جنبلاط: لمراجعة نقدية لحرب لبنان التي أغرقتنا مع البندقية الفلسطينية في الحروب
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس كتلة "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه "لا بد من مراجعة نقدية لحرب لبنان والبحث العميق في الأسباب الحقيقية التي أغرقت البندقية الفلسطينية وأغرقتنا معها في حروب جانبية" مشيرا إلى أن الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس وضع "المجتمع الدولي برمته أمام مأزق واستحقاق الاعتراف بدولة فلسطين".
وقال جنبلاط في حديثه الأسبوعي لصحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي تنشر الثلثاء:"الظروف العامة والأحوال السياسية قد تؤدي في الكثير من الأحيان الى طمس شخصية ودور الرجل السياسي، مما يولد إنطباعات مغايرة للحقيقة لا تعكس حقيقة تكوين الشخصية لهذا المرجع أو ذاك".
وأوضح جنبلاط أنه "سرعان ما تتبدد تلك الانطباعات في حقبات ومراحل مفصلية مهمة، كما حصل مع الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس الذي ألقى خطابا تاريخيا في الأمم المتحدة".
وكان عباس قد ألقى الجمعة خطابا في الأمم المتحدة أكد فيه أنه قدم طلب عضوية فلسطين للأمم المتحدة مشددا على أن ساعة الربيع الفلسطيني قد دقت ورافضا إجراء مفاوضات "دون مرجعية معينة وجدول زمني لها".
ورأى جنبلاط أن "أبو مازن جاء ليكمل مسيرة المناضل التاريخي (الرئيس الفلسطيني السابق) ياسر عرفات الذي كان وضع المداميك الأولى لمفهوم القرار الوطني الفلسطيني المستقل".
ولفت إلى أن ياسر عرفات واجه "الحروب والمؤامرات العربية والدولية العديدة بهدف تكريس أسس هذا القرار الوطني المستقل والحؤول دون استلحاقه بمصالح وغايات خارجة عن مساره الأساسي من قبل أنظمة الوصاية التي لطالما نظرت الى فلسطين على أنها ملحقة بها".
وتابع: "هنا، لا بد من مراجعة نقدية لحرب لبنان والبحث العميق في الأسباب الحقيقية التي أغرقت البندقية الفلسطينية وأغرقتنا معها في حروب جانبية، ربما تطبيقا لقرار عربي ودولي بتصفية منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية".
وأكمل أن "الشجاعة السياسية والأدبية تحتم على كل الأطراف، اللبنانية والفلسطينية، العودة لاجراء قراءة هادئة لتلك المرحلة بمختلف عناصرها وظروفها ومسبباتها لاستخلاص العبر والدروس".
وبرز انتقاد جنبلاط جليا لسوريا إذ قال:""لقد وضع أبو مازن المجتمع الدولي برمته أمام مأزق واستحقاق الاعتراف بدولة فلسطين وبالحقوق المشروعة للشعب الفلسطيني أو تحمل تبعات إنهيار السلطة وترك الساحة مفتوحة أمام اليمين الاسرائيلي وبعض أصوات الممانعة العربية والاقليمية التي تتلاقى موضوعيا لتعطيل كل الحلول وإبقاء الحروب مفتوحة من دون أفق والى ما لا نهاية بعيدا عن أي تسوية محتملة لانهاء هذا الصراع التاريخي".
this is material to think about.
- the result of the Lebanese civil war is that no one party can live in a canton, and at the same time, no one party can control Lebanon. this is county is for all Lebanese true to their country without external agendas.
The realistic and humanitarian solution for the Palestinians refugees in Lebanon is in their assimilation in the rich Arab countries.
Keeping them in refugee camps is a cruel and immoral punishment by the Arab leaders who have claimed to support them for over 6 decades while in reality they used their cause for political purposes.
Through the years the Palestinians in their misery were susceptible and were led into many erroneous paths by their leaders. In Lebanon they allowed themselves to threaten the Lebanese entity and to destabilize its fragile pluralism.
They do not have to remain futureless and hopeless to regain their rights. Money and compassion supplied by their supposedly Arab brothers should provide them with emigration chances and work opportunities in order to leave Lebanon and to be assimilated later in the texture of their adoptive countries.
"The realistic and humanitarian solution for the Palestinians refugees in Lebanon is in their assimilation in the rich Arab countries."
and than they present themselves as lebanese ....lol....hillarious...their information war department sucks even more than their army!!!!!
@ Naharnet, did Jumblat really say "revision" or did he say "examination" of the Lebanese civil war....?
People who propose "revising" history should not be taken seriously.
didn't lebanese agree after the war to turn that page & go along
if jumblat wants a revision on what happened then let him talk about the christians families that were slaughtered by the duruze in the jabal
ya jumblat if you think we forgot well we didn't & from time to time someone need to refresh the memories
"we shall never forgive nor forget"
lool Jabal habal thinks he represents the Lebanese.
Jabal habal, if you are Amal, be a man and fiight Hezbelleh like in the good old days.
jabalamel we all know the Amal way to treat the Palestinian pb : genocide the civilian palestianians like in 1985 and 1986.
For the PSP, Jumblatt is crying from all his soul : but count back how many Palestinian refugee camp in the Chouf since 1948? ZERO
I have always felt badly for the Pals refugees . . . I knew many years ago at University who graduated and could not get work cause they were not allowed to join professional associations, and get licenses, etc....... It is a vicious circle but I do believe that they deserve to be treated equal as most of them are born in Lebanon and the Arabs should do their part as well..... Educated and well off people can fight better than poor and suppressed ones
it took the filthy zionist information war department to realize that green flag in my avatar is not hezb'allah flag.
this is the first time since i registered on an nahar comments and since i have this flag that they don't associate me with hezb'allah.
this is another proof that so called "lebanese against resistance" are probably single nerd from zionist information war department.
a true lebanese would know the difference from the flags right away.
but no, the filthy zionist information war department needed 2weeks to realize that.
@ jabal hmar: please stops these stupid comments and let us have a decent discussion for a change.
wether you are Amal or hizbullah you do not have the right to accuse each and everyone of being a zionist especially when the large majority of discovered traitors are chiites with the exception of one christian beonging to your allies.
I call on all commentors on this site to just ignore the comments of this guy from now on, unless he starts making sense and respecting others.
ur right mr jumblat , we need a tribunal to judge the perpetrators of the civil war in lebanon , the only solution so that we can forget this ugly past is to have justice by punishing the perpertrators of the 75 war
Here is the true narrative of the civil war.
1. Its primary cause was the creation of "Israel"
2. The palestinians started it with their state within a state
3. They Syrians took their opportunity to try and occupy Lebanon
4. The Israelis took their opportunity to decimate the PLO and occupy Lebanon
5. The Kataeb and Ouwet over-stepped their nationalist agenda and sided with foreign powers
6. The Druze and Muslims over-stepped their Nasserist and pan-arab agenda and sided with foreign powers
7. Foreign powers involved themselves
8. Internal battles for power perpetuated the war with inter-faith fighting
9. Only when there was no more country to fight for did the fighting stop.
10. The war hasn't ended with one militia keeping their arms and growing in size.
it's spelt "EXACTLY".. not "EGZACLTY"
a reflection of your intelligence...
I wish this idiot stops making statements as if he is somebody or someone important. He should be the last person to talk about courage and brave decisions. He is a user, a slimy opportunist, and Lebanon would be better off without him.
the zionist information war department is trying to present itself as wise, adult, mature and they try to present their propaganda as "discussion".
you don't fool us lebanese.
Stupid who thinks that the palestinians have any chance to return back to their lands.
Since 1948 the main objective of the sionists is to expulse them out of palestine through a systematic ethnic cleansing. All means of terror have been used and life in Gaza actually is a daily supplice. The creation of a Palestinian state may be a window for peace but still Lieberman with his radical views refuse the idea.
For us Lebanese, we should distant ouselves from this conflict. We paid more than enough the price with blood and destruction. Our leaders should not link our feat and future with the Palestinian cause. We cannot alone in the Middle East liberate Chebaa, the Golan, free Jerusalem, and erase Israel. This will continuously expose us to the deadly Israeli raids.
Even the fondamental Sunnis of the region gave up the Palestinian cause. So the Shia should end their lies and f.. off. We have enough problems to care about.
How was the war a conspiracy against Arafat? He started the war to carve out a new Palestine in Lebanon. The road to Palestine goes through Jounieh mr Jumblatt, remember what the Palestinians said.
Arafat failed miserably in taking over another Arab country and he had the backing of many Arab states to do this. Thankfully, Assad's Syria wasn't one of those states or there would be no Lebanon today possibly.
The Palestinian weapons in the camps aren't being used for liberation purposes any more, they're being used to control Lebanese territory (the camps still belong to Lebanon) and to settle scores between different factions. This is another fake 'resistance' like the one Huzb Allah is doing right now.
Fouad Shehab was the smartest one in dealing with the Palestinians, if only he had remained in charge he would have curbed the growing Fatahland and maybe delayed the civil war.
The reasons that led to the Lebanese war as follows:
1- Israel Intervention : They gave us a time bomb called Palestinian refugees
2- Israel Intervention: who had dreamed of destroying the Lebanese model and economy
3- The Arabs Intervention: E.g Crazy Leader Kadhafi
4- The Syrian Intervention: The bad management of Syrian regime
5- The American and European Interventions: By moving their conflicts with Arabs, Iran and Moscow to the Lebanese soil-
6- The Social Differences between sects and the unbalanced sectarian governance
7- The idea of making Lebanon the substitute country for Palestinians
8- The corruption and greed of the Lebanese
9- Targeting the Lebanese financial sector
I felt touched but I still wonder if their going to do something to help make lebanon a wonderful place to live and ecpacially an environmental one!!!!