisting occupation all will eventually lead to what we have now, problems without control.
It is not a resistance it is a shia milita that only accepts shias, again, how many engineers post in milita gear and a gun?
The Army intelligence denied it, and the Resistance denies it. Only ones accusing with no evidence, are the flies from M14.
mohammadca, if you expect to protect yourself against well-equipped takfiris, then you need to be wearing a flak jacket. After all, we see LAF soldiers gets martyred here and there, then the rest of the citizens of Lebanon have every right, to rise up and protect themselves and support the Army & Resistance.
more irrelevance from mystic, there was a comment that has been removed that claimed that non-shias can be part of the shiite militia, i asked that commenter to name one non-shiite official in hizbolaat. your comment has nothing to do with mine.
HA can deny all they want; it won't be their first and it won't be their last lie.
U meant like when nassi said hezbos never turned their armed on lebanese during civil war?
Like when hezbos said that officier samer hanna was shot by the israelly enemy?
Like when hezbos said that the now saint was just fixing butros harb elevator?
No it can be....
They never lie, they are so pure, so modern, so progressist, secular, so wawww...
And yet u will find retards defending them...
iSIS hezbos houthy (by the way u know where ISIS khorasam brigades came from?)... All same retards engaging in a midleaged war and taking all the area to stonage...
Yalla flame, southern...chant: Labayka ya nosrollah
eh keep inventing stuff they said and answer them yourself. it must be convenient for you, having a monologue with your imagination.
I was thinking the same, exactly the same _mowaten_, but you beat me to it. We are so much alike in everything: we are both shia extremists, both paid to post, both support a sectarian militia, both pretend to be secular, both are harass posters. I just hope people don't think we are the same poster.
I see the fake accounts brigade is in full swing today defending their Iranian masters, hope you're proud of yourselves for using Lebanon.
hezbollah double standards : the state cannot negociate with terrorists but we can....
And yet another one inventing claims and attributing them to hezbollah... Is it an m14 disease? And you guys so deep down your ostrich holes that you can't make the distinction anymore between what is real and what is pure propaganda?
From the day the soldiers were captured Nasrallah said we should negotiate from a position of strength. This, for people able to understand plain speech means we can and should negotiate.
Unless you have such low self-esteem that a "position of strength" is inconceivable for you...
who cares? the thing is that your beloved militia does all it can to weaken the state and act outside of it as if it does not exist... outlaws and proud of it....
"Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Party have repeatedly rejected any idea of an exchange under the pretext that Syrian militants are responsible for the killing of innocent Lebanese soldiers and are therefore an illegitimate party with which to negotiate. “On one hand, Hezbollah impedes negotiations that involves such swaps,” said Amine. “On the other, it carries out swaps of its own with no clear liaising with Lebanese authorities. Hezbollah was the first [party] to reject the swap — when it’s not a Hezbollah affair — and then the first to accept it when it is.”
Moi je vous trouve tous pitoyable vous ne faite que vous accuser M9 and M14, tandis que moi je trouve que les 2 sont nuls et ne cessent de se foutre de votre gueule. Quand allez vous devenir Libanais et malgres les differences politiques ne songer et ne defendre que la Patrie?
Vous ne ferez jamais ca car vous etes fait pour vous blamer mutuellement