ريفي يؤكد رفضه لاعتقال "النساء والاطفال" و"النصرة" تقول أن خلية الازمة "ستودي بحياة " العسكريين

Read this story in English W460

رأت جبهة "النصرة" ان قرارات خلية الأزمة في شأن عسكريي عرسال المخطوفين، بدات "تاخذ منحى يودي بحياتهم"، فيما اكد وزير العدل أشرف ريفي انه موقفه الرافض لاعتقال الاطفال والنساء على خلفية توقيف طليقة البغدادي من أيام.

وقال ريفي في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير" الثلاثاء "كنت واضحا بأنني ضد التوقيف لأي إمرأة أو رجل أو أي طفل، انا مع توقيف المرتكب إذا كان مرتكبا".

وكان الجيش أوقف على حاجز المدفون في الشمال طليقة تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" أبو بكر البغدادي وتدعى سجى الدليمي، موفقا أيضا زوجة أنس جركس المسؤول في "النصرة" وتدعى الاء العقيلي.

وقد رفض ريفي الخوض في تفاصيل ما جرى في خلية الأزمة، مشيرا إلى أنه ملتزم بالصمت وبعدم مقاربة موضوع العسكريين في الإعلام.

وعاودَت "النصرة" ليل أمس الاثنين تهديداته، وقالت إنّ "قرارات خليّة الأزمة التي تزعم أنّ هدفها إنقاذ حياة العسكريين بدأت تأخذ منحى قد يودي بحياتهم بسبب هيبة الدولة المزعومة".

وكانت خلية الأزمة قد عقدت اجتماعا عصر السبت، في دارة رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام بالمصيطبة، اكتفت بعده ببيان مقتضب أن "لبنان يقف اليوم صفا واحدا متراصا في هذه المواجهة الكبيرة من اجل إطلاق سراح العسكريين المختطفين وحماية أمننا الوطني.

وقد اتخذت خلية الأزمة القرارات المناسبة في اطار مسوؤليتها عن هذا الملف. بحسب بيانها.

وبيان "النصرة" هذا جاء بعد اعدامها للجندي علي البزال، وبعد بيانات أخرى طالبت فيها بالافراج عن الموقوفات الدليمي والعقيلي اضافة الى الموقوفة جمانة حميد.

وفي وقت أعلنت قطر انسحابها من المفاوضات بشان العسكريين، وبعد مطالبة اهاليهم بإسناد المهمة مجددا إلى هيئة "العلماء المسلمين"، كشفَت مصادر لصحيفة "الجمهورية" الثلاثاء ان مفتي الجمهورية الشيخ عبد اللطيف دريان "عطّلَ سيناريو للهيئة حاولت من خلاله فرضَ رأيها على اللقاء الذي عقد في دار الافتاء".

وأوضحت ان ذلك حصل "عندما عمّمَت فورَ انتهائه بياناً معدّاً سَلفاً تحدّثت في بندِه الأوّل عن ضرورة معالجة ملفّ العسكريين بأسرع وقت من خلال الإفراج عن النساء والأطفال مقابل وقف التهديدات بقتل العسكريين المختطفين كبادرة حُسن نيّة من الطرفين لاستئناف المفاوضات رأفةً بالعسكريين وذويهم ولبنان".

وقالت المصادر لـ "الجمهورية" إنّه عندما تبَلّغَ المفتي دريان بأمر البيان المكتوب سَلفاً طلبَ بوقفِ تعميمه ونشره واستدعى الوفد مرّةََ أخرى إلى بهو دار الفتوى وتمّ وضع بيان آخر ألغى فيه إلزامية ما اقترحَه البيان في بندِه الأوّل.

وأصَرّ دريان بحسب الصحيفة على" وضع المبادرة التي وضعتها الهيئة في هذا الموضوع في عهدة رئيس الحكومة باعتباره رئيساً لخلية الأزمة".

وكانت "هيئة العلماء" اشترطت أيضا تكليفها رسميا بالملف الشائك وقبول الحكومة بمبدأ المقايضة.


التعليقات 30
Thumb EagleDawn 08:52 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

I agree with Rifi. The women and children of our armed forces will become a target for 1.5 million syrian refugees living in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon The Independent (ضيف) 09:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

So kidnapping Firemen and Policemen is fair on the part of Nusra Front and ISIL? This is a war against terrorism and we should not be so sensitive about our values because the opposing force has none.....

Missing imagine_1979 10:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

So we should act like those savage...
Indeed "the independent" let's lash out on women and children just bc they are relatives of those retards. If people comited crime they should be punished but u dont get arrested bc ur father, uncle, husband is a criminal...
This is not being sensitive this is being civilized, but yes since u agree on hezbos go fight a war dating back to middle age in irak yemen syria and god knows where for hussein ali and the rest of the guys (cause that what it is) if u agree on this retarded way of thinking and cheering for guys who want us back to stoneage let them be al baghdadi, khomaiini or any other illuminated i cannot expect better from someone like u....
Man go have some chupachups amd think of what is civilisation....

Thumb freedomarch 14:02 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

I guess after thinking deeply in this issue I agree with you Imagine_1979. Women and Children are out of the war unless women did get involved themselves.

Default-user-icon the.not.soindependent (ضيف) 10:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Remember how it all started independent. Your army arrested every syrian activist and allowed your hizballah to do what it likes. The army was attacked when your army arrested Jomaa. Your army cannot side with hizballah who is sending thousands of terrorists to kill syrian people and expect the syrians to spare it. Now, you kidnap their women and children, they will kidnap your women and children. Understand habibi? I hope so

Missing greatpierro 14:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

We are not terrorist

Missing ysurais 10:51 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Any soul related to those terrorist/s should be arrested and dealt with.
Why should we lebanese, whether gov, private ect.. have any mercy regarding the terrorist/s, when we see them day in and day out executing our soldiers/servicemen with cold blooded hands..
We need to start executing their arrested people in the same way...

Missing greatpierro 14:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

You want us to act as terrorists ?

Default-user-icon visitor (ضيف) 14:09 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

when your army acts and behaves like a national army then open your mouth and speak. Your army has been supporting and aiding a terrorist militia go to syria and kill its people which makes it an enemy and legitimate target of the syrian people. Stop burying your head in the sand and pretend like this situation was born out of vacuum.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

RIFI surrender yourself to these terrorists that you consider your allies and release our soldiers

Thumb freedomarch 14:45 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Welcome +oua nabka +, hope you and your family a Merry Christmas and your children never gave to live what Syrians are living. I agree with your anger but these kids tgst are akready paying the price should be

Thumb -phoenix1 13:06 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Rifi's comments reflect a profound division within our government and one that is definitely causing us the kind of hurt that should and must be averted. Personally I've simplified my sentiments over this issue, for me all that matters is what the Army says and does. I look at it this way: The army is now a cohesive force, united and is doing a very credible force, maybe it is still under the dictates of the civilian administration, but when I compare united military to fragmented civilians I without hesitation opt for the army. Surely once we have a new president, he should immediately form a new cabinet, or delegate the PM to do so, all this business of unity government is a sheer waste of time and resources, let's reshuffle.

Missing greatpierro 14:09 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Sure but the army is acting under military principles which in a war is understandable but enfrains in some cases liberties and justice. In this particular case emprisoning women and kids is a very delicate issue.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:07 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

**...and is doing a very credible JOB....***

Thumb -phoenix1 14:48 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Amen to that Defacto, well written, thanks.

Thumb freedomarch 15:10 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

You agree that innocent women and children should be Lebanese Army Target? My opinion, if women havecto do with terrorists then yes, if not then let them go.

Default-user-icon dezabro.be.moss (ضيف) 14:57 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

well said and amen @defacto

Thumb freedomarch 15:08 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Well well, Dam you and what you are and what you are made from, dam your children and women, dam your evil brains, dam your extreem sectarian rotten old lebanese minority in a small country thinking that Lebanon is the Center of Universe and that these idiots like you are from special breed of people. You are not ... you are as common as all of us, people in syria women and children if innocent, and most are, shouldn't be your target. Stop the twisted thinking you are a minority in an ocean of people Likr Riffi, just by him playing nice it does not mean you have the right to atrack him. You will not be spared our criticism because you opened the door Defarto.

Missing coolmec 16:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

@de Facto
I agree 100% on your above comments. Hariri stole Beirut he bought the real estate under the solidere and paid one cent for 410,000. He ripped off the Lebanese merchants
Solidere should be nationalized and the land should be returned to its rightful owner(s)

Thumb freedomarch 17:38 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Hariri died and and paidb the price for saying no to your killer masters, he took totally destroied downtown Beirut, you looser, and converted it to a real heaven, and people know the green hands in all over Lebanon no need for your testimoney.

Missing coolmec 16:36 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

410,000 is $10, 000 sorry

Thumb megahabib 16:50 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Rifi, the eternal traitor.

Thumb freedomarch 17:34 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Your GhizEbola are the eternal terrorists with nusra and isis ans ASSad and traitor general.

Thumb Mystic 18:15 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Your beloved Rifi, that denied ISIS/Nusra existence in Lebanon. Salafimarch

Thumb freedomarch 18:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Your Ghizebla are the main cause of terrorisim, before 1979 no one heard about islamic terrorisim until your beloved khkhkhaminai came to existance and start training anyone that is willing to buy into your btwisted Islamic regyme and later all the GhizEbola andvits likes mushroomed. NOT isis nor nusra are match to RevGuards favorate monster GhizEbola. ALL are made to serve on we purpose and all rejected. And for you to praise GhizEbola will nwver make them less terorist, kidnapainh of foreigners, killing and extortion of politicians well then killimg them in masses idiot, having weaponsbto scare citizens and push them to just leave, aid dictators, distroy local economy and run their own telephone structure make pledge ane accept Iran khaminai as their leader instead of a lebanese pewsident, make teerorists a a their ideals and make them herros even if they know they are filthy terrorists.

Thumb Mystic 19:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

You belong in an asylum, takfirimarch. Nobody cares about your Saudi words here, only your M14 minions does. To us, it is pure garbage, just wanted you to know.

Default-user-icon mystic@full.disclosure@bill.the.butcher (ضيف) 19:17 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

well said mystic

Thumb freedomarch 19:16 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

You and you ideal nasrallah are the garbage it self, they represent, just like Isis and nusra, the backwardness in yoir btains, where for people like you it is ok to kill innocent people, it is ok to trach your kids hatred of other, it is ok to destrou Lebaron or any plave your like exist to spread the culture of us or no one else. For sub humans like you it is ok if you aid a dictator and it is fine if you undermine other people who do not agree with you.

Thumb freedomarch 19:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

Be proud that you put a picture of a terrorist on your Avatar, you low life.

Thumb freedomarch 20:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 09

* pledge support to my government only*