"لا جديد" في اجتماع خلية الأزمة وذوو عسكريي عرسال الى التصعيد المفتوح

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أعلن أهالي عسكريي عرسال انهم متوجهون الى التصعيد المفتوح بعد ان هددت "داعش" بإعدام جميع أبنائهم محملين الحكومة مسؤولية قتل المخطوف علي البزال، في حين اجتمعت خلية الأزمة عصر السبت واتخذت "قرارات مناسبة" لم تفصح عنها لكن "لا جديد" فيها.

ففي دارته بالمصيطبة ترأس رئيس مجلس الوزراء تمام سلام اجتماعا استثنائيا لخلية الأزمة الوزارية، في حضور جميع أعضائها، للبحث في الأوضاع الأمنية.

وعقب الإجتماع قالت في بيان أن "لبنان يقف اليوم صفا واحدا متراصا في هذه المواجهة الكبيرة من اجل اطلاق سراح العسكريين المخطتفين وحماية امننا الوطني".

وإذ اعتبرت أن البزال "يعتبر شهيدا لكل الوطن وليس فقط لعائلته"، أشارت إلى أنها اتخذت "القرارات المناسبة في اطار مسوؤليتها عن هذا الملف".

إلا أن قناة الـ"LBCI" أكدت أن اللواء محمد خير "لم ينقل اي جديد للاهالي بشأن اتصالات او ضمانات بوقف قتل العسكريين المخطوفين".

ونقلت أكثر من قناة "أجواء سلبية" أبلغها خير للأهالي,

وفي تصريح من منطقة الصيفي، كان قد أشار الأهالي الى ان "رسائل وصلتهم من "الدولة الاسلامية" تهدد بإعدام جميع العسكريين بعد ساعات قليلة".

وإذ حمل اهالي العسكريين الحكومة مسؤولية مقتل الشهيد علي البزال، أعلنوا التصعيد المفتوح "بكل الوسائل والاتجاهات" في كافة المناطق.

عليه، طالبوا الحكومة بالاستقالة "في حال شعرت انها غير قادرة على متابعة الملف".

يذكر أن "جبهة النصرة" أعدمت ليل الجمعة المخطوف علي البزال وهو بذلك يكون العسكري الرابع الذي يتم اعدامه بين المخطوفين. فقد اعدم تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" جنديين، واعدمت جبهة النصرة جنديا ثالثا من العسريين الذين أسرتهم في اشتباكات عرسال في آب الفائت.

وفي وقتٍ لاحق، قطع اهالي العسكريين طريق الصيفي والاوتستراد الدولي عند نقطة القلمون و"الطريق البحري، الشريان الاخير الذي يتم من خلاله التواصل ما بين طرابلس وباقي المناطق باتجاه بيروت".

وأبقوا طريق الصيفي مقفلا حتى الليل حين عادوا وتوجهوا إلى ساحة رياض الصلح.

وفي القلمون قطعوا الأوتوستراد الدولي بالإتجاهين وأشعلوا الإطارات ليلا ردا على أنباء حول تهديد بقتل ابن البلدة المخطوف العسكري ابراهيم مغيط.

إلى ذلك، طالب الأهالي بإعادة تفعيل دور وزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور والمدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم، كما ناشدوا رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي "النائب وليد جنبلاط بالتدخل "لأنه يشعر بوجع الاهالي".

يُشار الى ان ابو فاعور لعب دوراً على صعيد فتح الطرق التي كان يعمد اهالي العسكريين على قطعها، احتجاجاً على عدم حل ملف ابنائهم.


التعليقات 27
Thumb joebustani 13:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its supporters wherever they maybe.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

politicians that refused and are refusing till now to arm our soldiers are to be judged and hanged for treason

Default-user-icon ._Iran001 (ضيف) 14:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

well said --karim--..

Missing Ghazanfar 15:48 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

So much time was wasted with political posturing.

Missing Ghazanfar 16:38 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

I enjoy hubris as much as the next guy but there are not many convicted jihadist terrorists in Roumieh, most of them have not even been indicted yet. Besides the jihadist terrorists strive on death, the families of our soldiers and most of us on the other hand would rather have them back alive.
I don't think clan "justice" is the prudent way to help our captive soldiers. Ali Al Bezzal's family and his clan have nothing to loose any longer, so handing them anyone and letting "them take matters into their own hands" will probably yield a negative outcome on the remaining soldiers.
Hezballah, the Turks and the Iranians managed to free their recuperative captives unfortunately the Lebanese government is made up of too many cooks, they usually spoil the broth. The way to save our soldiers is through concerted efforts behind a single mediator with complete media blackout, that's how the others succeeded.

Missing Ghazanfar 16:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

their "respective" captives

Thumb Machia 16:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

The government of Lebanon is no militia nor a dictatorship. It should not play tit for tat.
Moreover, the government should not negotiate with terrorists because in the long term this would encourage terrorists to kidnap even more soldiers and civilians.
The captors should be hit hard, their bases destroyed and anyone collaborating with them should be taken to justice.
As for those who have been found guilty of terrorism and who are already in Lebanese jails, they should neither be released nor their sentences eased. Also their sentence should be carried out as per the laws of Lebanon and not for the sake of vengeance or negotiations.

Thumb Machia 16:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Lebanon should not act like the Hezbollah militia who are into the business of kidnapping, assassinations and trading hostages.

Thumb cash.puppet 18:02 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

bla bla shia bla bla bla hezbollah. Do you ever say anything new, broken record? Its getting pathetic.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:36 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

So now we have the advocates of Satan Ibliss telling us and our government what we should do. They are also blatantly telling us that if we do not oblige them with their sardonic demands that they ill execute our soldiers held under their ransom?! WTF are they, who do they think they are, to bring and instill in us Lebanese divisions?! Yes I abhor our government, I abhor those who caused all this, but today ALL of us Lebanese, everyone of us, leftists, centrists, rightists, everyone should unite and for God's sake leave all our difference aside and let's fight this evil that sees no boundaries, no religion, no human value, they see nothing but the bloodied vision of Satan. They are for the most part foreigners coming from over 60 countries, every sick person of this globe has now the chance to reign over human beings. If they kill one of our soldier, so should we go to Roumieh and get their people out and execute them too!!

Thumb Mystic 18:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Indeed, tell that to the M14, so we can get the LAF weapons upgraded for real. Let all powers supply LAF, not let others hold back. Like the Saudi & French deal, let Russia and Iran supply too.

Missing persianemperor 20:09 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Indeed, but why didn't the Mikati government with it's M8 majority and ten Change & Reform ministers follow through with the Russians grant. Remember, Hariri was in Moscow with a ministerial delegation in November 2010 pushing for it but less than two months later after he was deposed no one followed thought.

"Hariri said after talks with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that Russia would grant the Lebanese Army helicopter gunships, tanks and munitions. Hariri announced that Moscow would provide Lebanon with six MI 24 helicopters, 31 T-72 tanks, 36 cannons of 130 mm caliber, around half a million different munitions for medium-sized weapons, and 30,000 artillery shells for free." Nov. 17, 2010
And don't give me the Elias Murr did it crap, those were Wikileaks cables from 2008 partitioned and edited by Al Akhbar to suit their narrative and fool naive mystics who can't tell what came first 2008 or 2010 or the difference between a civilian and a fighter.

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 20:53 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

RIP flamethrower

Thumb Mystic 21:49 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Edited by Al akhbar? That is very typical M14 garbage. So what about letting Iran grant LAF weapons? They did give Iraq sophisticated Su-25 jets. Same would happen to Lebanon. If the M14 & U.S didn't block it.

Thumb smarty 00:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

We don't need airplanes, even less 40 year old Sukhoi 25. We need powerful helicopters because Lebanon is a tiny country. Mi-28 Hind would be OK.

Thumb Mystic 00:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

smarty you act like a takfiri, you want the takfiris to be able to shoot down the helicopters with stinger missiles. Jets can stay higher above the skies out of reach.

Thumb Mystic 01:03 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

By the way, Su-25 are a clear example of what these supplies would be. Alot else would also be contributed, drones, air to surface rockets, surface to surface etc.

Default-user-icon dream on (ضيف) 05:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

By the way, no Su-25 this is what these supplies would be

Al-Akhbar recently learned that Iran has sent a letter regarding the arms donation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was then transferred to Prime Minister Tammam Salam and the Ministry of Defense. According to the letter, Iran is willing to offer TOW missiles with launchers designated for it, night vision binoculars, 120mm and 60mm mortar shells with ammunition, ammunition for T55 and T62 tanks, and Doshka machine-guns and ammunition. The Iranians claim that the donation is in response to the Lebanese army’s dire need for support in its fight against radical militants. It comes after Lebanese troops fought deadly clashes in August with jihadists of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.. October 10, 2014

Default-user-icon Fatmagul Sultan (ضيف) 11:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

The hezballah government ruled four three years, there wasn't even an attempt to proceed with the Russian deal. They were too busy dividing up the commissions and becoming the super heroes in a futuristic cartoon. Suleiman couldn't shoot down a kite even if he wanted to without the consent and cooperation of the m8 majority in that government.

Default-user-icon maher (ضيف) 16:55 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

murr in al joumhouriya said the sleiman asked the russians to replace the migs with helicopters as the maintenance of the migs would be too exorbitant

Thumb Candice 20:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Secularism NOW;)

Thumb -phoenix1 20:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

(1). Lebanon will tonight be sleeping under a very tense situation where the people of Lebanon have reached boiling point, there's NOT One person that I met today that has not expressed extreme anger at the slaying of one of our men in uniform. This kind of anger is most unusual, for a person like me who has witnessed so many things in Lebanon, I can say that this kind of anger is unprecedented. It certainly NOT the usual resignation by the people of not being able to do much in this case, it is instead a feeling where people are even talking of storming jails to take for themselves anyone they deem a radical or a terrorist.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:26 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

(2). If our authorities wish to continue treating this matter lightly like they treat all other matters, then they could have in their hand something they've never seen before. Every person I spoke to today underlined this point, that Our Army is a RED line and that killing our soldiers will no longer be tolerated anymore. Even the most placid of people I know has changed today, let us all beware, there comes the time when people can take matters into their own hands, then God help us.

Thumb smarty 23:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 06

Absolutely Hakim♥

Thumb Machia 18:39 ,2014 كانون الأول 07

This is how you get hostages out:


Thumb smarty 02:31 ,2014 كانون الأول 08


Post reporter Morris quoted unidentified observers in Jerusalem as noting:

"This is the way the Soviets operate. They do things - they don't talk.

"And this is the language the Hezbollah understand.

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 00:42 ,2014 كانون الأول 08

voudriez-vous (pour utiliser le vouvoiement, fallait-il que je fasse un effort sur-humain) paraître plus intelligent que vous ne l'êtes...par hasard ? (-: